Xin Mei was badly missing Su Yuchen. It had been already one day and two nights that he was gone but still, she missed him so much. She missed everything about him.

In the morning, when she called him, he was already in the meeting room so he did not talk for longer with her. It was the same case in the afternoon.

She was missing him so badly and wanted to freely talk with him. Five or less minute calls were not satisfying for her. She wanted more!

Xin Mei shook her head to remove the memory of Su Yuchen. She did not want to remember him more. She knew her calls were disturbing him.

To divert her attention from her husband, Xin Mei started to scroll through her social media accounts. She had a large increase in the number of followers. Many fans of Chen Bai had started to follow her.

"Su Zixin, look... your fans have become so good. Instead of slandering me, everyone is praising me."

Su Zixin smiled when he heard her. At last, his fans took his warning seriously.

Xin Mei was reading the new comments, which she had under her post when she received a call from TingTing.

"Xin Mei, what have you done on the night of the award show?" TingTing asked with shock in her eyes.

"Why? What happened TingTing?" Xin Mei asked nervously, she was afraid that she had done something wrong during the award show.

"From yesterday onwards, I am getting so many calls and scripts from the directors, writers and producers. Nearly everyone wants to cast you in their movie." TingTing spoke with enthusiasm. "Not only that, but director Chang also wants to offer you his next movie."

"You are lying," Xin Mei spoke with an unbelievable look on her face. She s.h.i.+fted her position on the couch.

"No, I am not lying. I am telling you the truth. Also, at this moment, director Chang is sitting in front of me, waiting for you. So hurry up and come to the agency right now. You have won a jackpot."

TingTing wanted to squeal but she controlled herself because director Chang was sitting right in front of her. She did not want to make a fool of herself in the front of him.

Xin Mei on another side of phone squealed loudly. "I will be right there in twenty minutes. Wait for me TingTing." Xin Mei yelled. She hung up the call and rushed towards her room to get changed.

Xin Mei quickly changed her dress and tied her hair in a quick bun. Without any makeup, she left her room.

"What"s going on Xin Mei?" Su Zixin asked. He was curious to know what did TingTing talked with her that she was so excited.

"Director Chang is waiting for me." Xin Mei spoke loudly and rushed towards the parking. She randomly selected a car and made her way towards the Su Corporation.

Xin Mei was feeling so excited at the thought that director Chang had approached for her. How could she become so lucky?

Xin Mei could feel the adrenaline pumping into her veins. There was a stupid smile on her lips. She was feeling so excited. In her excitement, she drove the car in full speed, without caring about the speed limits or any signal.

"I am here." Xin Mei breathed and opened the cabin door of TingTing. She took a deep breath and entered her cabin.

With lots of excitement, she greeted director Chang. "Director Chang, I am a big fan of yours. I have watched your every movie."

"I am glad to hear that Miss Xin." Director Chang directed her toward the empty seat beside him. Xin Mei nodded to him and took her seat.

She took deep breath to control her excitement and nervousness.

"Miss Xin, do you want to work in my movie?"

"Who doesn"t want to work in your movie, director Chang? Working in your movie is the dream of every star."

Director Chang chuckled when he heard her. "Miss Xin, you must be aware that I never select a newbie for my movies. Truthfully, I would have never given you this role."

Xin Mei nodded her head in understanding.

"I had approached Miss Zhou with this role. I would have naturally given this role to her, but then I saw your interview video where you claimed to have demonstrated each scene to her. That changed my decision, so I approached director Zhang and he advised me to select you."

As director Chang had said, he approached director Zhang. Director Zhang had immediately suggested him to not select Zhou Mingyu.

"Chang select Xin Mei for your movie. I am sure you will not regret selecting her. She is much better than Zhou Mingyu. About her popularity, I am sure she will become popular in the upcoming year. She is working on two movies with me and I am sure they will make her very famous."

"So Miss Xin, will you like to play a role in my movie?"

Xin Mei looked at TingTing. Both women smiled before giving their yes to director Chang.

"Miss Xin, before I send you an official contract which may be after half year or so, I will like to see your acting personally. Can you act on the given scene?" director Chang forwarded a page on which a scene from the movie was written.

"I can understand you director. Let me read the scene before performing it." Xin Mei took the page from his hand and started reading the scene.

Director Chang looked at Xin Mei with eagle-like eyes. He wanted to see her reaction after reading the script.

The movie which he was going to direct was a science fiction movie in which the main characters will be playing the role of robots. Xin Mei had to act like a robot if she wanted to pa.s.s the test.

Xin Mei read the script. She also did some research on the robot. She enacted the scene to herself before looking at director Chang.

"Director, I am ready."

Director nodded his head. He raised his hand, asking Xin Mei to start her acting.

Xin Mei enacted her role with full concentration. There were some flaws in her acting but still, director Chang was impressed with her. He was impressed that within a few minutes she was able to enact the scene with so much perfection.

"Miss TingTing, here is the first draft script of the movie. I am still working on some changes to the final script. I will send it to you once it"s final." Director Chang happily gave the script to TingTing. I will send my a.s.sistant to draw an official contract. I will not miss such a talented gem."

Director Chang was feeling very happy, that he got Xin Mei who would be playing a role in his movie. Xin Mei was also happy that she got a role in the movie of director Chang.

"Director, can I request a favour from you? Can you please select Chen Bai as the male lead?" she requested. She knew that Su Zixin would love to be a part of his movie.

"Xin Mei, I have already planned to sign him for the male role. Pray me good luck that I will get his time for this movie."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard the director.

TingTing and Xin Mei bid off their goodbyes to the director. Once the director was gone, they both shrilled like children.

"Oh my G.o.d Xin Mei, I am really lucky to take you in as my artist. Many managers around me were mocking me for choosing a newbie like you, but now I can shut their mouths by showing them this contract by director Chang."

Both girls celebrated this success in the career of Xin Mei, before it was the time for Xin Mei to return home.

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