Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 14 - Treatment (end)

Chapter 14 - Treatment (end)

“Mm. “ The middle aged Druid faintly frowned towards Rumont. He then silently squatted near the injured body, examining him. The leaves on his body all spread out, making a “sha sha” chafing sound, a pair of birds on his body flew off.

“First carry him into my cabin. “ the druid, silently in manner, examined for a period of time, after which he said to the pair.

Upon hearing this, the pair’s emotions felt better. Since he let them carry a person inside, then should be a good chance that he had a cure.

Rumont, as well as Feivel, promptly again carried the stretcher, carrying the person into the room.

Just as the pair placed him down, the druid immediately waved his hand towards the pair, “You guys get out first! “ .

Rumont and Feivel looked at each other, they didn’t dare disobey, and went and safeguarded the outside.

As they waited like this for a while, Feivel was finally unable to endure, he went over, using his hand to cover half his mouth and whispered, “Rumont, I wanted to ask before, “ he glanced at the large dog, “you can speak it’s language? “

The large dog was similarly guarding the outside of the room, he was lying nearby on a patch of gra.s.s.

“What? Speak it’s language? “ Rumont for a moment didn’t understand, turning his head looking at the other’s line of sight, he then suddenly realized and said: “no, certainly can’t! “

“Then during the time we came over, what were you doing? “ Feivel had a blank look, immediately sweating more.

“I was of course speaking to it! “ Rumont said strangely.

“If you don’t speak it’s language, how did you communicate. “ Feivel suddenly wanted to wipe his sweat away.

“It understands our speech……” Rumont spread open his arms.

Feivel was immediately dumbfounded and his jaw dropped open.

A Druid in general had three types of skills, although Rumont did not inherit the skill in communicating with plants and animals, however, it did not mean that he did not have any understanding of it.

Sometime later, seeing that Feivel wasn’t talking, Rumont closed his eyes and rested.

In the forest, in the immediate surrounding area, although on the surface it looked no different, yet, you could sense the rampant growth contained within the plants.

The growth of the plants, full of vitality; Rumont could sense this, making him feel comfortable. He could seemingly feel that his whole body was the same, filling with a wild growth’s strength, helping him grow strong and healthy.

Unaware, Rumont became intoxicated with this wispy comfortable feeling.

“The vital energy of nature is becoming more concentrated in the room. “ a short while later, Rumont slowly opened his eyes, lifting his heads towards the cabin.

“What’s happening? “ Feivel had an ignorant expression, not understanding.

“Us Druids, our techniques rely on Nature’s essence. “ Rumont explained a bit, although he didn’t have any outstanding abilities, he was after all, training to be a druid: “by gathering the vital energy of Nature from the vicinity, we use it achieve any kind of purpose, for example, presently it’s being used to cure an injury. “

“We’re a fair distance away, not to mention there’s a wall in between, can you tell what sort of technique it is? “ Feivel didn’t think much and asked directly.

“Guessing it should be a healing spell! “ Rumont showing a helpless expression: “It can’t be making blueberries for breakfast. “

“He…….He! “ Feivel laughed, presently his friend had hopes of being cured, his emotions finally relaxed.

Hearing a cough, the cabin’s wooden door swung out.

“Let’s go in! “ Rumont voiced out, walking in directly.

Feivel laughed while catching up.

The pair entered the cabin, they saw that Nick was still lying on top of the wooden bed, it was apparent that he was asleep. The middle aged druid was reclining on a rattan chair by the side. The pair went closer to the bedside to have a look, they felt that his face was showing a lot more colours, no longer pale like before.

“Master, is he cured now? “ Rumont asked.

“He’s no longer in mortal danger! “ The druid nodded.

“Thank you great master! “ Feivel gratefully said.

“......However, this youth’s internal organs have sustained some injuries, the organs are damaged, a large amount of blood has bleed into the body. Although he’s underwent treatment, later on, he needs to avoid any high strenuous activities as much as possible. “ the druid continued to explain, he couldn’t help but cough: “to completely remove his inner injuries, it isn’t possible with this current one time treatment. “

“Master, high strenuous activities refer to? “ Rumont’s mind had a bad conjecture.

Feivel also listened carefully.

“Running fast, violent fighting, even as far as shouting too loudly can also……” every sentence the druid spoke, made the pair’s faces unsightly for a while.

“How could it be like this……” Feivel’s expression was unsightly, clenching both fists, showing that he was unwilling to accept this outcome. He murmured to himself: “If the great master wasn’t completely sure of healing him, why would he tell us to carry him in? “

Jeff sitting on the rattan chair, helplessly laughed: “I didn’t say I was confident, however this kid’s injuries really were too severe. Just from using Nature’s energy to placate his injuries, he still needs to recover in bed for a period of time, as well as, continuous treatment with the spell. Perhaps you could go ask a higher ranking priest or druid----you know, granted, even if it’s us Druids that come, we still need to follow the rules. “

A G.o.d doesn’t require money, however, organisations and priests do.

Spells, are a gift from G.o.d, if it were to be used free of charge, it would cheapen its value, not letting people understand G.o.d’s kindness. Therefore, regardless of spreading belief, in reality, you still need to consider the organisations and priests. Not only them, druids also can’t break G.o.d’s commandment.

Rumont was also a Druid, yet he understood, that this one time healing free of charge, was the limit due to his master-apprentice relationship. It was impossible to keep spending the precious Nature energy on Nick’s body daily.

A Rank 1 or 2 druid, would be able to treat small injuries. Rank 3-4, had no new healing spells. At Rank 5-6, they could treat minor injuries. Jeff was a rank 5 Druid, he possessed the basic healing sepll. Therefore, in accordance with his words, he needed to use the basic healing spell multiple times for the treatment. Otherwise, you would need to reach Rank 9-10 or above, to obtain the intermediate healing spell for druids to use in treatments.

Feivel’s expression was still unsightly, didn’t this imply that Nick was now a handicapped person, how would he continue living?

Rumont pondered, gritting his teeth in asking: “Master, if it was based on the current treatment, to completely recover, how many times would it need? “

“At least 10 times, more or less, each time costing 30 silver coins! “

Rumont considered it, biting his lips said: “If it’s like this, we’ll go in accordance with that amount of money, I’ll pay for it. “

Feivel heard and wanted to say something, he moved his lips, but was unable to speak out.

300 silver coins, this was equivalent to a resident in town’s whole family’s property. Feivel’s family might not even be able to get that much money. Rumont shouldering this responsibility, would push his debt to 400 silver coins.

Jeff glanced at him, he was naturally able to see the green light on his body. His eyes contained a hint of astonishment, inquiring: “You’ve currently become a Druid? “

“Yes, have a look! “ Rumont was silent at this point, a touch of green brilliance spilled out.

“Mm, it certainly is a Nature’s attributed magic that a Rank 1 druid would possess----Botanical a.s.sistance.

Botanical a.s.sistance, it enabled plants that were damaged to recover and grow, it could even help seeds sprout. Jeff was a Rank 5 Druid, just shy of getting promoted to Rank 6, therefore, he was extremely familiar with this spell.

Since he was a Druid, he would be able to pay off the 300 silver coins. Jeff nodded his head, saying: “Although you’re a Druid, however, speaking of the current situation------at most, within 3 months, how about it? “

Three months, to return 300 silver coins, Rumont was a bit hesitant, however, in a flash he once again gritted his teeth saying: “Okay! “

“Everyday I can use it 3 times, within 3 days, he’ll be fully cured! “ Jeff said.

“Thank you great master! “ Feivel said, seeing that the druid would use his magic. The pair swiftly exited.

The pair stood at a somewhat high location, what they saw was the forest extending without end into the distance. This forest continued extending into the distance, until it arrived at the base of a mountain. Even though it was under such beautiful sunlight, if you looked, there was a patch of cold and gloomy black-green colour…...over there, was a place where ordinary Druids did not dare enter.

Gazing deeper into the forest, venting off his anger, Feivel said: “After we return, I’ll first help you clear your debt. Afterwards, I’ll officially enlist as a soldier, I’ll under go training, my foundation should be alright! ”

“Got any connections? Otherwise, I’ll introduce you to Lieutenant Richard? “ Rumont didn’t ask, only saying this.

“Haha, it’s because of Captain Karel’s orders that they’re looking after you, making Lieutenant Richard instruct you, not because of you skills. But that’s not important. No matter how, several of my family’s generations have served before, I’ll have my own ways in the barracks. “ Feivel laughingly said to Rumont, after a pause, saying without context: “Rumont, this time, it’s all thanks to you. “

Rumont was inwardly smiling, he understood Feivel was feeling bad, after all, this adventure was for the three of them. Presently, the funds were being put forth by Rumont, so he was feeling a bit guilty. He unenthusiastically responded: “whatever you say, we’re still good friends, if I couldn’t do this, would we still be friends? “

Feivel forced himself to nod his head as he listened.

“We’ll wait three days, even though it’s a long time, but it beats going home injured. Nick being cured after his serious injury, shouldn’t go adventuring anymore. I want him to open up a shop. You know, I’m currently a druid, that means I can gather some herbs to create medicine for sale. “ Rumont said.

Within this region, the marketplace was subdivided into two categories, one was the craft shops or workshops that was monopolized by the Feudal Lord. The other kind, that required a permit, were owned by freelancing merchants. However, now that Rumont was a Druid, this request should be easily granted.

“Okay then, but we can’t laze about these three days.. I’ll first take the two elks and goblin scalps home first, to minimize the rotting, and while I’m at it report that we’re safe. Meanwhile, you can stay nearby to gather wild goods, however much you can gather will be enough. Feivel had recovered to his normal state: “wait for me to bring my family’s weapons and leather armours over, and then we’ll reconsider how to make money! “

This was what Rumont intended, after preparing for a short while he once again went to gather the worthwhile plants. Even though he currently couldn’t use his inner s.p.a.ce to grow the plants, however, he could store the seeds with the region for use at a later date, when the spatial region ranked up. He could also ask Jeff about the rarer plants, which he should know about, being a Rank 5 Druid after all.

The sun was gradually peaking, it was approaching noon. Leaving the most tender parts of the elk behind, Feivel had left. Besides Nick needing nourishment, Jeff was neither a vegetarian, being a Druid didn’t mean you had to abstain from meat. On the contrary, they naturally emphasized the mentality of the strong preying on the weak, merely complying with the natural orders, they did not slaughter for more when they had enough food.

Hanging the two elks on his shoulder, Feivel went towards the town.

At this time, a burst of Nature’s energy arrived from within the wooden cabin. Jeff was performing a spell, after a while, it was finished.

Rumont gently opened the wooden door, before he could enter, he heard Jeff say: “I’ve finished today’s sessions, I’ll continue on with it tomorrow. Mm, the venison is pretty good, best to cook and eat it straight away! “

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