After her operation, Bai Yue had become extra active. It had been only two weeks that she had woke up from the operation but she had already started to throw tantrums. She wanted to return home and do everything, which she wanted.

She was feeling uncomfortable of sitting on the hospital bed. She also got bored while eating blunt food, which was advised to her by the doctor.

"Tian, why can"t we return home now? I miss my home so much. It is more than two weeks that I have stayed in the hospital. Now I want to return home."

"Stay here for some more time then we will return home. Ok?"

Su Lingtian and everyone tried to console Bai Yue. The doctor had said that they needed to regularly check on the condition of Bai Yue. They could not let her go home. What if her condition became unstable at home?

One day, everyone was staying at the hospital for the night. They decided to watch the cla.s.sical favourite movies of Bai Yue, to cheer up her mood. Su Yuchen had already taken the needed permissions.

Su Lingtian was lying on the couch where Su Zixin, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were lying on the mattress spread on the floor.

They were in the middle of the movie when Bai Yue turned and looked at Su Lingtian.

"I was thinking, after my discharge let"s go to mount Everest. Let us become the oldest couple to climb the Everest. What do you say?"

Everyone around Bai Yue looked at her with wide eyes and open mouths. They knew she had become more active and excited like a child but they never thought her craziness had reached to this level.

"What do you mean?" Su Lingtian gulped. "Do you planned to kill me by making me climb on the Everest in such an old age?"

"Girlfriend, it"s not your age to climb the Everest. What if something happens to you there? What will we do without you?" Su Zixin looked at her with complete dumbfound expression on his face.

"Ok, if I can"t climb the Everest than Su Zixin has to get married."

Su Zixin became more shocked when he heard his grandma. In his shock, he yelled out aloud, "what? How can you talk about my marriage, grandma? I am only twenty-three! Even girls don"t get married at such a young age!"

"But I want to do something and your marriage is the best option. I can get myself busy with managing the grand preparations of your grand wedding." Bai Yue grinned with an evil smirk and Su Zixin looked at her with horror.

"No way grandma, I am not sacrificing myself for your wish. Ask brother to have a grand wedding with Xin Mei."

Bai Yue then turned and looked at the couple who were sitting on the right side of her bed. They both gulped and shook their head.

"Grandma, we both want to keep our wedding a secret wedding." Su Yuchen spoke and Xin Mei nodded her head in agreement.

"If not marriage then give me grandchildren.  Xin Mei, you bear the child for nine months then I can look after him. So give me a grandchild." Bai Yue happily clapped her hands in delight.

Xin Mei gulped and looked at Bai Yue with wide eyes. She looked at Su Yuchen for some help. This topic of grandchildren was making her uncomfortable.

"Grandma, we are not having children for now. We both are still young. Didn"t you said this when we came to meet you during our wedding?"

"I said that in the past." Bai Yue shrugged nonchalantly. "But now I want grandchildren. Handsome like you and beautiful and pretty like Xin Mei."

"But grandma," Su Yuchen tried to protest but Bai Yue interrupted him.

"Chen"er, can"t you fulfil this small wish of your grandmother? Is this why you prayed to the G.o.d for my survival?" she made a sad face and pouted badly.

Su Zixin and Su Lingtian both m.u.f.fled their laughter when they saw how Bai Yue was trying to emotionally blackmail Su Yuchen and Xin Mei to fulfil her demand.

"Ok grandma, we will think about the baby. Don"t give me such faces." Su Yuchen sighed.

Xin Mei was shocked when she heard his words but the next second blush appeared on her cheeks. How were they to give her baby when they had not done any deed?

"Yeah, I am very happy." Bai Yue clapped her hands in happiness.

Su Yuchen held on to the hand of Xin Mei, telling her from his smile that he would not get her pregnant until she was mentally ready and settled with her career.

One night, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen were returning from the hospital, after again hearing the nagging of Bai Yue. "When are you both giving me good news?"

They were on their way to their home when mister Ling, the in-charge of her orphanage called her. He gave her a list of items which were short in the orphanage.

"Miss Xin, there is a shortage of baby beds in the orphanage. I think we should buy some new one."

"Ok mister Ling, I will buy some and will come to the orphanage."

Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen and told him about her plan to visit the orphanage the very next day with all the stuff. She sighed sadly remembering that it had been more than two months, nearly three months that she had last visited the orphanage.

She again got busy with her work and family, nearly forgetting about the orphanage.

"You remember that this time you will be meeting the kids, right?" Su Yuchen asked.

"I remembered but again I think it"s not right. You or I have not visited there from the last three months. I don"t want to give fake hopes to the kids that we will visit them regularly whenever it"s not possible."

"So what Xin Mei? Do not forget, your care is making them weak. They should meet new people. They should know how to let go." Su Yuchen said with strictness.

Xin Mei sighed and nodded her head. "I know. That"s why I am still ready to visit the kids with you."

Su Yuchen smiled when he heard her. "Now give me the list of all the goods which were asked by mister Ling. I will send the list to Huang Chu. He will collect all the things at this hour of the night."

Xin Mei nodded her head and send him the note from her mobile where she had noted down all the stuff.

It was decided then that the very next day, Xin Mei was going to meet the kids in the orphanage, after such a long time.

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