Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 23 – Thieves (Start)

Chapter 23 – Thieves (Start)

Because most of the government office personnel had familial kinship with the Lord Baron, therefore, other than authoritative obligations, they mostly treated the common townsfolk with strong deterrence.

Once the town’s governmental Tax Officer Barcas came in, seeing the quite clearly shown malicious expression, the people inside the fur store immediately exited.

However, those people did not immediately leave. They gathered in a not too far off distance, being incomparably curious, carefully watching what was about to happen, pointing and murmuring. After all, as a recent Druid’s apprentice yet very quickly offended Druid Jeff at the age of 15, Rumont had too many “highlights” for people to discuss over during their spare-time.

Right now, even the Tax Officer Barkas wanted to annoy him, as spectators, they were extremely inquisitive.

Rumont turn around to face him. Rumont saw quite confidently a slight smirk on the middle-aged man: “Rumont, didn’t the fellow Feivel pa.s.s on to you my words? If he didn’t, I don’t mind going repeating it again for you. This town doesn’t allow the trading of bison, do you understand me this time? “

“Yes, Mister Barcas, I think I already understand. In addition, I just met with Feivel, and listened to him pa.s.s your words. Therefore, I’ve already decided to not sell the two calves. I currently just want to deal with the leather, Mister Barcas, is this possible? “ Rumont respectfully asked.

“No, not allowed. Young man, no need to be opportunistic, your affairs, I’ve already heard from the people at the shrine. What made Master Jeff so furious? Wasn’t it because you did something rash and unseemly? Okay then, I’ll leave it that. Rumont, according to the town’s tax services laws, illegal items of bison and their leather, will be confiscated. Since your transaction wasn’t complete, then hand over your leather to me. “ Tax Officer Barkas, besides still having the first impression of having a good-natured appearance to Rumont, it also completely had the mannerism of being conscientious.

“Town’s tax services laws? “ Rumont was faintly stumped. If he didn’t remember wrong, the town basically didn’t have any sort of tax services law? Nothing was certain without a doubt. To be more precise, the laws in this town, were entirely up to the people in management. Apart from the fixed provisional national laws on taxes needed to be paid. The other tax services were mostly dictated by the Lord Baron. Prohibiting the private trading of bisons and their leather, still wasn’t something that this Tax Officer could declare. Only, as a young youth without power nor status, did he have the ability to resist? At the least, he currently still couldn’t.

“Okay, Mister Barcas, since this town prohibits the trading of bisons, as well as the trading of bison leather. Then, I willingly accept the punishment, here on after, I won’t ever commit such an error again. The leather is yours, sir. “ against Barcas’ expectations, Rumont did not contend against under these obvious deliberate difficulties. Although, even if this youth did oppose, there was no use. Yet, Rumont still kept as tranquil, causing Tax Officer Barcas to be a bit flabbergast.

“If there’s nothing else, then I’ll take my leave. Goodbye Mister Barcas. “ Rumont’s expression was undisturbed as he handed over the leather to Barcas’ arms. Afterwards, going through the motions of a farewell, he left.

This tranquil expression, this humble att.i.tude when you looked, made the Tax Officer Barcas once again, narrow his eyes. Out of habit, he fiddled with the ring on his right hand, before looking at the distant youngster with a complicated expression.

“This decision, will it be wrong? “ he mumbled to himself, his voice barely audible to himself.

Even if Rumont was a insignificant born youth, and merely a Rank 1 Druid. But relying on this young 15 year old’s innate talent to become a Druid, in addition, his temperament that was clearly better than his peers, later he feared……

Even though it was because of him getting close to Miss Eleni, which made Priest Dennis unhappy, leading him to suffer the shrine’s pressuring. Yet he was already after all, a Druid. This youngster, his future……

Thinking to this point, this Tax Officer which was widely known to be cautious and adept at reading the changes in the wind, fell into contemplation. Since……the ship has sailed with the kid, if he didn’t thoroughly crush this kid, then he feared that there would be disasters in the future!

In that case……what to do.

During the time that Barcas was still pondering, Rumont had already gone once again into the forest.

During the eleventh month, the plants at the shrine were still maturing and st.u.r.dy, yet the plants within the forest already had an air of decay about.

Rumont conveniently took out a bread roll within his Shennong Horn’s spatial region. Eating as he went, organising his thoughts at the same time.

The money that he had left wasn’t much, since he’s already quarreled with Druid Jeff, he fears that he would need to pay back the debt of 300 silver coins quite quickly. As well as the other expenses and expenditures, he currently needed to quickly obtain 400 silver coins, to be able to pa.s.s this certain crisis.

Furthermore, thinking about the recent Tax Officer Barcas, unscrupulously making things difficult, Rumont’s inner emotions were feeling a bit disturbed. If he wasn’t wrong, that always hehe smiling middle-aged man, was the typical two-faced backstabber. The type that wouldn’t act without a certain amount of benefits amidst the enmity created. He feared that he wasn’t acting alone, that there was still other parties involved.

Was it……Jeff? No, this possibility was low.

Rumont shook his head.

Even though this Druid treated him blandly, and had just resolutely expelled him. However, generally speaking, Jeff wasn’t considered a vicious and petty man.

In that case, was it Priest Dennis? The fellow that has always saw him as unpleasing? Rumont contemplated about it; this conjecture was most likely correct.

Perhaps maybe, there was still some people that was unaccustomed to him having no background and becoming a Druid? It wasn’t an impossibility. He inwardly thought.

In that case, what was their goal? Prohibit bison tradings? If it was like this, then he still had other options. At the very least, the town jurisdictions wouldn’t prohibit tradings of herbs right? If he couldn’t trade animals, he could only seek and grow quality plants. Obviously, he wouldn’t starve. Only, the money raised himself couldn’t be compared to the high risk and high rewards of bison trading.

Rumont was a touch vexed about this. However in any event, he basically didn’t have much affections for this town. If worst came to worst and he was suppressed to the limit, he’d just leave. Relying on his current martial skills and his sensitivity to Nature, it’s not like he couldn’t go to another place and have an entirely fresh start. If it was like this though, he might shoulder a charge of dodging a creditor.

Consequently, after he finished eating the bread, Rumont began to start searching as he went, to find any plants that the spatial region didn’t yet possess.

His emotions gradually turned tranquil. Leisurely appreciating the beautiful scenery in front of him. Midway through he caught a wild rabbit; finding an open s.p.a.ce, he roasted and ate it.

Seeing that night was quickly approaching, he placed half of the eaten rabbit meat inside his region, before getting up to leave.

As he entered the town, a person barred his way. “Greetings, may I ask if you’re Rumont? “

“I am, may I ask who you are? “ Rumont came to a halt, taking measure of the person.

This was a middle-aged person, with a small stature, spa.r.s.e hair, clothes semi-new, a thin pallid face. He seemed to have seen this person in town, not too long ago. But was rarely seen, not much of an impression remained for Rumont.

“Ha ha, it’s like this, I’m Jack from the Thieves Guild. Our branch leader has something to discuss with you. “ This man moved closer to Rumont, whispering.

Rumont wrinkled his eyebrows: “Thieves Guild? “

From within Rumont’s inherited memories, there seemed to be no major impressions concerning the Thieves Guild.

Seeing Rumont stop and enter a thinking pose, Jack busily introduced in a low voice: “the Thieves guild usually moves about in medium to large cities. Originally the town didn’t have one. We only recently established a branch here. I’m a member of the guild. I came this time to invite you to consult about the trading……”

He looked left and right while speaking, whispering: “I’ve heard, you’ve hunted bison right? “

“Correct. “ Rumont was increasingly raising his guard. “What does finding me have to do with this? “

Jack laughed a he he: “of course it’s related! I also heard, the bisons you hunted, were prohibited from being traded in the town, right? Our branch leader is looking for you, is precisely because he wants to discuss this. We want to purchase your bisons. Furthermore……”

He had a wider smile: “if you ever procure more bisons or perhaps other animals, we want them all. About this, are you interested in a trip me back to my guild? “

Even though the person in front did not give him a reliable feeling, yet thinking over the potential businesses, which could quickly resolve his current predicament; Rumont was moved slightly. Under Jack’s persuasions, he finally decided to have a look before discussing.

The Thieves Guild’s branch was in a desolate area of the town; not even within the town, but outside. A temporary lair. It was a place near the forest.

The business deals was discussed with another middle-aged person. However, the figure was much better looking than Jack. So much that, even normal people would think them honest and considerate. It was unexpected that this person was a Thief, furthermore was even the gang leader. Rumont thought it inconceivable. When they spoke, the eyes of the person, would occasionally let off a spark, letting Rumont know that this person was absolutely not a saint.

The business deal was conducted without a hitch. Only, the price given was quite low. However, Rumont had expected this. After all, under the current circ.u.mstances, the bisons simply could not be sold off. If the opposite party had given a high pricing, he would have had to carefully think it over, where the trap laid.

Even if this was the case, when the negotiations were just on the verge of ending, Rumont took advantage of their lapse of attention, taking out an eavesdropping device and placing it under the conference table. This device was bought from his former world. Although it wasn’t anything high-tech, it could however, amplify voices. Only, he didn’t know whether it would work here.

And so, the thieves therefore did not discover Rumont’s minor actions, due to the situation of the negotiations being satisfiably settled.

Furthermore, n.o.body had noticed, a b.u.t.ton, a metallic object which was neither too big nor small being placed under the table.

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