Xin Mei still felt a s.h.i.+ver when she thought about the bomb blast. It was true, anyone could kill anyone with some money.

The gang which was behind planting the bomb in her car was found. They were given property and quite a large sum of money by Song Daiyu to plant a timing bomb in her car.

Xin Mei was lucky that she was not in the car at the time of blast, and the gang was still an amateur one in that case.

The gang was inquired further if they had any hand in kidnapping Su Yuchen but no link was found that they had helped Song Daiyu. Some other force was helping her, which was yet to be identified.

"What are you thinking, Mei?" Su Yuchen entered the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her.

"Nothing much." Xin Mei shrugged. "By the way, what are you doing here in the kitchen? How dare of you to leave our room?"

"Mei." Su Yuchen groaned like a baby. "You have confined me in the room for enough time. I am all fit and active now. Come, let me help you cook the dinner."

Xin Mei sighed when she heard him. She looked at him where Su Yuchen was already searching for the ingredients to cook the dinner.

The next day, Su Yuchen went to his office and Xin Mei on her set. When she parked her car, again she felt a shudder thinking she was so close to her death that day.

She shook her head to remove all the thoughts and made her way towards the sets.

On the sets, not many people knew about the bomb blast because that incident was quickly covered by her guards. So, no one asked her about that and she was thankful for it.

On the other side, Su Yuchen organized a press conference to clear all the rumours which were going around. His team was able to hide the fact that he was kidnaped. Instead it put blame on media saying media had made a.s.sumptions when it saw the movements in the special force of Su Yuchen. Media made a.s.sumptions like, "Su Yuchen was dead" or "something serious had happened to him."

The next day, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen went to meet Song Yang, at his house. Su Yuchen wanted to go there to give his last farewell to his friend and Xin Mei tagged along, to give support to Su Yuchen.

They both wore black for the occasion and made their way towards the private mansion of Song Yang. They had wanted to attend the death ceremony of Song Daiyu but they were afraid for their secret. So, they were visiting Song Yang in private, after the end of all the ceremonies.

"Uncle, I am so sorry about your loss." Su Yuchen hung his head in guilt and looked at Song Yang. "It is my fault that Song Daiyu died. I should have stopped her from having any feelings for me."

"It"s not your fault." Song Yang sighed. "Instead, I should thank you for giving life to her. Otherwise, my daughter was dead with her mother. She was living a lifeless life until she saw you."

"Honestly, when she had left country U, I had already seen this day. I knew about her craze and I knew she would do something like this." Song Yang again took a deep breath and tears left his eyes.

He was all alone in this world. His only support, his daughter had left his life. Now, what was he to do? For whom was he to live?

"Uncle, what do you plan to do now?"

"You know my secretory Yang Bei, right?" Su Yuchen nodded his head. "I plan to hand over my business to his son. He is a very smart boy. He has helped me on many occasions. Once he is handling the business, I plan to visit Himalayas where I still spend my life serving poor and needy, in the memories of my family."

Su Yuchen again nodded his head and looked at Xin Mei who squeezed on his arm. They smiled at each other.

After giving their condolences to Song Yang, both left for their mansion where Huang Chu was waiting for them.

"Boss, I have found the man who was helping Song Daiyu!"

After hearing one sentence from Huang Chu, both Xin Mei and Su Yuchen looked at him with wide eyes. They both wanted to know the name of the person who dared to kidnap and then kill Su Yuchen.

Su Yuchen never left his enemy alive and the same was the case of Xin Mei. She wanted to kill that man with her bare hands.

"Boss, I…I…." Huang Chu stammered and the next second, he kneeled in front of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen, leaving both of them in shock.

"What are you doing Huang Chu? Stand up." Su Yuchen ordered and moved a step back.

"Boss please forgive me." Huang Chu pleaded and looked down with guilt. "I am sorry that I failed to find out about Qian Fan."

"What do you mean?"

"Missus," Huang Chu lifted his head and looked at her with guilt. "Please forgive me. I gave a false report that Qian Fan has changed but he hadn"t. When I was inspecting about the person helping Song Daiyu, my team reached the gang where Qian Fan was working from the last few months."

"On further investigations, we found that the gang leader had taken Qian Fan as his soul brother, after mister Qian had saved the life of a leader, giving his life for him."

"With the help of that gang leader, Qian Fan was able to find about your relations.h.i.+p with boss. He knew that you and boss are married. With the help of the same gang leader, he was able to create a fake story that he was changed where the reality is something else."

"He came to the country A with the only motto to take you away. He was helping Song Daiyu. Some of his gang mates were there on the airport, to kill the boss. The lady we thought to be his wife is not his wife, but the niece of the gang leader." Huang Chu hung his head and pleaded guiltily.

"Please forgive me for my ignorance. When I searched about Qian Fan at first, I was careless, hence, I didn"t think that a strong force could be helping him, hiding about his true motto."

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