After the success of the show of Gu Nan, where she had disclosed about how Zhou Mingyu had backstabbed Xin Mei, everyone started to follow her steps. Every News Channel wanted to get the fame that the show of Gu Nan was receiving.

By the next day, many old secrets of Zhou Mingyu were dug out where Xin Mei was treated as a victim and Qian Fan and Zhou Mingus were called evils.

"They should go to some pure place to repent their deeds."

"Zhou Mingyu should commit suicide. Don"t she feel an ounce of remorse after doing all this?"

"Qian family and Zhou family should also go to h.e.l.l for nurturing such evil souls like Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan."

At the same time, they were feeling pityful for Xin Mei who suffered in the hands of two evils.

"I am feeling very bad for Xin Mei. She is such a good soul. She didn"t deserve to be cheated like this."

"If I were in the place of Xin Mei I would have murdured Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu for playing with my innocence."

Citizens were free and they were enjoying to slander Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan. They were waiting for some new gossip to make their day interesting.

At the side of Zhou Zichen, everything was chaos. The deadline for his project with Su Yuchen was coming closer and he was facing problems from time to time. 

His key personals had already resigned from their posts and many shareholders had sold their shares. Leftover were asking for the resignation of Zhou Zichen. Only his relations.h.i.+p with the Qian family was keeping him insane.

"Mushen, you can"t leave our side in this critical situation." Zhou Zichen pleaded when Qian Mushen declared that he would take his investment back from the Zhou corporation. 

"Why can I not? I am no sane to help a sinking s.h.i.+p. I must save my business. Once my investment company was at the tip but now look, we are suffering because of you. I am not only taking back my investment from Zhou corporations but I am also breaking the relations.h.i.+p which your daughter has with my son."

"No, you can"t do this. If you dared to do so then I will expose you."

"Instead of exposing me, try to cover up the scandals of your daughter." 

Qian Mushen shrugged his coat and left the office of Zhou Zichen. Now he was going to focus on facing this tsunami without any further loss.

At the same time, he ordered Qian Fan to organize a press conference. In the press conference, Qian Fan asked forgiveness for his crimes. He acted as if he was also a victim of Zhou Mingyu.

"I am sorry. I was also a victim of Zhou Mingyu. She seduced me. She drugged me and forced me to do many things. I am guilty for what I have done after drugged night because of my guilt. Please forgive me. Xin Mei, I will fall on your feet for your forgiveness."

The anger of citizens toward Qian Fan melted when they heard his press conference. Qian Mushen was happy with results. He thought now their image would improve and his shares would see the growth again.

He was not aware that his shares were a game under the palm of Su Yuchen. He was also not aware of the web which Gu Nan and Xin Mei were weaving.

Here Zhou Mingyu was closed inside her room, getting slandered in all the directions. On the other side, Xin Mei was having the time of her life. 

She was offered sponsors.h.i.+p of many big brands that once belonged to Zhou Mingyu. She also got many more roles in the big-budgeted movies and she also started the filming of one such movie.

Xin Mei was also followed by the reporters and was asked about her relations.h.i.+p with Zhou Mingyu.

"For me, Zhou Mingyu was my soul sister. I loved her dearly. I gave up on so many things for her. I never thought she would backstab me." She sobbed in front of the cameras. "I gave up on my acting career for her, but what did she do, she made fun of my sacrifice. She made a fool of me. She broke my heart by s.n.a.t.c.hing by best friend from me. I loved her dearly."

But the moment, she was away from the eyes of cameras, she smiled wickedly.

One other side, Zhou Mingyu was getting insane with each pa.s.sing day. No one was ready to talk with her. Her management company had also removed her at the excuse they could not bear this defamation. 

Each contract from her hand was s.n.a.t.c.hed. Her glory days were gone and her beauty was also gone due to dark circles.

She was becoming insane. Her loud cries and yells could be heard behind the closed door. Her mother was worried and concerned whenever she heard the cries of Zhou Mingyu. 

Zhou Mingyu had also filled the voice mail of Qian Fan with many messages, most of them were her love confession and warning that she would kill herself if Qian Fan left her.

Gu Nan announced that she was coming with another show about the disclosure of Zhou Mingyu. Her show was advertised at a very large level and citizens were eagerly waiting for the show hosted by Gu Nan.

"I, Gu Nan welcomes you all to another show, Zhou Mingyu, and her scandals. Two days back, I received a scoop that shocked me very badly. I could not believe Zhou Mingyu had fallen so low to do a crime like this." She sighed and looked at the camera.

"I didn"t believe the story at first and from the last two days, I was trying to confirm that news only and sigh...." She sighed heavily. "After my thorough investigations, we found out that...."

Gu Nan created full suspense. Every viewer was watching on their television screen to know what another scandal of Zhou Mingyu was going to be exposed.

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