The next day, Xin Mei was completely free. TingTing also didn"t have any work from her. Therefore, Xin Mei decided to visit the old couple Su. Besides, it had been long that she had meet them.

"Grandma, Grandpa, look who is here." Xin Mei grinned and entered the room of Bai Yue with a huge smile on her lips. She had a lunch box with homemade food in her hand.

"Xin Mei, come here, I have missed you so much." Bai Yue gushed and called Xin Mei to sit beside her. "You know, finally doctors agreed to give me a discharge within a week. I am so happy."

Bai Yue gushed excitedly. Su Lingtian smiled at the fact that his wife was happy. Otherwise, he knew that she was bored of staying at the hospital and bored of watching his old dog-like face, her words, not his.

"Grandma, grandpa, I brought your favourite food for you. I am sure you will like it."

Xin Mei opened the lunch box and immediately mouth-watering aroma filled in the small room.

"Am…hmmm…Xin Mei. Its smelling so delicious. I can"t wait to taste it. No doubt Su Yuchen and Su Zixin had become healthier."

Bai Yue quickly served herself food. Drool could be seen rolling down her lips which was removed by Su Lingtian.

"Xin Mei, you are a great cook." Su Lingtian praised. "But you should not feed such delicious food to Yue. I am afraid now she will get stuck with you like a magnet to have delicious food from your hand."

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard him. She looked at Bai Yue who lovingly pocked her husband.

"By the way Xiao Mei, when are you giving me a great-grandchild?" Bai Yue innocently blinked her eyes and Xin Mei frowned.

And here came the dreaded topic!

"Grandma, there is still some time for me to complete the filming of Revenge. After that, we will plan a baby." And then she quickly changed the subject. "Grandpa, why is your bowl empty? Have some more curry. Grandma, you too."

Su Lingtian understood that Xin Mei was trying to change the baby subject and he fully supported her.

The three of them had a hearted chat when Xin Mei told them how Su Yuchen had gone to country S and how badly she was missing him.

"Grandma, can you answer my one question? It is bugging me from a long time but Su Yuchen is not ready to answer me."

"What is that question?" Bai Yue asked with a frown.

"Can you tell me why Su Yuchen had to spend a major part of his life in an orphanage?" she asked with caution in her voice. She didn"t want to offend the couple in front of her. "I have asked the question to him but he denied answering me. He said this is the only question to which he can"t answer to me."

"Xiao Mei," Su Lingtian sighed and looked at her with a conflicted expression on his face. "Unfortunately, we can also not give you an answer. This topic is very close to Chen and if he isn"t ready to answer you then I don"t think we should hurt his feelings by giving you an answer."

"Xin Mei," Bai Yue pulled her hands and looked at her with sad eyes. "I can only tell you that the first fifteen years of the life of Su Yuchen were not easy for him and he doesn"t like to open up about them. It"s like opening some old wounds. Give him some more time, I am sure he himself will tell you everything about his past."

Xin Mei nodded her head with dejection. Again, her question was left unanswered!

The next day, Xin Mei decided to visit her family because it had been so long that she had visited them. She informed about the same to Su Zixin.

"Zixin, I am going to meet mother. Most probably, I will spend my night there and will come back tomorrow only."

"Wait, what?" Su Zixin stood up from his bed in shock.

"If you are going then who will cook dinner for me?"

"You can order food or call a takeout." Xin Mei shrugged and left the mansion in the care of Su Zixin.

"Mother, I am home." Xin Mei announced her presence in a very royal manner.

"Xiao Mei." He Lin smiled when she saw her daughter and hugged her tightly. Xin Mei reciprocated the hug and hugged her mother tightly.

"Where is Chen"er? Don"t tell me you have again fought with him." He Lin looked at her with wide eyes and inspected her carefully to see if she was angry or not.

"Mother, its nothing like that." She consoled her mother. "Yuchen was out of the city. Therefore, I decided to spend some time with you."

"And here for once, I thought you have come to meet with me. You have changed Xiao Mei. You have become a complete wife of Chen"er. You no longer remember your family."

"Mother, it"s nothing like this." She wrapped her arm around He Lin and coaxed her. "I miss you dearly. I don"t want to spoil myself by visiting you regularly. Otherwise, I don"t know how badly I will miss you. Already, I miss the food cooked from your hands. I miss your awesome ma.s.sage. I miss your bedtime stories and on top of all, I miss your love-filled scolding"s."

"Your coaxing powers have improved Xiao Mei." He Lin chuckled and lightly slapped on the head of Xin Mei. Xin Mei chuckled when she heard her mother.

"Mother, now come and feed me the delicious food cooked by your hands. I haven"t tasted it from so long."

Xin Mei pulled He Lin towards the kitchen. There He Lin prepared the dinner, meanwhile, Xin Mei sat on the stool, talking with her mother.

They were done with cooking the food and at the same moment, they heard the familiar, loud and clear voice of someone familiar.


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