Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 11 - Prey (start)

Chapter 11 - Prey (start)

Presently, the weather wasn’t too cold. Rumont, Feivel, as well as Nick, all set off on the road as a group of 3. Nick carried a large rucksack on his back. The trio placed the majority of their luggage on Nick’s body. Rumont was lightweight and unrestricted, scouting the path out at the front, while carrying his shortsword. Feivel brought the back, carrying a short bow with a quiver set on his waist, he was guarding against attacks that could come from other directions.

“We’ll follow along the river, and then go further in some more. “ Rumont was scouting in front, he was observing for the footprints of wild beasts, as he called out behind him. Although the 3 had agreed upon a set of simple hand signals, however, in normal circ.u.mstances, they didn’t need to utilize them.

Continuing on for a short while, Rumont suddenly drew his hand out, making out a hand gesture. Indicating to his companions to stop.

“What is it? “ Nick casually asked, to which Rumont turned around to stare at him, causing him to feel a touch awkward. They had agreed upon, that when they ran into prey, they would communicate with hand gestures and not speak. However, this was their first time doing this, thus, had forgotten unwittingly .

Feivel took the shortbow from his back, setting it up in his hands. He looked towards the direction Rumont was in. Not too far off in the distance, was a few elks, drinking water.

“What luck, we’ve only been out since morning, and we’ve encountered some prey! “ Rumont thought. He licked his finger and propped it up, a.s.sessing the direction of the wind.

“We’re currently downwind. “ He mouthed the words to the other two. Next, he pointed to Nick’s bag, and then pointed to the ground, followed with his pair of hands clasping each other silently. He was trying to indicate to put the bag down on the ground silently. After this he mimed the gestures of walking on, with his hands.

Nick and Rumont slowly snuck closer to the elks, soon they were just a short distance away. Even though they were downwind, they were not one bit careless towards a beast"s vigilance. Feivel was readied for an ambush with his bow in hand, midway of the road. From within his clothes, Rumont took out 2 ropes, giving 1 to Nick.

The group, respectively readied themselves. It was currently morning. The sun was still in the eastern side. Following on, Rumont then glanced to the not too far east, at Feivel’s position. He then took his sword out into the air, catching the sun.

The wielder of the bow saw the flash of light from the sword. While concentrating his eyes, he then strung an arrow upon his bow, “sou” the next instant, he had released an attack.

Practically at the same time, Rumont and Nick, threw out their ropes.

“Success!” Feivel whispered out. The bow had shot out a feathered arrow, piercing through the air, through the leafy foliage in the way, eventually piercing through the leather skin. Nick and Rumont’s la.s.sos both caught onto an elk’s head, however, it was on different antlers of the same elk.

Rumont and Nick, at the same time, heaved, they wanted to topple over the prey.

“Careful! “ the far off Feivel dashed towards the two roaring out loudly. “The herd of elks are running in your direction! “

Nick did not hear clearly, he was occupied with securing the rope.

Rumont suddenly raised his head up, and saw the blood crazed eyes of the elks. Originally they were docile pair of eyes. “f.u.c.k! Nick, it’s an aberrant! “ he started to holler out.

The forest was extremely complex. It had an unusual energy. Sometimes, some animals would be corroded by said energy, and was liable to go mad. Even though it did not change the physiques, it did change their minds to become more warlike, causing them to struggle to the very end.

Nick cast aside the rope and as he took out his longsword he was then struck on the chest by the madly charging elk.

“Hack…..that hurts! “ Nick was unable to hold onto his longsword, dropping to the ground. Hastily cried: “Rumont help me! “

Rumont, at Nick’s side, saw an opportunity. He dashed forward, thrusting his short sword out. He was able to gash open a wound on the elk’s abdominal area. The sword was embedded in.

The elk was skewed through his stomach, immediately, it weakened. Nick immediately felt that the fierce pressure on his abdomen, was greatly reduced in force. Afterwards, blood pumping, he pushed both his legs against the ground, while grabbing onto the antlers, fighting to the death with the prey.

“Die! “ Rumont’s breathing could be heard, he roared with a strong force. His heels were off the ground, his forefoots was grasping the ground. Arising from his feet, he acc.u.mulated his strength, to his waist following onto his back, eventually exploding it all into his sword.

The aberrant elk was in great pain, letting out a bawl. It struggled with all it’s might. Its red eyes sighted upon the astonished man, shortly it erupted, gaining in strength against the hindrance. Nick’s only thought, was that both arms holding on for dear life, was starting to numb, almost unable to exert any strength.

Rumont and Nick, together as one, worked to defeat the aberrant elk. Meanwhile, another aberrant elk was charging towards them. “Careful! “ Feivel turned to the other deer and shot an arrow, hastily warning the other two.

Nick heard Feivel’s warning, however, he was currently on the verge of death, being pinned down. Momentarily, he was unable to think of a solution to resist.

Rumont abandoned his short sword, letting it remain in the first elk’s stomach. Promptly rolling away on the ground, avoiding the second elk’s charge. “Nick, use it as a shield! “ While at the same time, he fluidly grabbed for Nick’s long sword that was on the ground.

Although Nick understood immediately, though, his face, for a long time was deathly pale. He simply wasn’t able to spend any more strength. He was barely hanging on to the dying elk. But, he soon contended with the strength a.s.saulting him, flipping it onto the ground.

Meanwhile, Feivel’s feathered arrow, made a thudding sound. Injuring the elk’s hind leg. The charging elk, at once, collapsed onto the ground.

Covered in dirt, Rumont grasped onto Nick’s long sword as he got up. Sighting onto his target, tranquility shown in his eyes, he struck his arm out. The sword point traced out a semi-circle. In a short while, the second elk’s artery, situated on it’s head, was lacerated. “Gulu gulu” fresh blood flowed out.

Presently, Nick slowly breathed in a mouthful. Immediately feeling more relaxed. He also saw a similar expression on his friends. Shortly, he was emotionally in shock------he felt that this event, filled with a life or death situation, was suitable even for the st.u.r.dy, experienced warriors to learn from.

“Thanks…...hack! “ Nick, just a moment ago, was contesting with all his strength with an aberrant elk, right until it was injured. He was perspirating heavily, his whole body flowing with sweat. His face was so pale, it would scare others, even if his face was originally white.

“Can we rest for a moment! “ Nick rubbed his stomach and said, immediately after he violently coughed out: “hai…...a hai…..I’m really…..” he sat on the ground again.

“No problems, you rest up first. “ Rumont examined, he didn’t discover any traumatic signs. As he looked, Feivel walked over, releasing a long breath, he then explained the Feivel: “Nick was struck in the stomach by the antlers, currently, he’s not feeling well. I’ll go bring the rucksack over first. “

“I’ll look after him “ Feivel squatted down. Examining Nick’s condition. Nick’s leather armour had a small hole poking in, clearly, it had been pierced by the elk, at the same time, the iron lining showed an indentation.

“Ha ha, nothing’s wrong……” Feivel laughed to Nick and said: “it didn’t pierce through, close to your stomach. “

Feivel consoled Nick for a while, while Nick was laughing. His laughing face was full of sweat.

At this moment, Rumont was carrying over the large rucksack. As he saw Nick’s armour, lying on the side, showing an indentation, he similarly consoled him a few words.

“Nick appears to have some internal injuries, how about, we help carry Nick over to the army, quickly!” Rumont had this sort of feeling, suddenly lowering his voice to Feivel.

“Then we should prepare to wrap up the goods, and how should we deal with the two elk corpses. “ Feivel bit his lips. “We shouldn’t throw it away. “

“In any case, the stuff wrapped up in the bag isn’t expensive. We can first take away the elk’s more worthwhile parts. “ Rumont said: “As for the meat, we can wait for noon to first eat a portion of it, we’ll throw the rest away. “

Feivel dropped his head in thought, he didn’t want to give it up, however, upon looking at Nick’s pale complexion, said: “Okay then! “

Within the group of 3, Nick was originally in charge of taking care of the bag and goods. However, Nick was currently injured.

“Mm, I’ll quickly go tend to the two elk bodies. “ Rumont said as he raised his arms, in anycase, it was important to first gather and skin the leather off, following on, deal with the innards, before finally eating a part of it.

At noon, the sun was high in the sky, the temperature gradually heated up.

Feivel was keeping a lookout on the surroundings, while at the same time, Rumont, was taking care of a gridiron, as well as a pot of broth, filled with meat.

A top of the gridiron, was most of the elk’s body. The remaining edible offal, was already placed into the pot to cook.

In addition, the other elk was also completely cleaned and processed, but they were planning to leave it alone.

Aroused by the fragrance of the food, Nick walked towards it. However, this obviously went against the pair"s expectations. He did not seem to follow their surmise, that he would require someone to look after him. Instead, after a nap, seemed to have recovered his health.

When all was said and done, neither Rumont nor Feivel, were professionals. Although the pair were hopeful for their friends recovery, they nevertheless, decided to delay their journey. They were unable to avoid spending the night outside.

Although the trio carried goods to spend the night outside, yet if Nick wasn’t injured, having obtained 2 elk corpses, not to mention their limited capacity of storage, they would have no desires to stay overnight outside-------presently, they naturally had no choice in the matter.

As evening arrived, the night scene gradually darkened.

Because of Nick’s condition, the three couldn’t avoid spending night outside.

Rumont went to the inner woods and collected a few dead branches. Although it was currently autumn, it wasn’t necessary to light a bonfire to keep warm. However, they needed a fire to ward the wild beasts away. Along the way back, he casually harvested some mushrooms.

Returning, a fragrant roasted meat, was already done cooking. The meat soup in the small pot was boiling, the mushrooms were dropped in. Shortly after, the three began to eat.

Rumont and Feivel in broad daylight, took giant mouthfuls of food, but they did not notice that Nick did not eat much, his expression showed a touch reluctance.

After eating, at the woodlands, they needed to keep vigilance. Thus, the three divided the night watches, rotating the shifts. Rumont was in charge of the first lot, followed by Nick, who was looking after the most inconvenient stage, Feivel was in charge of the time closest to daylight.

Two people went to sleep, at once, the woodland clearing became silent.

Rumont silently sat by the campfire, he popped his right hand under his juvenile chin, his head head slanted, watching the fire. He saw that there wasn’t much firewood left. His left hand was fiddling with the firewood, as if it was bored, supplying the bonfire, fueling it.

The flames on the kindling made “pi pi pa pa” sounds, a round of crackling noises. Rumont silently sat on the ground, listening to the surroundings for other voices. After all, honestly speaking, a human’s eyesight was very poor in the dark night in comparison with the wild animals. Trying to operate in the dark, was purely more trouble than it was worth.

In the past, Rumont, all in all, was not used to sleeping early. The earliest he would sleep, was around half past eleven.at night. Therefore, he didn’t hold back in taking the burden of the first shift of the night watch. Besides, it was hard to sleep after finishing eating the roast meat and mushroom soup, with nothing else to do.

Leisurely and bored, he was carefully examining his spatial region. Inside his s.p.a.ce, his new crops should have sprouted, striving to grow. Rumont contemplated. He was clearly watching the bluegra.s.s, deciding whether he needed to add fertilizer?

However, previously, he didn’t use any fertilizer, yet the bluegra.s.s grew well!

Accompanying the sound from the fire kindling, as well as cries from the bugs on the woodland grounds, time seemingly pa.s.sed by, like fine sands slipping away from the hand. It was in this kind of unknowing state, that an unknown amount of time had pa.s.sed. However, during this time, nothing strange had occurred.

Rumont calculated the amount of firewood used and murmured to himself: “mm, it should more or less be time. “

Following this, he stood up, and walked a few steps to the tent, and said into Nick’s ear: “Nick…….wake up, it’s your turn. “

Nick’s sleepy eyes were sloppy, he let out a yawn. After putting on some more clothes, he walked out.

The pair swapped their shifts, it was Nick’s turn to keep vigilance. Rumont was inside the tent, slowly falling asleep.

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