Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard Zhou Zichen. "Mister Zhou, do you think I have made such a big empire by doing such mistakes? Huang Chu." He yelled.

Huang Chu was in his cabin in within a minute. Huang Chu gave him the file which had the contract with Zhou corporations.

Su Yuchen turned the pages of the contract and presented it to Mister Zhou.

"Mister Zhou, see this clause 9 and tell me what compensation will Su corporation need to pay to Zhou corporation?"

Zhou Zichen quickly read the clause where it was written that the breaching party would need to pay two billion on the breech.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mister Zhou, don"t you know how to read a contract?" Su Yuchen mocked and walked towards him. He pointed towards the sentence which was written in very small words.

"Su corporations will not need to pay any damage, compensation or payment for any breach."

Eyes of Zhou Zichen widened when he read the line which was written in very small, nearly invisible fonts. His breathing became heavy and his heart started to beat fast. He was very proud of cracking this contract with Su corporation only because of the compensation which was two billion but today only he realized….

"This is cheating." He yelled.

"Cheating?" Su Yuchen smirked.

"Mister Zhou, this is called business strategy. So, mister Zhou, now you know, you will get nothing if I cancel this contract."

Body of Zhou Zichen started to s.h.i.+ver when he heard Su Yuchen. Zhou corporations had already spend a large chunk of money on the hospital contract. He had also taken many loans to complete this contract because, as per the condition of this contract, they will get paid only after completing the construction of the hospital.

"Please, don"t do this Mister Su. Please don"t cancel this contract. I have already given my everything for this contract. I cannot bear to face its loss. Please forgive me. If you want, I will personally ask for the forgiveness from Miss Xin. I should not have drugged her. Please forgive me. If you want you can throw Zhou Mingyu to any wh.o.r.e house but please…."

Su Yuchen shook his head when he heard Zhou Zichen. What kind of human he was? What kind of father he was? Throw Zhou Mingyu to any wh.o.r.e house!

Zhou Zichen fell on the feet of Su Yuchen, pleading him to not cancel the contract. If this contract was cancelled, if they were not paid then he would come onto the streets. Zhou corporations would go bankrupt. 

Su Yuchen acted understanding and sent away Zhou Zichen with a promise that he would not cancel the contract. 

Once Zhou Zichen was gone, Su Yuchen called Huang Chu inside his office.

"How much time is left that Zhou corporation has to give us the hospital?" Su Yuchen asked.

"Seven months, boss."

Su Yuchen nodded his head. "Huang Chu, start creating troubles for Zhou corporation. I want Zhou Zichen to suffer for the next seven months. I want him to sweat even in his sleep with the tension of competing this project on time. I want him to fail. I want compensation of two billion from him."

Su Yuchen never wanted to cancel the contract. He wanted Zhou corporation to work on it. He wanted Zhou Zichen to suffer each day in the worry to complete this project, only to pay the compensation to Su corporations!

"Got it, boss." Huang Chu nodded his head and left the office.

Su Yuchen walked towards the wall-sized window and clenched his fist. He looked out of the window and took deep breaths. He was feeling a murder instant in his heart. He wanted to kill that Zhou Zichen but he would not, he would make him suffer!

He pulled out his mobile and dialled the number of Xin Mei.

"Mei, he is gone. You can finish your drama."

"Ok." Xin Mei hung up the call and then looked at Zhou Mingyu in front of her. She was now completely nude.

"Girls, come out and cover Zhou Mingyu." Xin Mei ordered and two females rushed out from the attached room and covered Zhou Mingyu completely.

"Boys, you all can open your eyes now." The males, who were standing and looking at Zhou Mingyu, turned their faces to the other side and opened their eyes. They did not spare a glance at Zhou Mingyu and left the room, leaving Zhou Mingyu with the females only.

"Missus, what should we do with her now?"

"Inject the medicine in her."

Xin Mei ordered and looked at Zhou Mingyu with a ruthless smile. She could not be as ruthless as Zhou Zichen who had sent her on the bed of a stranger. She could not be ruthless as Zhou Mingyu, who had drugged her and had gotten her raped (according to her dream from the first chapter.)

She only wanted to create an illusion that Zhou Mingyu was raped by many males. Those males had not even looked at her for even once.


Zhou Mingyu was sitting in her room when Li Si called her.

"Am I speaking to Miss Zhou?"

"Yes, who is it?"

"Miss Zhou, I am the a.s.sistant of Mister Su. He wanted to talk about something important to you. So, can I come to pick you up?"

Zhou Mingyu forgot all her logic when she heard Su Yuchen had invited her to meet him. She thought, he felt mesmerized with her singing and wanted to privately praise her.

"Ok, come and pick me up in within. Mmm…half an hour. Ok?"

Within half an hour, Zhou Mingyu was ready, wearing her best and Li Si had arrived to pick her up. Zhou Mingyu took her seat in the car.

"Miss, please have some juice."

Li Si gave a juice can to Zhou Mingyu and Zhou Mingyu finished the juice within one sip. That juice can had a small amount of drug in it.

Due to the effect of the drugs, Zhou Mingyu got unconscious on the back seat of the car.

"Missus, miss Zhou drunk the juice and had now fallen unconscious on the back seat of my car." Li Si gave his report to Xin Mei.

Then Li Si drove the car towards an abandoned warehouse where Xin Mei was waiting for him with her male and female guards. 

Zhou Mingyu was taken to the abandoned room and was thrown on the bed. Three men took their position in front of the bed and closed their eyes.

Soon Zhou Mingyu woke up and started to feel hot because of the drug. She started to remove her dress.

That was when Xin Mei video called Su Yuchen. In the video call, Zhou Mingyu could be seen and only the back of three men was in view. Zhou Zichen failed to see that they had their eyes closed.

Flashback end

"Missus, we have injected the medicine in her."

Xin Mei nodded her head and looked at Zhou Mingyu. With the effect of the injected medicine, on waking up, Zhou Mingyu would feel sore. She would feel as if someone had raped her. 

Her female guards also made some marks on the body of Zhou Mingyu to give it a real effect. Once done, they penned down a note and placed it on the bed stand.

"Thanks for a pleasurable day baby girl. You have quenched the thirst of three of us. We will never forget the feel of being inside you and the way you were asking for more and more." 

Once Xin Mei was satisfied that everything was set, she left two guards to look after Zhou Mingyu before leaving the abandoned warehouse.

There was a satisfying smile on her lips. She knew what she did today was not right, it was not in her values but she could not forget what Zhou Mingyu had done with her. What Zhou Zichen had done with her!

Earlier Zhou Mingyu had helped her father and had cheated her, today, she got punished for the bad deeds of her father!

t.i.t for Tat!

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