In a dark room

"What do you mean by Su Yuchen left the airport without any harm?" A man yelled and threw his mobile away. He groaned loudly and cursed his fate.

"That stupid Song Daiyu. I am sure it was a mistake on her part that the guards of Su Yuchen got to know about the location of Su Yuchen. It was also my mistake to trust that psycho b! tch. If only I had some more men in country A then I would have killed that Su Yuchen here only. But Alas!"

He again groaned and pulled his hair.

He thought that his plan was fool proof. He thought by sending Su Yuchen out of the country, he would bring him to his territory, away from the territory of Su Yuchen where he had many guards protecting him. And then, he planned to give him a painful death, but the first hurdle in his plan came when that b! tch decided to cheat him.

She dared to book tickets to country U. Still, he didn"t find any problems in it, he had a good team of men in country U who could easily kill Su Yuchen but then, his all plan was destroyed when guards of Su Yuchen arrived at the airport, saving him.

He had sent some men to kill Su Yuchen but they were nothing in front of the force of Su Yuchen. That was the reason he wanted Su Yuchen out of the country, away from his own territory. He wanted to torture Su Yuchen before taking his life.

"Argh!" he yelled and looked at the photo of Xin Mei. "Soon baby, soon I will make a new plan and then I will kill Su Yuchen, making you mine."

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei arrived at the hospital where Su Yuchen was immediately taken to the emergency room. The family of Xin Mei and grandparents of Su Yuchen were already waiting for them.

They had already seen the news about the bomb blast in the car of Xin Mei and they also got an air about the news that Su Yuchen was kidnapped. Both news got them worries and when Huang Chu told them that they were coming to the city hospital, everyone came to check on Xin Mei and Su Yuchen.

"Xiao Mei." He Lin rushed towards Xin Mei and hugged her tight. She took deep breathes in relief when she looked at her.

"I got so worried when I saw the news that there was a bomb blast in your car. I thought…I…" she choked on her tears and a sob left her lips.

"Mother, I am all right. Stop crying now. You know how much I hate your tears."

Xin Mei consoled her mother where her own heart was very heavy out of fear for Su Yuchen. She was afraid that something serious had happened to him.

"Come on Lin Lin, leave her now. You are choking the poor girl."

Xin Jin pated on the back of He Lin and looked at Xin Mei who was hugged tightly by He Lin. He looked at the face of Xin Mei with sympathy.

Once He Lin broke the hug, leaving Xin Mei free, she was hugged tight by her father and then Xin Yan. They were both angry at the person who brought this turbulence in the life of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen.

"Don"t worry sister, we will find the gang who dared to plant this bomb in your car and helped Song Daiyu in kidnapping Su Yuchen." Xin Mei nodded her head and looked at the old couple who were consoled by Su Zixin.

After some time, the doctor came out and informed that Su Yuchen was not in danger. He was only given a high dosage of sleeping doze, which was nothing to worry about.

"He will wake up in eight or more hours. He may feel a little light-headed due to sleeping pill but we need not to worry about anything."

It was when the doctor consoled the family, everyone sighed in relief. Xin Mei sent a quick prayer to G.o.d that Su Yuchen was alright. Dark clouds were removed from their heads.

"Xiao Mei, Su Yuchen is alright now. You should come home with us and have a good rest."

He Lin looked at Xin Mei with concern in her eyes. Xin Mei looked so weary and tired. Besides, it was already five in the morning. She did not sleep last night. She must be tired, very tired.

"Mother, I am not leaving the side of Chen." Xin Mei sighed and looked at her mother. "Don"t worry about me. I am habitual of staying up late due to shooting. I can easily stay at the hospital."

He Lin wanted to protest but Xin Mei was not ready to hear her out. She was stubborn and was not ready to leave the side of Su Yuchen. The same was the condition of the elder Su couple. They wanted to stay at the hospital, besides their Chen.

Later, after the force of Xin Mei and Su Zixin, it was decided that Xin Mei, Su Zixin and Xin Yan were staying at the hospital where others were leaving for their homes.

Once everyone was gone and Su Yuchen was s.h.i.+fted in the VIP room, Xin Mei walked toward his room and took her seat beside him. She took his hand in hers and took a deep breath. Again, tears fell from her eyes like a waterfall.

Now she realized what Su Yuchen used to feel whenever she was hospitalized. How many times his heart had been broken upon seeing her so calm and this lifeless.

At that moment, she promised to protect herself and Su Yuchen. She did not want to see the face of the hospital ever again.

"Wake up, Chen. Your Mei is feeling broken upon seeing you so silent." Xin Mei sobbed and placed her head on his hand and fall asleep.

Xin Yan was sitting outside in the corridor on the bench. He stayed at the hospital in case Xin Mei needed him. He had also talked with the guards who were guarding the corridor for the safety of Su Yuchen.

Su Zixin stayed at the hospital for sometime before leaving for heritage. He had called TingTing and Song Zhang, together, they dissolved about the bomb blast incident of Xin Mei. He also had to work to find the planner behind this kidnapping. Also, he had to work to stop all the news from airport of city F to leak out.

The situation of airport of city F was a mess and it would be a big blander if the news about that incident leaked out.

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