Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 22 – Rage (End)

Chapter 22 – Rage (End)

Rumont smiled bitterly as he looked at the furious Druid, who didn’t bother to turn around for another look as he left.

What was this? What was the reasoning, for expelling him?

He saw Jeff turn the corner and then began to ruffle the head of the young girl who was waiting there. Rumont felt an even greater loss inside.

Although he was a person that had crossed over, to reside in this youth’s body with what was considered a new spirit. Yet, as he recalled his memories, the past Rumont gave his Master whatever respect needed where respect was due. Not only did he help out with his craft when he was learning, he still revered this Master from the bottom of his heart.

From within his memories, this Master, always treated Rumont with a neither caring nor disliking att.i.tude. No matter how much Rumont strived, he only gave a few pointers, never fully do any serious teaching. The only one he taught with his all instead, was the little girlie.

Without saying, this was truly a world strictly governed by ranks! Without a certain amount of status or power, trying to obtain a master-disciple relationship was also like this.

Following on, Rumont once again let out a bitter laugh, seeing that there was no way to rescind the command. To never again set foot within Jeff’s jurisdiction? How far was it? Was it Jeff’s cabin, or did it still include the outside forest area?

If it referred to Jeff’s cabin, he could still accept it. At worst, he could look up information himself and carry out self-studying. Although it was quite inconvenient and wasting a lot of time, yet it wasn’t impossible.

But if it included not entering the forest, his previous plans were completely ruined.

Thinking thus far, a thread of gloominess could be seen within his pupils; deciding at that moment, to cast off some of the thoughts in his mind. He planned to proceed to the library and browse a few books.

Just when he reached the steps to access the library, wanting to push open the door to go through, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

“So Rumont, you actually went against Jeff’s teachings and the Druid’s Law? “ an indifferent voice sounded. The one that spoke was some who had followed behind him all along; witnessing the whole event, Priest Dennis. He seemed to speak with a type of pity: “since it’s like this, I think, you should go back and think it over carefully. You don’t need to come here, when you can get Mister Jeff’s forgiveness, coming back here won’t be too late. “

When Rumont lifted his head, he saw that this young Priest was observing him, waiting for his reaction.

He was a bit disappointed that on this youth’s face, he could not make out a shred of hopelessness, vacance nor terror from his expression.

If it wasn’t the other concealing his feelings deeply, it was that this youth still wasn’t affected by everything that had just happened. But no matter the circ.u.mstances, the joke that Priest Dennis had prepared to laugh at, had failed.

Acknowledging this, Priest Dennis’ facial expression was increasingly gloomy.

Rumont was similarly sizing up the opposition. In regards to this Priest’s hostile att.i.tude towards him, he more or less understood the reasoning. The Priest was dispatched to this shrine, beginning from the age of 19. Within these 10 years, he attained a Rank 4 as a Priest. It could be said that this speed was neither fast nor slow. This cut-off Priest Dennis, had entertained the idea of gaining even more wealth and status with his own abilities. As such, he was still a 29 years old bachelor. Naturally, the idea was to snag the Baron Lucas’ second daughter, who was a Rank 1 Priest of the shrine, Eleni.

Practically everyone within the shrine knew of this matter. However, it was no accident, that when all’s said and done that on this world being a priest was not hereditary. At the same time they enjoyed everyone’s reverence and riches, they could not ensure the same for their offsprings. Only the n.o.bility, could pa.s.s on this glory. As for the reason of not giving up this desire even more so, was the Baron Lucas’ att.i.tude. In regards to the issue of Priest Dennis going after his daughter, Baron Lucas should be somewhat aware of it, yet nevertheless, did not explicitly raise an objection. This allowed Priest Dennis to harbour such delusions of desiring the n.o.bility status.

What a pity was that the involved Eleni was not at all moved by Priest Dennis. Apart from the circ.u.mstances at work, simply did not converse with Priest Dennis most of the time normally.

Even though Priest Dennis had arranged countless numbers of happenstances or coincidences to seize her affections. Miss Eleni still treated him the same. This maiden treated Priest Dennis not at all intimately, while towards Rumont a store a.s.sistant, who in Priest Dennis’ eyes was of a lowly status youth, would talk and smile.

How would this not cause Priest Dennis to be jealous of? At this very moment, even though his facial expression was struggling with difficulty to remain ordinary, his eyes were already unable to conceal a type of sharp, ice-cold intent.

Although Rumont did not want to offend Priest Dennis, but now, under these circ.u.mstances, he had to as much as possible, protect his rights and benefits. He thought a bit before asking: “Does Miss Eleni know of this issue? “

Hearing him mention Miss Eleni, Priest Dennis’ face immediately became a few shades more unsightly saying: “Miss Eleni is currently being devout, in fact, I’m convinced, that she would agree with my decision. “

Speaking thus, he produced a “please leave” type of action.

Understanding that under current circ.u.mstances, staying to argue would be of no use. He was only a Rank 1 Druid, how could he resist such a high personnel of the shrine? Simply cutting the nonsense, turned around and left.

Seeing him leave, Priest Dennis exposed a wisp of a cold sneer where he stood.

There was an appropriate phrase, if charity doesn’t come, corruption would spread.

When Rumont returned back to the town, almost everyone knew that this youth had provoked Druid Jeff’s anger, and furthermore, the issue of being expelled.

Along the way, several people pointed at him, which let Rumont understand for the first time the meaning of feeling uncomfortable.

Arriving at Mort’s Inn’s large gate, one of the residing guests cast their gaze over his body.

Last time he obtained the distinct dignity of a Rank 1 Druid, this time, in everyone’s vision, he was lacking respect. A few were curious or in schadenfreude.

“Rumont, that event, is it true? You really had a conflict with Druid Jeff? “

The first to inquire was the frequently hanging about mercenary captain Howard. He curiously evaluated Rumont. Evidently he was puzzled by the situation of this youth being brazen enough to offend Druid Jeff.

Rumont laughed bitterly before saying: “yeah, because I hunted bisons, therefore the Master got mad. “ Rather than letting people guess other reasons, it was better to directly announce the real reason.

“Is it the bison that you sold me? “ Mort came out from inside, curiously asking.

Rumont nodded his head.

Shortly, everyone began to discuss this in droves.

However, Rumont was not in the mood to continue with listening to sympathy or even schadenfreude teasing. He just wanted to find a quiet location to carefully organize his thoughts.

At this moment, Feivel appeared in front of door of Mort’s Inn.

“Rumont, come out. “ Feivel beckoned towards him.

Coming just in time, Rumont took this chance to go outside of the inn. Once out the large gate, he thereupon exhaled a large breath. Afterwards, he saw Feivel’s anxious expression looking at himself.

“What’s with your expression, did you get chased out as well. “ he patted his companion’s shoulder. “Even if we rely on the money from hunting, it should be enough to live off in the short term. “

“Rumont, what I wanted to speak about was this. “ Feivel had a complicated expression as he spoke out. “Just then, when I took the calves home, I happened to run into the Tax Officer. Barcas said, in this town, it’s not permitted to privately deal in bisons, he’ll let it go this time, but we can’t do it ever again. “

“What did you say? “ Rumont was really shocked this time around. If it was said, that when he was kicked out of the shrine, he still didn’t panic, then, at this moment, hearing what Feivel had to say, he was really somewhat shocked: “he really said that? “

The impression towards Tax Officer Barcas that remained, was still the event when Rumont was celebrating on becoming a Druid. An always cheerfully laughing middle-aged man; Rumont’s first impression. Although he had once heard the Mort couple discussing how this man was concerned with self-benefits and embezzlements, yet to Rumont, their interactions were usually quite low, the opposite party, no matter how they were, wouldn’t influence him very much.

But it was different now, this Tax Officer was clearly making things difficult for them. But why? How could it be said that it was not allowed to freely trade bisons. In town, there were people frequently dealing in wild meats, yet this Tax Officer never obstructed them

As Rumont though to this stage, he said to Feivel: “this, it’s not that he’s not allowing to sell the bisons. First we’ll raise the 2 calves at your place and wait a short while to see how everything pans out. At worst, your family can keep them. He can’t always obstruct us. What we need to do currently, is first deal with the leather. “

Feivel thought it over, currently it seems everything could only be done this way. The objective of leading and selling the two calves was too difficult, unlike the leather which was easier to carry around.

The pair discussed for a while, deciding to carry on with selling the leather at the fur store in town. Convincing Feivel to first go home, Rumont then attended the fur store alone. Around the corner of the store, seeing n.o.body around, he took out the leather from within his inner region. He wrapped it up in a cloth sack, before visiting the store.

Rumont was quite satisfied, when the store owner gave out quite a reasonable price. As both parties were completing the deal, a figure suddenly intruded in.

“Rumont, don’t tell me that n.o.body told you about privately trading bison fur, that it’s not allowed? “ Tax Officer Barcas sneeringly walked in.

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