Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 25 – Slightly Aware (Start)

Chapter 25 – Slightly Aware (Start)

“Harvey, say, what do you think the Tax Officer Barcas is planning? Putting in so much effort, all for the sake of punishing an unknown brat? “

It was late into the night. Under the moonlight, town of Ricca was already immersed in slumber. Quiet, without a sound, lanterns all extinguished.

Located outside of the town, inside Thieves Guild’s lair amongst the group of 4, there were 2 people yet not asleep. Currently lying in bed, chatting away, unwittingly they began to mention the event that just happened.

The one called Harvey was a manly one-eyed Thief, laughing out a hehe: “don’t worry about it, so long as we destroy the youth, afterwards, we’ll pretty much have a backer in this town. Way better than always wondering and pillaging around……”

The Thieves Guild that had always kept to the big cities, but because of the adventuring squads and the few Thieves gradually advancing and encroaching into the more remote regions, the small to medium cities and towns; they had slowly made their activities expand and develope in the smaller to medium cities and towns.

The town of Ricca, was one situated between the coast and forest, which would gradually capture the attention of people coming amongst the tides. About half a month ago, a small group of only 4 thieves had settled in this territory.

“Ey, I say Bauser, since the beginning of yesterday you’ve been a bit down, are you thinking about women? Wait until we’ve finished this, we’ll then go the mercenary corps and fine a pair of ladies for you to have a bit of fun with into the night, hahaha! I’m not trying to criticize you, but last time at that town, that girlie we messed with was quite ardent and exciting, so tantalizing. Tsk tsk tsk, it was your misfortune, not only missing out, also wasting your chance to get satisfied, haha, what a let down. “

The wasting away pale faced Thief called Bauser, stared at his a.s.sociate: “if it wasn’t for you guys killing her husband and kid, would she have struggled so much? What a pity, such a beautiful girlie……”

Speaking to this point, he had a certain aftertaste: “right, is this Tax Officer gonna keep his promise? Tacitly consenting us for business in town? “

The policies of the established branch of the Thieves Guild were quite relaxed, mostly due to the fact that Thieves were quite unrestrained, as to even better advance their expanding considerations.

As a result, there were only 3 requirements to complete as followed.

First, was to obtain the authorization from the Plundering G.o.d Society; as well as an yearly offering. Secondly, was to recruit branch members, originally it was to become a member of the Thieves Guild. Finally, a branch could be started with at least 4 members.

This four man team of Thieves, just so happened to meet the above-mentioned criteria. Without a doubt generally speaking, although the Thieves Guild operated behind the scenes, they would still try to establish connections with the governing lord; helping out with situations where the lord couldn’t personally act.

However, due to this group of thieves, being low leveled Rank 1-2 petty Thieves who originally, were unable to cope in the city and settled down in this region. Thus, without any importance attached to them, plus the fact that Ricca town’s Lord Baron Lucas periodically stayed within Castle Lucas, ordinary people seldom saw them. When they arrived a few days past, they basically rampaged all over the place, trying to meet with someone with real power. Unexpectedly they overcame this difficult problem. In the end though, they were thoroughly disappointed. Who could have thought that at this time, the local governmental Tax Officer had unexpectedly found them first.

They were told that they had to complete a certain deal for him. The Tax Officer had reported that the Lord Baron was a relative of his, promising on his behalf to help with the matter of establishing a branch in the town.

As for what they needed to do on their end, was no more than to frame an ordinary 15 years old orphan of the town, who neither had any power no influence; that’s all. No matter how they saw it, this was an excellent deal.

Because of their occupational habit, after Barcas left, these Thieves stealthily went and investigated the youth that had obviously offended the Tax Officer. What investigation resulted in, was practically the same as what Barcas said, apart from the fact that this youth was unexpectedly a Rank 1 Druid; otherwise, everything was verified.

However, although this youth was a Rank 1 Druid, it was still after all a Rank 1. At the current situation though, their view on having offended Druid Jeff and being expelled by Priest Dennis, there was no major threat of any reprisal at all. In the end, they decided to accept the deal that virtually had no way of a bad outcome for them.

“Hey! What are you thinking, if he dared to cheat us, we could also make life hard for him! “ the expression of the manly one-eyed had changed, immediately reproving unhappily.

“That’s true. “ The Thief called Bauser thought it over, emotions calming down a bit. Merely, for some unknown reason since yesterday, his eyelids kept jumping. A heavenly-gifted keen sense, which always caused his mind to be slightly unsettled. This feeling which began since yesterday, gradually became stronger. He ma.s.saged his temples, feeling that maybe he was too nervous. Still needing to go outside of town early the next day, he decided to not overthink it, instead calming down and going to bed.

Feeling the need to pee and the beginnings of a bowel movement, Bauser gave off a sigh, eventually sitting himself up.

“Where’re ya going? “ the manly one-eye asked curiously.

“To relieve myself. “ Bauser answered, putting on his shoes and exiting out of their two-man bedroom.

These Thieves had rented a small shabby double-storey building. The 4 Thieves lived in 3 separate rooms. As for the toilet, it was situated in the corridor on the ground floor. As the Thief went down the stairs, he yawned. When he arrived outside of the guest room, an unusual sound suddenly burst out from within, startling him, causing him to quickly sober up.

It just so happened that this Thief was in charge of today’s night vigil. Taking out a string of keys, he selected the biggest one before, carefully inserting it into the keyhole. Afterwards, he slowly and silently turned it, something wasn’t right! The room was unexpectedly open! Could it be……that he forgot to lock up the room today?

Or perhaps……he placed his ear against the door, carefully listening in. However, this only felt odd to him, as the sound just then did not repeat itself. Could it be that he was hearing things?

The Thief was feeling a touch perplexed, pulling out a sharp dagger from his boots before slowly pushing open the wooden door.

A lamp was lit inside. The doc.u.ment drawer up by the wall was wide open. A majority of items were disorderly on the floor. Bauser was astonished as he stared at everything in front of him, heavens! Surprising, someone unexpectedly came and stole in the area of the Thieves Guild?!

But, apart from some doc.u.ments in this room, there was nothing of value though. But at this moment, it wasn’t the time for his thoughts to wander. Looking over at the outside locked up barred window, he determined, the one that had intruded in, still hadn’t left yet for certain! Even though when he open the door and entered, he didn’t see anyone, but in the room was 3 large vertical wardrobes, whoever they were could have easily hid in them.

In the end, Bauser was an experienced Thief, quite accomplished in martial skills, therefore, when he discovered the situation in front of his eyes, he did not immediately rush and call for reinforcements. Rather, he began to seriously search the whole room.

One wardrobe was fiercely opened, n.o.body inside.

The second wardrobe, after opening, still no one.

Bauser looked at the final wardrobe. The emotion in his eyes was increasingly sharp, if he didn’t guess wrong, the intruder should be hiding in there. However, this time, he did not rashly open the wardrobe, instead, carefully listened for a moment. As expected, within the peaceful ambience, inside could be heard, the faint repressed sounds of breathing, pa.s.sing through to his ear.

Bauser expressed a merciless smile, afterwards, he took the sharp dagger within his hand and fiercely stabbed it into the wooden door. Shortly, a miserable shriek sounded out. He gave a haha laugh, before extracting the dagger. Fresh blood was drip dropping onto the ground from the dagger’s point.

Amongst the air, a fresh b.l.o.o.d.y scent soon suffused the surroundings. This man with a wasted away stature immediately displayed a type of perverted excitement. He suddenly pulled open the wardrobe door. The two strange youths hidden inside allowed him to further call out in joy.

“To go so far as to come here to steal things, quite a bit of courage, get out! “ the Thief laughed out a hehe. Not at all scrupulous with his dagger, hinting to the two youths to come out.

The pair of youths glanced at each other, then, obediently climb out from inside. Among them, the youth with a tall and st.u.r.dy stature was holding his right arm, fresh blood was endlessly flowing between.

“Run, Rumont. “ The Thief obviously recognized the other youth’s ident.i.ty: “looks like tomorrow’s transactions doesn’t need to go ahead, intruding and robbing a residence, the charge of attempted robbery is even bigger. Mmhmm, as I see it, this is punishable with death, haha! “

Just when the Thief was about to call for the others to come down, when suddenly, Rumont raised his arm, making a “pu” noise, the neck was pierced through.

Because the situation was too weird, with the Thief being at such a close distance, there was no way that he could have resisted.

“A crossbow! “ he was suddenly aware of it in this moment. Never did he imagine that the 2 youths would for whatever reason, possess a highly prohibited weaponry. A large amount of blood splurted.

Seeing the Thief fall onto the ground, Rumont released a long breath out.

This crossbow, was from the spatial region; the machete was not the sole weaponry. Originally, his country had quite strict regulations to the manufacture of weaponry. Even though he had various objects in the region, yet it did not contain a gun, only a crossbow. Who could have imagined, that it would have such an importance, as it currently displayed its might.

Although Feivel was 100 percent surprised by the item in Rumont’s hand, but, the resounding footsteps made him immediately shut his wide open mouth.

As a Thief rounded the corner, another “pu” sound was heard, the body violent shuddered. A short arrow had pierced through his stomach, pa.s.sing through the back.

The man let out a sudden heng, and crashed onto the floor.

The Thief following behind, was greatly frightened, unexpectedly in a short moment, he was stuck in an impossible dilemma.

Rumont supported the crossbow, the bow still had 6 crossbolts on it; the arrowheads expressed a cold glimmer. As for Feivel, he was grasping a longsword, forcing his way out.

A hopelessness was expressed in the Thief’s eyes, as he threw himself over while letting out a loud cry,

Rumont had a cold glint in his eyes, fastening the contraption, a pu sounded. Once again, another strong bolt was shot out, piercing through the body. Due to being too close, it even pa.s.sed out through the body, carrying a large amount of fresh blood, splattering on the door.

The events afterwards was simple enough. The crossbow, a major killing type weapon when displayed against low ranking people, was basically invincible. Especially against the remaining man, which was roughly a low level Rank 1-2 Thief. Rumont with the crossbow and Fievel grasping a sword to help out, were alarmed, but in no danger, while waiting for the final man to come through to kill. When they confirmed there was n.o.body else, they then began to relax.

As they relaxed, Feivel straightaway had a pale white face. This was his first time killing another person, not only that, he also killed 4. Just then when he was in the predicament, he was temporarily stimulated, currently though, he was frightened.

Rumont wanted to throw up, but managed to suppress it down.

There were 4 corpses, ugly and fierce looking, dying in terror, the air was suffused with the after stench of death. The outside air rushed in, but was unable to wash away the vestiges of what occurred.

“Rumont, they, they’re really dead right? Killed by us? “ a gloomy, hoa.r.s.e voice suddenly broke through this strange silence, filled with a slight nervousness and even more so being inconceivable.

It was said, in the event after killing the 4 Thieves initially, Feivel’s first response was: “Heavens! We killed people! “

He tilted his head to look over at the similar complicated expressed friend by his side. The astonishing events that just occurred, once again flashed by in his head currently. The weapon that suddenly appeared, what was it in the end? Where did Rumont conceal it? In addition, in that sudden moment, Rumont’s results, Rumont’s killing intent when facing the enemy, were all unfamiliar. In this sudden moment, he seemed to not recognize this amazing companion……

“Feivel, do you regret it? Regret coming with me today? “ discovering his attentive gaze, the silent Rumont by the corpses suddenly lifted his head to ask. Rumont currently had a strange expression, neither clear nor cloudy, with a fire blazing within his eyes.

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