Only Su Yuchen knew how he had sat through all the meetings. He cursed that he had so many meetings scheduled for that day. He so wanted to cancel all the meetings and return home but he couldn"t. The meetings were planned from a month and not only that, he didn"t want to be tardy in the eyes of his employees.

Only he knew how he had attended all the meetings. He also adjusted the meetings for the next few days, if possible. He wanted to spend more and more time with his wife. He wanted to get to know her. He wanted her to know him, to trust him.

Once the meetings were over, Su Yuchen took a deep breath. After giving instructions to Huang Chu, he made his way back home. For the first time, he was feeling so excited to return home.

Otherwise, he was always welcomed by an empty, quite home but today he knew his wife was there, probably waiting for him.

"Wife, I am home." He announced the moment he entered the living room.

He frowned when he didn"t receive any reply from her. House was also quite like usual. He knew his wife was at home because he hadn"t received any call from his guards, but where was she?

He placed his briefcase on the table in the living room and started to search for his wife. He looked in the kitchen, their room, library before reaching the game room.

A smile left from his lips when he saw his wife sleeping on the beanbag, without any worry of the world. Her face was looking so calm. Her lips were slightly parted and she was taking breaths with an open mouth.

He walked toward her and leaned down in front of the beanbag. He placed his one arm against the beanbag and admired at his beautiful wife.

"Amm…am…" Xin Mei sleepily murmured. Her long eyes lashes fluttered and she opened her eyes. She looked at the face of Su Yuchen with sleepy daze.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" she mumbled and rubbed her eyes. A small yawn left her lips.

Su Yuchen looked at her without a blink of an eye. He found her attics to be cute. He liked the way she looked him sleepily and he liked the way her small mouth opened to yawn.

Xin Mei stretched her arms and looked at Su Yuchen. "You didn"t reply, why are you looking at me like this? Don"t you know it"s rude to see another person sleeping?"

"It"s not rude to watch your wife asleep." Su Yuchen poked her nose. "Besides, my wife looks so attractive when asleep. I couldn"t find it in myself to avert my gaze from her mesmerizing beautiful face."

Xin Mei blushed when she heard the compliment. She looked at her husband who was grinning widely.

She didn"t know her husband could speak so romantic words!

"I guess, you had a lot of fun today in the game room?"

"Yes, yes, I have so much fun. I never thought a workaholic person like you will have such an upgraded game room." She commented with full enthusiasm in her voice.

"It"s for my younger brother. He loves to spend his free time at my place and I know his love for video games. So I keep this game room updated."

"Brother? Why didn"t I know about one?"

"Yes, brother. He is the son of my second uncle but we both treat one another like real brothers. And you don"t know about him because he loves to keep a very low profile."

"Oh," Xin Mei nodded her head. "Then when am I meeting your brother?"

"Soon." He poked her head. "Now get up and freshen up. Let me give my wife a tour of my wonderful garden."

Xin Mei nodded her head. She tried to stand up by stumbled slightly due to sleeping feet. Su Yuchen quickly held her hand and steadied her.

"Careful wife," he scolded her. "I wouldn"t like my wife to hurt herself due to her carelessness."

Xin Mei pulled her lips down and nodded her head.

When Xin Mei was freshened up, she came out of her room and reached the kitchen where Su Yuchen had brewed two cups of tea for them.

After having tea, they made their way towards the garden. Su Yuchen told her about a lot of varieties of flowers which were grown in the garden.

"Xin Mei, look at this flower. You will never find this flower throughout the country. I have it imported specially from Italy. This flower is my favourite. I tend to it by myself."

Xin Mei smiled and looked at the flower. Her smile soon turned into a frown when she saw Su Yuchen.

Su Yuchen was wearing his white s.h.i.+rt and pants. He rolled up the sleeves of his s.h.i.+rt. He bent on his knees and started to tend upon the flower and soil.

"Isn"t he feeling uncomfortable in his formal dress?" Xin Mei thought and again scolded Su Yuchen in her mind, for having only formal dresses.

Once Su Yuchen was done with tendering the flower, they both walked to the centre of the garden where a musical fountain was located. They both took their seats opposite the fountain, on the swing.

"Beautiful." Xin Mei commented when she saw the fountain in front of her.

Water dancing in waves and different colours, due to lights was looking very beautiful. Slow music which was being played was also very soothing to her ears.

Not only that, the best thing about the fountain was the various colourful birds which were drinking water from the fountain.

Xin Mei leaned against the swing and looked at the fountain with mesmerized eyes where Su Yuchen was looking at her without a blink of an eye. Looking at her, he could remember his dream from the last night and a smile left from his lips.

"You are lucky to have so many birds in your garden."

Xin Mei commented when she saw the group of birds which was flying high in the sky.

"These all birds are purchased by me."


"A year back, I saw a shop which sold caged birds. I felt bad for the caged birds so I brought all the cages and birds. I brought them home and opened all the cages in the garden. I freed all the birds but many of them decided to make their home in the garden itself. I always ensure that they have proper food and water to feed them."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard him. He had such a big heart.

"I have brought birds from many shops and freed all of them. That"s the reason this garden has so many birds. This place will never have a shortage of birds." Su Yuchen stretched his arm and placed it behind Xin Mei.

Xin Mei didn"t say anything and let him do whatever he wanted. Both sat in silent enjoying the company of each other and beautiful birds.

"This garden is very beautiful."

"Hmm, I brought this property only because of this garden. When I saw this property and a huge garden, I knew this mansion is going to be my future home."

Xin Mei looked into his eyes and smiled. Their thoughts were so familiar. She also dreamt to have a huge garden like this in her future home and now her dream had come true.

She sighed and unconsciously leaned against the shoulder of Su Yuchen. He smiled down at her when he saw her making herself comfortable in his arm.

Now he knew the meaning of life, the meaning of having a family. What more did he need?

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