Next day, when Xin Mei was returning from sets, she remembered that she had to do some grocery shopping. So, she parked her car in front of a grocery shop and she wore her mask and entered inside the shop.

After shopping, she came out with two large bags in her hand. She placed down the bags inside the trunk of her car and entered inside the car. She was about to start the car when her eyes fell upon the old lady who was selling vegetables at one corner of the street.

Heart of Xin Mei squeezed when she saw the old lady who was s.h.i.+vering due to cold. She felt worse when she saw a girl of nearly ten-year-old sitting on the footpath beside the old lady.

She looked at the stall of the old lady which was still filled with vegetables, even after the long day. No one was stopping in front of her. The old lady was looking at everyone with hope in her eyes.

Xin Mei had already purchased enough vegetables, but still, she decided to stop her car in front of the old lady. She parked her car at the side of the street and walked towards the stall of the old lady.

"Good evening, grandmother." She greeted the old lady. 

Xin Mei felt surprised when she saw the variety of fresh vegetables on the stall of the old lady. They seemed fresh and well grown. They also looked naturally grown, free of any chemicals. Being a cook herself, she could differentiate this much in vegetables.

"Good evening, young lady." The old lady smiled brightly when she saw Xin Mei. Again, rays of hope-filled in her eyes.

"These vegetables look fresh."

"Yes, they are, I have personally grown them in my field. I don"t use any chemicals or anything to grew them." The old lady smiled at her with a proud and looked at her granddaughter. She was also smiling and looking at Xin Mei.

Xin Mei nodded to the old lady and started to choose the vegetables. She decided to buy more so she could pay some more to the lady. Besides, it had been so long that she had eaten very fresh vegetable like this.

"Oh my, what a big family do you have." The old lady commented when she saw Xin Mei who was buying so many vegetables.

"No, No, I don"t have a big family. It is just that, I want to feed my husband more so he can get fat. I don"t like it when girls ogle at his perfect figure."

The old lady chuckled when she heard Xin Mei. Her granddaughter also chuckled.

Xin Mei got all her vegetables packed in a cotton carry bag. She then walked towards the little girl. She removed her warmer and placed it on the shoulder of a little girl who was visibly s.h.i.+vering due to the cold.

"It"s quite cold these days. This warmer will keep you warm. I know it"s big on you but still, it works." Xin Mei smiled genuinely and tightened the warmer around the shoulder of a little girl. 

Little girl looked at her with wide eyes. "Miss, you don"t need to give me this."

"No, please take this." Xin Mei then leaned towards the girl and looked at her books which were placed at the pavement.

"In which school do you study?"

Both little girl and the old lady became grimed when they heard Xin Mei.

"I don"t study in any school miss, my teachers from the old school kicked me out because I wasn"t able to pay the school fees." The little girl said with teary eyes.

"Her father and mother died not a very long ago. After their death, I failed to pay the school fees of Xiao Yan. Therefore, she was kicked out. I am glad that at least I can give her proper food by selling some vegetables."

The old lady sighed sadly. She looked very old and tired with a sad expression on her face.

Xin Mei felt pity for both. She gently ruffled the hair of the little girl. She pulled out her mobile from her purse and called on a number.

The number belonged to Mister Han. He ran a charity inst.i.tute which helped people like the old lady and the little girl.

"Grandmother, I have called mister Han. He runs a charity inst.i.tute. He is eager to help you both. Soon he will arrive here and will take both of you with him. Then he will help both of you with food, clothes, and shelter. Xiao Yan will also get admission in a school and will get a chance to complete her studies."

"Grandmother, from now on you don"t need to worry about anything. You should spend the rest of your life by resting instead of selling vegetables in this bitter winter and Xiao Yan should be studying at a warmer place instead of a pavement."

"Thank you miss. I never thought I will be so lucky to meet a pure soul like you. I never thought the young generation can be so generous." Old lady thanked Xin Mei from her heart. 

The little girl also thanked Xin Mei. "Jie, I promise to work hard. I will make you proud of myself. I will never forget about your help."

Xin Mei smiled and again ruffled the hair of the little girl.

Soon, mister Han arrived there. He took the old lady and Xiao Yan under his wings. He promised to look after them and the small piece of land where grandma loved to grow vegetables.

Xin Mei waved and bid adieu to Xiao Yan. She felt satisfied and happy at her heart that she again got to help someone in need.

For what G.o.d was giving you money if you did not use that money to help other people!

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