On returning home, Xin Mei and other ladies were h.e.l.l tired. They had bought many things. After buying the engagement outfit for Da Chun and for herself, He Lin had started to purchase other things for the wardrobe for Da Chu which made Xin Mei further confused.

She was bubbling with questions and was not able to keep them inside herself. So, she pulled Xin Yan towards his room and put forth her queries.

"What is Da Chun doing at our home? Where are her parents? Are they not excited that their daughter is getting married?"

"Xiao Mei," Xin Yan sighed and closed his room door. He walked toward Xin Mei and stood in front of her. "Xiao Mei, Da Chun is an orphan. The parents we though as her real parents are her maternal uncle and aunt."

Xin Yan paused. Xin Mei was about to ask future questions from him but she stopped herself due to one look from Xin Yan.

"Life of Da Chun was not easy from the start. Her parents died when she was hardly five years old. They left a ma.s.sive property at her name. Her maternal uncle and aunty, who were greedy, took her responsibility to get a right on her property."

"From childhood itself, she was tortured by her so-called family. Her cousin brother tormented her. She was not allowed to have any friends or talk with any stranger. That was the reason she never accepted me and my friends.h.i.+p. She was afraid of her family and cousin brother who looked after her like a bodyguard."

Xin Yan sighed and walked towards his bed. He took his seat and looked down.

"When Da Chun decided to date me, she thought of me as her ticket to freedom. She was afraid of this relation but she trusted me. She trusted that I would be able to take her out of her horrible family. She trusted me." Xin Yan mockingly smiled at her.

"You know Da Chun wanted to break up with me, hardly fifteen days back?"

Xin Mei"s eyes widened and she shook her head, not believing on his words.

"She came to my office, and said she was resigning and wanted to break up with me. She did not want to do anything with me. She said many more cruel words which left me broken." Xin Yan again sighed and tears filled his eyes.

"I felt angry at her. Again she was leaving me, she was rejecting me. I marched towards her home for further explanation, only to find her cousin forcing himself on her." He yelled and tears filled in his eyes. "He was this close to taking her virtue."

Xin Yan pinched his forefinger and thumb, and placed it in front of Xin Mei. "If I was a second late then….she was lying n.a.k.e.d with so many marks on her skin. She was crying and yelling. She.." Xin Yan covered his face and tears started to fell from his eyes. 

Xin Mei felt bad for him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I beat her cousin and then brought Da Chun home. At that moment, I decided I will not let her go. I don"t know if Da Chun is happy or ready to be wedded with me or not but I want to make her my wife as soon as possible." Xin Yan spoke in a heavy but determination filled voice.

"That way, I will be able to protect her from the world. I will give her the happiness which she deserves. I can see my decision is good because Da Chun is not as affected as she was the first day when she came home with me. She looks happy  now that mother is giving company to her. She seemed to have forgotten about the incident now that she is busy with all the preparations."

"Why did you not tell me about all this before? Maybe I could have helped you."

Heart of Xin Mei squeezed when she heard him. She could only imagine the pain which Da Chun suffered due to the incident. She could also imagine the pain of Xin Yan who had witnessed his love in such a compromising situation.

"Because I did not want to disturb you." Xin Yan shrugged. "Besides, I thought Da Chun will not feel comfortable if many other people become aware about her secret."

Xin Mei nodded her head in understanding and spared a smile in the direction of Xin Yan.

The preparation of the engagement party of Da Chun and Xin Yan were going at a fast pace. Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were actively partic.i.p.ating in it. They did not have their own engagement party so they wanted to make the engagement party of Xin Yan to be a memorable one.

Using his status and power, Su Yuchen had invited the favourite band of Xin Yan and Da Chun. He also invited some renowned dancers and famous chefs to make the party more royal.

Finally, the day of the engagement party arrived. Xin Mei and her family went to the hotel to get ready for the party where Su Yuchen left for glory residence to get ready. He could not forget the fact that he could not come in front of the world as a family member of Xin.

After getting ready, Xin Mei made her way towards the room of Da Chun, to give her moral support. Yesterday, Xin Mei had noticed that Da Chun was hesitating when talked on the topic of engagement or marriage, and Xin Mei could very well understand the reasons.

"Can you all leave us alone? I have something to talk with my sister in law." Xin Mei dismissed the makeup artists who were helping Da Chun in getting ready.

She walked towards her and took her spare seat beside her.

"So, Da Chun, are you ready to get engaged with Yan gege?" Xin Mei asked, eagerly waiting for her reply. "Are you excited and happy to marry him?"

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