The live stream of Su Zixin and Xin Mei was quite a huge success. Many fans were live and have watched them play video games. Such fans felt lucky that they had joined the live stream because they got to see the different persona of Su Zixin and Xin Mei.

When Su Zixin and Xin Mei started to play the game. Both tried their best to control their violent nature, but they lost it somewhere in between playing the game. Both were h.e.l.l violent when playing the game.

They were also verbally fighting from time to time which was very much liked by their fans.

"I have asked you to turn left but still you turned right," Xin Mei yelled. "We lost the round because of you."

"You didn"t say left, you said right. It was your mistake." Su Zixin countered back.

They kept fighting silly like this most of the time. In between their fights, Xin Mei had to control herself many times from calling Su Zixin from his real name.

"Xin Mei, look so many fans have joined us. I am sure it"s the effect of my attractiveness." Su Zixin self-praised himself.

"What your attractiveness? I am sure they are here to see what a big cartoon you look while playing the video games." Xin Mei told him bluntly which made their viewers chuckle.

Due to the living stream, many viewers found that Xin Mei was a good natured girl. She wasn"t a girl with double face. So many citizens started to like her after the live stream.

Su Yuchen was also watching the live stream. He was sitting in the game room and had opened the game using his account which was opened for him by Xin Mei.

He was sitting on the couch and was working on his laptop and from time to time, he was glancing at the screen in front of him, at Xin Mei. He was also sending her messages which were full of needed advice.

"Mei, your sitting posture has become bad."

"Mei, the expressions on your face are no longer good."

"Mei, you are cursing more than needed."

Xin Mei was thankful to the messages of Su Yuchen because that made her look presentable in front of the viewers of the live stream.

"You both have done a really good job." The owner of the game zone happily praised them. "Last night itself, the page of our game zone received many new likes and followers. I am sure its popularity will boost with your tremendous performance in the live stream."

The owner was continuously praising them and he gave them both the cheque of twenty million each. Eyes of Su Zixin became wide when he looked at the cheque. Now he wouldn"t need to beg money from his brother for his small needs like brand new clothes!

"It was our pleasure to work with you." Xin Mei professionally shook hands with the owner. She then poked Su Zixin who also shook his hand.

"Soon our company will be launching a new game. I will like to invite you both for the live stream for the same game." The owner straightforwardly offered to them.

"We will come for sure if you will again pay us so handsomely." Su Zixin spoke shamelessly. 

Xin Mei glared at him and shook her head.

"Mister Win, you can talk with TingTing and Song Zhang. You can arrange for everything with them."

With that, Xin Mei pulled Su Zixin out of the game zone. She didn"t want him to embarra.s.s himself a little more in the front of the game zone owner. He was acting as if he had seen a cheque worth 20 million for the first time.

Both Xin Mei and Su Zixin were tired because of playing for the whole night. Not only that, they had continuously talked with their fans, which had made them very tired.

Quickly they made their way towards their cars. Xin Mei was about to enter inside her car when a black car stopped opposite to her. 

It was the car of Su Yuchen!

Xin Mei left her car and entered inside the car which was driven by Huang Chu.

"Yuchen, you knew I will be tired. So, you have especially came to pick me up. So, thoughtful of you." Xin Mei sighed and placed her head on his chest with tiredness.


"I was not before, but now, I am feeling tired when I am in your arms. You are making me lazy with your small methods to dote on me." Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. He gently started to ma.s.sage her head.

"Boss, should we also give a lift to the second master? He also seems tired." Huang Chu spoke from the front seat and looked in the direction of the car of Su Zixin. Su Zixin was lazily leaning against the car. His face was on the other side, so he failed to see the car of Su Yuchen.

"No, he is a man. He should know how to bear some tiredness. He can drive his car on his own."

If Su Zixin had heard the way how coldly his brother had rejected to give him the lift, then he would have yelled loudly that his brother was discriminating, what huge crime had he done that his brother would not give a lift to him.

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