Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 33 – Just Conferred (End)

Chapter 33 – Just Conferred (End)

“Rumont, you can be at ease. I’ll employ a group of experienced workers, they’ll quickly clear up the ruins and additionally, construct the enclosure and houses. As for buying a few farm cattles, that’ll be even easier. Give me a month’s time and I’ll get it done!” Banner was direct and to the point in his words: “the complete teaching materials for Druid fundamentals, I can also obtain it via Old Master Sackville at his mage workshop. A Druid after all, is also considered spell caster right!”

“How much would that cost?” Rumont asked.

“Construction, clearing, the cattles, so long as there’s 200 gold coins it’ll be enough. Four Daylight Crystals, would be 1200 Gold coins. As for the entire set of teaching materials for Druid fundamentals, I’m afraid that’s also require 1000 gold coins!” Banner considered it a bit before speaking out a value: “the total would be roughly 2400 gold coins!”

“I only have 1500 gold coins!” Rumont calculated a bit, and thought that it was also reasonable. He himself had roughly 3000 gold coins, but he still spoke with a touch of having difficulties.

Banner was also considered a somewhat influential merchant within the city, he had a bit of connections and channels. Since it’s like this, why not get him to pull the chariot?

Borrowing money from him would on the contrary closen their relationship. If nothing was needed, then it would make it hard for both sides to cooperate. As a result, even if he had the money, he still needed to borrow a bi;, this way their relations would be a matter of course1.

“Be at ease, I’ll loan you 1000 gold coins. Free of interest for a year, so long as you give me the future market rights of the medicines to me.” hearing Rumont speak like this, Banner was all smiles and beaming with joy2.

Rumont was similarly jubilant inside, because this would pull his relationship closer.

Arriving at Mort’s Inn, Commander Howard then welcomed him, using strength to slap him on his shoulder, so much that it hurt: “Rumont, you actually got an Esquire’s state, congratulations hey!”

Rumont promptly spoke with flattery: “Commander Howard, you’re currently a Rank 4 Warrior, if you want an Esquire’s state, it’s also an easy affair eh!”

Theoretically, what Rumont said was correct. Rank 4 Warrior Howard, who had generations of soldiers, would also be able to obtain an Esquire’s state by relying on some Lord. But in practice, it naturally wouldn’t be that easy. If he was a Rank 5, then it would actually be quite simple.

However, when Howard heard this, his heart nevertheless felt refreshed and pulled Rumont in. Once entered, the inside of the inn then bursted out with an ear-deafening cheer.

He then saw a dozen mercenaries come congratulate him, the locals all crowded to a side.

“Commander Howard, I want to invite you guys once to my ruins. Before the enclosure is setup, please help defend it. The forest isn’t safe!” Rumont quickly prompted: “you can consult Mister Banner on how to arrange it!”

“No problems, we just in the midst of recuperating, we’ll take this matter up.” Howard said expansively.

“I’ll still get it through the Adventurers Guild though, this way you can also earn a bit of credit and prestige.” Rumont said: “the Rank of the squad at the guild also needs to get promoted! That’s important.”

Saying this, without waiting for a reply, Rumont then shouted: “today it’s on me, bring the liquors and roasts!”

“Great!” immediately, another ear-deafening cheer sounded out within the inn.

The midday sun shone above the inn, a lot of people inside were drinking alcohol in big mouthfuls and eating meat; the Mort couple were occupied and frantically busy.

“Aiya, the liquor’s almost all finished. Better go to the back and open another one!” Madame Mort said.

“Truly heavy drinkers!” Mort had a bit of a knot as he spoke. Glancing over, not only the mercenaries, the other townsfolk had also ran over for a drink; a scene of total chaos: “and they don’t even have a close relation.”

“They’re happy for Rumont, yet they’re also envious!” said Madame Mort, as she hastily placed new meats onto the fire to roast.

Mort hearing this, looked over and as expected, although a lot of people were happy for Rumont, they still had a trace of envy in their expressions; some were sour. He kept it in and didn’t speak. Going down to the cellar he once again carried another load of alcohol up.

After all, even his own heart was quite glad, but it also had a trace of sourness!

Esquire. In the past they were retainers for n.o.bles and Knights. Currently, they’re already evolved into a proprietary name———a country gentleman.

Becoming a country gentleman, they would then possess a considerable amount of privileges. They could hold a governmental position within the territory. Up to now, any one of the prosperous n.o.ble households, they had all started from this point. This signified joining the ranks of the ruling caste; it was the first step in emerging from the social hierarchy and ascending the heavens.

Of course, Rumont wasn’t currently there. For him to obtain the required recognition, he would have to lead a village. He couldn’t supplant a village that already had a country gentleman.

With Rumont’s capabilities, perhaps in his lifetime, he would then be able to see this village and make it of his own household; solidly climbing upwards.

Thinking of this, who wouldn’t have some sort of sourness feelings eh?

The party eventually ended in the afternoon. The inn then quieted down. Rumont, Fafnir and Nick sat together, eating pies and meats and chatting quietly.

“When does it start?” Nick impatiently asked.

“No need to rush, it currently isn’t safe within the forest. Wait until the enclosure is done, the housings constructed, and the farming cattle transported, then we’ll move over.” Rumont replied.

“Mm, in any case there’s not many days.” Nick drank a cup, explaining to himself. He had already followed along. The ruins were at the base of a mountain, the surroundings were forests; there was also a stream. If the area was cultivated, it ought to be decent. Rumont had promised early on to not take any tax: “our houses and farmlands then?”

“You family only has about 5 mu of land, why not just leave it.” Fafnir said: “the land belongs to the town. Leave it. There’ll be a use for it later.”

“It’s pretty good right now as well, the newly-appointed Tax Officer rarely finds us for any troubles.” Nick said optimistically. With Rumont’s elevated status, he didn’t have to worry about taxation or the law anymore. Nick nominally became the va.s.sal of Rumont. Under general circ.u.mstances, only Rumont could control him.

“Fafnir, you’re also thinking of being a soldier, why not simply be the Guard Captain of our territory. What do you say?” Rumont formally asked.

“Mm, okay!” Fafnir answered straightforwardly. He had thought over this question for quite some time.

Even though the current territory was quite small, Rumont’s development scenario was not at all limited to merely this.

Many mercenaries entrust their hopes to their Commander. In the event that their Commander was able to make a name for themselves, they would also follow along with the overall trend3. This was the practice of this world. Therefore Howard’s squadron members were all exceptionally supportive of their Commander. And a few days prior, Lancas had also similarly received the hopes of his members like this. Of course, in the end their disappointment was also quite high&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;Fafnir was neither an exception!

“What did Banner just say?” Nick asked.

“I entrusted the development of the territory to him.” Rumont drank a mouthful of liquor: “I also request him to purchase a new set of gla.s.s tools for synthesizing medicines. The current ones are no longer enough.”

“This will waste a lot of money though, how about we do the work ourselves?” Nick had already changed his thoughts, rapidly planning as part of the family.

Rumont innerly exclaimed. In the past, granted that they were even better brothers, it was also only a personal friendship between Nick and Fafnir. It wouldn’t have been a relationship as closely linked4 as this, with shared interests. This kind of relationship in this world would last longer than several hundreds of years.

“It’s not important. Nick, we currently have many things we can’t do. It isn’t a problem letting them first earn some money. We need to open our eyes wide and look far.” Rumont explained: “the population is still the big problem. With only our 3 families, we can’t develop much. It’ll be great if we had 10 families.”

“We’ll eventually get that. If you’re not pressed for people, we could also get in contact with defeated Mercenaries.” Fafnir said: “I’ll go ask about at the Mercenary Guild, they’ll always be there.”

“Excellent, you can take care of it!” Rumont loosened his shoulders: “let’s go, it’s getting late.”

Two of them grunted a sound, promptly drank some more liquor and followed him out.

At this moment, Howard and Banner seemed to have already finished their discussion. Banner came over: “Rumont, if there’s nothing else then I’ll return back to the city today. All various kinds of things are quite troublesome in establishing a village!”

“No problem. But you’re doing it today?”

“Since it’s all sorted, then we’ll immediately get started. This is what I, Banner, have learnt from working!” Banner was a bit proud as he spoke: “Howard and them will also go back with me.”

“I’m also going along. Just in time with Commander Howard.” Fafnir said: “I’ll also conveniently get a few small missions and also toughen a bit.”

The people that struggled in the lower side of society, their livelihoods would always be exceptionally hard pressed and difficult. When mercenaries had big missions, they would need to carry it out together. In normal times when they’re free, if it’s not refining their martial skills, then it would be to accept smaller missions. These missions would include clearing beasts in the vicinity, it would even include chopping firewood, hunting and looking for medicinal ingredient. Abilities, experience and funds would be slowly be acc.u.mulated bit by bit.

Fafnir was originally of a Warrior household background, he was quite understanding of these matters. He was constantly paying attention, not relenting in acc.u.mulations.

Rumont nodded, thinking. Did himself need to find an animal companion?

Via a contract, the animal companion and himself would be able to share their strength respectively. They were of a tremendous help to Mages and Druids.

Theoretically, a Rank 1 Druid could find an animal companion. But naturally they would only be able to find the most commonly seen and most ordinary of animals———for examples, snakes, rats or spiders of sort.

With the Shennong Horn, Rumont’s did not care about a slight increase of Strength or Agility. After all, the Shennong Horn continued to alter him, sooner or later it would make him become a stronger existence.

Yet, there were some powers, no matter how one transformed, would be very difficult to obtain. For example———flight and detection.

For him that had existed on Earth, he would certainly know that being able to scout at a height, and at necessary times even be able to fly away, was more or less a valuable and formidable skill. Hence, Rumont desired to obtain an animal companion of the flying type, especially a medium sized animal that could carry a person during flight.

Perhaps last time when he saw that brightly-coloured, long feathered Cliff Eagle, it was a suitable animal companion. It would generally live at above steep mountain cliffs, and usually in flocks. Adult Cliff Eagles could fly a person into the skies.

This was an extremely outstanding animal companion. It was a pity, allegedly adult Cliff Eagles required Rank 7 and above Druids to be able to obtain and further form a contract with. After all, the stronger an animal companion was, the power the owner would need to pay up would also be greater. If it was an adult dragon of a giant size, then granted that it was the legendary Rank 21 or higher, they also wouldn’t be able to bear it, unless they were a Semi-G.o.d.

Perhaps, he could first contract a young Cliff Eagle? Or at least find a Cliff Eagle egg to incubate himself. Thinking of this, Rumont decided to mention it to Banner, to take note whether the market would have these kinds of eggs.

Chapter 34 – Magic Workshop (End)

“Fletcher, you’re too polite.” Alex laughed: “you’ll spend too much like that, that’s a place for celebrations.”

“Of course, of course.” Fletcher also faintly laughed: “then it’s agreed. I’ll leave first then.”

“I’ll send you off.” Alex followed him.

“No need, no need.” Fletcher waved his arm: “Rumont, you need to learn more from Mage Alex.”

“Brother Fletcher, I will.” Rumont bowed to him.

Once Fletcher left, Alex came back through the doorway.

“Rumont,” he pointed at the several separated youths, saying: “these are also your colleagues, currently they’re still working, so I won’t introduce you, instead, later on you’ll get to know them. I’ll take you to your room.”

Rumont nodded his head silently. Afterwards, Alex brought him to see his room: the room wasn’t big, but the beddings and so on were quite neat. There was a small table with a small lamp on top, which was also a magic item; an everlasting Rank zero Radiance was on it.

“Do you know how to use this thing?” Alex pointed at the magical lamp, asking.

“Yeah.” Rumont replied, he had seen it before inside the Shrine at Ricca. Speaking of the use of this convenient small object, it required a touch of magic power and it would start up in a brief moment.

“As for lunch, it’s delivered from Old Waylon’s place.” Alex smiled at Rumont, his smile had an ambiguous feel to it. “Yvette is a good girl, only her temperament is a bit feisty.”

Rumont lowered his head.

Alex thought he was being shy, laughing out heartily.

Finally, Alex brought him to a sectioned off room within the workplace. “This will be your workplace area from now on, do you require me to demonstrate to you once on how to compound the medicine?”

“Sure, I’ll be troubling you” Rumont took a deep breath, striving on concentrating his own mind up.

“Wait a bit.” said Alex as he left. Not long after, he brought back a small gla.s.s bottle and a case.

Alex sat at the experiment table. “Watch now, Rumont, because the activity index of the compound is short after mixing, therefore, the compound is split into two parts by my Master,” he said to Rumont while opening the small case; exposing the medicinal pills inside. “The mixing section is very simple; take the medicinal pill and place it in the solution within the gla.s.s bottle, wait until the medicinal pill is completely dissolved, and it’ll be the time when the activity index of the compound is at it’s highest point, did you hear all that?”

“I heard it clearly.” Rumont replied while feeling a touch of awe. He had listened to Jeff and Anson lecture about the methods of determining the compound’s activity level; amongst the several methods, the word with the highest occurring frequency was “experience”. At the present, from what Alex said, so long as one saw with the naked eye, observing the time when the medicinal pill fully dissolved, you could then be certain of the compound’s activity index. This kind of simple design evidently showed Sackville’s accomplishments in synthesizing elixirs.

“In that case, Mage Alex, how long would it roughly take for the medicinal pill to fully dissolve then.” Rumont asked.

Hearing this question, Alex knitted his brows: “Master once did a measuring test, the results at that time was 56 magic seconds. However, knowing this result is useless, because you don’t possess the means to accurately measure time with.”

“Who said that I, your daddy doesn’t have?” Rumont hissed towards the heavens in his mind: “I, your daddy’s Shennong Horn spatial regions has a stopwatch!”

However, his expression showed an extremely curious smile: “a device to measure time, is it expensive?”

“Very. I also wish to have one. It would make experiments more convenient.” Alex displayed a longing smile.

“Myself also wouldn’t gift you one.” Rumont said in his mind.

“Okay then, can I begin to demonstrate now?” Alex asked.

“Could you please wait a bit sir.” Rumont closed his eyes, breathing deeply. Afterwards, his spirit entered the Shennong Horn spatial region, finding that stopwatch device.

Rumont opened his eyes, at the same time, within his s.p.a.cious sleeves of Druid clothings, his right hand was already grasping onto the stopwatch. “Luckily, for today’s meeting I wore formal wear.“ He thought thusly.

“Please begin then.”

Alex laughed as he opened the bottle lid, taking the small medicinal pill and throwing it into the colourless solution, Rumont secretly pushed on the b.u.t.ton to measure time.

The small medicinal pill gradually dissolved, the medical compound began to change into a red hue. Alex’s expression was serene, amidst the process he began to study it, while also forming his hands into the corresponding seals.

Rumont also concentrated his entire mental energies on watching Alex’s processing.

Waiting until the instant the medicinal pill within the small bottle was gone, the final syllable of Alex’s incantation exactly matched Rumont’s prompt pressing. Simultaneously, within Rumont’s spiritual vision, he could obviously see, a divine light gradually beginning to flash within the bottle; the spell was currently stored within the compound.

This kind of scene persisted for roughly a short while, afterwards, within his naked eyes, Rumont saw the medicinal compound suddenly have a brief flash of golden light.

“Finished.” Alex relaxed a brief, “afterwards, I ought to sign my name on it,” he pointed at the empty label on top of the small bottle and said, “and following that, give it to me for inspection, to give the appraisal result of compound quality, at the time of creation. Finally, I’ll in accordance to its results, pay your remuneration.”

“I understand.”

“Okay then. Once the compound is successful, ring the bell on your table and I’ll come fetch it. There’s two sets of the compoundings, take one to first test it out.” Alex took out two sets and placed it on the table, leaving afterwards.

Rumont watched him leave, walking into the part.i.tioning gap and closed the door. He took out the stopwatch concealed within his sleeve, it displayed a time of 55.4 seconds on it. It seemed like magic seconds and the seconds back on Earth, just so happens to be identical.

Rumont had a complacent smiling expression on his face; having this, synthesizing the medical mixture would be so much easier.

A week’s worth of time pa.s.sed by quite quickly. Within this week, Rumont was acquainted with his fellow work apprentices, 3 Mages, a Druid, and including himself, a total of 5 people. Everyone’s age wasn’t too far apart, their life experiences were nearly the same, basically all without a set teacher, or perhaps they did have a teacher, but wasn’t able to obtain the teacher’s favour. Similarly, everyone all directly and indirectly had some kind of relationship to Sackville; all connected via recommendations from others to work at this place.

“The whole society structure is a.n.a.logous to the European middle ages. Apprentices studied under a Master, learning their skills via the vouching of others. The modern age frequently seen public recruitments doesn’t seem to exist, it also lacked the rarely seen so-called volunteering services. A society that still relies on close acquaintances to establish a social network. Even though the so grasped power of the few were not at all like the modern ages, however, Magic spells and Divine spells, were a privilege that the few always enjoyed.”

Having the experience of the explosive information era, Rumont’s insight was unusual when concerning society.

However, even Archimedes had to find a fulcrum before he could lever the Earth. Rumont, as a Rank 1 Druid, currently still placed the absolute majority of his attention on compounding methods of medications. In the remaining time, he paid attention to the progressing plants within the Shennong Horn. In addition, he also compared martial skills with the frequently lunch delivering Yvette.

Rumont’s current days pa.s.sed by in extreme satisfaction. So much so that in regards to the repaying of the debt, after not seeing the ugly faced b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a Tax Officer Barcas from Ricca, Rumont also had a plan; which was to wait for a suitable opportunity. As for this opportune chance, he concentrated his attention on Yvette, intentionally getting intimate.

As for the impression that other people saw of Rumont, it was also different.

Within this week, Rumont would entirely use up his daily quota of his 3 Rank 1 spells, Mending, everyday. This was completely different to the blockhead Jacobs who, for the purpose of showing off, had squandered away his selected Rank 1 spell, Blazing Palm.

Proceeding on, within everyone’s eyes, Rumont displayed an astonishing gift on the task of elixir synthesizing; his manufacturing success rate of the treatment, Mending, vulneraries, was only second to Alex. Roughly 9 times of out of every 3 days of manufacturing, would their be one slip up. Furthermore, the results of the slip ups were incomplete secondary medicines, and not fully reported as worthless; these types of incomplete secondaries had effects equivalent to the Rank 0 spell “Cauterize”, which could be put up for sale at the front of the store. Therefore, Rumont was not at all required, for these reasons, to pay the compensations of the mixing compound———this, without a doubt, was the results of Rumont’s careful control.

Facing his colleagues’ envious stares, Mage Alex’s praises, as well as Yvette’s obvious change of att.i.tude, Rumont’s response was utterly simple: “in regards to the pa.s.sage of time, I’m extremely sensitive to it.”

Relying on the mighty ability of the stopwatch, Alex even said to him once in admiration: “Rumont, if you had chosen the way of a Mage, I believe we could have collaborated, working on some research together.”

In regards to everything, Rumont bore it with equanimity, what was the point of being envious? n.o.body dared to do any kind of sabotage within the workplace, as for outside of work, Rumont’s lifestyle was also utterly disciplined. At most, he would venture out to practice swordsmanship together with Yvette; shortly though, in spite of everything, their feelings were increasingly harmonious.

Furthermore, the most important thing was that his colleagues, due to the reason of the skill studying was difficult enough and being experienced enough, were therefore conducting themselves especially more prudent. In this world, ordinary people were the most numerous in the end, they didn’t dare to raise a ruckus1.

It was Sunday, midday. After Rumont finished attending Sackville’s lecture, he aimlessly loitered outside of the store; today he had half a day of resting. In general, apprentices wouldn’t be able to enjoy this, Rumont in the end however, had the status of a spell caster, their treatments were naturally completely different in comparison to the general workshop store apprentices.

After that, he saw Yvette standing lively outside of the door.

A girl letting out her long wavy golden locks, shining underneath the sparkling sunlight. Her nose seemed like it was carved by a skilled craftsman using the most beautiful of jade; a small exquisite nose, slightly tilted up. Her chest, a pair of doves, peacefully concealed, displaying the maiden’s graceful curves.

Rumont all of a sudden thought of an old poetry verse recited back on Earth:

A gentle beauty, awaited me from the corner. Hidden love unseen, I left scratching my head. A refined beauty, gifted me a red flute. Beautiful red glow, a beauty to my liking. Gifted white weeds, strange yet also truly novel. Not the gift, but because of the girl.2

He felt an agitation in his heart. After last time’s dimly revealed information, she returned only after a wait of three days.

Although he was talking rather too much to someone he didn’t know well, yet it couldn’t be helped.

Note from author:
The book was 4th in the list of new works, everyone supporting Heaven’s Intention, friends that liked this book, please continue in supporting me, bookmark and recommend, if, and I’m saying if, I’m able to enter into the weekly 15, it would be the biggest recognition and encouragement of everyone. Heartful thanks to you all.

Chapter 35 – Channels (Start)

Rumont and Yvette exited the city together.

Appleseed city’s eastern direction’s Pastor Field1 gulf, was an exceptionally delightful scenery———of course, only the Earthling Rumont saw it this way. As for the large majority of the city dwellers, Pastor Field bay was way too shallow. So much that comparatively larger boats wouldn’t be able to enter it. Also, when the climate was once again the summer period with the excessive rains, the moist sea winds would supply Appleseed city great copious amounts of rainwater. To the residents of Appleseed city, it was at this time when the seafood on the dining table would cause them to think of the beach.

Currently, Rumont and Yvette followed along the small road between the groves. After pa.s.sing through some up and down hills, the pair arrived at Pastor Field gulf.

Rumont was quite fond of this place. An exquisite white sandy beach, the light blue skies and deep blue ocean waters enhancing each other’s beauty. The ocean waves crashed along the coastal reefs, producing a huahua2 crashing sound. As for the often calling seagulls, it fitted in with harmony; at the extreme end of one’s vision, the horizon had white specks of fishing sails.

“I almost thought that I had returned back to Earth.“ Rumont deeply breathed in, as his mind thought. The air had a salty taste brought by the ocean winds, causing people’s spirits to lift.

Yvette did not at all understand the whatever reason Rumont was so fond of this place, however, from the several years of entertaining the crowds, she really did have a favourable impression of Rumont. She enjoyed watching Rumont’s figure standing by the beach. She always thought: this youth in front of me isn’t that old of a man, but acts like a matured man with a past.

Furthermore, there was still a very strong potential.

“Rumont,” Yvette opened her mouth, “the affairs of the Black Market, I’ve asked daddy about it. However, you need to tell me. Why did you inquire about all of this?” her voice was a touch nervous. If Rumont didn’t speak out a satisfying reason; then she wouldn’t speak about the obtained information out.

The Black Market matter, in fact, a majority of Adventurers would make contact with it. Just think about it, two squadrons of Adventurers encountered each other in the jungle, because of some reason they fought. Eventually, one of the squads attains victory. The winners would obviously obtain the advantage of spending the belongings of the defeated; as to make use of these belongings. It would then be absolutely necessary to request the help of a Black Market.

However, speaking of Rumont, because his belongings had came from some group of Thieves, in that case, those channels that were generally presided by the Thieves in the Black Market, couldn’t be trusted in anyway.

Therefore, a Rank 5 Warrior and a former Adventurer, the current boss of a pub should be able to access some other different channel. Even if they couldn’t, Rumont could still go ask Mage Alex, or perhaps converse about with another caravan; it would eventually be possible to find a way. Certainly though, being able to obtain the information from the mouth of the current loveable Yvette would be the best possible outcome.

“Yvette, it’s cause you’re concerned for me right?” a smiling intent floated within Rumont’s eyes.

Yvette beautifully blushed, she brushed off Rumont’s hand, turning her body away: “others are concerned.”

The bashful girl would often care about her own aloofness, however in a flash, she was smiling again while sizing up Rumont, noticing his age: “who’s the one that’s actually blushing huh. Little Ruddy3.”

Seeing Yvette’s incessant excitement, Rumont didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Although his soul was transferred to this youth, currently though, his age was 16 years, compared to her it was still younger by a year; it really was too young.

“Yvette, we’re still talking about serious things. It’s like this&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Rumont told her in a low voice the events back at Ricca town, where Tax Officer Barcas utilized Thieves to frame him, together with his counterattack; obtaining a pile of goods. Even the jealousy of Priest Dennis was told.

The horizon from the beach was extremely wide and empty, with the huhu of the wintry sea breezes on top of it, Rumont was not at all worried about what he said being leaked out.

“Rumont&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” the maiden finished listening to Rumont’s account, was silent with nothing to say.

The huhu sounds of the wintry sea breezes, the ocean sprays broke down into fine mists. The pair at the beach, their thoughts were both endlessly chaotic.

“Rumont&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Yvette’s voice aroused him amidst his contemplation.

“The business of the Black Market is like this&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

From amidst Yvette’s narrative whisperings, Rumont came to understand a rough outline of his affairs: Old Waylon, as expected, grasped a certain Black Market channel. Even more crucial was that this channel had none whatsoever relationship with Thieves. Instead, it was part of another even more secretive organization; it was only natural that Yvette was not at all too clear towards this. However, Rumont was able to, from her bit by bit narration, deduce this point. Merely, there were still 2 problems to solve. One, was that the Black Market that Yvette spoke about was held once a month, this month’s had already pa.s.sed; needing to wait for next month’s convention.

The other one, was that the transactions at the Black Market required another’s recommendation. Old Waylon did indeed possess this qualification, only, he was afraid the commodities he put forth at the place wouldn’t sell. At the time he ransacked the Thieves Guild, a large amount of money was obtained. The goods had included 10 rolls of new cloth, 6 sharp newly made dagger, 5 leather pouches, a set of elementary Thief skill book, an expert’s scroll on toxins, a small case filled with various kinds of toxins, as well as tools to specifically pry open locks.

Rumont scratched his head: luckily there was still almost a whole month’s worth of time to plan and prepare. Entering the market and selling goods would take a bit of effort on this person who had pa.s.sed-through.

“Yvette, let’s practice our sword work.” Rumont thought the Black Market matter could again be planned when he returned. Currently, it would be better to have a round with Yvette, to improve his mood by venting off.

Yvette, hearing those words spoken by Rumont, laughed and patted her longsword by her waist: “Rumont, don’t snivel if you lose.”

Yvette’s eyes were delicate and wide, it was exactly what the ancient Chinese referred as “phoenix eyes”. Her smile, even though it was of a 17 18 year olds, it still had a peculiar type of charm.

“Yvette, have you ever seen me cry before.” Rumont laughed, drawing out his sword. “Shua Shua” the air was filled with several strikes, a swordsman’s salute was conducted with a solemn and respectful look.

Yvette restrained a smiling expression, as the sword salute was returned.

“Ding!” the duo’s longswords lightly touched before parting.

Yvette settled her sword in an upright position, nodding her head to Rumont indicating that he could attack first.

Rumont took a deep breath in, advancing his foot a step forward like a gale, positioning his sword in a general horizontal position against his heart. Shouting at the same time in a loud voice: “Ha!”

Yvette however did not move. Rumont’s longsword was like a sharp arrow, arriving like lightning.

“Ha! “ Rumont’s eyes had a thread of hesitation, calling once again in a loud voice, he shook his wrist, his longsword was like the common quick snake, overturning its own body.

Yvette’s face suddenly showed a smiling expression that could shake one’s core, it was at that moment where it was impossible to act, she evaded a few steps to the left. Afterwards, she lifted her sword that she grasped in her right hand up. What she had unexpectedly done was use the sword’s blade and blocked it against Rumont’s sword point. “Ha! “ Yvette’s voice resounded, turning her waist, she raised her left hand, forming the shape of a blade.

Rumont swung his head. Yvette’s hand blade which had aimed at the throat still sc.r.a.ped against the right side of his neck. Rumont felt a burst of dizziness, and retreated a step. His offense was disrupted quickly.

“Rumont, you hesitated just then eh.” Yvette smiled, placing the long sword back into the sheath.

Rumont came to a halt, rolling his eyes: you just stood there not moving at all, wouldn’t I be afraid of hurting you?

Yvette seemed to understand what he was thinking, giggling she approached to give him a kiss: “I know that you were anxious about me right. Merely, with your level as a Warrior, how are you going to get a hold of me, a Rank 4 Warrior?”

“Yvette, you advanced in Rank?” Rumont was pleasantly surprised as he spoke.

“I competed with my father yesterday, he said that I had the standard of a Rank 4 heh. Only, I didn’t go to the Warriors Guild to get it officially checked out.” Yvette closed her eyes in a happy manner: “heh also, you don’t have to patronize me, I can see that your current apt.i.tude has roughly reached that of a Rank 2 Warrior.”

“Yeap.” Rumont looked her in the eyes and said, “without the loveable Yvette as my teacher, my sparring partner and guiding me through, how would I have improved so quickly.”

This was the truth, Yvette did not hold back a single trick at all when she instructed him in the teachings of martial skills. At Rank 4 and below, the body’s responses were extremely important. Equally as significant were the movements of footwork. These things couldn’t rely solely on a master to explain with words. An area that was inadequately formed would have erroneous habits; correcting them at a later date would be difficult. These things couldn’t be learnt just from reading books.

In short, Yvette was an even more conscientious teacher than Lieutenant Richard.

“Rumont, you don’t need to be proud about your thrust just then. Let me tell you something, first, your footwork is still too wasteful&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Yvette deliberately put on a wooden face as she explained.

Rumont immediately listened in earnest to Yvette’s accord of the sparring.

Yvette also gradually began to genuinely treat it more seriously.

Two people, one taught, one learnt. The time could be said to have pa.s.sed flying by.

Underneath the setting sun, Rumont was covered in a layer of gold while practicing with great effort those few thrusting attacks taught to him the day before; under the casted shadow where the sunlight did not reach his nose, this boy already had the vestiges of a real man’s charisma.

Yvette felt a bit foolish of a sudden, she reached out her hand to pull back a messy lock of hair blown by the wind, thinking: if at the time, when she noticed him back at the bar was still due to a type of curiosity, then currently, he had really moved her because of his current meticulous manner of practicing martial arts.

Originally it was just an agreement for being a training partner in a fun type of way, but he was seriously enthusiastic; the manner seemed as if he was pursuing the way of a Warrior hereafter. A Druid was perhaps better regarded as half a caster, yet the Druid apprentices within the city still by far preferred magic even more.

Yvette once again thought about the evaluation of Rumont her father gave: “this kid Rumont, could perhaps do well seriously as a Druid. You must know though, a Druid isn’t solely about servicing the medicinal land herbs and agricultural plants.”

“Go home Rumont ah, we’ll finish up here today.” Yvette yelled out tenderly.

Rumont retrieved his sword, conducting a salute towards Yvette: “thank you, Master.”

The pair laughed, basked in the golden red sunset they returned to Appleseed city.



“Miss Eleni&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;I mean, your town’s Miss Eleni, she must be really pretty and a really good person right?”

Experiencing the vague emotions from the sudden phrase, Rumont at once felt tingling sensations on his scalp.

Chapter 36 – Channels (End)

A week’s worth of time quickly came and went. Within this week, Rumont broadened his range of activities a little; Rumont went shopping at the bazaar and accompanying Yvette.

Appleseed city was after all, different to Ricca town with the already commonly found bazaar. The bazaar located at the Agricultural G.o.ddess’ Shrine could be punctually heard, opening and shutting in the morning and evening everyday respectively. A curfew was implemented during the nighttime.

This kind of easy-going atmosphere, belonging to the ancient middle ages made the accustomed to staying up late back on Earth Rumont, exceptionally satisfied. Naturally conforming to a changed lifestyle and dietary, in regards to a person in a matter of speaking, would indeed be an exceptionally beneficial matter.

Work was still quite liberal amidst the workplace; meeting the specific number for the a.s.signments, the remaining time could be then freely allocated. In regards to the way Magician Sackville and his disciple Alex handled their business, as said from Earth, would be that it was a highly scientific approach type of work. In regards to the workers, their blood and sweat for the workplace was neither a necessity nor a need.

The afternoon of this day was a seldom seen clear day in winter. Probably due to the influence of the weather, Rumont was in a rare good mood. 3 bottles of vulneraries were completed in the morning. After supplying magic to the compound mixtures, his consciousness felt as if it was water, beginning to flow in an unorganized manner over Rumont’s whole body. This kind of extreme weariness, incapable of concentrating his attention as well at the same time being hard to fall asleep, was not at all a good feeling. Therefore, no matter if it was creating a magical weapon or manufacturing an elixir, casters were indeed not at all content for making money repeatedly as well as halting their advancement. However, in regards to the preliminary casters, the risks were low enough and it also brought in money quickly.

However, Rumont had his secret methods.

The first time he experienced the after effects of the spiritual suffering, arising from the multiple applications of magic, Rumont’s immediate response was the ginseng plants within the Shennong Horn. The restorative properties of the ginseng; supplementing the spleen and beneficial to the lungs; nourishing fluids and quenching thirst; calming the nerves and adding to wisdom. The worshipping of its efficacy practically became the basic intrinsic inheritance of Chinese people. However, what efficacy would there be in the ginseng that could be bought and used from the common market? Merely looking at how the ginseng rootlets, this rare endangered plant, was already protected by the nation and it could be understood.

Originally, after he had obtained the Shennong Horn, Rumont could be said to have in one breath planted things inside such as; ginseng, snow root, lingzhi mushrooms, Chinese knotweed, sealwort and many other heaven defying treasured herbs that were frequently appearing in wuxia novels. Of course, the final results were that the few goods produced by the spatial region, their efficacy seemed to be much better than the ones bought on the outside. However, wanting to increase about a hundred years or so of martial prowess after consuming was merely a delusion.

Perhaps the Shennong Horn did not provide at all any plants with rapid catalysing powers.

However, the results were evident after taking some ginseng. The results in regards to improving the state of consciousness after utilizing magic were outstanding. Therefore, Rumont would even be chewing on a slice during the application of magic. Of course, for the purpose of concealing it, at the same time he would still handle a bit of White Speckle Leaf1 that casters would frequently use, placing it into his mouth to chew. This kind of cheaply-priced plant would produce a type of exceptionally pungent and spicy flavour similar to mustard; stimulating the nerves and the mind.

“Rumont.” Yvette standing smartly by his side had called out.

At this time, Rumont was not vividly seen squatting at the foot of the wall beside Sackville’s store, basking in the sunlight. Via him wearing a sheepskin coat, with his arms placed within his sleeves, his image was like a living example of an old peasant from the northwestern regions of China.

Rumont smiled, looking up at Yvette. He had a lazy smiling expression, his manner was completely different when compared with the other day.

“Yvette, you need to protect me, I’m currently really dizzy ah.” actually, Rumont was currently at this moment, chewing on ginseng. Although he was still feeling a bit lazy mentally, he however was not at all unwell already. Merely, being protected by a female once in awhile was something unusually good to experience eh.

“If you’re sick you should first sleep for a bit, if you can’t fall asleep, I’ll ma.s.sage you for a bit.” Yvette tenderly whispered, again being more intimate with only themselves around.

Because Warriors toughened their muscles due to handling a large amount of tasks, they basically as a result were quite adept at alleviating fatigue using ma.s.sages. Only, it wasn’t capable of being compared against the Chinese tui na which was formed incorporating energy channels and acupuncture points back on Earth.

The reason Yvette so voiced out was because Rumont pa.s.sed onto her some health care ma.s.saging techniques, frequently used on Earth by people sitting at the computer desk. As Rumont saw it, having a beautiful girl carefully tui na ma.s.saging oneself was an invigorating matter ah!

Yet as Yvette saw it, the meaning of Rumont’s intent was different.

This was an extremely lacking in information era where technological advancement was utterly slow. Within this kind of era, any kind of skill would be a household’s or perhaps a clan’s basis of reliance on maintaining a livelihood. Thus, as Yvette saw it, Rumont imparting this type of skill that relieved mental fatigue to her, was sufficient enough to explain everything.

Sometimes, romance arose precisely due to misunderstandings; even if it was one sided.

“No need.” Rumont extended a hand, “give me a pull, let’s go the bazaar together.”

As Yvette pulled Rumont up, Rumont conveniently pounced into Yvette’s bosom, causing the maiden to give a shriek.

“Rumont, you’re bullying Yvette again.” Mage Alex laughed while coming over out of the store. The splendid sunlight outside caused his eyes to squint.

“Brother Alex, I’m just advenging you eh. You’re always telling me that in your childhood, Yvette was always ruining your writings, treating your gown as a cape or something else.” Because of Rumont’s relationship with Yvette, he gradually became closer to Alex. Furthermore in this short period, Fletch visited once, intentionally bringing along Rumont to invite Alex to grab a bite; therefore Rumont changed the way he addressed him.

“Brother Alex, you actually went and told those things to Rumont!” the maiden angrily stamped her foot, while stealthily looking at Rumont. She was worried a peculiar thinking had arisen from listening to the things she did in when she was young.

“Hehe. The bazaar only has half the day left, if you’re going you need to leave now. Rumont, remember to curry Yvette’s favour by buying her some accessories ah!” Alex pursed up his lips, changing the subject.

“How would I forget!” Rumont smiled as he replied. Yvette had already ran off while blushing, Rumont hurriedly waved to Alex to bid him a farewell.

Appleseed city’s bazaar was setup at the southern end. When the Rumont pair arrived at the place holding hands, it was really as Alex had warned them, half the people had already dispersed.

“Let’s first go to the jewelry store to have a look.” Rumont said, slanting his head to Yvette.

Yvette shook her head: “let’s go to the apothecary first.”

Rumont laughingly said: “going there doesn’t mean I have to find something, I’m merely increasing my knowledge. Let’s go.”

Saying this, he dragged Yvette towards the direction of the jewelry store.

The maiden’s face was red, a sweet feeling filled her heart.

Coming out of the jewelry store, Yvette was admiringly fondling the appreciative silver head ornament that Rumont had bought her. “Rumont, wasn’t this a bit too expensive, you still have a large debt right.” lifting her head up, she anxiously and worriedly asked.

“Do I need to worry about a trivial debt of 450 silver coins? “ Rumont deliberately whispered into her ear, directing a warm breath into the maiden’s inner ear.

Yvette laughed tenderly while evading. The pair squabbled until they reached the apothecary vicinity.

The medicines sold by the apothecary were even closer to that of Earth’s pharmaceuticals; particularly paying attention to fully exhibiting a herb’s inherent attributes. Completely different to the elixirs he manufactured at Magician Sackville’s place. The apothecary at the same time doubled on selling various kinds of medicinal herbs and raw materials.

“Peng!2” a person rolled out of the apothecary. Rumont and Yvette both recognized this person. Surprisingly, it was Baron Lord of Carnlea, Eby’s youngest son, expelled from Sackville ‘s workplace, Jacobs Uren.

However, the current image of Jacobs did not even show half of his previous opulent arrogance. Even though when looking at his clothes, the style and material used was quite good, it was already yet quite filthy and tattered all over.

The apothecary’s boss Issalter3, came out cursing loudly and haranguing from within the store: “Jacobs, you scoundrel, it was from the dead Baron Uren’s face, that I sheltered you. Only last time you unexpectedly sold Blue Gra.s.s with Arrowhead Gra.s.s mixed inside with it to me. I, Issalter, have worked as an Apothecarist for 20 years inside Appleseed city. Mentioning the medicines that I, Issalter create, who wouldn’t give me a thumbs up. But because there were problems from your batch of Blue Gra.s.s, it harmed my face in front of others of the same profession, ruining my reputation within the city. Looking back at the help Baron Uren had given me during those years, I, Issalter could easily wipe clean the spit that everyone spat on my face. However, you scoundrel. This time you unexpectedly, still in a thick skinned manner, came again to sell me Arrowhead Gra.s.s mixed with Blue Gra.s.s. Are you treating me, Issalter, as a goblin with an incompetent brain?”

The apothecary’s boss’ face showed a purplish red colour because of his rising anger, his big gesticulating arms were of a mottled colour due to a long period of manufacturing medicines; his foaming saliva flew about horizontally. Curious people began to gradually crowd around.

Rumont quietly drew Yvette back, hinting the two should push into the crowd.

“After Baron Eby Uren died, Jacobs’ older sibling Lance obtained the final victory; leaving Jacobs this top character.” Rumont thinking this far, couldn’t help but spit towards the ground: “rotten mud really can’t support a wall, actually degrading to such an extent in a short while.”

Rumont compared it to his own struggling experiences, honestly thinking that Jacobs was really a piece of trash that could be abandoned but not discarded!

“We should go back.” Rumont inclined his head saying to Yvette in a low voice.

“Rumont, that Jacobs really causes one to feel disgusted, even one with a good temperament such as Issalter was angered to such an extent.” Yvette pouted. “Let’s go loop around to have another look at the herbs.”

“No need. “ Rumont dully said, giving a final glance at the bundle of Blue Gra.s.s that Issalter had thrown out, before turning around and leaving, pulling Yvette along.

Arrowhead Gra.s.s, after being soaked in oil of Blue Ray Stone powder and handled, it’s shape to it’s scent would have a barely negligible difference from Blue Gra.s.s. Vicious minded merchants would always favour the cheaply-priced Arrowhead Gra.s.s, pa.s.sing it off for Blue Gra.s.s.

Rumont remembered back on Earth, there was a type of herb called Chinese lobelia, which surprisingly was unusually resembling this world’s b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s. b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s was a type of commonly seen poison material. Last time when the Thieves Guild was eliminated, this kind of thing was found within the collected poison materials.

A type of herb that was extremely similar to b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s. As a completely new type of plantae, it should possess the qualifications to be presented via Old Waylon’s Black Market channel. Furthermore, it’s origin should easily be concealed right&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

Author note: Upvote, Upvote, please recommend.

Chapter 37 – Cleaned (Start)

Within the Shennong Horn spatial region. A light globe was suspended roughly 30 metres high in the air and emitting a golden radiance.

Rumont was inside. Even though he had already entered this place through his mind countless of times, it was still yet an inconceivable feeling.

“Chinese lobelia.” he yelled out into the air.

Consequently, the data of Chinese lobelia emerged out. This was a type of medicinal herb from Earth. Because of its efficacy in treating injuries involving snakes out in the wilds, therefore, Rumont had grown a batch. Rumont reviewed the data of this medicinal herb, the content inside wasn’t quite the same as when he last saw it on Earth. This was probably due to the arising differences in law of the two worlds. However, it was still good, it still had the efficacy of being a type of snake cure.

Rumont took out from within the spatial region some herbs he had already dried in the shades———within the Shennong Horn spatial region, it had what seemed to be a small specialized area used for storage and preparation. Some medicinal herbs were laid therein; which would preserve the state of when it had entered. Afterwards, he left the Shennong Horn.

Returning back to the simple room provided to Sackville’s apprentices, Rumont looked at the Chinese lobelia in his palm, his expression showed a small smile.

The magic lamp emitted an unusual feeble white light, barely illuminating the surrounding area of roughly 1 metre.

Rumont dragged out a small wooden chest from underneath the bed. The insides had a collection of herb priming tools frequently used by an apothecarist. A small bowl used for grinding could similarly used for juice extraction, a small knife used for cutting, a guillotine was a tool used for conveniently cutting in batches, scissors used to get the most tenderest of sprout leaves, it could also be used to break things up. There was also a tiny jar of pottery, which could be used to steep herbs in———this was what Apothecarist Anson had given to him within the Shrine back at Ricca town.

Rumont took out amongst them the small knife and began to in accordance of this world’s methods of priming b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s, prime the Chinese lobelia.

For the first step in handling a herb was to remove the poorer attribute parts of the herb and retain the best features, or perhaps divide the medicinal herb according to the distinct properties of the different parts. After the appropriately given processing, increasing its medicinal strength or causing a subtle medicinal change, or perhaps even lengthen the preservation time of the herb; these were all cla.s.sified as the most fundamental sections of herbology.

On Earth, undergoing two thousand years of development, traditional Chinese medical science called this division of knowledge as concoction studies.

As for this world, herbology unexpectedly also developed in such a way, even though it couldn’t avoid the long term refining of alchemy studies; existing as one of the fundamental division studies of alchemy synthesis. The reason eluded him, this was definitely a world of magic.

Rumont diligently primed the Chinese lobelia, even if he clearly understood that this wasn’t the poisonous b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s, he however nevertheless had to make some people when they looked at it, believe that it was something the Thieves would accidently harvest and had mixed with. A completely new type of plant that was extremely similar to b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s, in which afterwards the Thieves had lost it; all of the benefits being taken away by the victorious Rumont. Later on, in regards to the original and the new plant, it was due to the sensitivity as a Druid that among the b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s, a different type of plant was discovered.

This was Rumont’s attempt of a strange tale for others to hear.

This was how Rumont thought, mentally however, he still wasn’t too willing. Plants from Earth was one of his trumps that he didn’t want to expose the most. However, if it wasn’t like so, how would it have reached Old Waylon, which then entered the Black Market and getting a vote of recommendation? Without this vote of recommendation, how would he launder the money he had? If he couldn’t launder the money, he couldn’t settle his own debts, not to even mention was improving Nick’s future livelihood.

Shortly though, the Chinese lobelia in his hands was primed in accordance of the method for b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s, completely preserving the big fat foliages; however, the connecting roots had to be carefully razed. As for the roots, it was as it turns out, the area of difference between the 2 types of herbs, Chinese lobelia was a plant with a straight connecting root, having an obvious main root, whereas b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s had fibrous connecting roots, without an obvious main root.

Rumont placed the well primed Chinese lobelia by his side, into a small long narrow wooden box that he had prepared in advance; the inside of the small box in addition had used some hemp waddings, carefully padding the cracks. Afterwards, Rumont placed the small wooden box into the Shennong Horn spatial region, turned off the lamp and went to sleep feeling relieved, a night without dreams.

The next day at dusk, after the sun had pa.s.sed through the western end of the horizon, Rumont was carrying the small wooden box he had prepared yesterday, heading towards Old Waylon’s place. During the trip, the sky was already slightly black, the night seemed like a large pool of water with a drop of black ink. As for the dispersed pale yellow light rays, people that had travelled to a far distant area would view it as a fuzziness.

Rumont kept a smile and greeted the people he was already familiar with, a different feeling arose from within suddenly.

Pondering as he went, Rumont saw Old Waylon’s store in front had already stopped serving. He went up and rapped on the door. Yvette was the one that opened the door, the young lady was just cleaning the pub and wearing an ap.r.o.n.

“Father’s waiting for you inside.” Yvette said to him, “Rumont, have you properly prepared your things?” yesterday when he went back, Rumont revealed to Yvette some of his intentions, as a result, Yvette was curious and worried in regards to the goods that Rumont had brought over.

Rumont laughed while tidying Yvette’s forehead lock of hair, afterwards he pa.s.sed through the not at all neatly placed tables and chairs, advancing upright and unafraid inside.

Old Waylon was currently sitting by the fireplace in the small living room, waiting for him.

“Brought the thing over yet?” Old Waylon threw a piece of firewood into the fireplace, exploding with a “pa pa” of fire embers.

Rumont placed the small wooden box onto the wooden table in the living room: “I’ve brought it, please take a look sir.”

Old Waylon got up from within his rocking chair, the firelight from within the fireplace illuminated his back, causing all the long shadows to recede.

He easily and also lazily extended his fleshy palm out, carelessly opening the small wooden box Rumont had placed onto the tabletop. All of a sudden, he stared with wide eyes: “this isn’t b.u.t.terfly Gra.s.s!” the voice was full of resoluteness, decisiveness, uncertainty and delight.

Rumont was amazed: “Old Waylon surprisingly also has an uncommon knowledge of medicinal herbs!” this thought flashed by in his head. In a moment, Rumont then thought of Old Waylon’s secret recipe of cider and Earthen Wolf meat. The man isn’t a as simple as a Rank 5 Warrior!

He suddenly felt some regret. Was it right in exposing his trump card to this kind of person?

Following on, he could only hope on the relationship between him and Yvette’s. Rumont thought this, his hands were clenched firmly into fists below the table.

Old Waylon rushed “dongdongdong” into the inner room, before sounds of overturning things in search pa.s.sed through. Afterwards he again “dongdongdong” darted back. One hand waving tweezers and the right eye was wearing a crystal lens.

Old Waylon held his breath on top of the table, carefully using the tweezers to turn over the herbs within the wooden box, while using the crystal lens to carefully examine it, while often making “zeze” clicking sounds within his mouth.

In the end, Waylon took off his lens, whispering: “G.o.dd.a.m.nit, the connecting roots have been destroyed.”

Rumont stood with deferential respect: “Mister Waylon, does my commodity have the qualifications to obtain an admission ticket?”

Old Waylon looked at Rumont. His facial expression showing a profound and thought provoking smile: “I originally wanted to have a look at the kid that Yvette liked, to see what kind of capability he had. Currently it seems though, that Luck is also a type of power.” he said as he patted Rumont’s shoulder. “I want this item, I’ve already heard about your matter from Yvette, I can help you launder all of the cash and merchandises, as for the commission, this herb would be quite sufficient.”

“I’m extremely thankful to you, Mister Waylon sir.” Rumont gave a bow. Finally dealt with this matter

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