Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 44 – New Products (End)

Chapter 44 – New Products (End)

The books and instruments of this underground laboratory were mostly found from Banner’s place. Since the territory was yet to be established, Rumont had moved the temporary laboratory to this place; endlessly getting items related to a Druid and endlessly converting it into his own knowledge.

Digesting these experiences, as Rumont would put it, was of a major benefit. However, when it came to putting it into practice, these antidotes were not that easy to produce. After nights and days of experimentations by Rumont, he had only managed it today.

Now, he had finally obtained success. Each step was not taken without substance!

Rumont’s mood right now was relaxed and cheerful: “since I’ve already synthesized it, then the other medical compounds that have a lowered difficult, but have a use for the majority of the townsfolk, for example medicines that treat and alleviate pain for ailments can also be created&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;furthermore, with the Shennong Horn providing superior herbs, as well as having a catalyst to increase the quality by about 10 percent, I’ll definitely make big profits in the future!”

“There’s still 10 days until the end of the current month, it just so happens I need a short period to revise and consolidate my knowledge, as well as further familiarize myself with it. If there’s no errors, I can then&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” after getting rid of the medical solution, Rumont again continued on with his task.

“First, I need to mess about and find an even more accurate scale, to determine the standardized specificity.” Rumont pursed his lips and said.

Over the course of these few days, he discovered that the original prescription of synthesizing the medicines, there was no standard specificity; especially the weight. Measuring scales existed in this world, but the inaccuracies were rather high. For the discipline of herbal concoction, it was evidently inadequate. Perhaps in this world, there would be an even more accurate weighing scale, but Rumont currently did not have the fundings nor connections for it. He had no choice but to rack his brains, searching through his knowledge from the previous world and utilizing his Nature force to measure more accurately, conducting improvements for the equipments.

Time quickly pa.s.sed by. Rumont who had digested the knowledge, had synthesized several varieties of medicines in accordance to modern day concepts. These medicines, not only were they targeted at the different tiers of Adventurers in supplying various kinds of medicines, it also targeted the common townsfolk. The various kinds of compounds that he researched and developed were medical products which did not contain any components with an increased spell efficacy. The effects of these medicines were slow acting, but at the same time they were really economical. Additionally, they did not have the obvious expiration period the spell infused medicines had. For ordinary ailments and residents, it was a good fortune.

Eleven days later, Rumont brought out his results from the laboratory.

And on one afternoon, Rumont’s drugstore had then listed a public notice. Announcing various kinds of medicines that were directed at the varying tiers of Adventurers, its pricing, and that it was even cheaper than the ones in the cities by 10 percent.

As for the ones directed at the common residents, Rumont’s drugstore had also launched several types of medicines. These medicines, because their synthesizing method was simple and effective, used inexpensive production materials, as well as employed the addition of Rumont’s special strengthening compound, the final manufactured product was way cheaper than the original medicines that his store was selling. These kind of prices for medicines could make the vast majority of the ordinary townsfolk accept it easily.

As a result, once these new medicines were launched at Rumont’s drugstore, it had immediately received everyone’s welcome. What’s more, the t.i.tle of a Rank 3 Druid had already enabled the townsfolk to have confidence in it.

When the store was filled with customers, at the time when Nick was busy with transactions, Rumont had already followed a carriage fleet and gone to his territory———to the location christened as the Remnant territory.

Within this month, because there were all kinds of people that came to live at the territory from the town, and furthermore transporting items, a road path could already be seen. The remaining wooden tree stumps could often be seen, as well as the tracks of a wheel having pa.s.sed by. However, despite all the carriages having been reinforced, the horse carriages still struggled with b.u.mps and jolts. After all, it was a road that was created in the interim.

Rumont followed behind on foot, lightening the burden for the exhausted horses.

“Sire, we’ve arrived.” the driver spoke.

Being called a Sire for the first time, Rumont felt pleased as he looked over. In the far distance he then saw the surrounding enclosure of the territory. This was constructed from solid wood. It looked extremely firm. Almost 3 metres high.

There was even a drawbridge at the gate, there was also what looked to be a guard tower; construction appeared to have already finished.

“Rumont!” at the gate entrance, Merchant Banner, Fafnir and Sukhar had all come out to greet him, additionally swarming Rumont as he entered.

The region within the enclosure was quite large. What he saw first were the 5 wooden houses, one 2-storied house, which also had a granary, stable and barn&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;especially within the barn, it already had 4 cattle inside eating gra.s.s; 2 cows and 2 bulls.

“These are all created in accordance with the standard designs of a feudal land from the city.” Banner point at the buildings and spoke proudly: “they’re all here, which will save a lot of effort in the future!”

Rumont swept over his vision and repeatedly nodded. He was again swarmed to enter one of double storied house, the wooden house emitted the scent of fresh wood.

Rumont, from top to bottom and from inside to out, had issued out sighs of approval.

“This is the downstairs lounge, it can accommodate 20 people for a meal. This is the underground storage room with nothing currently, later on it can store plenty of liquor and provisions. This is a small guest room for future guests to stay at. This is the kitchen&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;ah, the above is the master bedroom, the bed has been well made, it’s just missing a mattress&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

“This is the conference room, the bookshelves are also done.” pushing open the entrance to the conference room, a long table could then be seen. The area was neat and tidy with 8 wooden chairs. There was also a fireplace made of masonry inside, the walls above had a few cupboards.

“Everyone, have a seat!” Rumont voluntarily went to the head of the table and sat down. Banner, Fafnir and Sukhar also sat down.

“It’s really comfortable, I like it.” Fafnir spoke. He seemed to be happier than Rumont, looking all around in joy; this was their base.

“If there were also a few maids, it’d be perfect.” Banner also spoke with a touch of envy.

Although Banner was the constructor, but this did not belong to him. Although he had money, he couldn’t build such a house for himself.

If it wasn’t of a vocation and he based it solely on the amount of money for this area, Banner would have needed to sell off his house at the city and sell off his entire wealth, just to afford this area. This was naturally a matter he couldn’t do.

Being of a vocation was good. Banner squinted and sized up Rumont. One’s own household also needed to cultivate one of a vocation.

“Maid? It’s still early for that, getting a cook is more proper, the provisions are all here.” Rumont waved his hand back and forth, saying: “having a cook, our inn can then start up.”

“Yeah, there’s already been a few Adventurers that have pa.s.sed by, willing to stay here and help build. After all, returning to the town in one trip is also one day and night, it wastes a lot of time.” Fafnir slapped his forehead in recalling something: “right, Commander Howard introduced a Mercenary over, used to be part of the squad, name’s Ruse1. He’s currently handicapped, his wife has some skill in cooking.”

“That’s great, we’ll invite him over then!”

“He only has a request, which is that he wishes for autonomy and not as a tenant.” Fafnir spoke. Not a tenant means that he doesn’t need to pay a tax, his later generations wouldn’t need to either. This required the consent of Rumont.

“Then so be it. Look for another 2 families, let’s get 5 families with autonomy!” Rumont dreamily said. With 5 families worth of people, this small territory would then be able to operate.

“If it’s autonomy, I can also introduce two households, a farmer and a carpenter!” Banner spoke.

“That’s good then. Hopefully we’ll be able to finish in these couple of days. Oh, Mister Banner, I’ve synthesized my medicines. One is a Detoxification compound, the other is a pill for treating ailments. I can guarantee that the quality is better than its kind from the city. The pricing is also much cheaper.”

“Oh, is that so, that’s excellent then.” Banner shortly stared with his eyes wide open.

Rumont lowered his head slightly: “regrettably though, there’s a limit to my current Force of Nature, the Mending vulneraries requires my healing spells, the most I can make in a day is 10 medical products. I probably can’t supply it to you, but the Detoxification compound and ailment treating pill are entirely made from herbs. You can be at ease, there’s a sufficient supply.”

“Having this is already great, I believe that we can cooperate even more in the future!” Banner was slightly disappointed, but he still expressed understanding: “currently it’s still early, how about we go have a look inside!”

“Okay, let’s go have a look!”

It was currently the afternoon, there was no small amount of people. Some were workers, some were Adventurers. These people were all under the sunshine, working earnestly.

Because it had already been a month, the originally filthy Shrine could basically no longer be seen. Rumont walked in and discovered that most of the main structure of the Shrine was still there. Even though there were vestiges of decay on the rocks, the truth of the matter was that it was intact on the whole. It could be restored after a touch up.

“Rumont, the greenhouse is down below?” Fafnir asked. At this time, there were already workers that had gone to through the underground pa.s.sageway, cleaning up the chamber down below. Of course, at the start, the bones and corpses had caused them to jump greatly in fright.

Rumont had already designed a blueprint to use the underground chamber as a greenhouse. It had already begun construction. The blueprint referenced theories from quite a bit of greenhouses from Earth.

“Right, just like that. Excellent.” Rumont went down to have a look and discovered the originally filthy underground chamber, already had a s.p.a.ce cleared up. It no longer had bat like animals. The air had cleared up. As for the nurseries, each of it had already been set. They were already compacted with soil, and was just waiting for seeds. His face couldn’t help but have a longing smile.

In the past, he was always envious of the land that belonged to Jeff himself, able to have a true Druidic base of operation that belonged to oneself.

Not only was this an enjoyment, it was also an actual need. Even if he himself possessed the Shennong Horn spatial region, he couldn’t reveal it at all. Therefore, even if he could harvest herbs within his own spatial region 4 times a year, when it came time for selling, he still needed to separate it into batches. Furthermore, he still needed to be careful and prudent in hiding it constantly. This kind of matter truly made him not know what to do.

Currently though, possessing his own herbal garden and possessing his own greenhouse, even if he sold herbs repeatedly, there wouldn’t be anyone to suspect him.

Furthermore, half a year had already pa.s.sed. The Shennong Horn spatial region was already on the verge of promotion once again. The chances of his Druid Rank being levelled directly from this promotion was not that big, after all, he had just gone up 1 Rank. But in accordance to the previous cases, the spatial region would once again expand by one fold. This would be 10 mu, he could again increase the plants to grow, additionally it could supply even more Nature essence.

Under such a situation, wouldn’t he continue to progress regardless of his Druid Rank?

Chapter 45 – New Medicines (Start)

The early morning air was exceptionally refreshing, especially after a recent large rainfall. Currently, so long as you opened a room and allowed the cold refreshing air in, it would at once awaken someone up.

Only, what upset people was that the heavy rain also had blowing winds. Although the winds weren’t strong, but the winds rolling the rain drops, throwing it into a person’s face would hurt just like being sc.r.a.ped with blades.

Flying everywhere was the rains, blending with the winds; it was simply like individual knives.

Therefore, today on the streets of Ricca town, all the pedestrians had hasty expressions. Occasionally, the people coming out to work would use a speed several times higher than normal; once they finished, they would hurriedly return. Who would wish to foolishly be out and about in such a terrifying weather.

That was what Rumont thought has he watched.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, under such a nasty weather, even the ferocious magic beasts and bearbug kinds, would also hide and not come out to forage. As for the Adventurers with hunting or killing missions, they naturally wouldn’t embarra.s.s themselves of running into the forest do somehow do useless actions.

Only, at the moment there were still a few Adventurers, for unknown reason that were still proceeding outside of the town. These Adventurers had wrapped their bodies up tightly, quickly going about on the roads lightning fast.

Focusing on Briar Forest, Rumont always thought it was strange———that place, what did it contain? The way it attracted people, did it still have a secret that he hadn’t yet realized?

Certainly, a majority of Adventurers still remained at the town. They had congregated at Mort’s Inn to drink liquor today, enjoying it to the utmost.

Mort’s Inn was destined to be unusually boisterous today.

Even Rumont also broke his precedent of not entering the forest to practice his martial skills. Instead, he hid within his room, lost in thoughts with his jaw propped up.

At this moment, in front of him was a small accounting book that was currently opened up on top of an old wooden table. Written on it was several small spa.r.s.e lines of words, which constantly reminded him that his current business with the drugstore, was facing depression.

This was the record of the earnings in the recent days of the drugstore. What made Rumont depressed was that it was clear that the number of injured Adventurers wasn’t low, but the medicines his store sold recently were still unexpectedly low.

Listening to Nick’s opinion, the reason wholly originated from the opposing drugstore.

Recently, after the opposite drugstore’s operation of low profits, they had surprisingly again lowered the medicinal prices by no small amount, so much that it was still cheaper than a lot of the distinguished medicines Rumont sold by roughly a tenth.

A tenth, this wasn’t only a figure. A bottle containing the medication with the results of a Mending, its pricing was about 10 silver coins with an efficacy of a month.

Reducing it by 10 percent, was 9 silver coins. Don’t belittle this 1 silver coin. It represented the change in the Adventurer’s hearts, after all, who would hate money? Going out for Adventures, they would frequently use medicines, acc.u.mulatively, it wouldn’t be a small expenditure!

What’s more, 1 silver coin was enough to enough to live at Mort’s Inn for a day. Therefore, apart from a lonely few Adventurers, the other people all successively went to the opposing drugstore to buy things.

“Want to fight a battle of pricing with me huh?” Although this kind of thing would frequently happen at businesses back on Earth, Rumont’s current face wasn’t too good to look at.

The significance of the store was of no small matter to Rumont. It was the first store he opened, bearing the weights of his hopes and dreams.

He really intended to keep the drugstore running. Thus, even if others wanted to ruin his drugstore, he would still need to quickly think of a new solution. Thinking of a possible way of reversing the present disadvantage.

However, how would it be so easy.

Ignoring the fact that he was only a Rank 2 Druid, there existed a tremendous disparity of power compared to the Rank 5 Druid Jeff. As the Ranks of a Druid got higher, they would be able to grasp onto even more spells and skills, not to mention was that his recipes of medicines, as well as recognition of medicinal characteristics were also much better.

Jeff could easily utilize his capabilities with an even higher efficiency rate. The medicines he synthesized, the cost would be less than Rumont by roughly a tenth. Furthermore, the success rate of the medicines synthesized by Rumont were also unconditionally inferior to when the Rank 5 Jeff synthesized medications.

Even if it was Jeff’s female apprentice, it would be accepted that under Jeff’s guidance, their extent of skillful compounding medicines wouldn’t necessarily be too different from Rumont; it may even be possible to be even higher by a touch.

Moreover, the other was purely in it for the hands-on practicing of and familiarizing of medical characteristics. As for him, he still needed to worry about the business situation of the drugstore. What’s more was that he needed to temper his martial skills in addition to studying at the Shrine’s library.

The even more frightening thing was that as a Rank 5 Druid, they had already established a greenhouse and laboratory; the production costs were advantageously low.

With these contrasting elements, the good and bad differences were immediately seen. If Rumont didn’t possess the Shennong Horn spatial region, just from the manufacturing of raw materials side of things, excluding the basic expenditure costs, there wouldn’t even be a compet.i.tive pricing.

Although the production costs were quite low, yet if they couldn’t sell anything, they would also not have a profit!

“In the end, how should I think of a solution to reverse the disadvantages?” Rumont opened his eyes, carefully thinking back on all the things he’d seen and heard in the previous world.

How to carry out such a scheme, this was absolutely the biggest problem. The pricing war couldn’t be continued in such a fashion, it couldn’t be fought like this; then how should it be fought?

Recalling back all the things he once saw in the previous world, Rumont then opened his eyes, and decided on an idea.

It was still necessary to reduce the manufacturing costs!

However, it was necessary to succeed in finding a type of feasible method to reduce the manufacturing costs of the synthesized medicines. To use even less materials, to create even more medical compounds with an even better efficacy. Once this was achieved, not only would it win over the customers, it would also avoid the opponent’s compet.i.tion strength; losing out in one’s own capabilities.

“Let’s do it like this!” Although he currently still hadn’t worked out the specifics, no longer being ignorant of a goal, a person’s psychological condition would naturally improve by a lot.

At this time, Rumont started to feel his hunger. Having no choice but to pat his stomach, he then conveniently took a pastry and placed it into his mouth.

It was delicious when it entered his mouth, there was really nothing to say about Madame Mort’s culinary skills. This was brought back by Nick and them when they went to buy it earlier on; currently eating it, it was still warm.

It was in Rumont’s belly in just 2 or 3 bites, lifting his mood at once.

Suddenly, a clamouring burst of noise attracted his attention.

“It’s clear that the medicines sold here are bad! And to think it was created by a Druid! As I see it, it’s also a scammer!” a person was currently at the entrance of Rumont’s drugstore, shouting loudly.

His loud voice immediately attracted numerous amounts of observers.

“What’s this about?”

“What’s happen?”

“I don’t know either, I’ve only just arrived!”

Gossiping was definitely an inborn trait amongst humanity. With the current cold weather, there were obstinate observers braving the dagger like winds and coming over.

Seeing that there were people watching, the young man was even more full of energy. He casually threw a bag of medicines onto the drugstore counter top, before loudly saying: “tell me what you’re going to do! My brothers ate your medicines yesterday and not only were they not cured, instead they worsened! Your so-called life-saving medicines are clearly poisons!”

Saying this, he pointed to his side where there was certainly an extremely wrapped up person. Seeing that he had pointed at himself, he even gave a few coughs, proving that he was really worsening.

The townsfolk was immediately in an uproar.

“Nonsense!” Nick stood at the entrance. Facing the denouncer and the not understanding crowd, his own complexion was a touch red: “the medicines at my store have all gone through meticulous processings, it hasn’t affected the others, why is it only your brother that has a problem?”

Thinking it over, he was currently thinking as if he was already the owner and needing to please the ma.s.ses first. He quelled his anger before saying: “how about this, I’ll invite your brother to come in and let Rumont examine him first, allowing everyone present to be eye witnesses. If in the final examination, if it’s really because of the medicines at my store that lead to his worsening, then, the store is willing to compensate everything. However, if it’s not&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

“This&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” the person immediately hesitated. Originally thinking he was bullying a youth, he never expected such a surprising demand. He and the other, were both hired with money to intentionally stir up trouble, how would there really be an illness.

As a result, he casted his gaze over to the crowd. A person amongst the crowd gave him a signal with their eye. He at once understood tacitly, and laughed loudly.

“The one that’s lacking here is me, if I entered your store wouldn’t I be dancing along to your tune? Rumont’s basically the owner of this store, how do you expect me to believe you? Everyone!” He turned his body around, and yelled loudly to the crowd: “this store scams people! Everything sold is fake, don’t be misled!”

When the people heard these words, they began to discuss. Just when Nick hadn’t said anything, a middle-aged man suddenly came through amidst the crowd.

“What is this about?” Rank 5 Druid Jeff watched the farce with a water deep gaze and coldly asked.

“Sir, it’s like this&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” once the youth saw Jeff, he immediately slowed down midway. Jeff was different to Rumont, Rumont was only a Rank 2 Druid. Furthermore, he didn’t even have a backing, as for Jeff, he was already a Rank 5 Druid.

No matter which profession that reached Rank 5, they would be able to obtain a considerable amount of advantages. This was a world decided by power.

The words that were just spoken, was told again to Jeff. Going against the youth’s expectation, he thought that the Druid would stand on his own side and face against Rumont, unexpectedly, he looked sharply towards the “invalid” instead.

“He simply isn’t sick at all.” only with a glance and Jeff had made a decision.

It was different to the doctors on Earth. Druids had a superhuman power of interacting with a living object’s vital energy. Only a short interval of a response would be sufficient enough to determine whether the person was sick.

Without doubt, the intensity of the determining ability had a direct relationship with the comparative level of a Druid’s Rank.

Since the Rank 5 Druid Jeff had already spoken, then in that case, those people were sure to be free of sickness. Moreover was that among everyone’s eyes now, Jeff and Rumont were mutually hostile in relation; naturally there wouldn’t be words of absolving without cause.

Therefore, the final result was naturally the dingy people walking away.

“Master Jeff, many thanks for you help.” at this time, Rumont who also understood the situation came from the backyard and sincerely thanked Jeff.

Jeff lightly voiced a hmph while promptly without even responding, departed with an indifferent face.

“That man, really&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” shaking his head, Rumont couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

And during the moment when he wanted to turn around and enter the store, a figure in a not too far off distant made him wrinkle his brows.

“So it was him&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” the Tax Officer was mixed amongst the crowd, walking off into the distance.

Him appearing at this moment made Rumont ponder deeply: “Barcas, it looks like I really can’t leave you alone eh. I need to resolve this quickly. Otherwise, always causing a disturbance would be really bothersome&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

If it was said that the past solution needed, wasn’t to necessarily annihilate them physically, then currently, Rumont’s intentions had already reached such a point.

A spark of gloomy fire was birthed in the centre of the eye and immediately concentrated; a grim smile emerged.

I’ll let you live a few more days.

Chapter 46 – New Medicines (End)

Encroaching the morning period, all living things were silent.

At this time, Rumont did not have the slightest amount of sleepiness. He first looped around the inside of his store at the front, carefully inspecting it all over. Until he was certain that all the windows were shut well, did he then feel relaxed to return to his room, before reclining on his bed.

Even though he was determined to kill off Barcas, Rumont still yet understood a certain point. If he himself did not have a sufficient amount of strength, no matter how flawlessly it was performed, he would still be arrested without a chance of explaining, imprisoned, and then executed.

With a desire to commit a sin, how would there be no difficulties1, only when the disparity in strength was too tremendous, would even evidence be insignificant. It was just similar to how humanity carelessly stamped out weeds and c.o.c.kroaches alike. The Lord only needed to suspect him, would it really be necessary to have evidence to have him killed?

There was basically no need to consider too much, solely relying on his fancy was enough to sentence Rumont to life. Especially when there was an understandable justification, if it ever reached that point, wishing to not die, there would only be the option of fleeing.

Only, solely on Baron’s subordinates, the Captain was a Rank 6 Warrior; there was also the matter of a large quant.i.ty of soldiers. It would similarly anger the varying Ranks of brother and sister n.o.bles of related branches, who would even possess their own large amount of powers. Jumping out at this time, even if he did have 100 Shennong Horn spatial regions, there would be nothing but a road of death———escape? Where would you escape to? How would you be able to avoid the aristocrats and guilds seeking your death?

Thus, acting out at present would be impossibly stupid. At the very least, he needed to stabilize a bit before acting. The best method was still by the means of the drugstore business, increasing the influence towards Adventurers, as well as raising his Rank.

All the values were relative. Once himself was again more powerful, the after effects of killing Barcas wouldn’t be large.

Without the guidance of a Druid, he could only rely on the spatial region to ascend in Ranks. Recently, due to the always bustling affairs of the drugstore, it had already been a long time since Rumont had managed the spatial region. A sufficiently long period of time had already pa.s.sed since the last time he had entered the spatial region.

This time, desiring to think of a method to resolve the two problems, he prepared to examine the situation of the spatial region. Thus, taking advantage of his current free time, he took his mind and placed it into the Shennong spatial region.

At this stage, the spatial region’s area, after a single upgrade, had already reached roughly 5 mu, with 30 fruit trees. It was obvious it had spread a bit farer in that period of time.

Even though the spatial region had upgraded last time, the spatial region was not at all expanded. But, having a 10% increase was already extremely good. The most crucial was that it could now accommodate larger living things.

In the past, it could only accommodate honeybees. At present, it could accommodate small rabbits. For the purpose of experimenting, he had caught a rabbit and placed it inside. It was currently living quite well off inside. Furthermore, it was able to pay attention to not eat the “herbs”, only eating the appointed plants.

In addition, within this world, it was already no longer a problem of new types of plants. Last time it promoted, it could hold 10 new types of plants, not allowing any excess. Currently, if he wanted more it needed to come from planting, to acc.u.mulate a sufficient amount of power to upgrade the spatial region.

However, the spatial region’s originally relatively perfect environment, where pa.s.sing days there would fundamentally produce pretty good plants. Currently though, it was even more influential, it would even emit a green hue.

The past few times when he entered the spatial region, he had already entirely planted the seedlings originally from Earth. Currently, if you looked, there were sectioned rows of separated green sprouts; currently bending about carefree.

The light globe was still the same, hanging high above. Although in early spring it wasn’t as bright as it was in summer time, it still yet as before fulfilled its task, shedding its light on everything and warming all living things. The spatial region’s climate basically remained at a constant warmth.

A gust blew over, blowing a crease into the stream. A few honeybees were bustling, flying about above the water surface. b.u.t.terflies were fanning their beautiful wings, their delicate bodies were similarly dancing about amongst the flowering plants. Their bodies along with the fat bodies of the honeybees, were juxtaposed nicely. These were prepared for the purpose of pollination, during those days back on Earth.

Amidst the trees, the gra.s.sy grounds were luxuriant. The air in the spatial region was suffused with the breath of life.

However, there was also an area insufficient amidst the beauty. Which was that, along with the expansion of the spatial region, the water wasn’t enough. This problem should have already been discovered amidst the few previous times of entering. Only, it wasn’t obvious in the past, which was why it wasn’t dealt with.

Presently, he naturally had more experience. Once he had discovered the deficiency of water within the spatial region, Rumont jumped off the bed and seeing that there was n.o.body around, he went for a walk on the streets.

Snowflakes drifted about. In a careless fashion, a few faded away from Rumont’s surroundings. The inside of the spatial region straightaway snowed. Only, the snow that had entered into the warm spatial region, promptly changed into fine rain, bringing a chilliness.

Circling the inner town, running a lap amidst the snow, the originally shallow streamlet within the spatial region promptly filled to about 80% capacity. The trees and vegetations were also watered under the rain; quite quickly being nourished.

At this point, Rumont halted the absorption. Although he was still amidst the snow, the rain within the spatial region also came to a halt. Only at this moment, waiting until after the chilliness from the rain disappeared, did the spatial region once again recover to the spring and summer time like climate.

Looking at it from within the spatial region, the Shennong Horn at this moment could be said to once again bloom with energy.

Rumont once again submerged his mind into the spatial region, enjoying the refreshing air within the region, running all about with the feelings of warm spring time. A weird phenomenon all of a sudden had attracted his attention.

The rabbit, during the time of wanting to avoid the rain could have possibly collided into a tree, making it sustain a small injury; it was currently stumbling towards a row of plants. Although he knew early on that the plants had a self-treating ability, the row of plants it was currently crawling to, really wasn’t a plant used for treatment.

Rumont did not understand as he looked on the side.

He then watched as the rabbit crawled in front of a plant bush that looked utterly normal and bit into a foliage. Afterwards, it proceeded to crawl to another type of plant by its side.

Again taking another bite, eating two types of plants at once.

As Rumont was amazed at the occurring situation, he then saw that the rabbit that was dispirited and listless just then, after having a small rest for a short moment, had then unexpectedly leapt and frisked about2.

“This&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Rumont was stupefied as he watched. Afterwards, when the rabbit had leapt away, a few steps were taken and he arrived in front of the two types of plants.

The foliage that was first bitten by the rabbit was a type of plant from this world, it was a.n.a.logous to gra.s.s back on Earth, which was practically everywhere. When Rumont first took it to plant in here, it was because it had a tenacious vitality. In accordance with the general knowledge of this world, this type of plant was completely useless. Apart from being able to give this world an increase in small amounts of greenery, it did not possess any treatment efficacy, therefore, it was always ignored by everyone.

Equivalently, the other adjacent type of plant, was also an extremely common plant. Only, it was a type of plant that belonged to Earth; which was the white-edged morning glory.3

These two ordinary types of plants from different worlds, without the slightest of medical treating efficacy plants, would unexpectedly produce a miracle when it was combined together?

Rumont was more than amazed and was at once jubilant. After all, what he currently needed most was a method to reduce the production costs, if&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;if he was able to use these two types of plants to compound a medicine, in that case, the production cost could be lowered greatly!

Thinking to this point, he took his mind out of the spatial region, while at the same time, the two completely different plants appeared within his palms.

It was upon such a quiet hour, that Rumont began to research the two types of plants.

Only, in the wake of his constant observations and research, so much that he even blended the two types of plants to examine, the end results lead him to be greatly disappointed.

“Not even a shred of medical efficacy, how is that possible? Did I see it wrong just then?” Rumont’s expression fluctuated as he looked at the plants in his hands. Afterwards, he once again closed his eyes and taking his mind, entered the the spatial region once again.

This time, he directly went to look for the little rabbit just then.

Even though finding it would waste a bit of time, as the owner of the spatial region, he only needed to therefore beckon it, and the little rabbit would bounce itself over.

Gazing at the little rabbit in front of him, Rumont then picked it up, carefully examining it.

“I understand now.” he laughed with a hehe, before fetching a few plants and again exiting out of the spatial region.

“Rumont’s tinkering again.” Nick reclined into the back of his chair, talking out loud.

“What’s Rumont doing?” Rolak curiously inquired. He was the blacksmith’s son. The store needed a.s.sistances and had invited him over, his salary was 5 silver coins a month.

Nick shook his head. “Who knows, he’s probably tinkering with a new medicine recipe, only, I haven’t seen him use any material. I don’t even know what he’s doing. Right, how many customers came today?”

Viewing the absolutely empty store, Nick asked weakly without strength.

Rolak said gloomily: “only 3 people, they bought a few medicines to reduce fever and left.”

“These people really, they really left once they saw the benefits.” looking outside, towards the opposing large bustling drugstore, Nick couldn’t help but speak indignantly.

“But the opposing drugstore really is selling it extremely cheaply though, the medical efficacy is also good, it’s not surprising they would all go over there.” Rolak shook his head.

Even though he had obtained Rumont’s a.s.sistance in coming to work at this drugstore, that the work was much more relaxed compared to previously, within Rolak’s mind, he still constantly felt repressed.

The reason was simple, the Rumont that used to have the same plight as him in the past, was now not only a Rank 2 Druid, but also his boss. This kind of disparity made him feel like he was suffering humiliation.

Man was this kind of strange animal, they couldn’t stand others being better than themselves. Let alone getting along with someone that was previously as inferior as themselves.

Despite that, along with paying him his wages, Rumont still let him read the books within the store free of charge. Yet as Rolak still saw, these charitable actions of his caused him to feel even more shameful about it.

And it was also on account of this, that even though he needed this job, he still nevertheless felt distant towards Rumont inside, as well as to the drugstore.

“If I could learn that book soon, it’ll be great then!” thinking to this point, Rolak shook his head and turned his body around to clean the countertop.

Nick continued on gloomily with his blank stare at the entrance.

“Haha! So it’s really like this!” meanwhile, within the room at the backyard, Rumont was currently observing a bottle of green liquid, being incessantly joyful.

“So combining the plants from Earth and the plants from another world, would actually create such a bizarre result! Haha!” When Rumont again entered into the spatial region, he then discovered the truth about the rabbit’s miracle.

As it turns out, it wasn’t because the rabbit had ate and combined 2 types of plants that its injury was healed. Instead, it was because it had eaten herbs with treatment uses beforehand, and with the activities afterwards, it all resulted in an even better effect of the former.

Understanding the reason, Rumont’s mood was extremely good. What he had always constantly worried about was the production costs of his medicines being higher than Jeff’s store; the medical efficacies were also not as good as the medicines compounded by Jeff.

If his conjecture really came true, in that case, it was necessary to blend the plants from this world and Earth together, to create a sort of catalyzing agent for magic. In that way, all the medicines that he would synthesize, would under the same circ.u.mstances, greatly enhance its efficacy. This was also tantamount to a reduction in production costs in a disguised form.

Or perhaps, if it maintained its former efficacy, it would be possible to reduce the raw materials by a fifth. Although the direct results were no longer the same as he initially wished, but with its current end result, it was already more than satisfactory for him.

And so, pa.s.sing through experimentations, what Rumont discovered even more amazingly, was that with the blending of each type of plant from Earth and another world, was that it would produce different results. These results just so happen to have correspondences with the different therapeutic compounds.

However, on the basis of the currently huge demands of the Adventurers, did Rumont then decide to first create a spell catalyst that could greatly maximise the healing efficacy of vulneraries.

Once the catalyst was created, more experimentation was carried forth. The results were relatively satisfactory for Rumont.

What was needed during the process of creating the therapeutic compound, was to add a drop of the catalysis, and it would then be able increase the medical efficacy by about a fifth, of course, adding even more was of no use.

A fifth of the medical efficacy, it was an extremely large once off increase. After all, it was within one bottle, that it was baselessly increased by a fifth in efficacy; it wasn’t the same as the quant.i.ty.

Taking an even more qualitative medicine, and taking more quant.i.tative medicines, it was evidently different. After all, there was the question of the price, side effects, and tolerance to it. Otherwise, there would be no difference between brand name medications and common medications.

Even if it was the Rank 5 Jeff that had personally compounded the medicines, it would merely be stronger by a touch. After all, therapeutic compounds only needed to be matching. What the opponent excelled over him was in the area regarding stronger financial resources and having more experiences.

Rumont determined at onc, to make a strengthened version of medicines to advertise to the customers. Raising the small bottle filled with the green liquid, Rumont’s face finally showed a relaxed smile.

“I’ll have to depend on you this time.” Rumont softly said.

In the previous two attempts, his confrontations behind the scenes with Jeff were at a disadvantage. As for this time, he definitely needed to win it this time. The business of the drugstore didn’t merely concern profits, it further affected the influence amongst the community of Adventurers. As it was, to the currently exceeding puny him, the difference of having it was like being on the precipice of life and death.

Today I need to specifically explain, to resolve why it’s like this&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;I originally wanted to minimise the content of laws, the specific contents, to allow the readers to know through substance, but old habits die hard. But it looks like, a lot was still explained, this will be the only exception, ah tragically.

A shout for upvotes, recommend please!

Chapter 47 – Branding (Start)

In a flash, it was almost the second month. Today, the sun was shining gloriously high up.

The long persisting cold weather had finally left the small town of Ricca. The sun in the sky, once again displayed its brilliant force, warmly shining over the lands.

The once formerly snow buried regions at this time, had already become the rivers of heavens.

The snow on the earthen lands had also changed.

People also thawed in a way, beginning to emerge out of their houses. Calling people and greeting friends, or hard at work.

The Adventurers also began to as squads, advance into the forest of monsters. The few days halted Ricca town, had once again became bustling. And at this time, a few people with good eyes had discovered that at the store entrance of Rumont’s drugstore, there was a public announcement that was surprisingly erected there.

Upon the public announcement, there was a few eye-grabbing lines of words. Those that could read shook their heads at it and also walked towards Rumont’s store.

Those few that couldn’t read, inquired the others that knew. It turns out, it was an announcement of a new type of medicine launched by Rumont’s drugstore.

In accordance to what the announcement had written, the price of this type of new medicine was equivalent to the past Mending vulnerary, but its efficacy was increased even higher.

Despite a lot of townsfolk having read the sign, they only shook their heads after reading, and departed with a face of indifference.

However, when the Adventurers read it, it generated a strong amount of interest towards the new type of new medicine in the large majority. Under the current type of cold weather situation, quite a lot of the therapeutic medicines and methods would usually be at a comparatively greater discount.

Therefore, a type of low pricing as well as still of outstanding efficacy medicine would as the Adventurers saw it, be really and genuinely be important.

As a result, after Rumont had gotten others to place the announcement post out, not ever 10 minutes had pa.s.sed, when the Adventurers had inquisitively entered the store to ask.

But because Rumont was not currently a high Ranking Druid, therefore there were many that had asked, with scarcely a few buying. Rumont also didn’t bother with nonsense and just gave out the 20 bottles of medicines. Allowing a currently hesitating Adventurer to take it, saying they could use it free of charge.

“This bottle is free of charge?” the Adventurer inquisitively looked at the small bottle in his hand and asked.

Rumont responded with a faint smile: “of course.”

Immediately, the Adventurers didn’t hesitate, hehe laughingly stashing away the bottle of medicine in his clothes. Even though they still didn’t know of the therapeutic efficacy of the medicines, but items that were free, who wouldn’t enjoy it?

There having a first to take it, there was definitely a second. Those Adventurers that were originally planning on having a look, also in succession came over to take the free medicines.

Quite quickly, the Adventurers that were originally intending to go to the opposing Jeff’s drugstore, had also been attracted over.

“Master, look at them!” a young maiden dressed in gorgeously warm clothes stamped her foot, pouting playfully inside of Jeff’s drugstore, with quite a corresponding manner of indignance.

Sitting opposite of her, was Druid Jeff that had came over today to inspect the situation of the store. Seeing his beloved apprentice in such a indignantly distressed manner, he also couldn’t but help it.

“It’s only a temporary novelty, let it be, it’s nothing.” He faintly laughed and placated.

“But&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” the young maiden pouted her lips, unwilling. “I was compounding medicines up to how late yesterday, and unexpectedly there’s n.o.body to buy them today, it’s too annoying!”

Seeing his beloved apprentice’s angry manner, Jeff could only again helplessly shake his head, while at the same time sight his version towards the other store.

“An increased efficacy strengthen medicine?” he again shook his head, Jeff had a disapproving laugh.

The basis of synthesizing medicines was one of many sections within the system that a Druid learnt about. Every single Druid would go through studies to be able to start synthesizing medicines. Merely, the higher the Rank a Druid was, the influence he had during synthesizing medicines would also be higher, the necessary production costs would also lessen; the final therapeutic efficacy would also become greater.

Furthermore, after all was said and done, medicines were merely a model for a Druid to become more adept at grasping the natural characteristics of plants. Being able to make a medical prescription, or perhaps making a living out of it when their Rank was low, wasn’t the main duty.

A real Druid was one that protected Nature as their professional responsibility. Any Druid would not willingly, in the long-term, compound medicines as their occupation———although it was like this, the innumerable succession of Druids over countless of years, were already deeply entrenched in the studies regarding a plant’s therapeutic characteristics, as well as prescriptions; which was sufficient enough for them to go apply and perfect.

Therefore, in regards to Rumont’s actions, Jeff’s first feeling was disdain. The second feeling was of preposterousness. Originally, he still felt that Rumont, under the circ.u.mstances of having no guidance, being able to be truly self-reliant and rapidly progress to a Rank 2 Druid like that, was indeed a touch of being heavenly gifted.

However, after this event, his original feelings of Rumont who was only concerned with profits, the inner image of him changed to one with being self-conceited.

Putting off the fact for later on whether a Druid would invest his energy into developing new medicines. Even if there really were people that were interested in such a field of research, it would still required an advanced mid Ranking Druid to prescribe out a new medicine.

Rumont, a trivial Rank 2 Druid was presumptuous in wanting to develop a new medicine. Even if he did undergo a bit of improvement, it was still a joke in front of his many seniors!

No, it was simply overestimating his own capabilities. As one that had once formerly guided Rumont, Jeff understood deeply that even though Rumont’s power had already reached the standard of Rank 2, he was yet lacking in guidance of the more profound. As a matter of fact, Rumont, in regards to the knowledge relating to a Druid, was utterly lacking.

As far as being familiar with medicines, it would still be limited to the simple compounding of medicines.

Even if it was his current beloved apprentice Willow, even though she only had a standard of a Rank 1 Druid, yet in regards to knowledge on compounding medicines, she would still be better than Rumont by a fair bit.

This was also the leading cause for the changing disparity in Rumont’s store’s business———lacking in knowledge, lacking in power.

This but a half-baked Druid surprisingly wanted to create a new medicine, with an efficacy exceeding that of his predecessors, how would it not cause Jeff to think it ridiculous.

And meanwhile, in some room within the Shrine, a young Priest was also repeating what Jeff just said.

“An increased efficacy strengthen medicine?” in a similar disdaining manner, only, it also a contained a thread of malice in the speech. He incinerated a secret letter without much trouble. Afterwards, he laughed grimly.

Naturally, it was a malice filled grim laugh, that one would let out when they saw a type of idiocy.

The reason was quite simple, acting as someone that had once watched Rumont, successfully become a Rank 2 Druid from an apprentice, he also didn’t believe that Rumont was able to develop a somehow newly strengthened version of a medicine.

“So long as the efficacy of his medicine isn’t as good as what he said, then, there would be good theatrics afterwards.” the young Priest sneered, grabbing a pencil to write a letter.

Wrapping the letter around the leg of a carrier pigeon, he then watched as it spread its wings and took off. The smile on his face was even more prominent.

“Barcas, I’ll have to see how capable you are as a Tax Officer.” After a few minutes, at another end of the small town, the carrier pigeon dropped down on the Tax Officer’s home window.

Taking the letter from the carrier pigeon’s leg, the Tax Officer read it with a glance and exposed an understanding smile.

“Take the opportunity to give Rumont a criminal charge? Good idea!” destroying the letter in a similar way, the Tax Officer talked out loud to himself.

“Crime of derising everyone? This kind of criminal charge is really fitting for Rumont!” clasping his hands together behind his back, he looked to the skies. His face exposed a sneer similar in appearance to the Priest’s.

As for the small town, apart from a few Adventurers taking a few free of charge medicines back, in regards to Rumont’s drugstore launching a new medicine, a large majority of the townsfolk all maintained a spectator-type approach.

After all, the popular group mentality was that the current Rumont was merely a Rank 2 Druid, there was no way of comparing him to the Rank 5 Druid Jeff.

As for the things that the Rank 5 Druid Jeff couldn’t achieve, would Rumont really be able to do it? Moreover, as far as those injury treating medicines were concerned, it really wasn’t very useful.

“Rumont, there’s still n.o.body coming, ah say, uh is it because our medicines aren’t effective.”

It was already the mid month, the weather gradually turned warmer. Right at the end of last month, Rumont’s store had launched a new type of medicine. Practically n.o.body was buying it. Only the initially prepared 20 bottles was given out free of charge.

Furthermore, the people that asked for it were basically the few Adventurers. Still, ever since those people took away the medicines, it again lacked any sort of interest.

Rumont’s drugstore was still as before, wide open for business, pitifully without people. However, this type of scenario was long expected by Rumont.

Because the first month was the season with the least amount of monster sightings, therefore, even though there would be a few Adventurers heading towards the forest, the chances of meeting monsters would be few and far-between.

Without anyone receiving injuries, there would naturally be n.o.body that would use his medicines. Therefore currently, not having the slightest of reactions was normal. However, just because he thought this way, didn’t represent the others in also thinking in this way.

Although there was quite the amount of confidence in Rumont’s new medicine at the beginning, yet as the following days pa.s.sed by, as the store manager, Nick was starting to lose confidence. That’s why, taking advantage of the lack of people, he quietly asked the above mentioned.

Rumont laughed happily at him. “What’s the matter, you’re worried about the medicines that I compounded?”

“It’s not that, only&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Nick scratched his head, feeling a touch embarra.s.sed. “It’s already been half a month, there’s still n.o.body coming around to ask, it honestly makes people worried ah.”

“You hah.” Rumont looked towards the fretting body and shook his head. “No need to hurry, there’ll be people that come to buy it.”

Seeing that he still wasn’t too convinced, he patted the other’s shoulder. “Nick, you’ll just have to wait and see then, I’ve never scammed anyone, believe in me.”

“Mm! I believe in you!” under Rumont’s pledge, Nick at long last had confidence again.

“That’s more like it.” Rumont laughed. His vision swept over to people in the outside area, he was still feeling depressed inside.

If even Nick didn’t believe too much in the efficacy of the new medicine, he feared, that more than half the others would also be like this. However, after giving out those 20 bottles of medicines, free of charge last month, there should already be people that were starting to use them!

Because the weather in the recent few days was beginning to warm, as a result, the activities of Adventurers were also increasingly more frequent.

Presumably, his strengthened version of medicine would also display its use quickly. Why would there still be n.o.body? It couldn’t be that when people used his new medicine, that it really had no effect?


Author note: I had something today, won’t be in at noon, will be delayed, the nightly release is as usual.

Chapter 48 – Branding (End)

It was during the time when he was lost in his thoughts, that a few people hehe laughingly entered from the outside. Once they entered, one of them then loudly said: “Rumont, the new medicine from last time is really useful, ah do you still have any left? I want 10 bottles!”

The one that just spoke was the first Adventurer that received the free medicine. He had walked to the front of Rumont as he spoke, before pulling up his sleeve and exposing a faint scar on his arm.

“That cure was rather useful, it was better by no small amount than the other medicines that I had bought from your place last time. It was all thanks to it, that my wound could heal up even faster.”

“Really? Then that’s really good.” Rumont said with a faint smile.

Seemingly as if it was preordained, on this same day, half a dozen of those people that had gotten ahold of the new medicine, had all come over to purchase more after having used it. As for those that never used it, also under their companion’s recommendations, they had quite quickly knew about the excellent efficacy of this type of new medicine.

“It sure enough is more useful than those other medicines ay.” All the Adventurers similarly commented in this manner after having used it. In a while, the Adventurers all continuously came forth and purchased this medicine.

As for Rumont’s store that was unfrequented for a long time, it was similarly like the new type of medicine, it had suddenly become more popular; once more a display of vitality.

Rumont’s new medicine had received the welcoming of numerous Adventurers. In this month, along with Rumont’s unending sales of the new medicine, his drugstore had already reached a plight of struggling with lots of money daily.

The constantly ama.s.sing gold coins, within his spatial region was uninterruptedly multiplying. Making it so that every time he went to check on the spatial region, he couldn’t help but glance at it.

However, he never let the money get to him and make him muddle-headed. Rather, he still continued on with his initial idea.

During the time the drugstore wasn’t open, he had already considered well the topic of the allocation of future profits. In accordance with his idea, every month of the net profits in his drugstore, twenty percent would be given to Nick, twenty to Fafnir, and the remainder was his take in.

All in all, serving as the manager for the drugstore, Nick had constantly tried his very best. He was also exceptionally responsible for his work, taking twenty percent was an absolute must.

As for Fafnir, even though he didn’t come frequently, he and Rumont were comrades that had experienced through life and death battles. Now was just the time that Fafnir needed money the most, therefore, giving twenty percent to him was also a must.

As for Nick, this fellow, when he initially heard that he himself had surprisingly obtained a share of twenty percent in profits, he was more than shocked, and justly exulted.

After all in, the town of Ricca, apart from those few aristocrats, there really was no one else as wealthy. A sum of money could perhaps alter a person’s fate. Therefore at times, money really was important.

Nick also wasn’t someone that was contentious. Knowing that Rumont had surprisingly given himself such a high treatment, he did not at all shirk it, instead he threw himself into his work with an hundredfold more enthusiasm.

Ever since he a.s.sumed the duty of the drugstore manager, he would be able to take no small amount of silver coins back home every month. He still had a twenty percent share in profits. Therefore, Nick’s family situation had by now, already greatly improved; the house was repaired and they now had more savings.

Nick had still further spent money for himself, on no small amount of arithmetic works; reading it his in leisure time. Speaking to this point, still worth mentioning was that this world was different to Earth, all kinds of books were all extremely costly.

Knowledge represented wealth. A poor family’s child wanting to learn to read, needed to pay through hardships and considerations; not something a child from an aristocrat’s family could imagine.

As for the price of one work of books, it was nearly equivalent to the price of a sheep. And as for a sheep, within the eyes of a common farming family, it would be a really large sum of wealth to them.

n.o.body would, when they were so poor as to needing to

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