The next day, Su Yuchen decided to visit the Jiang"s, to end their chapter from his life forever or at least for a long time.

"Well, well, well, look who is here." Elder Jiang grinned when he saw Su Yuchen. "Are you here to accept my condition or should I ask my man to execute the murder of your wife?"

Su Yuchen dangerously smiled when he heard the old man. He walked towards his table and leaned over it in a very relaxing manner.

"Elder Jiang," he greeted mockingly. "You have become so old then why are you running your brain in making such flop plans? Did you think you can bound Su Yuchen because of his past guilt or some past promise?"

Su Yuchen yelled and stepped away. He was looking like a king angry on his minister. He looked like a lion ready to gulp down his prey. There was a cold, ruthless smile on his lips which made elder Jiang s.h.i.+ver in fear.

"I will never fulfil your condition. I will never leave my happiness, love of my life Xin Mei." Su Yuchen fumed. "Elder Jiang, I would have forgiven you for planning my murder but I will not forgive you for investigating about Xin Mei, for threatening grandpa that if I don"t leave her then you will kill her. You didn"t do good by doing so."

He mocked a sad expression on his face. 

"And who will stop me? You? You can"t do anything." Elder Jiang spoke proudly.

"Are you sure?" Su Yuchen pa.s.sed a file to elder Jiang. "Elder Jiang, this file has all the evidence against your family members. From your Swiss bank account to the local bank accounts. Your underground business, drug business, it also has proper details of the peoples who were murdered by you."

Sweat appeared on the forehead of elder Jiang when he heard Su Yuchen. He picked up the file and started to go through it. His eyes went wide with each detail in the file.

"Impossible…this…this…is impossible…" he stumbled back. "You can"t find all this information."

He was in uttermost shock. He had always ensured to clean all the dirty work done by the Jiang family. He had personally destroyed all the proofs then how could this child in front of him find all these evidences?

"Look in the file and I am sure you will find each crime of Jiang family with each detail." He smirked. "Elder Jiang, I hope this file will keep you away from me and my family. Otherwise, I will not think twice before sending this file into the hands of law and you know...…."

"You…" elder Jiang gritted his teeth and placed his hand over his chest.

This time he thought he would get his revenge from Su Yuchen, by killing him or separating him from Xin Mei but again his wish was left unfulfilled.

This file in his hand, it would finish everything, his family, his business, his everything!

"Elder Jiang, hope to never see you or your family ever again." Su Yuchen grinned and turned to leave the room.

He was whistling when leaving the Jiang mansion. There was a sinister smile on his lips which made every Jiang family member afraid of him.

"I hope the Jiang family will not return to my life. I don"t want to do the same crime which I had done in my past!"

A few days flew away and only one day was left before Xin Mei would return onto the sets of revenge. She was looking forward to it. This was the last schedule of the movie and after which her first movie would be officially complete.

During the last few days, Xin Mei and Su Zixin were seriously practicing for their parts. They also practiced sword fight in the garden. 

It was Sunday, and Su Yuchen had attended a long video conference last night, so he was sleeping till eleven in the morning. That was the time when Xin Mei received a call from Gu Nan.

"MeiMei, I have a gift for you from the kids from my school. Where should I drop it?" Gu Nan asked.

"I have told you that I don"t need a gift, then why?" a conflicted expression appeared on her face.

"Oh, come on, it was the wish of the students to give you this gift. They were very happy with your performance and had sent a gift to me for you. Please accept it for them." She pleaded in a sweet and coaxing voice.

"Ok, ok, you can visit home and give me the gift."

Xin Mei reminded Gu Nan the address before hanging up the call. She then started to woke Su Yuchen.

"Chen, wake up." She shook his body. "My friend, Gu Nan is coming soon. I want to officially introduce both of you. Now wake up."

Su Yuchen lazily opened his eyes and looked at her. He yawned and stretched his body. Xin Mei blushed when she saw red marks on his chest which she had given to him yesterday night.

Su Yuchen chuckled and stood up from the bed.

"Stop giving me a teasing smile." Xin Mei threw a pillow on his face. "Now go and have a bath. Gu Nan will be here anytime."

"Mind having a bath with me." He teased and winked in her way.

"You…" Xin Mei threw another pillow on his face and Su Yuchen chuckled.

Gu Nan was astonished when she entered in the large property of Su Yuchen. She was also impressed with the security measures which were taken before allowing her in, even though Xin Mei had informed beforehand that she was coming.

"Oh my G.o.d, MeiMei." Gu Nan squealed when she met her. "You are so lucky for marrying Su Yuchen. Girl, your life is changed."

Xin Mei chuckled and welcomed Gu Nan inside the house. Gu Nan was looking around with wide amus.e.m.e.nt filled eyes.

When Su Yuchen reached the living room after having his shower, Xin Mei and Gu Nan were animatedly talking with one another. He looked at Gu Nan with enmity and glared at her.

He wanted to spend today with Xin Mei but that Gu Nan had taken away his time, he seriously wanted to have a bath with Xin Mei but….

His first impression about Gu Nan had already became bad.

"you know last week…." Gu Nan was telling Xin Mei something when Su Yuchen entered in the living room.

Xin Mei and Gu Nan both looked at him. Their eyes went wide because Su Yuchen was standing only in his short, he was not wearing anything to cover his chest.

Gu Nan was looking at him with slightly opened mouth. Her eyes widened like saucer when she caught red marks on his chest. She felt happy that finally, Xin Mei had truly moved on!

Su Yuchen luxuriously walked behind Xin Mei and wrapped his arms around her neck. "Morning love." He kissed the lips of a very shocked Xin Mei.

"Nice to meet you Gu Nan." Su Yuchen gave a tight-lipped smile to Gu Nan. The message behind his smile was clear, he was not happy with her unannounced present.

Gu Nan was not a fool to not know the expression on the face of Su Yuchen. She gave a quick greeting to him, made the quickest excuse, and left the glory residence. She forgot all about her plan to get an interview with Su Yuchen.

"What was that? It has been so long that I talked freely with my friend but you sent her off with your naughty act." Xin Mei glared at him. "Now go and wear your s.h.i.+rt."

"Why should I?" Su Yuchen smirked before pulling her up from the couch and in his arms. "If I have to remove it in within a small time."

Eyes of Xin Mei became wide when she realized his intention.

"Su Yuchen put me down right now."

All her yells fell deaf on his ears. He smirked and took her to their room and soon, her yells and complaints turned into pleadings for more! 

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