
Xin Mei looked at the person standing at the door with a frown on her face. She rubbed her eyes to confirm that she wasn"t watching a dream.

What was this man doing in front of her room?

She looked at Chen Bai who was standing in front of her room door with a silly smile on his lips. The smile which irked her to the core.

"What are you doing here?" Xin Mei asked with a frown. She was in a sleepy daze so she didn"t think that he could be her second male lead.

"Director Zhang invited me here for some other purpose. He wants me to give some tips to the second female and male lead. So I came here to the hill city. I also came...."

"I don"t care about what you are doing here in Hill City?" Xin Mei interrupted him. "I want to know what you are doing here in my room."

"I came here to meet you." Chen Bai grinned and invited himself in her room.

"Who said that you can enter in my room?" Xin Mei frowned. Her voice was full of irritation due to tiredness.

"Do we need permission to enter the room of one another?" Chen Bai raised his brows and walked towards the bed of Xin Mei. He fell on it, making himself comfortable, as if he owned the bed.

"Yes, you need permission." Xin Mei gritted her teeth when she saw this shameless hunk that had made her room like his own room. "Now get the h.e.l.l out of my room. I want to sleep."

"Are you kicking me out, Xiao Mei?"

"Yes, I am. Now out." Xin Mei pointed toward her door. Chen Bai pouted when he looked at her.

"I will complaint to aunty. I will tell her that you kicked me out." He spoke in a babyish voice. Xin Mei ma.s.saged her head when she heard him.

This man! He was a headache of her life.

"Chen Bai, I am in no mood to fight with you. So get out before I lost my temper." Threat was filled in her voice.

"Ahh…..you will kick me out before knowing why I am here?" Chen Bai stood up from the bed and casually walked towards her.

"I got to know that you have a breakup with Qian Fan." He grinned and the very next second, he made a sad face. "I felt bad. I felt really bad, you know. I knew that you loved him badly. You loved your bro fan."

"Stop making fun of me and tell me, why the h.e.l.l are you here?" Xin Mei glared at him. Anger could be seen in her eyes. She was fuming with rage towards this man who hadn"t let her sleep. Besides, she expected Su Yuchen at the door not him.

Chen Bai cleared his throat when he heard her. He knew that now she was very angry.

"I am here to remind you of my proposal. I haven"t taken it back. So if you have changed your mind, you can still agree to it."

"What proposal?"

"Ha, you forget? The proposal to be my girlfriend! Don"t you remember I had proposed you to be my girlfriend but you rejected it saying you already have Qian Fan in your life? Now that you are single, ready to mingle...…."

"Chen Bai," Xin Mei yelled, cutting him off. "Get out of my room right now. I don"t want to see your monkey-like face. And again, I will reject you. You can never be my boyfriend, so out."

"Don"t hurt me like this. I like you and want to make you my girl. Think about all the fame you will get from my fans." Chen Bai made a dramatic sad face.

"Your fans will murder me, Chen Bai and don"t act like you are not aware of it. So out."

When Xin Mei saw he wasn"t taking the name of leaving her room, she pulled out her slipper. "Leave right now, otherwise I will beat you badly with this slipper. Don"t forget the fracture which I had done on your mini finger."

Xin Mei warned. Chen Bai gulped when he noticed how angry she was.

"Ok, ok, don"t be angry, I am leaving your room right now," he raised his hands in surrender and made his way towards the door.

"By the way Xin Mei, we will look good as a couple. You know….." before he could say another word, a slipper flied in the air and landed on his family jewel.

Chen Bai yelled and immediately covered himself.

"My target has been improved, Chen Bai. So beware of me. Now get lost." Xin Mei yelled.

Chen Bai looked at her with horror before leaving her room. "You are still a bully like before." He yelled and closed her room

Xin Mei sighed and gritted her teeth. That man always knew how to increase her temper and blood pressure. Didn"t he have someone else to trouble?

And from where the h.e.l.l did he remember his proposal? Wasn"t he pranking her that time, with his fake proposal?

"Only G.o.d can save Chen Bai from the anger of Su Yuchen. Don"t know what Su Yuchen will do if he gets to know that someone had dared to propose his wife!"

Next day, Xin Mei woke up very late. She was feeling a headache after hearing the chatter of Chen Bai. In her dreams also she had beaten him very badly. If only she could beat him again, in real life.

After getting ready, Xin Mei reached on the set where introduction scenes of emperor Jun were being shot. She was eager to know who was playing the role of emperor Jun.

When Xin Mei reached near the shooting location, she could hear screams of girls and also the way towards the sets were blocked by some crew members.

"What is happening here? Why the way to set is blocked like this?" she asked with a frown in between her brows.

"Xin Mei," Fang Lin rushed towards her. Her eyes had a dreamy look. "Xin Mei, you are so lucky. Your second male lead is so handsome."

"Who is he, Fang Lin?"

"Don"t you know?" Fang Lin asked with shock. "Where were you when he arrived?"

"I was in my room. I just arrived. Now tell me, who is he?"

"Why should I tell?" Fang Lin gave her a secretive smile. "I want to see the shock on your face when you will see him. You don"t know but many female crew members have fainted when he arrived at the sets."

"Everyone was shouting his name like a crazy. The atmosphere became so lively with his arrival. I am sure you will love to act with him. We all are crazy to meet him. We were shouting like crazy and that"s why director Zhang had asked to block the way towards sets. He didn"t want crazy fans like us to affect his shooting."

Xin Mei rolled her eyes when she saw the star stuck look on the face of Fang Lin!

Her male co-star was going to be something!

She looked forward to meeting him.

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