Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 13 - Treatment (start)

Chapter 13 - Treatment (start)

Just a moment ago, the trio weren’t quite sobered. They felt that since the opponent decided to come and attack them, it must have been their entire fighting force, their strongest. Presently, they were carefully thinking, although they weren"t sure of their current situation. They were feeling somewhat depressed.

On one hand, they weren’t willing to be robbed by the goblins, losing todays hard earned gains of prey and their goods that they brought with them On the other hand, they also wanted to vent their frustrations. Expressing it succinctly, the three decided to directly go back.

A moment later, the three took a detour to the place that they had camped, nearby the outskirts of the town.

Normally, if it was a location where the pilfering goblins gathered, it was bound to have the area b.o.o.by trapped. It would be best to use long weapons to scout the road in front. However, presently, the three forewent that idea, as they had only been absent for a short period.

Several moments later, at their previous crude dwelling, the campfire was already extinguished.

“Excellent, a few of them remained. “ Feivel’s eyes were looking fierce. Even if there was no firelight, he didn’t mind as he hit his palm, letting his companions know.

The three heaved a sigh of relief in the dark, they were actually a tad afraid that their opponents had quickly retreated after the battle. If that were to have happened, they would have either option of having to return home, or to go attack the goblin’s lair.

The three adventurers, slowly approached, mutually watching out for each other. Afterwards, Rumont used hand gestures to count down the seconds.

“Three! “

“Two! “

“One! “

“Kill them! “ Nick let out a low roar, grasping his sword in his hand, taking the initiative to charge ahead. Not too far off, the few goblins who had remained to sort out the items were shortly jumping in fright, going into ma.s.s confusion, shouting about. After a while they made out Nick’s appearance, showing expressions of dismay.

It was quite evident, that even though it was still at night, a goblin’s eyes weren’t the same as humans, they were quite capable seeing clearly in the dark night. As a result, the goblin meat shield bound to Nick’s arm had really scared them.

Rumont and Feivel were catching up with the difference of having weapons.

After a while of close combat, there wasn’t any standing goblins with one’s surrounding view.

“Weak. “ Nick complained, obviously because the enemy was too feeble. It helped him be aware that their recent retreat, was a type of dishonour.

Rumont didn’t respond, he too was busy tending with his knife and cutting the scalps off.

“Hehe. “ Feivel laughed, he was collecting the throwing spears on the ground, saying towards Rumont: “How many are dead on the ground?”

“Not bad, their numbers are pretty much around a dozen, still, there were a few that escaped. “ Rumont had finished collecting from the bodies on the ground with his knife. He thought a while before stashing the scalps in his hand into a pouch, it contained eight b.l.o.o.d.y scalps. “We should look at what remains, it really is a tragedy, letting goblins wreck the place. “

“My bow is still here, but I can’t find my arrows. “ Feivel said from the collapsed tent, after searching for a while, frowned. Even though his bow was a shortbow, it was still impossible for the goblin’s physiques to use. However, arrowheads are sharp iron goods, who knows what disgusting goblin took it away as spoils.

“Really bad luck, can’t be certain, but our food seems to have been defiled. “ Nick crouched on the ground, his tall stature shrunk into a round shape, being a bit gloomy, he complained.

“This doesn’t matter, at best, we’ll wash it clean and sell it back to aunt Heather’s shop. “ Feivel said, relaxedly breathing, “It’s a pity we couldn’t eat more. “

“With how you ate. “ Rumont flipped over a goblin’s body, “You still want to eat? “ He found a cloth pouch, opening it up, inside contained iron arrowheads. “Found it! “ He called out to Feivel, “Your arrowheads. “

Feivel walked over to have a look, frowning, “why is it placed here? “

“Maybe they were planning on installing it onto their sticks, making a spear. “ Rumont relaxedly said. “Who knows how these things think eh? “

“Mm, we’ll tidy this place up. “ Feivel started to clean up, saying to Rumont, “presently we’ve set out on a journey right, approximately when should we go home? “

“If we go back now it wouldn’t be too good, the time before daybreak is especially dark. “ Rumont let some time pa.s.s, “The best time is just when the town gates open up in the morning! “

“Doesn’t matter that it’s dark, “ Feivel was cleaning up stuff, “I just want to get back to town as quickly to get a good sleep. “ not too long after, he suddenly felt strange. “Nick! Don’t sit there, come help me sort this stuff eh~”

“He can’t have been too tired and fell asleep. “ Rumont also felt odd.

Feivel went over, stretching his arm out and shook him: “Nick, Nick? “

Afterwards, Nick’s crouching body limply toppled over, falling on to the ground.

Originally…….everything was considered to be alright.

On account that Rumont arranged good friends, Feivel as well as Nick to go out adventuring. The three had completed preparations fully, and shortly caught some prey; a pair of elks. At night, even though they had been ambushed by goblins, yet afterwards the three as one did the same thing while killing everything. Once they returned to town, the three would have obtained 50 silver coins or more in rewards, this would have been pretty good..

However, quite quickly, it was time for a certain phrase. Originally, what was considered to be pretty good situation, immediately, had a dramatic change.

Nick on the same day, once again collapsed. Feivel and Rumont even if were lacking experience, they both knew the situation wasn’t right.

“What happened? “ Feivel saw his friend’s injuries, and was completely anxious, “What should we do? “

“We need to return to the town and find a priest. “ Rumont his hand was supporting his forehead. He had a slight headache. Thinking about how situation would become after they returned Nick to town, caused him to feel greatly depressed.

The population of the town was between seven to eight hundred people. If there was some wind that blew gra.s.s over, in just about a half an hour, everyone would know this fact. Yesterday, the three were full of life, they were all kids that grouped up to go out adventuring. One day later, it’s become a pair carrying an injured back home. Later on, if they ever wanted other people to go adventuring with them, it would be hard pressed to convince them.

No, shouldn’t need to return home and find a priest, Rumont rethought the situation. Afterwards he corrected himself: “Presently, we should go into the forest, we should find the druid. “

He stated his reasoning: “Nick’s situation isn’t great at the moment, the quicker we get him treated, the better. “

“Right! Rumont you’re acquainted with Druid Jeff, “ as Feivel listened, he greatly approved, after all, the treatment from a druid was pretty good: “We’ll go find Master Jeff. “

The pair carried a stretcher, Rumont was leading the path forward, looking for the druid’s cabin located within the forest.

Even though Druid Jeff had a residence in the town, however, he was fond of living in the forest, having access to the plants. Yet, it was also possible for him to live near the G.o.ddess’ altar, for the purpose of teaching new druids.

Because the cabin was located within edges of the forest, and was quite reliant on the relationships with the town. Therefore the three thought that if they couldn’t find the Druid at the cabin, they could still make it back to town quickly, it wasn’t that long of a distance.

However, Rumont’s luck was still pretty good.

Quickly, they neared the vicinity of Master Jeff’s cabin. This was a good location, the surrounding environment let Rumont feel a comfortable type of nature energy.

“Ducker! “ near the cabin, Rumont saw Master Jeff’s wolf. Rumont turned to Feivel and said: “Ducker is master’s favourite dog, since it’s here, my master must be here! “

“Mm! Mm! “ Feivel replied in this manner, trying to avoid problems. He was scared when he saw Ducker. Even though he had an adorable tame name, however, in reality there was nothing docile looking about it.

It was a big dog, a completely huge black dog. It was practically the size of a small ox calf. It was completely black all over, with glossy short fur. Each muscle under the fur were all bulging, evidently it was receiving the best of care. The special thing about it was it’s pair of eyes, jet-black bright, alert and full of life, looking like it could speak anytime.

“Feivel, put the stretcher down first. “ Rumont said as he squatted. Feivel had no choice, and did the same, otherwise, the injured person on the stretcher would have been thrown off.

“Ducker. “ Rumont said as he was squatting: “I want to see my master, can you take us through. “

Although Rumont spoke naturally, however, to Feivel’s view, his manner of speaking seemed closer to being serious, he suddenly felt he had a slight headache.

“The druid is currently in contact with the plants and animals, as expected…...mm, really is quite weird. “ Feivel frowned, he was having trouble comprehending the current situation.

Feivel kept his emotions in check as he saw Rumont and the thing that was a giant black dog, Ducker, communicate with each other for a while. He faintly felt a bit irritated. He went to take care of his buddy on the stretcher, to help alleviate some of his anxiety.

“We can go over. “ after waiting a while, Rumont turned around and told him.

Arriving at another person’s place, you would first announce yourself, yet through a large dog…...Feivel slanted his lips, his emotions were bewildering, he couldn’t help but sweat secretly.

The pair carried the stretcher following the large dog, after a few steps, Feivel was unable to keep his curiosity in check. He wanted to ask about the sounds, from which he felt a pressure, coming from the front. After a while, he had second thoughts, swallowing his words back in.

Wordlessly on the path, after another short distance, Feivel at this moment looked at the jungle and saw an open s.p.a.ce. “So pretty! “ he praised in his mind.

“We’re almost there! “ Rumont said, he finally calmed his mind down, if he was to be once attacked along the road, that would be really miserable.

Within the jungle, the trees were spa.r.s.e and thinning. Within the spa.r.s.e clearing, there was a small wooden cabin. A streamlet turbulently flowed, crossing over the riverbed in front of the house. The morning radiance, fell slanted through the dense foliage of the treetops, the mottled patches of light scattering on the ground.

Feivel vaguely felt he could see a figure in front of the house. Mixed with the mottled collection of green in the background, making it difficult to see the vestiges of the man.

Ducker, the large dog, gradually accelerated his pace. It kept running faster. Jumping over the streamlet, eventually sitting down opposite of the druid.

The pair followed closely, carefully placing the stretcher down.

“Master! “ Rumont tensely saluted. A reverent and respectful manner. This was the first time, the current him, had seen this middle aged druid. Afterwards, Rumont, except getting a few simple impressions from within his memories he got no other information from it. No, it seems to have been from the illusion in his dream.

Rumont faintly recalled some of it, it didn’t seem to have been a good dream, he even had the feelings that it might have been a nightmare.

But, it was only a dream, it was his mind’s fantasy.

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