Harmful Smile

Chapter 22

The week in the forest had gone very well. Ayleen had had fun like never before. She was filled with joy. She was able to slaughter goblins, orcs, trolls, ugly and giant spiders. But in the fight against the Waluigis she was not so happy anymore. The Waluigis were more than three meters tall, like a gorilla but with a long tail and were yellow with black spots. Their attacks were completely insane. Even with his shields Ayleen was terrified. It must be known that the Waluigis attack technique was unique. They stood on their tails, using them as a spring to reach heights of more than twenty meters. And when they were in the air they began their terrifying attacks. It was not magic, nor close combat either but more traumatic. Once at about fifteen meters from the ground, they put their hands in their rays b.u.t.tocks, and picked up their projectiles, and twenty meters above the ground launched their horrific projectiles. But this already atrocious ability did not stop there because once the projectiles. .h.i.tting the surface where a person they would explodes while splashing around and corrode everything they touched. It was a fierce fight between crazy beasts and humans who continued to vomit until the end of the fight. Ayleen, who had just started as an adventurer, was the most sensitive and had a face so white that it seemed almost translucent and could no longer walk straight. Later Mario for once opened his mouth and said that it was a wonderful fight what Luigi confirmed by raising his thumb. Ayleen was shocked. Did they have to wade through the s.h.i.t to talk?Men are and we can not deny, strange the most creatures


Two days later Ayleen was able to recover from the trauma of the fierce fight against these abominable Waluigis. Today she was going to join her uncle, the King of this kingdom to invoke the hero she had wanted as much by needs as by whim. She was happy because unlike her old pet, this stupid cat, she was convinced that this hero who will be a human being would not p.i.s.s on his bed.But she was in doubt. And if it was in the culture of this other world to urinate on the beds? It"ll be fine, she"ll train him to be obedient, well-mannered and clean. She then went to the castle could no longer contain its joy. Once arrived, the invocation ceremony began. It did not take place in the throne room or waited Ayleen and his uncle but in a secure room where several high-level magicians and knight had gathered to welcome the new toy of their little capricious Princess. Of course no one would have ventured to say so, although they all thought so.

Naofumi akatatami at this time was supposed to be in his circle otaku at the university But not today. Today, he had just returned to jump on his pc to watch the new hentai with a beautiful blonde loli with English curls. The hentai was of very good quality and Naofumi muscled his wrist while having prepared his paper towels nearby. Yes Naofumi had learned this morning"s lesson when he had forgotten his paper towels and had burned his brand new air mucbouc. Suddenly a strange white light began to envelop his room and then a strange circle that deprived him of any movement appeared below him. When this circle became more visible, he could hear like strange songs, then nothing.

Soon after he woke up in a rather dark room, lit by lamps without light bulbs. Around him stood what seemed like wizards and knights he had seen in his historical hentai doujinshi which he said were quite realistic. Are they looking for my delicate a.n.u.s? But what am I doing here? He wondered. Very quickly and probably reflexively, he sat down and covered his a.s.s with both hands. Those present seemed to look at him as if they saw a perfect moron but that did not bother him because he had received this look all his life. As an otaku specialized in loli, he was rarely complimented or respected. The boys were spitting at him and the girls were insulting him, but that did not bother him either because it showed that he was different and that these stereotypical people were actually jealous of his free way to lead his life.

Then one of the magicians spoke to him. "Welcome to the royal castle of the kingdom of Flanders young man come from far away. But can you explain to us why you cover your a.n.u.s? Know that it is not our habit to enter the home of others unless invited. We have summoned you to this world called Serda, here we are on the continent of Ilyones. Could we have the chance to know your n.o.ble name because from this day you will be part of the elite of this country. "

Naofumi wondered if he was dreaming but decided to answer. "h.e.l.lo everyone, I am Naofumi Akatatami, I come from the planet earth, from a country called j.a.pan and from a city named Tokyo. My hobbies are all about loli. I eat, I sleep, in short I live with loli in mind all day long.

The magician looked at him. "Well I did not understand everything yet again we welcome you to this kingdom. Now if you will follow us, the King and the Princess would like to meet you. "

Naofumi had a good feeling. "Oh wait a second. How old is the Princess? Is she under fourteen? What is the color of her hair? And his chest, I mean, are they fat? "

Everyone present was already complaining about this fool, but the mage answered. You will be able to judge yourself very soon.

While they were walking, Naofumi watched all the maids who pa.s.sed by. My G.o.d, they are all beautiful. Would they collect them? The more he watched, the more he entered his world, an action that did not escape the magician in charge of his reception. "Forgive me, Mr. Naofumi, but if you could eventually wipe off the drool that hangs from your lips before we meet his majesty and his highness it will save us some minor inconvenience.

Naofumi came back to him. "I"m sorry, but so many beautiful little b.u.t.ts per square meter moved me deeply. I will try to keep my cool from now on. Out of curiosity, is there a free room or I can isolate myself for five minutes. Two minutes will be enough, in fact, my friends call me Lucky Luke ahahah. "

The magician had a headache. "Please Mr. Naofumi, we are not going for a walk in the fields but to encounter the royal family. If you could wait a bit to isolate yourself, it will also save us some inconvenience. In addition, the throne room is behind this door. I will so ask you to behave with courtesy, to speak only when you are invited, and follow my movements when we arrive before the King. For short, politeness, be quiet, imitate this magician understood.

The door opened but Naofumi could not really perceive the two people sitting far away. [Seriously this room is at least five hundred meters long. The land should not be expensive per square meter here.] Naofumi, now lowered his head as he walked, following the protocol the magician was telling him. The magician had warned him that a head could quickly separate from a person"s shoulders in this world and that he must be aware of it. He had also a.s.sured him that if he behaved well, soon he would be enn.o.bled and recognized as the hero of this country so this exercise was valid only today for him. So he if he submitted with pleasure and had great expectations in this world. Anyway his parents had thrown him outside by calling him a parasite, his sister had accused him of underwear thief, which was true and he had just ruined himself by buying his Mucbouc air he had sprinkled d "a questionable liquid this morning. Taking him to the repairer would be more embarra.s.sing and he did not even have money to buy a pack of rice. This invocation fell very well finally because a hero could certainly attract lots of pretty girls. Without realizing it he began to drool and felt a slap behind his head. Then the wizard and Naofumi knelt down and bowed their heads even more. Naofumi wondered why the magician always pressed his head. He was a serious boy. Then he heard a grave and powerful voice that was to be that of the King

The King was looking at this frail boy down the steps. That was a hero? He was very skinny and did not look muscular except for his right wrist which seemed very strong. "We welcome you young man from another world and give you the best care in this kingdom. I can tell your physique that you should not be a fighter although your right wrist is surprisingly strong, but rest a.s.sured here with the condition that this earth offers you as a hero that will change very quickly. According to our writings if you think of the word status you will be able to see it. I suggest you try it now. "

Naofumi was delighted. [woah, it"s like in an RPG. Go I try, status] In fact, the status was correctly displayed but surprised a little.


Name: Naofumi akatatami lvl 0

Occupation: toy and pet of the second princess

Second Occupation: ?? Hero ??

XP for the next level 0/100

Hp: 3

MP: 12

Force 2

Right wrist strength 11

defense 1

agility 1

intelligence 2

magic 12

magic defense 10

special ability: slight increase in intelligence once a month at the time of the full moon

Naofumi did not have much to say about his occupation, on the contrary he was very happy about it. As a pet If he were to give a lick to the second Princess then he would devote himself for the good of the kingdom. But his stats made him doubt himself. Although he knew he was not much smarter than a Chimpanzee, but this strength and agility was a shame for a man. Him dreamed of brandishing his sword to save little girls sharp fangs of Black Dragons. Ah, what a sad reality. His magical power certainly had to compensate, but a magician was not worth a knight in his platinum armor. What a depressing thing, too bad it must have been a sort of draw and he had never won a game of chance.

The King resumed. "Well, I think you"ve obviously been able to access your status from of the expressions you"ve made. Do not worry we will talk about it again. People will be responsible for explaining these subtleties. If I judge by your features and I refer to our ancestral writings, you must be a man from a country named j.a.pan, on a planet named Earth. Well thank you for nodding to confirm these a.s.sumptions. Always according to our texts the men of your country like to create harems on our continent. Do not worry, I will not stop you. Nevertheless, I would like you to remember your primary mission, which will be to defend this country and not to procreate everywhere. I prefer to be clear because your former compatriots had the bad habit of sowing their seeds at all winds, which in the past posed some problems. I will not hide it. Your first role will be to practice with the second princess. I repeat, that the young man avoid trying to sow your seeds in the princess, it would be a little out of place. We will now talk face to face, you can raise your head.

Naofumi was starting to have cramps in his neck so he was not unhappy to lift his head. He told himself that his predecessors really knew how to enjoy life and began to respect them from the depths of his heart. A brave underpants warrior, bravely chasing the women of this world. Ahhhh so respectable, I will have to mount an altar to pray for their souls. Hero must be a t.i.tle that attracts women like s.h.i.t attracts flies, he said to himself. I will really love this world. And what he saw stunned him. She was as beautiful as a girl in 2D. Big enough but it was definitely a loli and he could guarantee because in his world, no one knew better than him in the matter. Eleven years? Invalid twelve years, like the hentai girl she was blonde and had English curls and those big ... Ohhh. Would he have teleported in this hentai? Not possible it was not medieval type. Wait then it was she who followed him in this invocation. Yes, it must be that.

Then he could not contain his joy. "My G.o.d, an oppai loli with an angel"s face. More perfect than Madoka I am in love. Marry me princess. "

Ayleen did not have much of an impression on that lean guy. He had remained polite and had correctly followed the protocol and she had therefore placed great hopes in him then he said strange things but what she understood annoyed her. "Shut up dog or I"ll cut you off."

Naofumi knew he was right this young voice carried him in paradise. "A Tsundere, my favorite, Go Princess, insult me ​​again."

Ayleen for once was dumb all these people of j.a.pons were crazy. "Let me ask you questions. What is your name and especially urinate on the beds. "

Naofumi"s brain did not really treat the information anymore, so he answered like an unfettered Naofumi. "To answer my Princess I am Naofumi akatatami and if the Princess wants it, I can certainly urinate in every corner and on the beds."

Ayleen was tired. "Uncle, I"m going to rest a bit because I think this animal will be hard to train. I will come back to him tomorrow. See you tomorrow my dear uncle. "

When she left, she could hear her shouting continuously. "Princess, come and train me. Princess, I want a spanking. "And she understood why her ancestors had stopped the invocations

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