Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 49 – Final Deliberation (Start)

Chapter 49 – Final Deliberation (Start)

The beginning of the third month. The beginning of spring.

The Blue Gra.s.s within Rumont’s spatial region had finally reached the time of harvesting again.

Even though the outside world would unceasingly experience the changing of the four seasons in a year, within the Shennong Horn spatial region, it would eternally be a warm spring like climate.

This time, Rumont’s harvest of Blue Gra.s.s was even greater than last. While winter wasn’t completely gone, the market price of Blue Gra.s.s at a time when it was at its rarest, would unconditionally let him obtain a larger sum of wealth.

Leaving the small town and arriving at an empty area within the forest, Rumont then looked left and right, seeing n.o.body around he then laid his whole body on top of some gra.s.s that he had spread out in advance.

The warm sunshine was shining on top of his body, the big light globe within the Shennong Horn spatial region,was unceasingly acc.u.mulating energy.

Rumont’s mind followed with entering the spatial region.

At this time, the plants within the spatial region had all basically reached the time of reaping. The fruit trees were heavily laden with fruits, issuing out bursts of tantalizing fragrances.

The small streamlet also had plump fish unceasingly roaming about. As for another large area that was set up with medicinal herbs, when the wind blew, it had the fragrance of medicine.

Viewing everything in front of him, Rumont was utterly cheerful inside. He stolled all over the place, looking towards the east and feeling the west. Since the very beginning of when he entered, he had maintained a state of matchless excitement.

With the 5 mu of land within the spatial region, apart from the planted fruit trees and the still yet discovered uses of plants that were also brought from Earth, the remaining area was completely planted with the medicinal plants of this world.

Within the warmth of this world, the medicinal herbs were all growing with an even st.u.r.dier att.i.tude than the ones in the outside world.

Because of the permanent warmth and the other stable elements, the medicinal herbs that matured within this place, its qualities were all stronger comparatively, than the similar types of medicinal herbs outside, by quite a lot.

And in the not too distant future, these lovely medicinal herbs would all become bright dazzling silver coins, decorating his pouch.

Because currently was exactly the period where Rumont was constantly acc.u.mulating power, as a result, every sum of money would be regarded of utter importance for Rumont.

Squandering away his resources was not at all his style. Therefore, apart from the necessary raw materials for the drugstore, Rumont had decided on putting the other matured medicinal herbs onto the market.

However, how to put it on the market was the question.

Rumont did not want to directly put it on the market himself. Doing it like this was too obvious. If people went and asked about the origin of his medicinal herbs, he definitely wouldn’t have an explanation.

After all, now was exactly the time when medicinal herbs were unable to make ends meet1. Apart from some unique personages, such as the Rank 5 Druid Jeff, possessing a natural greenhouse to grow additional plants and medicinal herbs, even the herbs within the Shrine had ceased to grow.

The Shrine, even though it had the constant protection of a spell, it merely maintained its withering state. Wanting them to automatically mature within winter was practically impossible.

Rumont still didn’t have have capability to construct a greenhouse, he also again didn’t have any justifiable explanations for others to listen.

Therefore, Rumont hadn’t intended to be too obvious. He decided to think of a fairly dependable method, prudently ridding the medicinal herbs out of his hands.

Withdrawing out of the spatial region, he pondered for a while. Afterwards, he decided to go through the Merchant Banner, letting him handle the batch of herbs.

After all, this batch was something that couldn’t fundamentally be consumed in an area like the town of Ricca. Since Banner was already going to other places, might as well save some ha.s.sles; it could also be possibly sold at an even higher price.

Deciding to do as he thought, Rumont, once he returned to town, directly went and found Banner. Giving him an account of the matter of his own batch of medicinal herbs he held.

Hearing that himself somehow didn’t need to pay for anything, yet would still be able to obtain twenty percent of the earnings from it, as a Merchant, Banner was without the slightest of hesitations in accepting on the spot.

“Rumont, the medicinal herbs you spoke about, you actually have this much?” on the day of collection, Banner who came to pick it up, with only a glance, he was so astonished he nearly couldn’t speak.

He saw within Rumont’s room, well harvested piles of medicinal herbs, neatly placed atop of animal leather, unceasingly emitting out a fragrance.

There was such a wide variety, the quant.i.ty was also as abundant. Causing Banner to be startled for a while.

However, on the basis of accepting in advance, Banner quite judiciously did not ask about the origin of the medical herbs. Instead, he patted Rumont’s shoulder and said: “relax, I’ll definitely get a good price for you, for all of your of however many various medical herbs. The earnings this time, absolutely won’t be lacking.”

Rumont also responded exceedingly judiciously: “Mister Banner, please also be rea.s.sured, if this collaboration is successful, then the next lot of deals I’ll still find you.”

The pair looked at each other and laughed.

As for the batch of medicinal herbs, the final result was that it lead Banner to a good selling price.

He separated the medicinal herbs, selling it to a distribution store and some drugstores within a small city. The people in charge of the stores practically didn’t even try to haggle. They simply and neatly undertook the transactions in accordance with Banner’s price.

After all, during the current season when it was impossible to make ends meet, quite a lot of the medicinal herbs had ceased to grow. Thus, in quite a lot of drugstore areas, they would encounter a situation of a shortage; in the raw materials of medicinal herbs. Being able to buy usable basic materials, as those responsible people would put it, it would signify an increase in revenue. In any event, the wool had to come from a sheep’s back2. Within the major cities, there would be wealthy people that would help them recuperate their losses.

As for how Banner would put it, even though he only obtained a profit of twenty percent, but because the selling price was high, in total, Banner still obtained a small wealth.

And as for the one that reaped the biggest benefits, Rumont even invited Banner out for a big drink.

However, although Rumont believed he conducted his affairs in secrecy, there was still a person that discovered this secret within the town.

“It’s still possible to harvest so much medicinal herbs in winter?” within the forest, a middle-aged man was inspecting a few roots of all various kinds of herbs, showing a pensive expression.

Right behind his back was a greenhouse. As for the currently herb inspecting, heavily pondering middle-aged man, it was precisely the Rank 5 Druid Jeff.

The few herbal roots in front of him were discovered by him when he occasionally visited the small city. Because during winter, it was quite difficult to obtain a complete collection of medical gra.s.ses, he therefore, once he discovered there were useable medicinal herbs for sale, had immediately began an inquisitive query and followed it up with an investigation. The result lead him to be greatly shocked. These medical herbs were unexpectedly sold from the town of Ricca, coming out of Banner’s hands.

Again after another investigation, he eventually knew the source of the medicinal herbs———coming out from Rumont.

Although he previously suspected that Rumont could have secretly built a greenhouse, such a large sum of money wasn’t something a single Rumont could shoulder. What didn’t even need to be mentioned was that a greenhouse also involve a certain amount of skill. Something belonging to at least a Rank 5 Druid. But if it wasn’t like that, then in that case, where did Rumont actually obtained those batches of herbs then&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

“Did other Rank 5 or above Druids, appear within the town?” Jeff unceasingly pondered on all kinds of hypotheses.

As for the stronger medicines, it never aroused his suspicions. Jeff had already maintained that the reason was entirely because that the medicinal herbs were of superior quality. Good quality materials would naturally result in medicines with a better efficacy.

And amidst the observations, it was the end of the third month in a flash. Warm springtime; the flowers were blooming.

In much of this month’s time, Rumont had went through continuous trainings. He had already successfully consolidated the powers of a Warrior. It goes without saying that the profession of a Druid was one that was comprehensive. This power would merge amidst the powers of a Druid. Although it wouldn’t allow him to be the same as those Adventurers, incomparably bold and powerful. Yet, the basics of self-defense was not a problem.

However, apart from Fafnir, his fighting strength was not clearly understood by others. As for Fafnir, even though he still hadn’t promoted to Rank 2, with his current abilities, wanting to breakthrough to Rank 2 was merely a matter of time.

As for Miss Eleni, after her probing of Rumont when she returned, she felt that she had benefitted by no small amount. Within this month, she had visited the store a few times, chatting with Rumont.

Towards this, Rumont could be said to be bittersweet.

Even though the rumours concerning the second Miss, and himself had the tendency to spread within the small town. Rumont yet still chatted together with the second Miss, allowing him to feel a sense of easygoing happiness. In addition, it allowed him to receive a large amount of knowledge, supplementing his own store of information. After all, a Priest of the Agricultural G.o.ddess, would also have a field in plants, similar to a Druid and medical plants.

The relationship of the duo also slowly became more intimate amidst the constant discussions and exchanges.

On a certain day, after Miss Eleni had completed her day’s work, she had left the Shrine and went out. And at this time, a situation had came where the Baron Lord was looking for his second daughter, while sitting in a horse-drawn carriage.

“Eleni? Eleni?” arriving and lapping the Shrine once and yet still not seeing his daughter, the Baron Lord was utterly confused.

Just by chance, a young Priest came out from within. Seeing the Baron, he promptly went over and greeted.

“Where’s Eleni?” the Lord Baron asked.

The young Priest’s face was complicated as he replied: “Baron sir, Miss Eleni went out.”

“Went out?” the Lord Baron was startled. “Why’d she go out for?”

If it was for shopping, then there was basically nothing worth buying. a.s.sociating the matter he once heard from the Tax Officer mention, the Baron’s face was unsightly at once. He did not ask anything else, only having a gloomy expression as he quickly got into the horse carriage.

And as for the Priest that originally wanted to still say something, he could only watch as he departed.

The Baron’s horse carriage dashed away from the Shrine and onto the streets. On the way, they unexpectedly ran into the Tax Officer that was heading towards the castle. Because it was someone familiar, the Lord Baron exempted it once and let him onto the carriage, letting him sit by his side.

“The second Miss recently has frequently gone out, do you know about this?” after a while of silence, the Lord Baron had suddenly asked.

The Tax Officer thought it over, saying: “I’ve heard people talk about it, there’s quite a lot of news from around.”

The Tax Officer understood clearly the n.o.ble’s inner struggle. Therefore, saying his own thoughts, through the phrase “I’ve heard” was enough. This way, even if there were any future annoyances, it was from those others, and nothing related to himself.

“Is that so? What kind of news, inform me.” the Baron at this time was on the contrary, undisturbed as he asked.

Thereupon, the Tax Officer spoke about the recent affairs that were circulating in town, concerning Rumont and the second Miss. After listening, simply looking into the Lord Baron’s eyes, it would be sufficient enough to see his indignant rage at this time.

“Baron sir!”

“Increase the speed, I want to have a look at how bustling that drugstore really is!” the Lord Baron serenely stated.

“Yes!” receiving the order, the driver raised his whip. The horse carriage advanced at an even faster speed. Quite quickly, the speed of the horse carriage had slowed down. They had reached Rumont’s drugstore.

“Baron sir, you can see that his store is quite bustling.” lifting a corner of the window curtains in the horse carriage, the Tax Officer pointed for the Baron to see. The Baron had a look. As expected, compared to the opposite drugstore, Rumont’s one was definitely incomparably more lively.

Quite a lot of Adventurers entered and exited the store, their arms carrying medicines, carrying on laughing and talking. Compared to Jeff’s drugstore, it’s circ.u.mstance only had the occasional town resident that frequented. The business of this store was truly extremely good.

“How is his medicines any better?” the Baron asked. According to the reports of his subordinates, he also knew that the store that opened opposite to Rumont’s store, was exactly Jeff’s drugstore. Could it be that a Rank 5 Druid is unexpectedly mixed in such dire straights? That he’s even incomparable to a Rank 2 Druid?

Seeing the curiosity of the Baron, the Tax Officer related the matter of Rumont’s launching of a new brand of medicines. In the end, he pointed out that the second Miss had recently appeared frequently, it was quite possible there was a direct relationship with the new medicine.

Hearing this, the Lord Baron was silent.

He turned his sight outside and suddenly saw at this time, a pair of people appearing at the entrance. The pupil of his eyes violently contracted.

Chapter 50 – Final Deliberation (End)

At the entrance of Rumont’s drugstore, Eleni was heading out. Behind her figure, following after was a youth.

The youth was considered to be 16 years old this year. Tall and straight statured, a handsome face. And as a result of achieving a Rank, also had a newly polished physique, possessing the combat strength equivalent to a Rank 1 Warrior. He naturally possessed his own share of heroism.

Once he showed himself, the ladies in the town of Ricca would continuously look in stealth; amongst them, there was no lack of married women. But even more so, were young maidens that weren’t much older than his age.

Because of Rumont, the originally delicate and pretty women would everyday, when they pa.s.sed by Rumont’s drugstore, blossom with an even more splendid smile.

However, this type of smile would under Eleni’s faintly smiling expression, be all the morel dim and pale in comparison.

An Angel.

This was what everyone thought the moment they saw Miss Eleni.

Eleni possessed the appearance of elegant beauty. But what attracted everyone even more, was her exhibited temperament, a result of the G.o.ddess’ holy power from serving since she was young; visible externally and internally. Along with her indistinct smile, everything allowed Eleni to be considered the reincarnation of the G.o.ddess herself within the hearts of all the townsfolk.

The Priest’s gown on her body even matched perfectly with her graceful temperament. And at this time, this young maiden was currently laughing with Rumont as they exited.

“This medical herb is one that I’ve seen before from a book. I’ve also specially experimented on it, it really is like that.” as they walked out, Rumont faintly smiled and responded.

Just then, the two both mutually discussed the medical herbs they recognized. Because he had read over the Thieves poison manual, thus, although Rumont had mostly listened to Eleni’s explanations, at certain crucial points, he would always be able to provide a few points of useful knowledge. These few unheard of information allowed Eleni to be completely interested.

Being influenced by his smile, Miss Eleni also revealed a faint smile: “you really do take things seriously, keep it up like this. This store will definitely be able to get better as you run it.”

“Thank you. If it wasn’t for your help, I still wouldn’t be able to open this drugstore without a problem. In the end, it’s all because of you, that I have this store.”

The conversion pair, then came to a halt. At this time, the weather was cheery. The sunlight was brilliant.

Only, n.o.body had noticed, that within a horse carriage outside of the store, exactly because such an harmonious scene was seen, a middle-aged man’s eyes revealed a violent rage.

“Scoundrel!” cursing softly, the Baron turned his head, so that the Tax Officer within the carriage, practically couldn’t see his current expression. Merely, the Tax Officer, ever since the two curse words, had already guessed what kind of nasty mood the Baron Lord was currently in.

He planned on adding to the fire, allowing the other’s nasty mood, to persist even longer.

“Sire, in honesty, your subordinate spoke words he shouldn’t have. These news, you don’t need to take notice of it sir. Rumont, this kid is honestly still not that bad. Even though his background is lacking, but he’s innately gifted with a good vision. Moreover&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;those bits of information are merely random conjectures, how would the second Miss be capable of doing such things?”

The Tax Officer spoke with pretended leniency. However, exteriorly, he was boasting about Rumont, but in actual fact, each word was like a knife. As expected, once he heard, the Baron’s facial expression was even uglier.

Looking outside of the horse carriage, he coldly snorted and said: “I naturally understand her, she’s my daughter, I’m most aware of her temperament. Only, that Rumont&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

Although the following words wasn’t spoken, yet the intent was already quite clear. The constantly received information gathered together had already formed an image of the now Rumont within the Lord Baron’s mind. Greedy for money, unscrupulous, the image of the lowest of sc.u.m struggling to climb higher.

The kind of person his daughter was, if not again included, was also legitimately born of n.o.bility!

Even more so was that his second daughter was so ever outstanding! A n.o.ble young maiden that became a Rank 2 Priest in her teens, Eleni’s future would be however just as bright! As for her amazing future prospects, it would also bring him, as a father, how big of a honour! Solely on the current thoughts, the Baron couldn’t help but be proud.

Only, this kind of pride, while seeing his daughter stand together with that kid, had changed into such ironic implications.

Although in the bystanders opinions, them standing there together with Rumont’s graceful temperament, and with the similarly n.o.ble in temperament Eleni; it was a manner that warmed the heart and pleased the eyes.

But the Baron didn’t see it as such. It had changed into a nauseating scene of a lowly rascal attempting to curry favour of a n.o.ble maiden.

Letting such an outstanding daughter of his own be together with a Rumont of such a lowly status?

This way of thinking, the Baron wished he never thought of it. So much so that, just the current image of the two talking and laughing together, had already made it hard to accept for him.

“Rumont, no need to be on ceremonies. In any case, we’re currently friends right? Among friends, do you still need to say such thanks? Unless&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;you’ve never considered me as a friend.” leaving the Shrine, Eleni increasingly had the feeling of a nimble girl. She currently at this time, was mischievously pulling at the corners of her mouth, pretending to be upset.

Rumont naturally knew that the other wasn’t really angry, and quickly laughed: “of course I treat you as a friend. Otherwise, how could I accompany chatting with you everyday huh.”

“Oh, good, you’re finally showing your tail huh. Say, have you felt impatient since long ago?” said in a wisecracking way that was learnt from Rumont, Eleni adopted a high and mighty stance of punishing.

“What do you think?” Rumont said.

Afterwards, the pair mutually looked into each other’s eyes, and simultaneously laughed.

However, the Lord Baron that was observing foolishly within the horse carriage, not understanding in the slightest of the current atmosphere. He resentfully wanted to get out of the carriage, but thought it over, and stopped again.

“Leave this place, at once!” following which, he resentfully instructed.

The horse carriage slowly moved into action. And at this moment, a frightened yell was suddenly sounded, bursting from the outside.

“Wait a moment.” unknowing what matter had happened, the Baron ordered the horse carriage to first stop, before lifting open the carriage curtain, taking a look.

The third month, it was the period where spring was warm and flowers bloomed. It was also the period where the Adventurers similarly started work. Although, during winter, Adventurers would still frequently form squads and enter the forest.

However, ever since the arrival of spring time, the number of Adventurers in the small town began to change to increasingly more. Regardless of whatever purpose the Adventurers had, at least half way en route, the number of magic beasts they would encounter and hunt for, would increase by a lot. Certainly, opposing them was something they ought to do; the injured Adventurers also increased.

Currently, it was roughly 10 in the morning. At the time of 7, a large group of Adventurers had advanced into the forest of magic beasts. However, to the wounded people that continuously came out, this time, the magical beast they had encountered, was certain to be difficult to handle. The people that emerged, all seemed to have lost their spur.

At this time, a group suddenly ran through from outside of the town. Crying out while running: “Hurry! Hurry a bit more! We’re nearly there!”

During the moment, a large fellow was already carrying a wounded person, running in front of Rumont. By his side, was a few similarly discouraged Adventurers.

“Rumont, he was pierced through the stomach by a magic bull beast. Only you can save him, please hurry!” the Adventurer at the back said anxiously.

Last time, Rumont had revealed the miraculous suturing technique of using thread and needle, thus, this time when the Adventurers met with troubles, barely giving a second thought, he had taken people to deliver him to this place.

Rumont nodded his head. Promptly, Nick prepared his equipment. Afterwards, he disinfected, sutured and saved a life.

And at this moment, the residents of the small town that were originally on the street, busy or at idle, had all encircled the entrance area of Rumont’s drugstore, inquisitively observing the inside.

Right until the wound was completely sutured, along with the medicine that was applied, quickly displaying its might, did everyone then burst out with cheering. The expressions of the Adventurers also loosened up. As for the townsfolk, they all displayed a satisfied expression, as they all returned to their former stations.

This kind of performance seems to have acted out at Rumont’s drugstore practically everyday. The Adventurers, most of them, through experiencing the efficacy of Rumont’s new medicine, had become repeating customers.

As for the townsfolk of the town of Ricca, this daily drama was long considered an uninteresting entertainment of life.

“Rumont’s new medicine really is useful, looks like its efficacy truly has been increased.” said a few town residents when they had walked by the horse carriage, without noticing the Baron Lord was inside.

“That’s right, I’ve heard, that the efficacy of this new medicine type is the old medicine strengthened by 15%. It’s not expensive either, it’s no wonder it’s so popular.” another person said.

“That’s right, that’s right! I don’t know at what time they’ll release a medicine for curing headaches, I’ve recently always had an headache.” the others also successively parroted.

As for the the duo in the horse carriage, they were silently untalkative.

Even though the Baron Lord didn’t witness at first hand the life-saving process, but through the discussion of the people on the road, he could still imagine the scene at the time. Unknowingly when, Rumont’s influence had rapidly expanded within the town and the Adventurers. He was no longer a c.o.c.kroach that could be easily ousted———however, Rumont’s bit of innovative surgery, along with the new medicine with an increased efficacy of 10%, basically wasn’t sufficient enough to change the supposed affiliation concerning Eleni within the Baron’s mind.

“Return!” the Lord Baron dully instructed.

“Lord Baron sir, Miss Eleni is right outside, do we need to&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” the Tax Officer didn’t understand the Lord Baron’s current train of thought and probed out with a question.

“No need!” the Lord Baron already had the intentions to get rid of Rumont as quickly as possible. At this time, listening to the long-winded Tax Officer, he couldn’t help but wave his arm angrily. “Let the horse carriage leave this place a bit faster, I don’t wish to see him again!”

“Yes.” Aware that the Baron did not have a change of heart, the Tax Officer accomplice smiled. As for the horse carriage, it was also the same as when it arrived, rapidly hastening into the far distance.

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