Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 51 – Acting (Start)

Chapter 51 – Acting (Start)

Bidding farewell to the frigid days of snow, the time of the rainy season was arriving again. Although it wouldn’t be heavy torrential rains, the whole sky would linger with threads of rain, simultaneously caressing the pa.s.ser-byers, bringing about an inexhaustible annoyance for everyone.

It was already half past nine in the morning. Situated on the fringes of the town of Ricca, in an area behind a store and within a room, it was as before, quiet and silent. Within this room, the curtains were shut tight, obstructing the merest specks of light rays outside. Dusky and silent. The s.p.a.ce of the room wasn’t large, there wasn’t much furnishing and decorations either. White walls, a white ceiling, with a simple tiled floor.

The main furnishings, were only a table, a single sized bed and a simple clothes rack by the bed, nothing more.

At this very moment, the exact single bed that was up against the wall, had a youth inside, huhu1 deeply asleep. He seemed to be sleeping sweetly, muttering to himself from time to time.

On the covering over his body, was an impressive amount of small animals; perhaps indignant or laughing, but utterly cute. In the middle, was impressively the protagonist from Crayon Shin-chan and his small dog, Shiro. It had a hilarious impact being draped over the youth.

This was Rumont’s sole covering he could find within the spatial region. Due to the sudden few days that was hot and stuffy, and after being drenched in the rain during sword practice yesterday, he fell sick.

Thus, he was strictly monitored by Nick and the others, that until his condition had fully recovered, he was forbidden to keep on training.

The healing spells of a Druid could treat wounds, yet it was useless towards this kind of common cold. As for this type of ailment, there also existed a spell that treated it, however, it was a prerogative of a Priest. Rumont didn’t wish to go to the Shrine, and could merely drink simple medicines, waiting for his health to recover.

And because winter had just recently past, hence, the quilt Rumont was able to find, was comparatively thicker. He who had finished his medications, had started to sweat all over, and having no other alternatives, found this cover from within his spatial region.

At the time on the other world, because he was in a rush to a distant remote area in Tibet, he had hastily asked another person to purchase some cold-resisting beddings. The end result was the other person had a mischievous mind, giving him a randomly bought furnishing that was rather childish.

And when he learnt of it afterwards, he could only force a smile. He never thought that coming over from that world, such a humorous of a quilt would have surprisingly, accompanied him over. As for the satirical friend of his, although he was still alive, he could no longer see him again.

Just when he had taken the quilt out, it had also attracted the curiosity of Nick and them. But fortunately, the people of this world did not recognize what Shin-chan and Shiro were. They only felt that the quilt’s appearance was bright and pretty, with loveable patterns; extremely matching with his young status.

If it was exchanged for his past friend, knowing that he had surprisingly and really used this quilt to cover himself, he would have definitely died of laughter. It’s too bad, never to see him again&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

After the sentiments, he had slept in the pitch darkness.

Since the afternoon of yesterday, he had slept until presently. Rumont was at this moment, relishing his sleep. Unfortunately at this moment, an alarming cry sounded over from next door.

The person amidst of deep sleep, wrinkled his brows, turned his body over and pulled the quilt high up, continuing to sleep.

A peal of mutterings sounded again. Because the speaker was next door, and the wall that was built wasn’t too thick, as a result, the sounds had totally bore through Rumont’s ears.

“Those two rascals!” seeing that the others didn’t want to relent until we was woken by the noises, Rumont in the end reluctantly opened his eyes, let out a sigh, before jumping off the bed.

While he was folding up his quilt, when he saw the quilt’s patterns, the corner of Rumont’s mouth jerked, he laughed bitterly while shaking his head. Afterwards, he sincerely folded it up and placed it away neatly.

When he was fully dressed and walked out of his room, he had been in a half-asleep, half-awake state.

“Morning, Rumont.” the two people that were just talking, greeted in his direction.

“Morning as well, Nick, Fafnir.” Rumont also greeted.

The place he visited was even smaller than the room he was just in. It only had an area of approximately 7 or 8 square metres. The furnishings in the room were also quite simple, apart from a set of table and chairs and a small cabinet of a firm quality, there was nothing else.

The room had a total of 2 doors, a front and a back. One door linked to the main hall outside, the other linked to the backyard, which was also the place he slept.

The walls of the room was a snow-white hue. A flower vase was placed on top of the table. A bunch of flowers, was giving off an enchanting fragrance.

At this moment, because of the rain outside, there were no customers dropping by. Therefore, Nick, the store manager did not stay outside, instead he stayed in a room that was amiably named by Rumont as the store manager’s office.

On top of the table was an accounting book.

The account book at this time was opened exactly on the final page. On it, was a type of puerile font, which was used to write an astonishing figure.

But the existence of a pile of silver coins, seemingly confirmed the authenticity of the figure. It was placed by others into a large chest, glittering and tempting with its radiance.

Silver coins. A pile of silver coins. A large pile of silver coins.

In front of the chest was at this moment standing 3 youths. One’s stature was tall and st.u.r.dy, one’s stature was tall and upright, and the other’s facial colour was faintly paler; a white of sickness.

The trio fondly gazed at the pile of silver coins within the chest. For a moment, n.o.body said anything.

“Nick, calculate it again. There’s really this much silver coins this month?” Fafnir was listless for a while, before suddenly saying. This was already the tenth time he had asked the question, after this precise figure was obtained.

Nick gave him a look as if he was looking at an idiot, saying: “fool, does this is still need to be calculated, one thousand two hundred silver coins are right in front of you. Can’t you see it for yourself, huh?”

“Only, I don’t believe in my own eyes, ah!” a foolish hehe laughter and Fafnir scratched his head. Afterwards, he faced Rumont and said: “Rumont, this money, is it alright if I take it?”

Recently, Fafnir had always occupied himself with learning martial skills, therefore, the number of times that he frequented the drugstore wasn’t much. Although the pile of silver coins had practically dazzled his eyes, he was still an honest man, he still felt that he shouldn’t take so much money.

Rumont at this time had also roughly understood the situation. He honestly wasn’t a competent owner, he had surprisingly forgotten that today was the end of the month summary. The cry that sound just then, was issued by Fafnir; because Nick had reported an astonishing figure, thus, it had shocked him.

Merrily hehe laughing, Rumont patted Fafnir’s shoulder and said: “last month, and the month before that, didn’t I already explain it to you huh? You also paid a portion in opening this store, therefore, you would naturally have earnings from the store. You don’t need to nag so much, you’re an adult, stop acting like such a young girl, stop mincing your words okay.”

The part Fafnir had paid was referring to the matters of the Thieves Guild. At that time, the duo had cooperated to earn the spoils of war. Even though Rumont had also given Fafnir some money afterwards, the vast majority of it was still held by Rumont.

Rumont had once mentioned to Fafnir that there was still a portion of money from the spoils, that when he opened a store, it would be regarded as the pair’s former savings. Fafnir at the time had only laughed, not taking it seriously.

As for presently, Rumont had opened a drugstore, and sure enough, had given Fafnir a twenty percent share in profits; also considering it as fulfilling the promise at the time.

As for Fafnir, he had always felt that what he had obtained at the time was neither lacking. Therefore, he always felt guilty in taking the twenty percent share of profits. The pair had already discussed the matter many times over. The previous two times that was split, Fafnir had taken it.

However, because the revenue of the drugstore wasn’t considered too high at the time, as a result, Fafnir had felt indifferent in accepting. Only this month, Rumont’s drugstore was making money fast. A share of twenty percent of the profits would be two-hundred and forty bright glittering silver coins!

This was equivalent to a year’s income of a middle cla.s.s town resident. Therefore, Fafnir simultaneously sighed in amazement of the drugstore’s high revenue, while also feeling the money that he had obtained, his hand was scalding.

Only, Rumont’s mocking berate had made his face red. That’s right, as one that experienced through life or death, worrying unduly over the minor matters of money was honestly p.u.s.s.y-footed. Thus, nodding his head, no longer hesitating.

Using three pouches, the silver coins were well separated and packed. Afterwards, two of the bags were given respectively to Nick and Fafnir. Rumont’s face was full of confidence: “let us work well together, afterwards, our income would only be more and more.”

“Yeah! Let’s work together!” the hands of the three good friends, were momentarily together.

Today was pay-day. After splitting it well, Rumont took a small bag of silver coins and handed it over to the outside working Rolak. Rolak accepted the bag of money silently. Afterwards, without saying anything, carried on with his work.

Rumont inwardly sighed. This youth was actually quite intelligent, only, because of his family, would he end up like this. It really did make him feel pity.

Shaking his head, Rumont turned around, returning back to his own room.

And it was at this time, Rolak that was momentarily working with his head down, suddenly lifted his head, he watched Rumont’s rear image, his face showed a complex expression.

“Rumont, you were just sick, practice less for now ah.” within the forest, Fafnir was incessantly persuading.

However, Rumont who had already gone two days without practicing, had in the afternoon and after the rains, once more bloomed with vitality, he had employed the sword within his hand against the peals of cold winds.

Hearing Fafnir’s words, he wiped the sweat of his head, and flourished his sword back, before sitting by Fafnir’s side.

“Did Nick follow up with you? That Tax Officer came again this morning to nitpick. I’ve heard, that this time it’s on suspicion that our store is evading tax. They want to search through our financial accounts.” Fafnir said.

“Nick told me.” Rumont was angry once he thought about the matter.

“Strange, recently he seems to be quite smug, seems like he has proof.” Rumont did not know about the matters of the Baron. Therefore, towards the Tax Officer’s recent repeated provocations, he was utterly angry, and also thought it was quite strange.

He would pay a fifth of the revenue in taxes each month, which was also a large sum of money. Furthermore, he was already a Rank 2 Druid. In the foreseeable future, he would still become more powerful, something the Tax Officer wouldn’t have. Even if he relied on an aristocratic household background, he was still a governmental employee, he still shouldn’t be so smug like this right?

“Only, even if he really is smug, I’m still not afraid of him.”

Rumont’s current information gathering was extremely limited, he basically didn’t know the movements of the Tax Officer. However, with the store making money fast, and his influence within the Adventurers expanding, Rumont had already plotted well a plan; which was to get rid of the Tax Officer within the next few days.

In fact, last time when they ended the Thieves Guild, he had already obtained a few evidences, pertaining the crimes the Tax Officer and Priest committed.

However, the evidences weren’t comprehensive. In addition, using these evidences to convict, the offending people would at most be fined, that’s all. Anymore serious would also merely be a stripping of the current governmental position. However in this world, even the fiefs were privately owned. Relying on the relationships with the Feudal Lord, even if they were momentarily deprived, after a few days, they would again resume their office. This naturally wasn’t what Rumont desired as an objective.

Needing to act, it was then necessary to cause the opponent to go beyond redemption.Chapter 52 – Acting (End)

The town of Ricca had experienced bouts of rains for the last two days. Currently, it was now completely a scene of spring time.

The gra.s.s on either side of the roads, after a hibernation of winter, and under the radiance of the warm sunshine, had started to sprout. Timidly growing out, inquisitively pouring into the small town that was both familiar and strange.

The few delicate flowers of tender bodies, no longer feared the bitter cold. The moisture in the atmosphere, allowed them to continue on with growing. Struggling to wait for the valor and force of the flower bud to blossom.

Because of the acc.u.mulation of snow that had fall on all the various leaves of the trees, after the changing of snow to water, they had drank it in earnest. Afterwards, the bestowment of the snow spirits were c.u.mulatively turned into power for the start of another year.

On the roads, kids were constantly throwing off their winter clothings. They heeheehaha’d as they played in the peaceful little town; a showing of humanity’s purest and sincerest of games.

While the adults no longer had any kind of excuse for leisure time, within this town, a large majority of people were diligent yet impoverished. Apart from the frigid time during winter, the only possible free time was a few hard to come by holidays each year. As for the rest of the time, they would start working at sunrise and resting at sunset; not a day of laziness.

To have rested a whole winter, nearly every family seems to require a sum of money to provide their dinner tables with enough bread. And as for spring time, it was also the beginning of another year. This seasonal period, was also the time when farmers shed their sweat, it was similarly the same time they sowed their hopes out. Once autumn arrived, what then awaited them, would then be reaped for a heavy harvest.

Not only the farmers, even the store owners and their minds would also be reinvigorated, opening up their stores earlier and closing them later at night, in hopes of getting even more business in.

At this time, there was one store owner that wasn’t like this. While others were exerting busily within the store, he did not all put his own thoughts into operating the store, instead he ran to the Briar forest first thing each morning.

“Rumont, let’s go again!” in an open area of the forest, Fafnir flourished with one arm his double-edged sword, loudly roaring.

To his direct opposite, Rumont nodded his head while already dripping with sweat, neither speaking, he grasped his sword in advancing right away.

Two people, holding two swords. In a flash they crossed their swords together.

The clashing strikes made ringing sounds. Nimble movements. Strikes adhered momentarily before parting. Crossing swords for only a flash. The outcome of the battle was now apparent. Rumont’s sword was already overpowered by Fafnir’s momentum, in the moment their swords met.

Even though he continued to battle for a while, it was too difficult to overturn the signs of defeat.

“Alright, I give.” Rumont withdrew his sword, saying gloomily.

“Haha! You’ve lasted another 5 moves compared to last time. Your improvement is pretty big eh.” Fafnir haha laughed, more than pleased with himself, yet also quite astonished at Rumont’s advancement.

Different to how he was engrossed into swordsmanship, Rumont also simultaneously needed to cultivate as a Druid. What’s more, no one better understood Rumont’s original physique as he did.

Fafnir’s physique was innately robust, and was also born into a family of soldiers. After having money, it was possible to be engrossed in the study of martial arts, which naturally lead to his incredible pace of development.

Rumont was still only a effeminate youth a few months prior. Any matters still required the help of Nick and himself, to protect and a.s.sist him. And within these few months, not only did his temperament happen to change, he also successfully promoted to a Rank 2 Druid. Even his physical combat prowess had also rapidly advanced.

Fafnir had reason to believe, that if the other didn’t need to take into consideration of a large amount of affairs, and only concentrated on practicing his martial skills, his performance would be absolutely higher than his current proficiency.

However, even if it was the current Rumont, it was already more than enough for Fafnir to admire.

Only, there was one point that Fafnir didn’t quite understand. He himself had already gone to the city and completed the examination, successfully obtaining a registration of a Rank 2 Warrior. Currently, Rumont had also attained a certain professional level in combat skills . Yet why for whatever reason has he not gone to register as well?

Every time this question was asked, Rumont would only smile and not respond.

“Rumont, honestly, with your current extent, it’s already possible for you to go and register. Why haven’t you gone yet? Are you afraid of failure?” Fafnir retracted his sword and again asked the question.

Rumont this time did not again choose to dodge it, instead, answered truthfully: “because I want to treat my current combat power as a means of life insurance. Therefore, at the present time, I still can’t let even more people know of my true powers.”

“What’s that suppose to mean? I don’t understand.” Fafnir shook his head straight after listening.

Rumont haha laughed, and patted the other’s head: “Don’t understand? It’s fine if you don’t understand! I’ll call it as catching someone off guard&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

“Look Rumont, at the store entrance, how come there’s so many people?”

Like usual, after completing their practice, the two good friends talked and laughed as they went back. Except when they were at the short distance away from the drugstore, they were both startled.

They saw a ring of people outside, unable to refrain from curiosity, constantly looking into the store. Both male and females. Drama must be staging out inside, which was attracting everyone.

“Haha, oh no, looks like it’s your angelic Miss has come again huh?” Fafnir elbowed Rumont, with a giggling expression.

Rumont shook his head: “doesn’t look like she came, let’s hurry.” the angelic Miss that Fafnir mentioned was naturally the second Miss Eleni.

In the recent few days, Eleni had no longer visited. When that happened, Rumont had a bit of disappointment. However, after a long while, he only started to think that it was an inevitable.

Even if she was so amiable and approachable, she was still in the end, the young miss of an n.o.ble and a Rank 2 Priest. How would it be possible for her to come to an commoner’s area daily?

The pair quickly hurried over to Rumont’s drugstore. There they saw in the main lobby of the store, a young maiden, who had her arms crossed in front of her, constantly saying something.

Rumont wrinkled his brows once he saw this. He recognized the people that came. This young maiden was precisely the beloved disciple of Druid Jeff, Willow. The man that had always treated him indifferently, had more than doted over the young maiden. Even if he did something even better, it was still inferior to the young maiden’s mischievous practical jokes.

“Rumont, you’re finally back. She keeps wanting to find and ask you for something.” once he saw Rumont again, Nick who had not been able to resist since early on, had promptly ran over; an expression of as if releasing a heavy burden.

Looking over his good friend, whose face was throughly red and stifled, Rumont surprisingly, under this sort of circ.u.mstance, wanted to laugh out impetuously.

Yet it was no wonder he was like this. The originally clever and eloquent Nick, would once he encountered a pretty female, be nervous and struggle to talk. It was quite difficult for him to have persisted until he came back, to be facing such a young maiden, whose exterior was cute yet displaying such a barbarous manner.

Resisting the urge to laugh, Rumont busily left Fafnir and Nick by the side, himself going to stand in front of the maiden Willow. “Good to see you, Miss Willow.”

Once Willow saw the other’s lively and leisurely manner, she was full of anger. She coldly said: “who says it’s good to see you, Rumont, you’re really too despicable ah. Putting the price of the medicines so slow. How am I supposed to sell medicines?”

Rumont sounded out an oh. So the other actually came here for this matter.

Originally, because of the warm reception during the launch of the strengthened version of the Mending vulnerary, Rumont had therefore accordingly in the following month, quickly released another common medicine in a similar style. The results were the same as before. However, the pricing, compared to the previous ones, was reduced by 10 percent.

Because of the release of these two medicines, these days, the Adventurers of the town of Ricca, had practically only attended Rumont’s store; very few people would go to Jeff’s store.

Willow, who was originally discontent with Rumont, who had bustled about after a night, and had no longer seen anyone to try out her achievements, could no longer bear it and had exploded out.

As for the result of exploding out, she had ran to Rumont’s opposing drugstore to pick a fight. Unfortunately at the time, Rumont had gone to the forest to practice his martial skills.

Not being able to find him, she had increasingly felt that the other was evading her. She decided to stay firmly put at the store and not leave. Because it was ingrained to be a sticky beak, and knowing that the two stores were finally going to duke it out, the people of the town had successively halted their work, and snooping by the store entrance.

Which had resulted in the lively crowd that Rumont and Fafnir had saw when they got here.

Being able to roughly guess the intentions of the other, Rumont laughed. This laugh that seemed to be graceful and charming to others, had seemed, in Willow’s eyes, to be taunting her. She then heard Rumont say: “Miss Willow, I’m not too sure of your meaning. Originally, business compet.i.tions is to seek a profit&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;don’t tell me you forgot that a few months prior, your store had also suddenly reduce its prices ah? Because of price reduction at your store, was it then possible that my store had suffered gravely.”

“You&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Willow at once choked on her words. What the other had said was right. Only&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;only, she did not do it intentionally though. This rascally Rumont, it’s clear he wanted to meet her head-on! How much could he show off?

Thinking back to the things the Tax Officer told her, the young maiden’s temper had flared up again. She said pouting with rage: “less on that, you’re still pretending? Cheat! You’re a big swindler! Using a predecessor’s formulation to acquire reputation, you’re a swindler! Cheat&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

“Oh?” his nose being poked at like a thunderbolt by a cute young maiden, while loudly shouting swindler, Rumont truly did not know whether to laugh or cry.

His eyes seeing that the surrounding beholders were showing an expression of gossiping, so much that even his best friends, Nick and Fafnir, had also a pondering expression, Rumont’s head was starting to feel an ache. He dragged the young maiden inside.

“You&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;what are you trying to do?” being dragged out by another, the young maiden who was stupefied en route, had at this time reacted. She hastily jumped away from Rumont, to the furthest point, raising her guard up while fixing her attention on Rumont, asking sternly.

Rumont rubbed his own nose, forcing a smile and said: “I just want to understand clearly, the meaning of the words you just said.”

“Knowing that your crime was exposed, only now do know of fear?” the young maiden coldly harrumphed, an expression of disdaining Rumont. “If it wasn’t for someone telling me, I really wouldn’t have thought that you were unexpectedly such a swindler!”

Rumont had keenly caught the meaning behind the young maiden’s words, only with a thought, did he roughly guess out who the person was. However, he still deliberately probed it out, saying: “this matter was told to you by the Tax Officer, right? How can you still believe in what he says?”

“Hmph! His words, why wouldn’t I believe them?” without even knowing, the young maiden had already sold the Tax Officer out, saying disdainfully: “there’s no grudges between you two, if it really wasn’t what you did, why would he come and tell me?”

It was him as expected. Rumont inwardly bit his lower lip.

“What are you planning?” similarly a Druid, although she was currently only Rank 1, it was enough for the young maiden to respond to the momentary coldness. She sounded out a cry of fear, wanting to retreat. Yet she then found that a table was behind her. She had already reached the end of the road, there was no further retreat.

Rumont promptly collected back his killing intent, and laughed: “for you, I certainly wouldn’t think of anything, merely&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

Seeing the other watching himself nervously, Rumont had recovered his normal appearance, saying in deadly earnest: “alright, I’ll explain everything to you. In honestly, you’ve been deceived by the Tax Officer.”

Rumont immediately then weaved a set of excuses. Placing himself having obtained a few law-breaking crimes that the Tax Officer committed, without having the other being aware of the matter. Telling it all for the young maiden to listen.

What kind of person was Rumont, back on Earth, he had seen and been accustomed to all types of people. Fooling a naive a small girlie was but a small appetizer. Even more so, his words contained truths and lies, not just fabrication.

Hearing his explanation, the young maiden was shortly expressionless. She didn’t believe at first, asking for what reason didn’t Rumont give the evidence to the Judicial Officer to manage, while willingly allowing the opponent to frequently retaliate.

“Giving it to the Judicial Officer didn’t seemed like a good deal! They’re still relatives!” Rumont casually took out one of the evidences. Using exquisite acting, he gave the feel of a youth who had somehow come by the evidence, while also giving off a feel of it being scalding; performing profoundly.1

After the young maiden heard, while simultaneously despising Rumont’s conduct, she was even more than just resenting the Tax Officer, who had incited her to come over and stir trouble.

Right away, the young maiden was pouting with rage as she departed from Rumont’s drugstore, dashing towards the opposing store.

Seeing her leave, Rumont’s face showed an expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry. The young maiden was just too naive. Following on, he again laughed: “Barcas, your death approaches.”

As of now, with the prestige among Adventurers and the townsfolk, along with Eleni’s relationship, it had already reached a level capable of killing Barcas.

Tonight will be the day to catch a fish!

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