"Gu Biyu or Jiang Biyu, whatever your name is? Did you take me as a fool? Do you think that the wife of Su Yuchen will transfer the property to you without any doubt?"

Xin Mei chuckled and looked at Jiang Biyu with wide and clear eyes. Her eyes held a tint of mischievousness. 

Jiang Biyu freeze when she heard the words of Xin Mei. She looked at her with wide eyes. "What do you mean? You have already given me the property papers and I have checked that they are also signed."

"Jiang Biyu," Xin Mei chided in a soft voice. Her lips curled up into a lopsided grin. "Have I told you that I love to imitate the sign of others, especially of Su Yuchen?"

Xin Mei grinned widely and locked her eyes on the face of Jiang Biyu. She enjoyed the changes in the color of the face of Jiang Biyu who went from yellow to red to white in a second.

"When I looked at the papers given by you, I thought why not  experiment on them? Hence, I signed the papers in the place of Su Yuchen. Now tell me, who is the fool here? You, who think I am a fool or me who always knew that you are lying."

All mischievousness disappeared from the face of Xin Mei and she looked at Jiang Biyu with emotionless eyes. 

"Huang Chu." She ordered in a loud and clear voice.

Hearing the voice of Xin Mei, Huang Chu entered the Su residence with police officers following him.

"What…. who…. are they? Why is police here?" Jiang Biyu stuttered and looked at the police officers with wide eyes.

"They are here to arrest you Jiang Biyu." Xin Mei smiled and wrapped her arms around her chest. "And you too, Mister Jiang."

"Jiang Biyu, Jiang w.a.n.gyi, you both are under arrest for faking the property papers in the front of the court."

Police officers quickly surrounded them and then chained their wrist. Jiang Biyu looked at the police officers with wide eyes and then she looked at Xin Mei.

"No. No…No.... This…this is not…possible…How?? Why? When?" Jiang Biyu stammered and looked at Xin Mei. She started to breathe hard not able to accept her defeat. 

She had planned everything with so much smartness. She knew how Xin Mei was conned by Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu. She thought she could also deceive Xin Mei. She thought everything was going well. Xin Mei trusted her so much, then where did she went wrong?

"How can you become so smart?" Jiang Biyu yelled in irritation. 

"I was always smart, Jiang Biyu. Do you think only you can act to be all good and friendly to me?" Eyes of Xin Mei twinkled with amus.e.m.e.nt and her shoulders shook in silent laughter.

"After knowing the real face of Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu, I have realized that no one is perfect. So, when you acted all goody shoes and all friendly in front of me, and when you informed me that you knew I was married, I felt red bulbs in my mind."

Xin Mei mimicked a red bulb in a quite dramatic way.

"I always had my doubts towards you but I never voiced them out. I thought maybe I was being over cautious without any use. But then, when you told me that you are the stepmother of Su Yuchen and loved him," Xin Mei increased the pitch of her voice and dramatically widened her eyes, "my mind fused with shock."

Xin Mei walked toward Jiang Biyu and stood close to her. She looked deep in her eyes.

"You were a fool to think I will trust your every lie. You were a fool to think that I will not ask anyone if you are the mother of Su Yuchen or not! I knew that you were a liar but I kept acting to like you because I wanted to know your plan. I wanted to defeat you in your own game."


After hearing to Jiang Biyu who claimed to be the mother of Su Yuchen, Xin Mei felt quite confused. She asked Su Yuchen about his stepmother but he turned her down.

So, the next day, she visited Su residence, to talk with Bai Yue. She wanted to clear her doubts about Jiang Biyu. She knew only Bai Yue could tell her about the truth.

"Grandpa, can you tell me about the past of Su Yuchen?" Xin Mei asked Bai Yue after having lunch with her.

"Xiao Mei, you know I can"t. It is the story of Su Yuchen. You should listen from him only."

"If you cannot tell me about his past, then at least tell me about his parents. You can tell me about your son, right?"

Bai Yue smiled on hearing Xin Mei. She happily wobbled her head and started to tell Xin Mei about her son and her first daughter in law, mother of Su Yuchen.

"Grandma, can you tell me about his step-mother?" Xin Mei asked cautiously.

"Xiao Mei," Bai Yue released a deep sadness filled breath. "Jiang Biyu, his stepmother was the cruellest woman in the world. She drugged Nian"er and slept with him. Then she and her family directed a big drama, to marry my Su Nian."

"For her greed, she destroyed a happy family." Bai Yue sobbed with sadness and removed her tears. "My daughter left the house, without telling us that she was pregnant with Chen"er. My son who lost his family destroyed himself. He started to drink and smoke in the guilt of cheating his first wife. He could never fell in love with Jiang Biyu."

"But why, why did Jiang Biyu marry father? Did she love him?"

"If only she had loved him." Bai Yue chuckled. "She married him only because she was dared by one of her friends. After marrying Nian, Jiang Biyu declared that she wanted a divorce. She married Nian only for some stupid game. But she stayed with us only because of her parents who became greedy for the Su property."

"My family fell apart because of her. I wanted to do something but could not because she had planned everything with perfection. I watched my son dying in front of me. I…" Bai Yue started to sob on remembering the bitter past. She felt bad for her son.

Xin Mei felt bad for Bai Yue and wrapped her arm around Bai Yue.

At that moment, she realized that her doubts were right. Jiang Biyu was an evil woman, who was again planning something.

Before leaving Su residence, Xin Mei urged Bai Yue to see the photo of Jiang Biyu. She confirmed that Gu Biyu was Jiang Biyu only.

Flashback End

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