Harmful Smile

Chapter 40

The evening was going on and Ayleen was understanding fewer and fewer these peopleand was more and more lost in this neighboring kingdom. She wondered if Naofumi had felt a shock. If his understanding was good, the people in Naofumi"s world had to be a hundred times more liberal than the Lyork kingdom. According to him, they could vote for common people and these people would represent them to vote the laws. There was no slavery, people were equal and full of nonsense of this kind. She had never really thought about it but the change felt by Naofumi had to be very violent.

While she was dreaming of Naofumi and her strange world, the Crown Prince woke her up. "Princess, have you left to return to your kingdom?"

Ayleen returned to her, confused for this incident. "Forgive me, Prince Héritier, I was thinking about certain questions and humiliated you. I am confused. Really what a shameful display. Yet I thank you for this beautiful finery. I confess I do not own one so beautiful myself. "

The Crown Prince was amused enough. "Now you have one. In addition, I often withdraw myself in order to think. Do not worry about such a small thing. Come and talk in a more isolated place. "

Ayleen thought it was a good idea because she had a troublesome a question to tackle. After ten minutes of walking, they arrived in a small patio surrounded by fruit trees. The gardener and the decorators of this castle were undoubtedly very talented. Ayleen took the floor again and thought that playing candid people in this place would certainly be the best att.i.tude to adopt. "Crown Prince, you must have something important and particularly private to bring me here. If it concerns political affairs, I am sorry to inform you that I do not partic.i.p.ate in my kingdom. If it"s another topic, forgive my ignorance, but I"m afraid, I"ll have to ask you to explain it to me. "

The Crown Prince found this young Princess more and more to his liking. He had wanted to talk about it with his father, unfortunately he had been kept in the barracks all afternoon. He did not care too much about it. She had a beautiful face and a body to wreak havoc and struggled to restrain himself. "Nothing secret I a.s.sure you, I just wanted to know you better and get away from all this noise. I"ll tell you something, I hate these nights, that"s the truth but with your presence at my side, this evening is different. What do you think? Was not it a good idea to isolate us a little bit. "

Ayleen wanted to burst out laughing. "It is true that it was a little noisy, but if malicious rumors were spreading about our night walk you and I would be very embarra.s.sed Crown Prince."

The Crown Prince became more and more impatient. "Who would dare to spill malicious rumors behind the back of this Prince? I will protect you Princess so that no one will tarnish your reputation, trust me. Are not you cold with your dress so light? Come near me, I will warm you up Princess.

Ayleen was having a good time actually, he was a little like her but less violent. "No, I certainly can not afford to embarra.s.s you Crown Prince."

The Crown Prince thought that she was too naive and timid. Then he would take the offensive. "You will never embarra.s.s me, I am getting closer to you. See, you do not embarra.s.s me at all. Are not my hands hot? "

Ayleen found that now it was time to stop this game. It was fun but too many people could pa.s.s by this patio. "Crown Prince, you have a hand that caresses my b.u.t.tocks and another that pinches one of my peak. Is it to warm me up or take me again for an idiot kind naive and stupid girl that you can have as you please. If our King learns that his youngest twelve-year-old Princess is being abused by the Crown Prince of the country requesting an alliance, I think that tomorrow we will return home. What do you think of it? Prince Héritier. "

The Crown Prince was uncomfortable. First he thought she must be fifteen, it was very embarra.s.sing but no matter, his body was mature. The real problem was the alliance. If she failed because of her hands running around the young princess, it would be an unforgivable mistake for him. "I think I got lost Princess, I offer you my sincerest apologies. I would never have imagined that you would be so young and I beg you not to mix our two kingdoms with this business. The stakes are too high. "

Ayleen will never do such a stupid thing. "I am used to being considered older than my age and even when I"m fifteen. Would you have benefited from a naive girl of fifteen? It"s understandable, I"ll have done the same. As for our two countries, of course not, I will not mix them up with this little business but Prince Héritier your intentions were too obvious better know how to hide your desires. But you allowed me to come to the point where I wanted it. Look at those things that were in all the bedrooms and the mansion rooms that was a.s.signed to me and tell me if you knew. "

The Crown Prince was first shocked by this Princess who was the opposite of what he thought but even more so by what he saw. "Magic recorders? I a.s.sure you that I am for nothing but I will conduct a thorough investigation, to find out who is the author. Were the places where the other envoys stayed were searched? "

Ayleen was watching him well. "From what I see, you certainly do not lie Philéon. I will call you Philéon now because Crown Prince is too long. Besides, I think we"re pretty intimate for that, if you understand what that means. To answer your question, no, I didn"t warn anyone to not compromise jeopardizing the negotiations. Nevertheless, I would like you to talk to your father. I am almost certain that this is not his fault. If you ever find the culprits, you are free to keep me informed. Oh your abdominals are sensational Philéon and I would very much like to remove this annoying shirt but it will be time to come back .. Now we have been away for a very long time. If we do not come back soon, the gossip will appear. "

The Crown Prince Philéon Was very hot, this little Princess had bent over him and caressed his abdominals. Was it not also hara.s.sment? "You are indeed amazing Princess, yes amazing. Let"s go back because it is getting too hot here, certainly a micro-climate has settled down. "

Ayleen had a good time with Phileon, with whom she had spent the whole evening and who had personally escorted him to his mansion. They made an appointment four days later to attend matches of the magic academy of the kingdom. He was very kind and his childish stories were funny. She actually liked her a lot, although she hid it so as not to encourage him. Philéon was a little obsessed like all men but did not push things further when she asked him to stop. She had learned from him that their minister of internal affairs did not see this alliance favorably. He was to be clearer, totally against it. He judged the kingdom of Flanders as a band of barbarians who would cause trouble to their kingdom. Unfortunately, the minister was partly right about some events that would happen soon after. Ayleen was not a politician, but the crown prince had already reserved a royal guard escort to avoid any problem with the officials of the kingdom of Lyork. Two days later, uncomfortable events occurred at the chain.

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