When Xin Yan was teaching Xin Mei how to drive, he used to bring her on this racing track for the practice. In his words, "If Xin Mei could drive the car on Sleek hills then she could drive her car anywhere in the world."

One day, when they were on the sleek hills for practice, they met Brand Lee. He was a very famous professional car racer in the country. Xin Mei who was also interested in car racing had begged him to race opposite to her. She had taken many pointers from him.

After that, on numerous occasions, whenever her parents were not at home, Xin Mei had come on sleek hills during the night, to race with different teams. Only a few people were aware that she was an expert racer including her brothers.

Xin Mei also got chances to race with Brand Lee on many occasions. She had also raced with his team. So, she was quite sure of her racing skills.

Brand Lee was the trainer of Xin Mei. He taught her how to car race and how to drive a car at top speed.

"Xiao Mei, if you don"t mind, can I not join you in this race?" Su Zixin begged and looked at Xin Mei with a green face. It looked as if he would vomit any second. 

Su Zixin looked at the car of Song Daiyu standing beside their car. He knew in this race he was going to get many shocks that he did not want. He had already tasted the taste of Xin Mei"s driving, but he did not want to taste it again, especially when she was racing opposite to song Daiyu.

"What do you mean?" Xin Mei glared at him. "You are not stepping out of my car. You will be my partner in the race. Now buckle up yourself."

Xin Mei then called Song Daiyu. They both exchanged the rules and at a count of three, both cars were shooting in the direction of the racing course.

"Brother…. save me…someone save me.....I am going to die....save me....help..." Su Zixin yelled when he was thrown off his seat. He looked out of his window and gulped seeing the speed at which Xin Mei was driving the car. They were drying very fast on the sleek road.

Song Daiyu smiled and looked at the car of Xin Mei, ahead of her car.

"Tsk, tsk, Xin Mei and Su Zixin. Today is your last day on this planet. I will have my fun in killing both of you. With one arrow, I will kill two birds."

Song Daiyu chuckled. She beamed with happiness that finally she would get freedom from Xin Mei, and Su Zixin as a bonus. She had raced on this road many times before leaving for another country.

Song Daiyu knew she could easily kill Xin Mei on this road. The sleek road had many turns and had narrow roads. It was surrounded by trees and that was why the incidents of collision of the cars with the trees were very common.

"Hold tight Zixin, I am going to increase the speed of the car."

"Are you mad?" Su Zixin yelled. "You will be increasing the speed on a curve? Do you want to kill us both?"

"If I don"t increase the speed now then Song Daiyu will bang her car with ours." Xin Mei looked at the rear-view mirror and could see Song Daiyu had increased her car speed. A turn and narrow road were coming ahead so it was clear to Xin Mei, Song Daiyu planned to collide her car with hers.

"Hold tight." And with that said, Xin Mei pressed hard on the gas. She turned her steering wheel, smoothly driving over the turn. She looked at the car of Song Daiyu from the rear-view mirror and smiled in triumph upon seeing that her car had come to a halt.

Song Daiyu looked at the car of Xin Mei with anger in her eyes. She had thought to drive her car in the car of Xin Mei. She had expected that Xin Mei would reduce the speed of her car but against her expectation, she increased her car speed.

"This Xin Mei is a good driver. She knows how to cross the turn at a high speed." Song Daiyu gritted her teeth and punched hard on the steering.

She looked ahead at the road with raw anger in her eyes. She had again lost a chance to kill Xin Mei. Only a small time was left before she had to kill Xin Mei.

"Yippee, we won." Xin Mei squealed loudly and brought her car to a halt.

The moment the car came to a halt, Su Zixin jumped off the car and started to vomit his guts out. Only he knew what he was feeling when looking at Xin Mei driving the car at a full speed. He had sent so many quick prayers to G.o.d to save his life.

He was feeling dizzy and he felt as if his stomach was a mixer grinder!

"Are you alright Su Zixin?" Xin Mei also came out from the car and rub the back of Su Zixin. 

Su Zixin glared at her. "Now you are asking me this? Xiao Mei, I promise, from now on, I am never going to sit in your car. You were not driving the car but were flying. Geez, brother will have an heart attack if he get the air of the way you were driving the car."

At the same time, the car of Song Daiyu also reached the finis.h.i.+ng line. She stepped out of her car and looked at Xin Mei.

"Xiao Mei, it was fun to race against you. Why don"t we race again? I bet this time I will defeat you."

Song Daiyu thought if she was not able to kill Xin Mei the first time, so what, she would again race with her and this time, she would do her best to kill her. 

"Daiyu, I…" before Xin Mei could reject, a cold voice boomed which made Su Zixin, Song Daiyu, and Xin Mei froze on their spots.

"She is not racing against you."

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