"Xin Mei, I have to tell you something."

Xin Mei didn"t say anything and simply looked at him.

"Tomorrow, heritage entertainment is having a selection for a new artist. We are searching for an artist who is still new to the film industry."

Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes, understanding what he meant to say.

"In the morning, you have said you don"t want to join heritage because you have a connection with me but now you can join because of your talent. What do you say?"

"Su Yuchen, you don"t need to pull strings because I am not joining heritage. It"s out of my league." Xin Mei yelled in his direction.

"It"s not out of your league. I have seen your acting and I can say that you are mind-blowing actress. Besides, I am not pulling strings. Coincidentally, one of my managers decided to train a new artist under her. She wants a new face in her team. She came to me for my advice and I agreed to her. Sure I thought about you before agreeing but it is all coincident."

"And who is this manager?" she asked and raised a brow.

"You know her it"s TingTing. Recently two artists under her had retired and she wants a new face under her. She wants to nurture new talent."

Xin Mei raised her brow, she couldn"t believe him.

"If you still think I am deceiving you to join Heritage, then you can check the account of TingTing. She had posted on her account about the same. The selection is public. You are lucky to get this chance. Don"t let this go."

Xin Mei was still in rejection even after his explanation. Su Yuchen also called He Ye and made Xin Mei talk with him. He Ye was ready to let Xin Mei go as his artist. 

He also persuaded her to join heritage entertainment as it would give more exposure to her. Besides, he already had many artists under him. He may not be able to give her to needed attention.

"Xin Mei, think for the whole night and make a decision. It is your career, I promise to never force you into something which you don"t want."

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen spent their evening in the garden before they returned inside. Together, they prepared dinner. Xin Mei felt amused when she saw the cutting skills of Su Yuchen. He sliced the vegetables with perfection.

She had heard that a girl was lucky if her man knew how to cook and today, yet again she felt lucky.

They had their dinner then made their way towards their room.

"Xin Mei, you sleep. I am going to my office. Goodnight." Su Yuchen was about to leave her when Xin Mei held on his hand.

They both froze for a second before shrugging off the familiar yet weird feeling.

"Su Yuchen, you don"t need to run. I trust you. You can sleep on the bed now. You don"t need to stay up for late only because you want to make me comfortable. I should become habitual of your presence on our bed beside me."

Su Yuchen smiled when he heard her. He was glad that she was also accepting their marriage and relations.h.i.+p. She wasn"t running away from his presence.

"I am not running away from you, wife. I have some work in the study. You sleep I will come back after doing my work."

Su Yuchen patted on her head before leaving for the study. Xin Mei looked at his back and entered the room. She had a shower and changed her dress.

She lay down on the bed and thought about her chance to work under Heritage entertainment and have TingTing as her manager. She was aware that TingTing was the best manager of the time. Each artist under her had made some name for themselves.

"What should I do?" she sighed and closed her eyes. Due to exhaustion, she was asleep within a minute.

Su Yuchen was checking a presentation of his laptop but his concentration was diverted on his wife. He so wanted to ditch his work and go to his wife. He wanted to lie down beside his wife and engulf her in his strong arms.

He sighed in exhaustion and focused on his work. He was checking his second presentation when a thought crossed his mind. He flapped the laptop and carried it to his master bedroom.

He carefully took his seat on the bed, beside his already sleeping wife. He admired her for some time before continuing his work. In-between his work, he kept glancing in her direction and felt his body relaxed.

He was ready to do work hard so he could give her all the comfort of her life. He wanted to give her everything. He wanted to fulfil her every wish.

It was late in the night when Su Yuchen got done with his work. He closed the laptop and placed it aside. He made himself comfortable on the bed before pulling Xin Mei in his arms. He sighed when he inhaled her familiar fragrance.

Next day, when Xin Mei woke up, Su Yuchen was already out of the bed. She entered the bathroom and had a shower. When she came out after getting changed, she found Su Yuchen in his jogging dress. He was covered with sweat.

Early in the morning, Su Yuchen had gone to his underground gym and then had jogged in the garden. He wanted to maintain his physic as per the condition of his wife. He also did not want his wife to look at another man because of his bad physic.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, wife."

They both greeted one another before Su Yuchen made his way towards the bathroom and Xin Mei to the kitchen. By the time she was done, Su Yuchen had arrived on the dining table.

They had their breakfast before Su Yuchen left for his office. He didn"t forget to kiss on her forehead.

"Xin Mei, think about the selection of heritage entertainment. It is a golden opportunity for you. You should not miss it at the misconception that it had anything to do with me."

"Ok. I will think about it."

Xin Mei nodded her head and bid adieu to Su Yuchen. Once he was gone, she washed her dishes and did some miscellaneous work. Once free, she dialled the number of her mother for her guidance.

After chatting with her mother, she decided to attend the selection test under TingTing. Why was she being so foolish? She was receiving a golden opportunity and why to leave it?

"I will be a big fool to leave this chance. This has nothing to do with me being the wife of Su Yuchen then what am I worrying about?" Xin Mei chided herself before making her decision.

The given time for the interview was at eleven, so Xin Mei left the house at ten. She reached the Su Corporation and parked the car. She wore her mask before making her way inside the tall building.

"h.e.l.lo, I am here for the selection test under Miss Ting."

Xin Mei looked at the same receptionist with whom she had met only two weeks ago. The receptionist gave her the directions. Xin Mei thanked her and made her way towards the elevator.

She pressed the floor number twenty, where the department of heritage entertainment was located. She looked at the different floor b.u.t.tons with curiosity. Every floor b.u.t.ton had a description of the floor.

"Gos.h.!.+ In how many businesses does Su Corporation works?" she thought with surprise when she saw the name of the different businesses written beside the floor number.

Elevator stopped with ting and Xin Mei stepped out of it. She again found a receptionist who showed her the direction to the office of TingTing where the interview was going on.

Xin Mei became shocked when she saw several girls sitting in longue area of the office. She wasn"t the only one who had come for the interview.

Now it seemed to her that a selection test was taking place and Su Yuchen wasn"t tricking her in joining the heritage entertainment.

"Miss Xin next is your turn. Be prepared." A lady, maybe a.s.sistant of TingTing informed her.

Xin Mei nodded her head and again went through her resume. She also sent a quick prayer to G.o.d because now she was looking forward to this chance to work with the famous manager TingTing.

When the candidate before her came out from the small cabin, Xin Mei stood up. She took a deep breath and entered the office.

Soon, her career was going to get the needed boost!

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