Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 3 - Inn (Start)

Chapter 3 - Inn (Start)

The inn was thriving and seemingly prosperous. With 10 tables filled to the brim. It kept the inn’s owning couple busy, as well as one small youth a.s.sisting them.

Even though he had become a druid, Rumont still persisted in helping out. He carried a tray with 8 gla.s.ses tightly packed on top. Through a process of several years, he was able to easily thread through the crowd, quickly and effortlessly, without fumbling or splashing a single drop.

He quickly served the alcohol and then had a short rest. Some people didn’t have a seat, but they didn’t seem to care at all, they carried their drinks, laughing and carrying on.

“Tomorrow is the big harvest festival, apparently there’s some new performers in town. It’s said that they have a magician, as well as a pretty performer. “ someone said.

“Magician? ”

“Of Course, did you really expect a high ranking enchanter to perform? Our feudal baron lord, would need to sell his ancestral armour, to even invite one, but would he, huh? “

“Aha, no need to make fun of me young Kard, he still remembers his aspirations of becoming a great magician since he was young! “

An eruption, at once the whole tavern is filled with roaring laughter. Evidently, everyone was familiar with this ridicule.

Rumont secretly laughed at this spectacle, his young face was tinged with a youth’s redness. But he didn’t dare laugh openly, after all, the person being talked about was his friend.

This running joke had been ongoing for a few years, not a rare occurrence. Everyone then quickly recovered their countenance: “However, our Rumont, even though he’s become a great magician with the help of little miss Eleni, he could very well become a druid. “

In the next instance, Rumont was exhibiting a touch of bashfulness on his face, quickly he spoke: “No way, even though I had miss Eleni’s help, I haven’t learnt anything yet! “

Abruptly, everyone started laughing loudly.

Shortly, the topic switched to the newly arrived performers: “I heard, that they have about 8 young maidens, I wonder how much they’ll cost? “

“In anycase we few fellow are all desiring but lacking, perhaps our night’s effort would equal to two months worth of yours eh. Look, they’re all people that go searching for women. It’s said, that last time a mercenary group pa.s.sed though, there were a few female mercenaries, full of character. “

Rumont followed their line of sight, saw a long table. On top of the table it had various dishes and a pot of alcohol, it seemed that the atmosphere there was quite cheerful. He recognized the man, Bort, a merchant who frequently visited this town.

“Bort, was it worthwhile this time? Have you considered settling down in this town? In this regards, I can supply the goods easily enough. “ asked Mort, who lived to work.

“He he, of course I do, however, the baron stated on the citizenship, for a plot of land roughly 20 mu worth, is expensive. Moreover, I want to purchase a ship, to as you say, come and go easily. “ Bort was shaking his head. However, if you looked at his demeanor, it was apparent he wasn’t really in a tight spot.

“Bort, I don’t understand, why are you living there? The inner city isn’t good? “ someone oddly asked.

“This is what you don’t understand, of course the inner city has its own merits, but at the same time, the taxation rate is high. All the guilds want money, us small merchants, currently….” Bort spoke until here and stopped. He didn’t finish the sentence off, it was clear that he had certain predicaments.

At the counter top, was the bustling wife of Mort. She was roughly 30 years of age, wearing a coa.r.s.e dress. Covering around was an ap.r.o.n that had faded to a ash grey colour. Her face sported a few wrinkles. Working so hard, it was rarely seen. She was endlessly going over today"s profits. Seeing Rumont she spoke: “Rumont, you came to help again. “

“It’s nothing, you let me live here for free, just treat it as paying off the rent. “ Rumont answered.

“Kindly spoken, Rumont, could you go to the cellar and bring up another keg” Mort shouted: “While you’re at it, grab a hotcake and eat it! “

Rumont complied with the call and grabbed a hotcake, golden brown in colour and servered with cooked seafood. The hotcake was a golden brown, and piled with cooked seafood; consisting of a multi-coloured fishes, shrimps, mussels and clams, the seafood was mixed with a claret coloured sauce and topped with green leafy vegetables.

Simple exquisite. The flavour was divine. An exceptional freshness, this was madame Mort’s signature dish. Past customers that had tried it couldn’t stop raving about it. For Rumont, it was usually only during festivals that he could taste it once again.

Once Rumont finished eating, he head towards the back, and down steps. He pushed open a wooden door.

The cellar was forever dark, gloomy, and damp. He wasn’t willing to waste the expensive wax candles. Thus, he moved the beer barrel in the dark.

This was a very common scenario. Rumont sat on top of a casket, he was absent minded. Looking around, he soon recovered: “Tomorrow I’ll have to go to the G.o.ddess’ shrine to grab my druid authentication. “

He carried the casket up.

“Ah, Rumont, you’re back. “ Madame Mort lifted her head up at the counter top and said: “Quickly, take the tray! “

“Okay, madame Mort! “ Answered Rumont. With practiced movements, he carried the tray. He served the alcohol and dishes. He even went to the kitchen to help out. His workflow was fluid.

At this time, the locals, all dispersed, except for the dead drunk, Ford.

As for the remaining, they were mercenaries that lived in the inn. A total of 7 people. He was familiar with a few of them, and had good impressions of them. As they saw him head towards the cellar, they all started to smile, in response, he also gave a tiny smile back while nodding his head.

“Mr. Howard, the beer you wanted sir. “ Rumont served up. There was 7 gla.s.ses in total.

This beer, had a subtle hint of barley as well as the scent of hops. It gave off cold vapours. It was created with water from the well, it was naturally fermented. Really fresh. The texture was crisp, after drinking, a taste lingered about, a touch of sweetness of malt.

This mercenary group was quite small, only 7 people, nary a woman. Usually bustling about nearby. Therefore, Rumont was able to recognize them, Howard was of course their team leader.

Howard gave a smirk, he chucked over a small copper coin, a tip. He then continued drinking. Not giving any room for idle chatter.

Finishing up, Rumont, started to rest while at the same time, listened to the idle gossip.

“Captain, you’re currently a level 4 fighter, if you break through, and gain battle qi, our mercenary group will have nice prospects. “ Bob lamented: “Giving us the qualifications to become knights. “

“How could it be that easy, being a level 5 fighter, possessing battle qi, is only one of the basic criterions to becoming a knight. Knights can own a fief. Where are you going to find some n.o.bility lord or king, to grant a fief so readily? Everyone in the mercenary corps all eye this benefit! The qualifications of a town vice-captain position, gives me more hope. I might as well strive for increasing my strength, once I raise my rank by 1, our livings would be touch more relaxed. “ Howard wasn’t feeling too bad as he spoke this.

“Ha ha, this year, I repeatedly tried for but fail to raise to level 3. “ Bob embarra.s.singly and unwilling said.

Rumont silently listened in, the mercenaries were unaware as they spoke. In fact, if someone outside, was given the chance to a.n.a.lyze this, they would be able to obtain this world’s country"s information.

In his past world, the humans there were all about of equal strength, there was no need to separate by rank. However, numerous ranks were divided due to the differences in wealth and statuses. The 18 ranks of the 9 chief ministers, the 42 levels of useless officials, 13 ranks of n.o.bility. There was also being well fed, moderate livings, the bourgeois and so forth type distinctions.

Actually, languages is also split into certain ranks. Modern world English is split into several levels with its a.s.sociated examinations. It was evident that this ranking system was exactly the same as the one a.s.sociated with the fighters and mages in this world; the crux of both systems were the one and the same.

In this world, everyone’s combative strength had large discrepancies. Naturally this was comparative to the government positions, dividing the ranks. This was the necessary objectives the ones in control wanted.

Listening to them speak, level 5 was a fighter’s dividing line. Below level 5, was to uncover the body’s capabilities. Originally most of the world"s soldiers are able to compete to this degree. However, from level 5 onwards, fighters are able to exhibit a strength exceeding that of a normal human. This type of strength was known as battle qi.

In this world, diplomacy and trust was the 2 biggest measuring criterias. Trust was able to be gained bit by bit, but diplomacy was the ranking. Although it wasn’t entirely correct, it was relatively the simplest method of being fair, measuring a person’s capabilities.

Testing one’s rank wasn’t solely the privilege of the mercenary corps. If you wanted to test a fighter, you would need to go to a warG.o.d’s shrine to be tested. A G.o.d’s shrine was heavily supervised. Therefore errors were few. Thus the majority of world, no matter the country, basically recognize the worth this diploma contains.

It was comparatively the same with the modern world. The higher the diplomacy, the more job offers were supplied by the n.o.bles and merchants. Actually, in regards to work, it is usually more relaxed and relatively high paying. The work full of manual labour, was usually for the low ranking mercenaries. They usually had the most dangerous tasks with relatively low livings.

As the mercenary corps finished drinking and chatting, they went to their rooms to rest. After all is said and done, they needed to rest well. As after resting, they needed to carry out the difficult and challenging missions.

Rumont glanced around the tavern, and noticed there was nothing left.

Madame Mort then said: “Alright, Rumont, you go rest now! “

Rumont nodded his head, and agreed. He then quickly went to his own dwelling.

It was a small storage room. Relatively shabby. The ground was strewn with straw, which was at least quick thick. Lying on top was a piece of wolf’s leather, this was his blanket.

In an case, this type of treat was not considered to be too bag. Most apprentices also had such beds. The leather pelt, was a benevolent gift from the Mort couple.

The centre of the room contain a wooden box, opening it revealed the coins inside.

The copper coins were an azure colour, hefting it, it was quite light. Even without a scale, he could tell it weighed roughly 5 grams.

Upon it was a word. Rumont, while being employed at the same secretly learnt from Mr Mote a few words. As well as asking the beloved Eleni to teach him. It was basically written all by himself.

The words read “Glory to Icicle Kingdom”.

The surroundings had a strange kind of garden like ornaments.

Checking his inventory, he had about 92 copper coins. 8 copper coins make up a silver coin. This was the entirety of his wealth.

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