Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 31 – Recommendation (Start)

Chapter 31 – Recommendation (Start)

At the same time Rumont went to handle the formalities at the Adventurers Guild. Inside a room at Kramp’s1 trading company, Banner, the boss of a small caravan group was currently in a discussion with his son, Fletcher2.

Fletcher was a young man, light blonde hair, with a prominent hooknose on his face. He had a well proportioned build, demonstrating a certain amount of accomplishments as a Warrior.

“Fletcher.” Banner kindly looked at him, calling his name out, “what do you think about the young Druid, Rumont?” his tone carried it about an inquisitive implication.

“Father!” Fletcher did not immediately reply. Instead, he wrinkled his forehead deep in thought for a while. Afterwards, he used a att.i.tude of certainty to discuss, “he’s a really naturally gifted one, at the same time, he acts and handles things with quite the wisdom. It’s said that he used to be an a.s.sistant back at Mort’s Inn, perhaps at that time, he learnt a few things.”

Banner gave out a satisfied expression on his face. However, it disappeared quickly once again: “if it’s like this, Fletcher, are you optimistic about his future?”

Fletcher was stumped, however he immediately replied: “yes father, I’m optimistic about his future. A youth full of talent and does things with wisdom, if misfortune doesn’t visit him, he’ll succeed.”

Banner had a satisfied smile. This time he was no longer restrained: “when clashing with other young heroes, he’s a hero that outcla.s.ses them. Fletcher, since you’re optimistic about Rumont’s future, then invest like a businessman.”

Saying this, Banner took out from his clothings a scroll of parchment, the outside was well sealed by wax. There was a pattern stamped on the wax seal; this was Banner’s caravan group’s insignia.

Fletcher’s vision was on his father’s right forefinger. It was a ring that held the caravan’s insignia; there was still some wax left over.

“The city’s Grandmaster Sackville3, is a Magician worthy of the people’s respect. He’s an old friend of mine. Last time he found me, he wanted me look for some rudimentary Priests or Druids to do some things for him. He wanted someone that would make healing medicines for him. All in all, the Master can create a large majority of drugs, but is unable to make healing medicines. Currently, Fletcher, because of your choice, I’ve decided to recommend Rumont to him. This recommendation letter, I’ll let you hand it over to Rumont eh. Rumont’s currently in need of money, I believe you’ll be able to convince him of your good intentions.”

Banner handed over the recommendation letter in his hand over to his son seriously.

Fletcher nodded his head, cautiously accepting: “Father, I’ll go and find him at the Adventurers Guild right now.”

Banner nodded: “Go then.”

As Fletcher neared the doorway, he heard from behind him, his father’s whisperings: “it is said, good liquor is best test of a character; as for women, it is the measuring weight upon the balance on sin.”

Fletcher was filled with a burst of warmth, he couldn’t help but let out a smile.

It was an afternoon filled with brilliant sunlight.

When Rumont exited out of the Adventurers Guild, the red clouds in the western skies was already covering up half of the skies.

“Rumont!” a voice called out to him.

He was brought back amidst his ponderings of his future. Turning his head over, an adolescent was calling and waving from yonder.

Rumont recognized him. The caravan’s Chief, Banner’s son, Fletcher.

Within Rumont’s impressions, Fletcher was an exceptionally experienced merchant. This was mostly due to Banner’s teachings, which was the only thing, that was placed onto young Fletcher. This was probably his deepest, innermost trifling delusion of his colourful vain ambitions.

“Hey, Fletcher.” Rumont also waved.

“Rumont, let’s go find a place for a bite?” Fletcher walked over naturally.

As one that once worked in a crowded workplace, Rumont naturally understood Fletcher’s underlying intent, which was: Rumont, I’ve got something for you.

“Okay. I head old folks say liquor helps with digesting alcohol.” Rumont laughed crisply, walking on.

“It that so? I head Old Waylon’s4 liquor is a type of cider he made himself; the taste is pretty good.” Fletcher licked his lips, “to celebrate you becoming an Adventurer, how about my shout this time?”

“Then I won’t be polite.” Rumont said as he patted Fletcher’s shoulder.

When the duo arrived at the easter city’s Old Waylon’s pub, the sky was already turning dark. There weren’t many people inside the pub. Probably a little later, the Adventurers would come here to get drunk.

An old bald-headed fatty was behind the counter giving a cordial greeting: “hey there you two, what’ll it be?”

“Old Waylon, bring out your cider. Two serves.” Fletcher extended two fingers up, chuckling. Afterwards, he found a table to sit at inside, while casually pulling out a seat for Rumont.

Rumont laughed as he sat down; his mind was slightly blown. The old fellow behind the counter, smiling and greeting customers, his body had a thin halo. The halo was red in colour, like blood. This clearly showed the owner’s formidable vitality. Simultaneously, the slaughtering flavoured blood aura also indicated, that when he was younger, he had fought through a numerous amounts of combat.

Having detected this aura, Rumont deeply understood,that this old man ought to be a Rank 5 Warrior.

Understanding this point, Rumont again looked around him. The few people inside the pub, were mostly Adventurers, their expressions, when compared to the Adventurers seen back at when he was at Mort couple’s inn, really felt a quite bit more constrained.

Rumont paused briefly, before saying to Fletcher with a smile: “this Uncle Waylon, in his younger years was not a simple character.”

Fletcher’s face displayed a slight expression of shock and admiration mixed together: “how did you know?”

Rumont laughed: “as you know, in the past I once worked as an a.s.sistant at a tavern, those Adventurers always loved being rowdy. But here, when I just came in, I seemed to have found that everyone was a bit reserved. Afterwards, I looked around, and discovered that they always looked towards Old Waylon behind the counter. In that case, I then carefully observed Old Waylon. My conclusion was then not that hard to reach.”

Fletcher applauded softly: “perhaps only a keen person like you, would obtain Nature’s favour.”

Rumont laughed. In reality, a lot of the matters, once the results were known, looking for the initial traces and thinking it over was then as simple as viewing the lines on the palm.

At this time, a tall legged female attendant brought over two mugs of liquor.

“Rumont. Want something to eat?” Fletcher asked, “or perhaps, allow this charming lady to recommend the specialties of this place would be a better idea. Oh right, this cute lady, what is your name?” Fletcher in an instant displayed a masculine smile.

“Yvette, respectable patron.” the female attendant saucily lifted her skirt, slightly curtseying. Instantly, a chest full of snow white dazzled the pair’s eyes: there seemed to be a valley.

“Oh, you’re really enchanting, just like a real princess.” Fletcher exaggerated.

Rumont calmly laughed on the sidelines. After graduating university in the last life, he had once worked at a small office for a short time, as well as accompanied his superiors out for various places of debauchery. This kind of scene gave him a somewhat melancholy feeling, as a result, he lifted up his drink: “for the lovely Yvette, cheers.”

“For the lovely Yvette, cheers!” the lonely few patrons of the store heard this phrase and actually went so far as to heckle out as well, while they lifted their own drinks they were holding.

The pub’s atmosphere shortly became more lively. Alcohol and women would always cause the menfolk to become unbridled.

“Hey handsome.” Yvette exploited the chance to lean closer. Gently kissing Rumont’s lips, “compared with your flattering and honeyed words, I much prefer the glittering yellow of gold coins more.”

The heckling noises were even louder.

At this moment, a sharp voice rang out: “Yvette, you piece of trash, you’re actually going for this pretty boy!”

Rumont looked over at the opened pub door; interrupting was a fl.u.s.tered and exasperated young male. Feeling his own cheeks with a bitter smile: what is this? At Ricca, he was misunderstood by the petty-minded Priest, Dennis. Could a similar scenario once more be taking place inside Appleseed’s pub again?

Old Waylon’s cleaning of cups came to a halt. He slowly swallowed as he walked out from behind the counter, afterwards as it turns out, he blocked off the entrance pathway.

“Listen here kid. My Yvette is free. Whoever she fancies or perhaps, doesn’t fancies, is her choice. She doesn’t like you bothering her, therefore, Old Waylon doesn’t welcome you either.”

“You’re just a lowly boss of a pub, you actually dare speak to me like this? Do you know who I am? I, Jacobs, have taken a fancy to your daughter&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” the youngster seems to be infuriated. However, there was already no way for him to continue his words———Old Waylon quite simply extended his arm, jamming it against Jacob’s throat before, just like that, felling him; throwing a 100 pound youngster outside the pub and onto the gravel.

The pub inside rang out with hidden schadenfreude sn.i.g.g.e.rs.

Rumont then abruptly stood up. Outside the pub, a burst of magic power was currently fiercely changing into a blazing power, accompanied with a magical chant, this was&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

Yet Old Waylon’s reactions were faster beyond Rumont. He rapidly rushed outside the door, within Rumont’s special field of view, Waylon’s red b.l.o.o.d.y light abruptly leapt like a blaze; a savage red coloured scene followed after his figure.

The ground vibrated slightly, a miserable shriek screeched out; afterwards, it was stopped as if the neck was being choked.

Old Waylon’s rugged voice sounded: “a green horn Rank 1 Magician, daring to use a Blazing Palm and rampaging about at our Appleseed. You neither inquired about myself, Old Waylon?”

“This man isn’t simple ey, this Appleseed, in a short while, it’s marked out with different factions.” Blazing Palm? Rank 1 Magician? Rumont bowed his head, while taking a drink with both hands holding onto the wooden mug of liquor, thinking: “as expected, Adventurers needed to survive battles to enjoy the pleasant later years. Only having muscles isn’t enough.”

Fletcher blew a whistle: “a beautiful a.s.sault, finishing afterwards with a beautiful trampling. Old Waylon is still as mighty like his younger years. You’re not going to have a look?” facing the crowd swarming out of the pub to take a gander at the fun, Fletcher spoke to Rumont, “after all, the pitiful Mister something bob met such a tragic result was because of his jealousy to you.”

Chapter 32 – Recommendation (End)

Rumont laughingly sprang up: “are you close to Mister Waylon?”

“Out of the question, however, for a short period my father and family have been partners for a while. The caravan has frequently employed Old Waylon.” Fletcher followed along in getting up.

“Loveable Miss Yvette, looks like having Mister Waylon around, I won’t have a chance to defend your honour.” Rumont bowed towards Yvette.

Yvette blushed: this delicate and pretty youth, had a amiable chestnut coloured hair. She had blue eyes with a clear expression, like the seawater outside Appleseed city; it seemed to mysteriously attract people.

“Daddy, you beat someone again, you’re always so crude!” Yvette all of a sudden, ran outside like a young deer.

“Rumont, Miss Yvette seems to be shy. Only, you need to know, Yvette is a Rank 3 Warrior. Rumont, with your kind of physique, it’s quite possible you wouldn’t be able to support her eh.” Fletcher lightly poked Rumont with his elbow.

Rumont laughed facing him, unknowing why, his mind all of a sudden thought of Eleni’s image. He followed Fletcher walking out.

“Rank 3 Warrior is it? My own swordsmanship instructions, Lieutenant Richard, is but a mere Rank 4 Warrior.” Rumont thinking to this point, whispered softly: “perhaps coming to Appleseed was a pretty good choice.”

As Rumont and Fletcher walked over, the doorway was surrounded by quite a few people. Afterwards, Rumont then heard from someone in the crowd: “this Jacobs is merely a Rank 1 Magician, yet dared to be so atrocious at our Appleseed; really doesn’t know the disparity of heaven and earth.”

Another person said: “actually, you don’t have to look down on him so much, he’s only working at the nearby workshop of Grandmaster Sackville, that’s all.”

Rumont silently laughed, thinking of Earth’s famous 《Ugly Duckling》 story: a Rank 1 profession, was quite like an ugly duckling. Unable to be like a swan to fly high, yet evidently unlike a duck. Therefore, was bullied by all the other ducks, unless the ugly duckling had the protection of swans. In fact, wasn’t he and Jacobs the same? But only more courteous, that’s all.

Thinking to here, Rumont was sombre. He pulled Fletcher aside: “I think, my belly’s feeling hungry, let’s go find something to eat.”

Fletcher was looking slightly astounded at him, before saying: “shouldn’t you go find Miss Yvette? She’s over there.”

Rumont laughed greatly, his mind thinking: “this Fletcher, although I still don’t know what he searched out for, but without a doubt, he’s the type of man that people would say that lives for their own plans.”

Following on, everyone dispersed in succession; the city guards arrived late, hehe laughing as they greeted Old Waylon. Rumont and Fletcher had early on returned back to the pub; their table had a tray of steaming Earth Wolf on top. There were many Earth Wolves outside of the city in the hills and forest. The eating habits of the Earth Wolves were horrid. Regardless of how rotten an animal’s body was or still a living animal, they would eat it. As a result, their flesh wasn’t considered tasty. Rumont picked up a fork and popped a piece into his mouth; yet he unexpectedly found that the taste was surprisingly alright. Relying on his developed Chinese culinary skills back from Earth, Rumont determined that this dish of meat, would have used some special plants for seasoning; to mask the natural acidity of the Earth Wolf’s meat.

Seeing how Rumont was keeping silent and not saying anything, Fletcher thought that he was shocked by the meat’s flavour, hence laughing: “what’s wrong? When I first tasted it, I also thought it was incredible. that the Earth Wolf meat could have such a flavour. This is Old Waylon’s specialty dish to compliment his self brewed cider. It’s said that occasionally there would be n.o.bilities who would change their clothes to have a bite here.”

Rumont nodded, continuing on with a drink of cider; a redness floated onto his face. He tipsily spoke: “Mister Fletcher, I’m really grateful for your treatment. If you don’t mind me taking the liberty to ask; right now, I want to know the actual reason for why you searched me out. “

“Old buddy1 Rumont,” Fletcher seemed to also be intoxicated, “when I first saw you, I felt that you were someone that could accomplish something big. However though, your brother here recently heard that you’re anxious on hand. Therefore, I acted on my own initiative to find some work for you. Grandmaster Sackville is a Rank 5 Magician, he recently needs a few people to help him to manufacture some healing medications. Are you willing to partic.i.p.ate?” speaking to this point, Fletcher stared at Rumont, both eyes shining with a touch of intoxication.

“Grandmaster Sackville? That Jacobs just then also seems to be working at the Grandmaster’s place?” Rumont looked at Fletcher, not avoiding his line of sight and asking.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Old Waylon and the Grandmaster were once friends as Adventurers. Today’s events, when they reach the Grandmaster’s ears, I’m afraid that the pitiful Jacobs will lose his job immediately.” The mouth said “pitiful”, but Fletcher’s expression was full of schadenfreude.

“Mister Fletcher, sir,” Rumont respectfully raised his drink, “I’m really grateful for your attention, I don’t know what I should even say. I definitely won’t forget you. I offer you a toast.”

“Rumont old buddy, call me your older brother, calling me mister is too ceremonious. You’re someone with a future. Later when you’re a Rank 5, Rank 6, or even higher as a Druid, at that time if you don’t forget me it’ll be good.” Fletcher lifted his own drink b.u.mping it against Rumont’s.

“Then, I’ll still need brother Fletcher to look after me and guide through in the future.”

“Okay then, I’ll bring you first thing in the morning to Grandmaster Sackville’s place. Today, we shouldn’t drink as much, give Grandmaster a good impression tomorrow.”

The next day at the first glimmer of daylight, Fletcher visited Rumont’s room. Rumont was already set and ready, sitting on the bed and waiting for him.

Fletcher looked him over: the youth in front was handsome and not too immature, a calm vision, indeed looking like a young hero. This is my first ever investment eh. Fletcher thought like this, forcing down an envious train of thought.

“Let’s go.” Fletcher showed a warm smiling expression.

Rumont nodded.

Appleseed city was enveloped amidst a thin layer of morning mist at daybreak. Occasionally a clamour would sound in the far distance. The city wasn’t that large; the pair went on foot, walking on the gravel poured streets. At several places at this moment, night guards could be seen removing and carrying wooden fences through the streets. The city was being aroused from its dream; restoring the vitality.

A short while, Rumont and Fletcher had arrived by Magician Sackville’s store side. This store wasn’t far from Old Waylon’s pub that they drank at yesterday; heading right from Old Waylon’s pub entrance, pa.s.sing a crossroad, and finally pa.s.sing through an alleyway.

At this moment, there seemed to be a dispute between two people outside of Sackville’s store. One of them had a pale complexion, which was the Jacobs that was causing trouble at the bar yesterday. The other was a slightly older youth.

Rumont and Fletcher halted off at a fair distance, hearing the duo.

“Mister Alex2, could you please on my behalf plead to Mister Sackville. I’ll definitely work properly in the future.” is what Jacobs had to say. Looks like what Fletcher mentioned yesterday was taking place.

The youth named Alex had a head spa.r.s.e of hair, with an especially wide forehead. At this moment, his eyebrows formed a frown and said: “Jacobs, this isn’t possible. Mister Waylon is Master’s good friend. Master has watched Miss Yvette grow up&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

“Alex, this wasn’t my fault, it was those two villagers, it was them&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

Hearing this, Fletcher grabbed Rumont’s sleeve and went ahead: “Jacobs, irresponsibly talking and shirking all responsibility will not allow you to avoid being punished. Let alone, you’re not even a resident of Appleseed city, you’re merely an outsider.”

Jacobs spun his head around, seeing the Rumont pair he was talking about, flames sprouted within his eyes, he yelled out: “it was you two. Causing me to lose everything. d.a.m.n it. I’m going to kill you.” saying this, Jacobs took 2 steps back, uncaringly and without any regards, he began to recite a Magician’s incantation out.

Rumont’s eyebrows jumped. Immediately recognizing that he currently wanted to use the same spell that he had tried to use outside of the pub yesterday; this was the Rank 1 Magician spell, Blazing Palm.

This man was really stupid to the extent where nothing could save him; using a spell of a combusting nature within the city, didn’t he know that it was a major taboo? Even though magical flames was a supernatural strength that originated from oneself, however, once this kind of flame was set forth, it still needed to conform to the natural orders of the world. That is to say, running out of magical power wouldn’t mean it would automatically extinguish itself.

As his mind thought this, Rumont didn’t at all hesitate to move his body forward; dashing forward with a step first. Combining his body, transformed by the Shennong Horn, along with the martial skills taught by Richard, he ruthlessly punched Jacobs’ face. The remaining incantation was cut off; his prominent nose collapsed in a flash.

Jacobs covered his nose, fresh blood was seeping out between his fingers, he sat down on the ground with a sorry figure.

At this time, Alex’s angry voice sounded over: “Jacobs, you’re really a madman. Releasing a fire within town, even Master would be implicated. I ought to hand you over to the city guards.”

Rumont turned his body over, placing his left hand over the front of his right shoulder, giving a bow: “Mister Alex, being a witness of my own accord, yesterday at Old Waylon’s pub, this Mister Jacobs seems to have similarly tried to utilize a Blazing Palm.”

Since the man had committed such fierce crimes, then naturally, you might as well kick him when they were down. This was what Rumont thought.

“Mage Alex, long time no see. This Mister Rumont is a good friend of mine, he’s also an honest Rank 1 Druid. My father gives his recommendation to Grandmaster Sackville; hoping he could help out the Grandmaster.” Fletcher stepped forward to undergo introductions.

Alex showed a grinning face towards Fletcher: “it’s you huh, Fletcher. Excellent, as you can see, we’re currently short one person. Rumont is it?” he nodded to Rumont, “come with me then.”

Afterwards, towards Jacobs sitting on the ground he said: “Jacobs, giving face on behalf of Master Dandy3 as well as your father, I won’t call the city guards over this time. However, I’ll still advise you a bit, Appleseed city isn’t your father’s territory of Carnlea4, you need to learn social restraint.”

Rumont shook his head by the side. The youth had a contemptible expression on his face, based on that, would he accept the advice? Merely, listening to Alex’s words, this person seems to be the son of a Feudal Lord, Eby Uren5 of the town of Carnlea? A n.o.ble huh, should inquire about that clearly later.

Rumont thought like this while following behind Alex in going towards the store.

“Fletcher, that Jacobs just then, is the Carnlea’s Feudal Lord’s son? An n.o.ble? It wouldn’t affect your caravan’s livelihood right?” he asked Fletcher.

Fletcher gave him a laugh: “Jacobs Uren, so it’s him huh. No need to fear. We won’t go towards Carnlea a single step. In fact, currently the amount of caravan groups willing to go to that place is increasingly less.”

“Why?” Rumont asked.

Not waiting for Fletcher’s reply, Alex at the front leading the way said: “this Jacobs is the Lord’s youngest son, between the Lord and a maid. The lord dotes on him; the Lord’s eldest son, Lance6’s mother, died early. Currently, Carnlea’s situation is this; Baron Irby and Jacobs are close, while Lance is challenging for the rights. Furthermore, he’s gotten the backing of his maternal uncle7, the Feudal Lord of Tamm8, Baron Israel Harris9. Carnlea is practically embroiled in chaos, therefore caravan groups are consciously keeping away from there.”

Rumont nodded his head. Chaos in the town of Carnlea. He had also heard the Adventurers say that back in Ricca, however, this kind of precise and succinct summary was his first ever heard.

The trio chatted, already pa.s.sing through the store and visiting the back of the work area.

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