Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 24 – Thieves (End)

Chapter 24 – Thieves (End)

Evening. The moon illuminated the ground. The atmosphere had a particular serene and tranquil feeling about.

It was already dinner time. The majority of the town’s residences were returning home to eat, after completing a day’s worth of work. The road which was usually noisy, immediately cleared up during this period.

As at this time a pair of youths, one behind the other, following along the main road under the moonlight, threading through the town. Arriving at an open ground on the outskirts of town. This was a tunnel newly excavated by the Thieves Guild. Currently, because of the issue of trading the bisons, Rumont was informed of it; as a way to transport the goods.

At this time, the small town’s main gate, was already shut, loitering outside was not allowed.

“Rumont, can we really sell it for 30 silver coins? “ the youth’s stature walking at the back was comparatively more robust than others; approximately 15 or 16 years in appearance, yet already displaying a somewhat impressive bearing. It was Rumont’s best friend, Feivel. This youth was older than Rumont by a few months. His already healthy and chiselled face at this moment, began to display an expression full of excitement.

The price of 30 silver coins for a calf, although it wasn’t high, but it was still better than getting nothing. Even more so was that in the future, they could continue to hunt preys and exchange it for money. As Feivel saw it, this business was still very cost-effective.

As for Rumont walking in the front, he was evidently keeping silent. Listening to the incessantly talking Feivel, he turned his head to look at his companion, before saying with a bit of restlessness: “Maybe! “

Or perhaps the reason was because of the listening device. Unexpectedly, it was working in this world, only, it couldn’t be too far of a distance. Returning to town, he couldn’t hear much; the quality was low during the daytime as well.

This time, wanting to listen in, placed the ear receiver on as they went through the tunnel entrance. Speaking of the tunnel, to one’s surprise, it went from the local-residential dwellings to the outskirts of town. Unbeknownst when the Thieves had excavated it.

This time’s collaboration with the Thieves Guild, Rumont did not leave out Feivel. Which is why he invited him this time, to clearly explain the details. One reason why, was that Feivel originally had a share for the revenue from the bisons during their hunting. If it wasn’t explained clearly, it would have been improper. The second reason, was because Rumont was currently too weak. He required a partner to undertake risks with. Partly to share his current frame of mind, another part was to discuss together the pros and cons of the situation.

Nick was currently still recovering his health. Ever since they received Rumont’s delivery of 40 silver coins, Nick’s family circ.u.mstances had already improved; Nick had more nourishing meals. Although until now, he could still barely walk, the recovery of his injuries were well within expectations of everyone. Not having Nick around, Rumont and Feivel were both currently feeling a touch melancholy.

“Maybe? What do you mean? Didn’t you guys settle it already? “ even though Feivel’s mind wasn’t as quick as Rumont’s, but he could hear the restlessness in the word. Not understanding why, since the situation was already clinched, his friend wasn’t being happy about it.

Rumont found a soft meadow to sit down, before saying to Feivel who soon sat after: “I don’t know, I still feel worried, there’s something not quite right. “

“Hey hey, what is there? I’ve heard about the Thieves Guild, they’re filled with people only concerned with money. For the sake of money, what wouldn’t they dare do? Since they want the bisons, you should be glad right. Is there anything else you haven’t said? If this collaboration really works out, then making money hereafter will be easier right? If we want Nick’s health to fully recover to the past, it’s impossible without money. Furthermore, your current relationship with Master Jeff is strained, you still need think about your own livelihood afterwards. “

In addition to this, there was one thing Feivel didn’t mention. If he wanted to become a Warrior, one that reached Warrior Rank 5, to let his fallen family recover it’s glory, it also required a certain amount of money. With money, a brilliant teacher could be hired With money, it’d be possible to travel to the outside world……

“Maybe I’m thinking too much. So, tomorrow you lead the calves outside the town and wait for me. I’ve arranged with them to have the transaction take place outside the town. “ Rumont patted Feivel’s shoulder, feeling that maybe he was too oversensitive. He was only a young adolescent after all, with neither power nor status. So much that even now, his qualifications of entering the Shrine was deprived. If it was for the sake of turning him ordinary, then, they’ve already achieved it. Under these circ.u.mstances, who would deliberately and methodically deal with him?

As he thought about the Shrine, Rumont thereupon thought about the kind-hearted and serene Miss Eleni. Over these few days, he had gone past the gates of the Shrine numerous times. Each time he went past he was unable to meet up with the heaven sent maiden. Nor did he know, whether she had already heard about his situation……

“Ah! Really, how much longer do I still need to fantasize! “ Rumont suddenly awoke, he was annoyed at losing his head. In this way, he banished the already increasingly unreachable maiden out of his mind.

“Rumont, what are you whispering about? “ Feivel, unfathomably curious looked over by the side.

Rumont hid his smile: “nothing. “

Wanting to carry on, when a soft sound abruptly entered his ear from the listening device. A burst of messy chachacha sounds.

Rumont was immediately jolted, indicating to Feivel to wait a moment. Afterwards, under Feivel’s curious gaze, closed his eyes, concentrating his attention on the sounds.

“Hehehehe, welcome welcome, what an esteemed guest! “

After the bad sounding chachacha, a clear voice sounded through. What Rumont first heard, was this flattering voice.

Listening to the voice, it seemed to belong to the branch leader that he had recently met. But, his voice……it wasn’t an ordinary person that came? Rumont concentrated his attention.

“Have you settled the matter? “ a male voice immediately followed up. It sounded like a middle-aged man.

Matters? Settled? Rumont was even more focused. Furthermore, this voice sounded familiar……

Who was it?

As Rumont listened, he tried to recall those he met. Suddenly, a figure appeared within his mid! It was the Tax Officer Barcas! The two-face! This let Rumont immediately recognize the scent of a conspiracy. As a result, he seriously listened in.

Only it was a pity, unknown whether the signal was bad, or that they no longer spoke. What followed in the next short period, as Rumont nervously listened in, he only heard a burst of chachacha sounds.

f.u.c.k! Useless now? Rumont wasn’t willing.

Anyway, accepting the situation, his emotions quickly calmed down. After hearing the burst of chachacha sounds, more dialog came through. In fact, it seemed the blank period of time that came, wasn’t because of the device, it was because both parties were silent for awhile.

“Mister Barcas, you should know, the Thieves Guild has a certain amount of reputation and honour, this matter, really is……” this was the reply of the branch leader. It seemed like it was a refusal, however, it was more possible trying to get an advantage.

As expected, Tax Officer Barcas had already antic.i.p.ated it.

“What Thieves Guild’s reputation. This is only according to you and others. Branch leader, please don’t try to wave that around. If Thieves really had a reputation, then……” Barcas paused for a moment. Rumont couldn’t see his expression. However, from this word “however”, the conversation that followed should be used to handle the Thieves Guild.

Sure enough. After the short pause, coming from the device again, was Tax Officer Barcas’ cold voice: “……at the town of Bailyn as well as the earlier wicked events before coming to this small town, was that also a display of reputation? “

After that was said, the device once again entered a period of quiet. What followed the silence, was the chachacha sounds again.

Only, the quiet this time was clearly shorter.

“Barcas sir! “ the Thieves Guild’s branch leader laughed out a hehe.

“No need to worry, as long as you take care of my affairs, not only will I not bother you about this ever again. The reward I promised last time will also be doubled as well. How’s that? “ Barcas relaxed his tone as he spoke.

“Okay! However, Barcas sir, I don’t understand something. This kid is only a commoner, moreover it’s said that he’s already expelled from the shrine. Why do you need to be concerned about this kid? “

Even though the Thieves Guild’s leader didn’t mention his name, yet Rumont still covered his mouth the whole time they spoke, his face full of surprise. If he didn’t cover it, he would have definitely cried out; to be plotted against and to luckily hear the above-mentioned dialog.

In the shortly forgotten Feivel’s vision, Rumont continued to seriously listen in. If it was said that just before he used his 100% to listen in, then he understood it was important. Rumont’s current concentration had already reached 200%. A highly tense situation.

The pair that was currently communing, naturally had no idea that all they’ve said have been listened into. Therefore, the always prudent Barcas also did not bother to refute the Thieves Guild’s branch leader’s words. However, he also didn’t explain.

“You don’t have to worry about that, all you need to know, is that tomorrow, I’ll send somebody hidden in advance in the outskirts. I’ll also wait in that place. As you and Rumont complete your transactions, I’ll bring people to arrest him……hehe. Three days later is when the general a.s.sembly at the town square is being held. I want to announce his charges to the public then; not permitting private tradings of bisons, as well as having relations with the Thieves Guild. Hehe, at the very least, he’ll be sentenced to jail. Once in jail……I’ll see how he’ll recover from that! “

Following on, were the specifics of the plan. They discussed for a while. Eventually the sounds of Tax Officer Barcas leaving and the branch leader sending him off were transmitted through.

As for Rumont’s side, his back was then soaked in cold sweat afterwards.

You had to say, Rumont’s luck was really good. In the event, that he didn’t suddenly plant a listening device in the Thieves Guild. If he wasn’t within the region the device would work during the time the pair were discussing. In that way, when they met tomorrow, what would have resulted?

Even if private tradings of bisons wasn’t much, but being implicated with the Thieves guild, in many places, was something that could be heavily punished for.

It wouldn’t necessarily be death, but being imprisoned for a few years was possible. However, once you were imprisoned in jail, dying inside, who would feel that it was uncommon?

Thinking thus far, within Rumont’s eyes, two sparks of gloominess shortly appeared.

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