When Xin Mei returned home, she frowned when a pungent smell hit her nose. She sniffed and made her way towards the kitchen.

Her eyes went wide when she saw the condition of her kitchen and then of Su Yuchen. Kitchen and Su Yuchen both were covered with chocolate and floor.

"What happened here?" Complete shock could be heard in her voice.

"Flop experiment happened." Su Yuchen shrugged his shoulder with a sad smile on his lips.

Carefully, Xin Mei walked inside the kitchen and gasped when she saw packets after packets of cake mix, floor, cocoa powder and other ingredients that were used to prepare a batter of cake.

Her eyes nearly popped out when she saw black coal (burnt cake) placed on the counter of the kitchen.

"Chen, were you planning to burn our house like Su Zixin?" she asked and again looked at him with wide eyes.

"Nah, I was trying to bake a cake." Su Yuchen lifted another pack of cake mix in his hand. "But guess what, even after five experiments, I can"t bake a perfect cake."

"Why were you baking a cake when you don"t know how to do it? Look at my kitchen, look at yourself and look at this burnt cake." 

Su Yuchen smiled innocently and again shrugged his shoulder. "I didn"t think baking a cake can be so difficult. The man in the video said it is easy to bake a cake."

Xin Mei again looked around the kitchen and sighed. Now, she had a lot of work to do, cleaning the kitchen covered with cake batter was not an easy task.

"You should have asked me if you wanted to eat the home-baked cake." She sighed. "Nether less, you go up in your room and get a shower. Meanwhile, I will bake a cake for you."

"No, I want to bake it myself. I want to bake a cake for you."

"What do you mean?" she looked at him with alarm. Sirens of alarm rung more loudly in her brain when Su Yuchen walked towards her and wrapped his batter covered arms around her waist, even though she tried to protest.

"Mei, I remember, you have once told me that mother used to bake a cake for you in your every success and today also you have achieved a big success, so I wanted to bake a cake for you."

Xin Mei smiled brightly on hearing him. He was again proving himself to be the husband number one!

"You don"t need to work hard. You could have ordered one from outside."

"Nah, that is no fun. I want to feed you a cake baked from my hand."

Xin Mei smiled softly when she saw the stubborn expression on his face. "Ok, let me help you. Let us first clean the kitchen."


To clean the kitchen, Su Yuchen immediately called his bodyguards much to the shook of Xin Mei. He pulled Xin Mei towards the bedroom so they could get a shower and get changed from their dirty clothes.

"Chen, I don"t think that your guards can clean the kitchen." Xin Mei protested.

"They will, trust me. They have already cleaned the kitchen a lot of times. Trust me."

Xin Mei did not say a thing and could only pray that the kitchen would be clean on their return not dirtier than before.

After getting a bath and getting changed into a fresh pair of clothes, when Xin Mei and Su Yuchen returned to the kitchen, she was surprised that the kitchen was completely clean. It was s.h.i.+ning brightly. There was no ounce of cake batter on the floor, kitchen counter or cupboards.

She looked at the guards with wide eyes. "You are good at this cleaning job."

"Missus, when boss was learning cooking, he used to dirty the kitchen. Then it was our duty to clean his kitchen, So, we know how to do this job."

Ears of Su Yuchen turned red in embarra.s.sment when he heard his guard. Xin Mei grinned in his direction and looked at him with a teasing smile.

"I thought you were a natural cook but I guess, I was wrong."

"I never said, I am a natural cook. I learnt cooking so I can fill my stomach. You cannot forget, Su Zixin is my brother. If he is so worse, you should expect no less from me."

Xin Mei chuckled and looked at him.

"Now stop chuckling and teach me how to bake a cake."

Xin Mei smiled and nodded her head. 

Su Yuchen pulled out a chair and made Xin Mei sit on it. Xin Mei started to give him instruction and according to them, Su Yuchen took out all the ingredients and started to prepare the better.

He was very cautious this time. He did not want to repeat the blunder like before. He did not add a big spoon of vanilla essence in the batter. He took a big bowl to prepare the batter unlike before. He kept the speed of the beater at the slowest and he carefully checked the temperature of the oven.

"I made it." 

Su Yuchen yelled loudly when he pulled out the cake from the oven. His eyes became wide and they shone with happiness. He looked at the color of the cake and felt satisfied. 

"It looks perfect." Xin Mei nodded her head in appreciation. "And why not, great baker like Xin Mei is your guide."

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. He placed the cake on the kitchen counter and gave a clean knife to Xin Mei.

"Cut it and tell me, how it tastes?"

Su Yuchen started to pray in his heart that this cake was eatable. He wanted to make Xin Mei eat a home-baked cake on her success.

Xin Mei smiled at him and was about to cut the cake when Su Zixin also arrived at home. He looked at the cake with greedy eyes and urged Xin Mei to cut the cake.

"Xin Mei quickly cut the cake. I can"t wait to have this delicious cake from your hand."

"I am not the one to bake this cake. Su Yuchen baked this."

"What?" eyes of Su Zixin became wide when he heard Xin Mei. "Xiao Mei, don"t cut this cake. You will die if you cut this d.a.m.n cake. You do not know but big brother can do blunder when baking a cake. Once, he had learned how to bake a cake from grandma and from then onwards, she never let him enter her kitchen."

Su Zixin stopped himself when he felt a chilling and deathly glare on his head. He looked up only to found Su Yuchen glaring at him.

"Mei, from today onwards, Su Zixin is not allowed to eat any food item cooked from my hand."

Su Zixin became pale when he heard Su Yuchen. His brother was not good in the bakery but he was good in many other dishes. He could not wash his hand over them.

Su Zixin immediately realized his fault and started to b.u.t.ter Su Yuchen. He also started to praise his bakery and cooking skills unlike before.

Xin Mei chuckled when she saw his drama. She cut the cake which she and Su Yuchen ate to their delight, looking at the dull face of Su Zixin who was now regretting his words!

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