Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 4 - Inn (End)

Chapter 4 - Inn (End)

As he lied on the wolf pelt, he started to organize his mind a 2nd time.

Letting out a breath. Once again an indistinct light mote appeared, which rapidly grew into a semi-translucent data screen. The data screen was glowing and floating about in front of his face. A large amount of figures appeared.

Name: Qian Pin Ji (Rumont)

Biological Race: Human

Attributes: Strength 10 (10), Wisdom 15 (10), Const.i.tution 10 (10), Intelligence 13 (10), Perception 15 (10), Magic power 15 (10)

10 was the base standard when measuring the common adult. Each time you went up a point, would equal a 10% gain.

Agility was 15 points, which meant his reactions were quicker. Compared to a normal person, he was faster by about 1.6%. His const.i.tution and strength, were acceptable. His intelligence was 3 points, which wasn’t bad. According to the modern day intelligence a.s.sessment, 100 IQ was the average, 13 points, referred to 133. Out of 100 people, roughly 5 would have this score, this couldn’t be considered a genius. However in this world, it could.

Unexpectedly his perception reached 15 points. Unusually strong. His magic power also reached 15 points. His youthful body was quite admirable!

Rumont gradually relaxed, letting out a breath. Suddenly, he thought of a certain issue, which caused his body to suddenly shiver.

Prior, back on Earth, he had researched a bit into the Shen Nong horn’s secrets. Which was that inside of it he could grow plants. Although this wasn’t any outstanding effect, however, the Shen Nong horn had a figure: 1500.

To improve, the Shen Nong horn did not require recording the new plant"s capabilities that entered region, nor what it could develop to. Rather, the difficulty was new plants itself. It was quite difficult in genetically modifying seedlings. It relied on new and different plants to upgrade itself.

At this moment, in this world, it should be said that, all around the Shen Nong horn was plant types that it did recognize!

Thinking to this point, Rumont was unable to stay lying down, he quickly picked himself up.

Opening the door, he saw that the outside was pitch black, many a stars were twinkling. Normally at this time, a majority of the households should have already fallen asleep. At the present, it was the harvesting festival, there were a few household that had lit up lit up lamps.

“Is anyone there? “ Rumont quietly rapped on the neighbour’s door.

The door creaked open with a groan, out of the doorway popped out a wrinkly head, “oh, it’s you Rumount! “

The person that opened the door was a rickety body, haunch over married lady. This was Aunty Jenny. Her appearance was that of an old lady. However, in reality she was no more than 45 years old. This was detrimental effects of an exhausting lifestyle: “Ruddy, why did you come? “

“Aunt Jenny, I want to borrow a small trowel! “ Rumont said first before saying: “I want to tidy up the backyard tomorrow morning! “

“Wait a minute! “ Aunty Jenny had after all been a neighbour for 10 years. She would not hesitate to lend it to him. However, seeing him take it, she hesitated a touch before saying: “Ruddy, you best be careful, recently the town has had a bit of unrest, don’t linger about in the forest. “

One year ago, a middle aged druid arrived at the town. Besides getting the lord baron’s permission to live in the forest outside of the town, he also received a request to instruct the youths in training to become a druid.

Due to these circ.u.mstances, Rumont was frequent in going to the forest alone.

“Oh? But it’s peaceful everywhere! “ Rumount asked: “But what is it in the end? “

“Its appearance seems of that of a small green skinned goblin, killing people. “ The lady said: “My child, not too long ago, went to the town hall and saw on the notice board, the lord baron had issued a bounty. “

Rumont wanted ask in more detail, however it was obvious, that the other party wasn’t too clear on the subject matter. As evident by her actions of scratching her head.

Rumont got what he came for and left. At this moment, in the middle of the night, at the arrow toward on top of the stone wall. A barely audible but could seen, was the night patrolling soldiers. He didn’t dare approach.

To guard against the wild beasts outside of the town, or even any possible dangers. Once night arrived, the town gates would be sealed. As well deploy a patrol of night guards to defend. Any unauthorized trespa.s.sers on the walls, warranted execution.

Rumont currently did not need to go to the wall. Relying on his memories, he arrived at an una.s.suming location; the shrine. This place had a collection of gra.s.s. Due to it rapidly approaching Autumn, the gra.s.s was exhibiting signs of yellowing and drying up.

There was plant life that weren’t recorded by the spatial region here. Besides helping the plants grow, the most proto plant was stocked by the spatial region for later reproduction. This enabled the spatial region to undergo changes.

The requirements for multiplying the stocked proto plants weren’t difficult, but it still required 20 to 30 units of.

It was currently autumn. Finding a few wasn’t hard, but neither was it easy. This gra.s.s plant was a type of herb, it was luckily in abundance.

Rumont carefully excavated the plants. He harvested 20 or so plants of the herb. As he looked and saw no one around, he went to a remote location. Releasing his hands, the herbs faded away in midair.

As it faded away, the Holy Nong horn bran gave off some light.

As Rumont once again fell into his inner spatial region, detected a light amidst the s.p.a.ce. A piece of information sounded out: “Discovered a new variety of plants, please designate aname. “

“Night moon gra.s.s! “ Rumont answered without the slightest bit of hesitation. This was the given name in this world that he recalled within his memories.

At once the spatial region gave off a flash.

Rumont wasn’t affected. He was familiar with this action many times back on Earth. He held a dozen of the herbs, which he carefully planted into the ground and sprinkled water from the irrigated channel.

Once completed, he was incomparably happy. Rumont shortly returned to his senses.

After planting the Night Moon gra.s.s, a faint green light appeared. This was the figures of the identification. It was currently blank, but in a brief moment, it transformed into showing the model and medicinal effects of the plant.

Relaxing a breath out, Rumont surveyed his inner region.

The golden radiance in the sky was still all encompa.s.sing originating from a globe, roughly 10 metres in the air. It was suffusing the surroundings, giving off a refreshing feel.

The whole sky of the spatial region was enveloped in a golden halo. The ground, a vast plain rich in soil. A rivulet ran between, dividing the land in half. Roughly 20 metres in length. It was cool and flowing rapidly, you could also see clearly into the bottom, where a school of fishes swam about.

The 2 fields on either side of the rivulet, had a dozen fruit trees, there was a small field of wheat. The scenery was quite picturesque. There was a subtle mist about, giving off a clean feel. A fresh breeze filled the region.

Amongst the trees, were fields of flowers and herbs. Vibrant and full of life.

Due to last times upgrade, expanding to about 2 mu in length, consequently there was a new plot of land.

“Blue gra.s.s, dark orchids, true leaves, half rattan flowers, milkweed! “ Naming each one, each plant"s characteristics would appear in the air, displaying their figures and usage. If one observed carefully, it was written according to an encyclopedic entry.

“I’m not a genius, I don’t have an eidetic memory, however, I do have this Holy Nong horn. I have nothing to fear. “ Thought Rumont. He prepared to experiment: “Theoretical oxeye daisy flower seed! “

Immediately, a seedling was floating in mid air. Rumont studied it from various angles.

“I’ll plant it. “ Rumont brought out a small trowel. He dug out a small hole: “bury 20 centimetres, add 4 parts of water. “

“Pa.s.s time over theoretical areaa! “

The seedling quickly germinated, sprouting a green life, the main stem rapidly strengthening, the buds rapidly matured into oxeye daisies.

Rumont was attentive during the whole process, concentrating on the ground. His breathing was even, suddenly, he suspended the pa.s.sing of time. He then carefully watered and loosened the soil, toiling away at harvesting the different results.

“Soil porosity, loosen by 3 percent, increase illumination by 5 percent, increase humidity by 2 percent, repeat the process! “ The process of planting and growing thus repeated.

If people were to watch this process, they would notice that during the whole process, his movements were deft and natural. Not one bit of wasteful movement. He had many years of experience under his belt.

The Shen Nong horn did not a.n.a.lyze automatically, this was the one area where it was deficient. However, once completed, would be recorded down. This was from past experiences. Once it went through multiple attempts of revision, it would then keep track of the most optimal growing conditions; soil and climate.

The newly acquire Night Moon gra.s.s was not an exception, however, it needed to wait 3 days. Only then without a doubt would be studying the herb be the most effective.

“Yeap, there is a heap of properties to this plant ! “ At this moment, Rumont was lamenting, which could also be seen in his eyes. He had eventually arrived at the back door.

Streaming moonlight, illuminating the area. Rumont was admiring and taking in the scenery in front of him, seemingly, it was like out of a fairy tale, an enchanting landscape.

This was the slope at the back of the shrine. On the slope beneath, there was a footpath, however, it was evident it had been a long time since it saw any use. Numerous weeds were growing about.

The 9th month. Due to the protection of the shrine, the surrounding paths were paved in cobblestones. Occasionally the tenacious gra.s.s would grow inbetween the cracks, as well as some flowers and plants. These plants were originally in medicinal gardens, their seeds were carried to remote places by the wind. As a result, one could find a lot medicinal plants out here.

Rumont calmly went down the slope. He unhurriedly walked on took in the scenery, while at the same time, found a new plant, called Moonlight gra.s.s, unexpectedly, behind this place he would find 100 plants of Moonlight gra.s.s. In the same manner as before, he carefully transplanted all of these into the spatial region.

Following on, he called out the plant name “8 rattan vine”. He was able to find a dozen of them.

At this moment, he quickly a.s.similated the new plants, however, the region suddenly informed him: “the spatial region rank, can currently only accept 3 new plant varieties, please wait until the next upgrade to release! “

This information stumped Rumont, he laughed silently, so that was the case!

Back on Earth, he struggled to find new plant materials, thus he never encountered such a problem. He only discovered this face in this world.

This was probably the 2 biggest conditions that needed to be met for the spatial region. The first point, was naturally that it required a large quant.i.ty of the plant variety, to save on energy. The next, was to gather new and different plant varieties in order for it to upgrade to the next level.

No didn’t matter for the amount of plant you had, you still required different plants; this was the limiting factor. Only then you could keep expanding.

After understand this fact, Rumont didn’t have any regret. He was preparing to investigate his druidic powers.

Observing carefully, he had a green core, revolving inside his body. He did not understand how to make use of it. At this instance, he slapped his hand on his thigh: “I’ll go look for the esteemed grandmaster tomorrow, he must know how to utilize it. “

Thinking to this point, it lead to another serious point ------- serious debt!

Once the esteemed grandmaster arrived to this barony, he had conducted an investigation on a group of youths. Eventually, it lead to the fact that Rumont had outstanding perception, as well as a suitable physique. He had a chance of becoming a druid.

It was due to druidic studies that Rumont acquired a debt of 50 silver coins. Adding on the amount that he had borrowed on behalf of the adventure group, he currently owed a total of 150 silver coins.

It appeared like a small amount, however, the reality of the matter was that it was not a small amount.

Using the worth of buying power as a comparison; 100 silver coins was equivalent to 1 chi worth of linen, or 1 female cow.

On top of that, the debt, was in accordance to the town’s tradition. Similar that to of a shark loan, each month added on another 10%. If he did not repay it in 7 months, it would be over 200 silver coins. Rumont would eventually be stripped of his personal freedom by society.

As for Rumont, he currently had a total of 98 copper coins of a.s.sets on him. Thinking to this point, Rumont forced out a bitter laugh. In this short moment, he could not come up with a plan. He was depressed for a short while, before heading to his room and falling asleep.

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