Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 12 - Prey (end)

Chapter 12 - Prey (end)

“Rumont! Rumont! Wake up! Rumont! “ slumbering Rumont felt his face was moist, there was also a person shaking his body. He opened his eyes to have a look, “Ah! “ he shortly jumped up quickly. Just now, in front of his eyes, was the face of a large black dog.

“Rumont, you’re finally awake. “ not too far off, was a middle aged man speaking. He wore a dark forest green cape. Beside the middle aged man, followed a black dog, going by the name of Blacky, there was also a big white dog.

“Teacher? Is that Master? “ Rumont thought he recognized who the person was: “is that Master Jeff? “

Druid Jeff, he had settled in this place about one year ago. He lived outside of the town, within the forest. Rumont followed under in studying to be a druid. Of course, other than trading for commodities, he usually did not venture out.

“Of course I’m the druid Jeff Nourse. “ the middle aged man calmly replied: “however, I’m not your teacher. “

Rumont immediately felt he was struck by lightning, his clothes was covering up the fact that his body was secretly trembling. c.r.a.p, could the secret within his body been discovered? No, no way, he remembered clearly that when he was in the G.o.ddess’ shrine he went without being questioned.

“My apprentice is Willow Macquarrie.” Behind the back of the middle aged man, a beautiful young girl popped out her head to look at Rumont. Druid Jeff was gently rubbing her head.

“Ah……..Master Jeff what brings you here? “ presently, even though Rumont isn’t the original one, yet by what the opposition had said, his emotions were chaotic.

“I saw that this location had flames. Fearing it to be a forest conflagration, therefore I hurried over! “ Jeff said.

“Flames? My two friends and I are staying the night in the wild, so could it be the bonfire we lit? Rumont’s mind was feeling muddled. Looking over at the druid: “There was no other way, if we didn’t light a fire to ward the wild animals……”

He waved his hands towards the druid master, trying to explain, his voice sounding to be agitated. Within his mind, he was conflicted about the safeguarding of nature energy and how he could utilize nature energy. These two confusing thoughts were tangled together.

“Besides, I have companions with me! “ Rumont explained: “They’re looking after the campfire, they won"t let the fire burn down the forest. “

Just as he wanted to say this, his throat choked on the second sentence.

Before Rumont’s eyes, he saw Druid Jeff’s face, gradually turn fuzzy, eventually to his surprise, the features turned into Mister Richard’s resolute face.

“Correct, your companions by your side. “ Mister Richard pressed on the handle of the longsword on his waist.

Rumont’s eyes were wide open, not only did Druid Jeff change into the soldier Richard, at the same time, the surroundings changed from the forest scenery to that of the town’s military grounds.

The young lady that was peeking out of the druid’s back could not be seen. Richard’s waist still had his longsword.

“Our companions are certainly by our sides! “ Richard unhurriedly pulled the longsword out. Pointing the leveled longsword at Rumont, “what could be more reliable. “

“Companion? “ Rumont also pulled his short sword out, watching it attentively in his hand. “This is the partner worth relying on. “ Following on, he felt that this current circ.u.mstance was weird, he suddenly felt his emotions being overwhelmed. “My companion is not only my sword, it also includes Feivel and Nick! “

“Your companion Nick has received a serious injury, it’s not impossible for him to pa.s.s away in the blink of an eye. “ Richard slowly said, “you and your two companions first adventure and there’s already a death. “ Richard hesitated a touch: “mm, you can’t say he’s completely dead, more that he is losing his vital energies. “

He slowly shook his head: “But what difference does that make eh? “

He attentively watched Rumont’s eyes: “Can you say, if there’s anyone willing to go adventuring with you outside, even your companion Feivel, would he go with you? Even if he went with you, when would he die? “

“Respectable Richard sir! “ Rumont listened, emotions surging: “you are an outstanding warrior, how can you not believe in the people fighting along your side? “

“I do believe, however, they’re all dead. “ Richard calmly said, “35 years of battle, the amount of brothers I’ve lost is too many! “

He showed a rarely seen sorrowful expression: “the only companion that has remained with me is my longsword. “

Rumont was after all, still unconscious, he wasn’t aware that this didn’t make sense. Without a doubt, if he wasn’t aware, there was no way that he would have come meet him in his dreams.

“No, we’re not going to be the same” Rumont growled, “It was I that persuaded them to come, therefore, it’s up to my sword and I to help them. “

“Really now? “ Richard conveniently swiped his sword. His swordsmanship was efficient and unscrupulous, not a moment pa.s.sed and he had stabbed Rumont, pinning him on the ground.

Richard’s cold unfeeling eyes overlooked Rumont, p.r.o.ne on the floor and said: “Get up! “

Rumont crawled up, and was once again stabbed, crawling up, stabbed, crawling up again, getting stabbed again, this scenario repeated itself an unknown amount of times.

“Get up! “ Rumont once again heard, however, his body and spirit felt as if they were disconnected. He struggled for a while, yet he could only manage the slightest of trembles on his body. It was like a thousand kilograms sledge was baring down on him.

“Get up! Enemy attack!!! “ Rumont woke up abruptly.

So it was just a dream, Rumont felt that his head a touch dizzy. He took a deep breath in, however, in the next second his eyes were wide open. What entered his vision was astonishingly a throwing spear.

The throwing spear had broken through their tent, poking into the ground! The dull light of the night awashed the surroundings.

“It’s a sneak attack! “ Rumont’s chest was tight, he hurriedly grasped for his sword by his side

Rumont propped himself up with his arm, readying his body, he then jumped out of the tent, rolled on the ground, and righted himself up.

“So many goblins! “ the campfire illuminated them. Rumont slowly dusted the dirt off him. He squinted his eyes, trying to let his body see as best as he could in the dark, his vision swept over the area quickly, left to right.

Feivel, in one hand, was wielding the soup pot’s lid, as if it were a shield. His other, was empty, he reached and pulled out the throwing spear in the ground. He firmly grasped it in his hand, the spearhead pointing towards the ground. “We’re being watched! “ he said, as he roughly inspected the spear in his hand. “Eh? The spearhead isn’t damaged? “ He was originally thinking of wielding it like a wooden club.

The spears brought over by the goblins, was evidently nothing of good quality.

Ordinarily speaking, to prevent the enemies from using the spears against themselves, the connection from the metal spearhead and the wooden pole, should employ a segment of softwood.

This way, once it encountered a force from being thrown, there was no way to reuse the spear. If it wasn’t designed this way, wouldn’t they be gifting weapons to the enemy?

“One, two, thre……” Rumont, relying on the campfire light, counted the bodies, rapidly figuring out the numbers.

Before finish counting, Rumont’s earlobe was pulled.

“Rumont! Over here! Back to back. “, he heard from behind him, Nick’s voice. He hurriedly retreated a few steps, he then joined and stuck his back against the other pair.

Rumont felt a cold feeling wash over his body. It was because he had just been aroused from a nightmare, and before he could sober up or think clearly. The faint weariness was gone from his mind instantly.

They were surrounded, they had to remain calm to respond appropriately. If they did not utilize the correct strategy, they would be attacked all around from all sides, in any directions. An ordinary man would only be able to cope, at any given time, with an attack from one direction.

As for an experience expert in ma.s.sacres, they could, through the high consumption of energy, be able to move at a high speed, seeking for an opportunity to break through the containment.

The recently awakened Rumont surveyed the situation. Feivel slanted the spear end out, sticking it into the campfire, and stirred his strength outwards. Several pieces of burning kindling, at once, flew out in the direction he was facing.

“Break the encirclement in that direction! “ Feivel bellowed. He proceeded to exert strength on his legs, taking the lead as he dashed on.

Subsequently, Rumont and Nick, straightaway felt on their backs, the lacking of a person. The pair was a bit slow to act, they took an awkward step, and went in Feivel’s direction, drawing closer.

Following on, a few throwing spears stuck into the ground heavily, at the location where the three were just standing.

Many creatures were afraid of fire, obviously, the goblins were no exceptions. The group of goblins, in the direction that the kindling flew, all went into disarray confusion.

Rumont and Nick, easily captured a goblin each to use as meat shields.

The three fought as they went, in a short moment, they had broken out of the encas.e.m.e.nt. However, they did not even consider to retaliate, instead, showing a sorry figure, ran a short while before stopping.

“Rubica! Rubica! “ the goblins chased behind the three for a while. After a few of them were killed off, they stopped pursuing. They yelled loudly some words on unknown significance, it seemed as if they were celebrating victory.

“What are we going to now? “ Nick was threw away the pretty much dead goblin that he was holding. He then leaned against a tree, gasping for breath. His undergarments were in tatters, he also sported a few bruises. “Should we continue in this fashion back to town? “

Rumont without trouble, swung his sword out. The goblin let off a miserable shriek. Placing the sword in front of him, he used his own hand to wipe away his neck. He raised his head and looked at the positions of the stars. “Wrong! “ he then pointed in another direction, “this way, will lead us back to the road to town. “

“Ahem~ then where would that path have taken us? “ Nick coughed, looking oddly at Feivel.

“I couldn’t help it just then! We couldn’t have remained in that place, getting beat up. “ Feivel spread his two arms out, “It’s not much to walk around some more. “

“Walking around some road, isn’t as fast as killing straight to town. “ Rumont laughed, hehe. “We were just asleep, with no preparations, we were caught unprepared. “

“That’s right, both Rumont and I were both asleep just then. “ Nick thought over the battle they just had, feeling a touch resentful. “No reason we have to be afraid of them. “ he was increasingly angry, “not one of the goblins have a height at least of a 15 year old. “

“My shortbow was also left there, that was a gift to me, it’s very important to me, I want to get it back. “ Feivel readjusted the small shield on his left arm. This wooden shield, was originally used as a lid for the pot. “The enemy all have weapons, collectively, we only have this shield. ”

Rumont thrust his hand into his bosom, using his spatial room pocket, he pulled out some hemp rope. Agilely, he tied the dead corpse of the goblin onto his forearm, creating a literal meat shield, he considered it for a while, laughing: “I’ll just put up with it and use it. “

“Not bad, good idea! “ Nick caught a bunch of hemp rope, tying it up just the same. He loosened his arm, shaking it. He felt that the drooping of the dead goblin’s head and four limbs, the small arms, small legs, were inconvenient. He was planning on using his sword to cut them off, only using the remaining torso as a shield.

Rumont was a bit hesitant, having second thoughts. In anycase, their bodies more or less had some bloodstains, he wasn’t afraid of adding to their bloodscent, but the fact that it would cause them to suffer the attacks of carnivorous beasts.

While Rumont copied Nick in amending his meat shield, he went towards Feivel asking: “What are the numbers of the enemy? “ the three discussed it for a while, naturally it was because they knew that it was during Feivel’s night watch.

Feivel thought the idea of using a meat shield was a touch frightening, but he didn’t voice his concerns over this.

“Eh, at least more than 10, couldn’t have been more than 20, “ Feivel thought about it, he wasn’t too sure, spreading his arms apart, showing his lack of understanding: “we were all disorderly back then in the dark, no one would’ve had time to count their numbers properly. “

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