With the pa.s.sing days, Xin Mei started to feel very sympathetic and pitiful towards Gu Biyu who had suffered a lot in her life. 

When Su Yuchen had told Xin Mei that his mother was Chunhua from the movie revenge, she had hated her but now…she realized that whether Su Yuchen knew about Gu Biyu was not true. She was also deceived in an unwanted marriage. 

She was not evil or cruel, instead, she loved him from her heart.

Xin Mei got so close to Gu Biyu that she started to spend her spare time in her company. When the filming of Suspicious wife ended, Xin Mei still visited her home to spend some time with her.

Xin Mei got to talk with Gu Biyu, knowing about her past and she also got to learn many skills of Gu Biyu like embroidery, gla.s.s painting, and mural art.

"Chen, leave me, what if someone saw us like that?" Xin Mei chided and glared in the direction of Su Yuchen who was hugging her tight and that too in his office.

"No one will see us because no one is allowed in my office until the time you are here." Su Yuchen smiled and nudged her neck.

"You…. you have become very naughty. I am visiting your office for professional work, it does not mean that you can kiss me or hug me like this. Don"t forget, we don"t want any scandal."

After completing the filming of suspicious wife, Xin Mei focused on her photoshoot as the star face of the Su corporations. For that purpose, she visited the office of Su Yuchen from time and time. And he did not leave any chance to have an office romance with his wife.

"Chen, sign this file and let me go. I still have to give the photos for the jewellery brand. Besides, Ting Ting must be wondering about my absence. Let me go."

Xin Mei cried and pushed Su Yuchen away before pa.s.sing the said file to him. Su Yuchen sighed and looked at her.

"I thought, if you will come to my office as the face of Su corporation then I will get a chance to romance with you. But look at you, always so professional." Su Yuchen sighed with a small pout which made Xin Mei chuckle.

Xin Mei left his office with the file in her hand and made her way towards the floor where the photoshoot of the jewellery brand was taking place. 

She knew that many employees wanted to gossip about her being so close to Su Yuchen. But everyone kept their mouth shut because of the warning of Su Yuchen. He did not want any gossip about his private and personal life.

That day, Xin Mei arrived at the home of Gu Biyu earlier than the expected time. She entered the pin in the lock, given to her by Gu Biyu. She entered her house.

"Mother." She called for her and frowned when she heard a male voice coming from the room of Gu Biyu.

Xin Mei knew Gu Biyu was not close to any male. So, feeling curious and worried for Gu Biyu, she made her way toward the room of Gu Biyu.

"What do you mean by, Su Yuchen can go to jail?"

Xin Mei gasped when she heard the words of Gu Biyu. She quickly hid behind the wall and eavesdropped on the conversation of Gu Biyu with the other man.

"Missus, these are the reports which I have received from my sources. According to these reports, a lot of scandals have occurred in the Su corporation under the nose of mister Su about which he is unaware of. Soon authorities will start to investigate Su corporation and there are chances that Mister Su may need to go to jail for not less than a period of one year and without any bail."

Heart of Xin Mei skipped a beat when she heard the words of another man who may be the private investigator of Gu Biyu.

"How sure are you?" Gu Biyu asked and ears of Xin Mei perked up. She also wanted to know the answer to the same question.

"Ninety-nine percent sure. Now only a miracle can save him. I am sorry Miss Gu. I know you didn"t expect me to deliver this news to you."

"Is there a way to save him?"

"There is one way."

Xin Mei"s eyes widened and she entered inside in the room. "What way?"

"Xiao Mei, what are you doing here? When did you arrived at home? I didn"t hear you come in." Gu Biyu hesitantly chuckled and exchanged eyes lock with the man.

"Mother, I heard everything which you both were talking." Xin Mei said in a stern voice, she then turned and looked at the man present in the room. "What is the way to save Chen from going to jail?"

The man, who was a lawyer from the profession, looked at Gu Biyu and after getting a yes from her, he spoke, "We can protect mister Su if his shares in the company and his properties are transferred at the name of some other person. As per my knowledge, Mister Su can be protected if we can prove to the authorities that Mister Su and his family does not have many properties at their name, they are living a rich life but nothing is extraordinary, they are working hard for their company."

Xin Mei nodded her head and got lost in deep thoughts. 

"Authorities doubt that Su Yuchen"s property is illegal and they also had some evidence in their hands. Now we must prove them wrong. So, if we can transfer his property to some other person till the time of the investigation, we can save mister Su. But the other person may need to go to jail in the place of Su Yuchen."

"But how can this be possible?" Xin Mei ma.s.saged her head. "Su Yuchen is so smart and alert. How can he do a mistake which can lead him to jail?"

"Miss Xin, the business world is quite difficult plus we cannot forget, Su Yuchen is a human." The lawyer pointed out. "Su corporation is so huge. Mister Su is not able to attend to all the departments, hence, he ignored some of the deadly problems."

"The business world is quite complicated, today"s king can be tomorrow"s beggar. we cannot forget about the fall of Qian corporation and Zhou corporation in the start of the year. I think next is the turn of Su corporations."

Xin Mei felt bad and pain in her heart when she heard the lawyer. She never thought a situation would arise where Su Yuchen could go to jail.

"Can Su Yuchen be saved if I ask him to transfer his shares and properties at my name?" Xin Mei suggested.

"Xiao Mei, what are you saying? Do you want to go to jail in his place?" Gu Biyu looked at her with concern.

"Yes, I am ready to do anything for him. Mister lawyer, can I save Chen by getting his shares and property?"

"Unfortunately, no. You are officially his wife, in official doc.u.ments. So, authorities will count your properties as properties of Mister Su only. We cannot transfer the properties of Mister Su to any member of the Su family. That"s the problem in this solution."

Xin Mei looked down with glum expression on her face. Why were authorities so typical to deal with and how can Su Yuchen dig himself in such a grave problem?

"Why don"t we transfer his property at my name?" Gu Biyu suggested and then held on the hand of Xin Mei. "I was never close to Su Yuchen, h.e.l.l I can"t even count as his family. If his properties are transferred at my name then we can save Su Yuchen."

"Mother, what are you saying?" Xin Mei shook her head. "How can we transfer properties at your name? That way, you will need to go to jail."

"I also think the best way to save Mister Su is to transfer his properties at the name of Miss Gu Biyu."

"Xiao Mei, think about this. I am old. If I went to jail, it will not affect my future. Moreover, this way, I will be able to prove to Su Yuchen that I truly love him." Tears filled in her eyes.

Xin Mei looked at Gu Biyu who was ready to sacrifice herself and was ready to go to jail for him. She felt lucky that Gu Biyu was there who found about this problem beforehand, saving Su Yuchen.

"Xiao Mei, think about it. We must save Su Yuchen from going to jail. He will be over once he went to jail."

"Mother, Please give me some time to think about the same."

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