Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 2 - Briar forest (End)

Chapter 2 - Briar forest (End)

Soaking in the sunlight, the spatial region’s globe started to glow. Rumont let out a breath. He started to recall his past memories

Time seemed to come to a standstill. When Rumont recalled a certain Druid information, the spatial region of the Shen Nong horn, at this time released a large ripple. The stalks and leaves of the plants within the region started to shake about, releasing green floating motes.

The region released a gentle breeze, slowly stirring the thicket of gra.s.s, releasing a “sha sha” sound.

If one were to carefully observe, even though the “sha sha” sound was extremely subtle, it was still rhythmic. The acc.u.mulation added up to sound like music. It helped stretch and relax the body, amidst the thicket of gra.s.s. It was a miraculous feeling. Without even realizing, Rumont eventually lay down in the thicket of gra.s.s.

This naturally resonating comfortable feeling was hard to describe. Accompany this feeling, Rumont tried and fail to open his eyes. He felt as if his body was filled with lead, unable to move. While lying down, he entered a trance-like state, seemingly feeling like he returned to the old world.

At this place, his past experience rushed by. Especially recalling the period and work he partic.i.p.ated in as a green world society member. Going to prairies, to forests, to protest rallies of regarding floods and loggings. The pa.s.sionate times of his life.

Rumont did not notice, that as he recalled the memories of the green society, green motes were struggling to enter him. Immediately a strong scent and taste was detected, not only from the spatial region itself, it also came from the outside. The forest itself, was emitting traces of green light, which slowly entered his body.

As energy flowed to his hand, his left hand slowly felt a sensation; to his shoulder, his shoulder had a slight feeling; the energy flowed on towards and collected in the pit of his stomach. Slowly and gradually acc.u.mulating. Rumont found that he didn’t want to stop this sensation….

Suddenly, within his mind “hong” sounded out. A green coloured core seemed to appear, simultaneously, half a dozen mysterious spells seemingly emerged. Each sentence of the spells were cryptic, yet clear in meaning at the same time.

These spells, naturally revealed themselves. It included plant sensations, ever since their creation, self awareness and existence within the world. As well as the base spell, accompanied with it was the myriad changes. All of it in an ancient tongue.

Rumont involuntary and automatically acquired the usage and understanding of these spells. However, he also understood that he could only acquire 3 types, as currently his strength was insufficient.

Natural Perception Level 1: Druid is able to establish a natural and stable ally connection

b.e.s.t.i.a.l Acknowledgement Level 1: Druid is able to transmit one"s self, to plants or animals, establishing a connection, able to perceive their vague sensations

Life Companion: Able to establish a connection with 1 animal, after the ceremony, will be linked, sharing each other"s strengths

Romunt quickly selected these 3 spells in a short amount of time. The remaining energy of nature, did not immediately fade away. It gradually concentrated within his eyes.

In the past, when he had the Shennong horn, he had the identification ability, able to see a plant’s spiritual light.

At this time, within a split second, his pupil suddenly felt, a hard to imagine sensation, reaching a new boundary. He eyes suddenly felt clear. His eyesight was able to see even the smallest of lights, the size of a grain, clearly and distinctly.

He did not know how long he had been lying down for, he only knew that the natural energy was waning. Everything was returning to normal, the sensation in his pupils were gradually vanishing away. Eventually reaching a certain limit.

As he called with his mind, a indistinct glimmer suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. It rapidly enlarged, becoming a half translucent data screen. A glowing data screen filled with with numerous figures was floating in front of him, filling his field of view.

Name: Qian Pin Ji (Rumont)

Occupation: Highest Authoritative Spatial Overlord, Level 1 Druid

Biological Race: Humanoid

Attributes: Strength 10 (10), Agility 15 (10), Const.i.tution 10 (10), Intelligence 13 (10), Perception 15 (10), Magic power 15 (10)

Skills: Permanently set - Spiritual detection

“Permanently set - Spiritual detection?” Rumont muttered this information to himself. He stood still, intensely focusing, he was able to see the plant’s spiritual light.

As he turned to look at the sun, an intense white light flooded his eyes, leaking some tears in the process. Rumont started laughing, he knew he acted rashly, he closed his eyes, and decided for the better.

Once more, he began to examine himself, he discovered that his body was covered in a layer green aura, roughly 1 cm thick. Influenced by the green light, the various plants within the forest were quivering as if in antic.i.p.ation.

“Heart of Nature! Heart of Nature! "he erupted with ecstasy, arising from within. Rumont then started to ponder. He understood that his spirit accidentally acquired this skill.

Searching through his memories, he knew that the green glow was nature"s essence. Once a druid comprehended a Heart of Nature, they would be enveloped with a layer of green light. Once one possessed this layer of green light, then the druid could communicate with the energy of nature, not only to use but also a way of improvement.

Inspecting himself once again, he suddenly realized, he didn’t recall much of his past memories. When all was said and done, he was just a druid’s apprentice, without any knowledge or related memories. It was just now, that he suddenly recalled the adventurer group.

“Pei, unexpectedly, they threw me aside and ran off.” Rumont thought to himself. He held a touch of enmity deep inside. It was only natural that he didn’t know what conspired during his unconscious state: “I need to hurry to town, I’m not fond of spending the night in this forest.”

Thinking to this point, he increased his pace. Rumont felt a strange fuzzy type of sensation, as he neared the footpath. Using the closest and safest path, he hurried towards the closest town.

There was a small town situated next to the ocean and a forest on its fringes. A small river meandered through the town, supplying it with fresh water and eventually joining the ocean.

Within 500 metres of the town is where the lush forest was situated.

Those who come from the mountain, rely on the mountain to survive. Those from the sh.o.r.e, rely upon the sea. Similarly, those that come from the forest rely on the woods. This town naturally had few logging area. Several thick logs were stacked within the workshop.

The forest was Rica town’s biggest source of income. A large majority of woodworks and timbre were transported to the kingdom’s biggest port for exporting. However, there was limit to how much they could chop down.

The druids that lived in the forest and nearby town, would set a certain limit.

Due to surviving off the forest, the town had houses built from wood. You could still find a few houses made of masonry if you searched. In anycase, the town had an grand imposing wall, as far as the eye could see.

The wall was roughly 4 metres high and 1.5 metres in thickness. It was constructed with the largest trees and stones. It wasn’t artistic, but it was very st.u.r.dy. Amidst the cracks of the wall grew lush vegetation. The wall also contain several arrow towers.

At this time, the giant gate on the wall was almost fully shut. The skies were already darkening, starting exhibit a purplish colour. There probably wasn’t much time before you could see the moon and the stars.

Rumont hurried towards the town gate.

“Is that Rumont?” As he neared the gate, the town gate guard Kossick, an acquaintance, greeted him: “In just a little bit the we’re going to have to shut, why are you so late?”

Rumont looked at the sky, and spoke: “Hey, I was really unlucky, I was accompanying the adventure group, but once we got to the forest insides, unexpectedly, they left me.”

“Oh, that’s really dangerous, quickly come in, we’re about to change shifts.”

As Rumont entered, a few unknown guards shouted out. They were beginning to struggle with closing the walls giant iron gate. Their shifts finished, they naturally went home to relax.

“The guards are always so punctual. “ Rumont couldn’t help but complain in his mind.

Once inside the town, he realized something wasn’t right. Far in the distance, he could see a dwarf running in the streets.

Although the world contained a lot of intelligent races, it was quite a rare sight seeing them inside a town. To the newly reborn Rumont, this was his first time seeing one. He carefully observed. The dwarf was wearing a scale armour, leather belt on the waist and upon his back was a thick and heavy shaft; a heavy axe.

Rumont, upon seeing the dwarf and his heavy axe, a shine appeared in his eyes: “This world really has dwarves and dwarven warriors! “

Sinking into his thought, he was nodding his head while at the same time he aroused a trace of suspicion.

Relying on his memories, the town should only have humans and a fairly few adventure groups. Why is it at this time, there’s a surge of adventurers as well as dwarves? Could it be that within the Briar forest, something as happened? “ He frowned, he was unable to think it through.

As moonlight gradually brightened the area, Rumont walked towards the inn.

This Mort inn, was situated in the town’s western district. Mort inherited it from his father. As his father did from his father. It had already been through 3 generations in 50 years.

The inn was made from excellent, quality wood. It had costed quite a bit. Which was why it was still running. However, if one were to look above, towards the ceiling, hanging on the walls, were garlic, meat jerky, and sausages. Their scents were thick and blended together, wafting about in the air.

However, the people inside, whether it was the owner or the customers, seemed to be accustomed to it. Down below, there was a dim oil lamp. It was barely bright enough to illuminate the whole reception hall.

“Rumont, you’re back? “ As he walked in, a middle aged man, wearing a white vest, coming from the back cried out. He was carrying a keg of beer. His beard and hair were both quite thick.

“I’m back owner. “ This man was Mort, he quickly went to a.s.sistance.

Rumont formerly did not have any memories prior to the age of 7, for a short while he had wandered the streets. It was fortunate that Mort and his wife offered shelter to him. The couple ran a tavern. They did not give him luxurious food, and gave him clothes that had been sewed and st.i.tched over multiple times, but, he did not have a single complaint. After all, he was fed. Not to mention that he had lived in the open for a while, compared to that, this was practically heaven.

Although he was now a druid’s apprentice, he was nonetheless filial and helped out the couple.

“Oh! Rumont, let thou express thy sincerest of welcomes, honourable druid sire! “ No need to doubt, it was the town"s infamous drunk, Ford. He was often found to be highly intoxicated. Once he found out that Rumont had become the apprentice of a druid, he frequently spoke such ridiculing words.

Rumont carelessly shrugged his shoulder. He didn’t even consider this man’s opinions, we was more concerned with the state of affairs of the inn ----- In fact, in the town, the amount of people that was similar to Ford was extremely minute. After all, the dishes offered at the inn were not cheap, normal folk would rarely attend.

However, although that was true in the past. Currently, the place had quite a few people. Two groups of adventurers were currently drinking away at the tables.

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