Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 53 – Castrating Kill (Start)

Chapter 53 – Castrating Kill (Start)
Chapter 53 – Castrating Kill (Start)

A night with a new moon and strong winds. A time to kill and burn1.

The small town was quiet without a sound. Every family had lights out. Each household was closed. There was only one or two sounds of a bird call, occasionally sounding overhead of the town.

However, there were also some noises that faded. Not bringing one bit of undulation. The small town at this time, it was if it was a deep well, stifling, giving birth to fear to those that beheld it.

Only the small road, that pa.s.sed through to the outside of the town, had a constant messy sounding of footsteps. At this time, the sound of footsteps got increasingly closer. Three figures also presented distinctly amidst the dusky moonlight.

“Sir, do we really need to give that kid money?” on the night road, a person suddenly asked in a whisper.

Previously in front of Rumont’s store, the pair that had staged an extorting play, had at this time, a much more solemn mood and clothing. By their side, was exactly a man with a gloomy face and who was no stranger. It was precisely the Tax Officer Barcas that had repeatedly made things difficult for Rumont.

Looking at the current situation, the Tax Officer Barcas and the two others actually knew each other. Furthermore, these two people had demonstrated that they were the Tax Officer’s subordinates.

If Rumont was standing there at this time, he would definitely inwardly feel pleased for his surmise at that time. Merely seeing the rear image, and he had uncovered the mastermind behind the matter of disturbance; he really was intelligent.

As for the pair, they were both each carrying a small bag along the road; a dingdong racket behind them. Listening to the sounds, it was indeed two bags of coins.

They did not seemed to be pleased at giving so much money to another. En route, one of them had constantly whispered. Even now he was relying on his courage, to put forth the inner query out to Barcas.

As for the skilled middle-aged man Barcas, he merely gave a cold and gloomy laugh, not at all responding to his subordinate’s query.

As for the other person, he understood the meaning behind it intuitively. He raised his arm, and heavy swatted his palm onto the head of the questioner. “Idiot! How could the sir really give that much money to him? That kid is muddled by money, but you’re also muddled?”

The person being beaten, seemed to be of a status where he was always bullied. Not daring to say anything anymore, he only repeatedly nodded his head.

The Tax Officer Barcas watched with indifference, his facial expression was very calm, yet innerly he was truly quite resentful. However, his resentment wasn’t due to the scene his subordinates made, instead, it was at how brazen Rumont was.

During the daytime, from the pouting with rage Willow’s mouth, Rumont had gotten a grasp on the matters he had conducted. Although he didn’t quite believe it, after fooling Willow with flowery speech, he had pondered deeply over this matter.

Because he had truthfully, done many things that was unpresentable in secret. Therefore thinking it over, even though he wasn’t too certain whether Rumont really did hold onto evidence, the always prudent Barcas, had decided to have a truce with Rumont and ask him.

Since Rumont was grasping onto some evidences, in that case, Barcas also intended to meet the plot with a scheme.2 Letting his subordinate use the reason of a health checkup to make contact with Rumont, and hiddenly speaking out the matter of willing to use money in exchange for the evidences.

The situation developed quite favourably. Rumont then sure enough, once he understood the meaning behind, had proposed an astonishing figure; making Barcas prepare well this pile of money. Tonight at 8, by the side of the forest outside of town, one would hand over the money, while the other would hand over the evidence.

As for the Tax Officer, he had also really brought the money. However, he did not truly intend to hand it over to Rumont. So long as it was confirmed that the other did have evidence, then he would prepare to arrest and denounce Rumont———what a joke. Who was he, an official within the territory. And the largest use of an official was to at necessary times, be unreasonable.

As for the evidences, though it wouldn’t hinder him too much, but if the Baron found out, it also wouldn’t have a good impression. Therefore, if it was possible to get it, then he would get it!

Bringing along the pair of subordinates was to guard against Rumont also requesting people to help. Only, thinking that Rumont was unexpectedly so daring in receiving money, Barcas was in a foul mood, while also disdaining.

Originally, he had thought that the other was an ambitious person. He never expected that surprisingly, he was also a someone that opened one’s eyes wide at the sight of profit. It really complied with the words his subordinate just say, being muddled by money ah.

Perhaps, it was precisely as those words were. A clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity. Even more intelligent people would also have trouble at avoiding times of being muddled and making a mistake. Hmph hmph, is my money so easily taken? So long as Rumont took the money, then the Shrine would have a means of taking this crime and succeed in setting up blackmail and extortion———in actual fact, the current Barcas was looking forward to Rumont taking the money!

Furthermore, via Priest Dennis, they had already gotten in touch to a mid Rank Priest from the city, that could use the “Honesty Spell”. In addition, it was also setup at the Lord Baron’s place, everything was awaiting Rumont to receive a framed punishment. Thinking to this point, he was quite elated———his own ability seems to have progressed heh, everything was as planned.

“Rumont, Barcas really wants to exchange the evidence with you?” a seldom housecoat wearing second Miss Eleni, looked at the surroundings and asked. The scenery, apart from her and Rumont, also had Rumont’s best friend Fafnir.

Rumont braved the risks of the rumours, the ill feelings of the Baron and continued a.s.sociating with Eleni; it was all for today. He did not know at all that Barcas had already approached the Baron. However, he also had Eleni himself.

Rumont look at the surroundings and said softly: “I’m so sorry Miss Eleni, asking you to come here so late. Only, this was no trivial matter. Not only does it affect my safety, it also affects the safety of you Lord father. Therefore, I’ve currently invited you and Fafnir to hide at this place. Stay here and don’t make a sound. You’ll understand the situation quite quickly.”

Saying this, he let the pair stand behind a high cl.u.s.ter of bushes, off to the side.

Because the moonlight today was faint, the Second Miss Eleni’s clothes was also exchanged for a darker colour. Thus, Fafnir and her hiding there, would not be discovered by others in the slightest.

Although she didn’t understand too clearly on what Rumont was up to, the recent period of frequent a.s.sociation, had already been enough for her to have a certain amount of confidence in Rumont. Otherwise, so late in the evening, a female such as her wouldn’t have come over here relying merely on a letter.

Seeing the pair hiding well, Rumont positioned himself standing by the road side, facing the end of the road, watching. Quite quickly, 3 figures had appeared at the end of the road. Afterwards, they were increasingly more clear.

Right until they approached closely, could Rumont then see clearly the appearances of the people.

“Mister Barcas, luckily you’ve arrived punctually. Otherwise, I would have had to give the evidences to a higher authority.” Rumont stood in the middle of the road, his arms crossed, laughing a hehe.

“Kid, what are you saying, you’re still not taking the evidence out?” the Tax Officer had yet to speak, his subordinate by his side had already step over, holding onto a sword handle.

Rumont’s face soon showed a discontent expression: “Mister Barcas, if I didn’t remember wrongly, I had allowed only yourself to come over right? Why then, have you still brought over a hired thug, you want to over power me huh? If I said that I did not bring the evidence with me, would you be greatly disappointed?”

“You……” the person was indignant.

Nevertheless however, he still retreated from Barcas’ sounding of a cold hmph. Barcas laughed a haha and said: “friend Rumont, you’ve misunderstood, I let them come, but I don’t have any ill intents……”

Letting his subordinates place the bags on the ground, he explained: “you can also see, friend Rumont, you wanted this much money, but I can’t move it all by myself. Thus, I needed them to come, purely to provide man power.”

“Since it’s like this, you can let them leave.” Rumont coldly stated.

Once Barcas waved an arm, the pair shortly retreated back. However, in accordance with what they prepared in advance, the two did not at all really leave. Instead, they had hidden themselves not too far off. Awaiting to hear the signal to again dart over.

Rumont watched them leave, before laughing: “that’s more like it.”

“In that case, we can now chat about the proper things eh.” Barcas narrowed his eyes and said.

“Certainly.” Rumont looked over at the two bags on the ground, and couldn’t help but sigh: “however, even though I’m wealthy, yet, looking at your funds Mister Barcas, you’ve secretly embezzled quite a bit off the tax payments eh.”

Barcas’ facial colour immediately dropped. “What the f.u.c.k are you saying, where’s the evidence, give it to me.”

“Haha! What’s the rush! I can’t run off. I’m only curious ey. It’s reasonable to say that you’re also born an aristocrat, of the same family as the Baron, you shouldn’t be lacking money right? Is being a grand n.o.ble not good then? For what reason must you do such a dirty things? This matter really doesn’t match with your ident.i.ty as a n.o.ble!” Rumont hehe laughed. But what was said, was a most taboo matter for the branch family n.o.bles.

As prudent as Barcas was, he still couldn’t help but retort: “what do you know! You commoner, how would you know the hardships of us related branches? Based on what reason are those direct descendants allowed to call on winds and summon rains3. While us n.o.bles of a similar status still need to do these low and degrading matters of dealing with your kind of lowly born people? On what basis? Furthermore, this bit of money was collected bit by bit by myself, it’s what I deserve! All of it is what I deserve!”

Under the moonlight, abruptly gazing into Rumont’s eyes filled with ridicule and laughter, Barcas couldn’t refrain from choking up with anger. Afterwards, he obstinately suppressed his firing rage, and said with a sneer: “the money, I’ve already placed the money there, where’s the evidence you have huh? Give it to me.”

“Ah, what’s the rush.” Rumont shook his head, fishing out a folded letter from his bosom. Afterwards, he walked in front of Barcas. “However, allow me to first examine it, whether this money is real or not. Open the bag of money, let me have a look.”

Barcas endured his anger, successively opening both the bags of money. As expected, it was two large bags, twinkling with silver coins. “You can give me the letter now.”

“Okay, here you go.” Rumont’s face had an expression of it being discussable over money, handing over the letter to Barcas Turning his body around, he had the desire to take the money away before having Barcas calling out to stop. “Wait a minute, I want to verify whether this is real or fake.”

“Okay, as you wish.” Rumont had an expression of having no choice, placing the bags down and walking in front of Barcas. He saw Barcas practically tear open the letter envelope. Afterwards, he had a look, increasingly wrinkling his brows as he read. Because the sky was dark, and even though there was moonlight, he still placed the letter quite close in front of his eyes. Just as he was reading the letter, Rumont suddenly said some words to him in a low voice.

Afterwards, Barcas abruptly lifted his head, a face full of shock as well as anger as he drew out his sabre, stabbing out towards Rumont. As for Rumont, it was too late for him to dodge. Being stabbed through the shoulder by the opponent and falling down onto the ground. As for Barcas, unexpectedly also because of the momentum of his sword, his body also toppled forward.

Exactly as the pair cried out in alarm, hiding behind the collection of shrubs, they had also dashed out in that moment. Together they arrived amidst the fighting, it had already reached a junction of life and death.

Because Rumont had his back towards them since the beginning, adding on to the fact that Rumont’s voice just then was extremely low, the Second Miss had hence thought that the scene had happened in such a grand manner: Rumont had been told to stop by the other, and afterwards, Barcas had suddenly drew out his sword and thrusted.

As she saw it, the situation was already extremely clear. The Tax Officer had secretly concealed the truth from her father, while acting corruptly. As for Rumont, he had by lucky coincidence, grasped onto some evidence. But because only have evidence still wasn’t enough, thus Rumont had set up this plot, allowing the Tax Officer to take the initiative in admitting to his own crimes. Furthermore, it already let herself become an event witness, making the evidence even more persuasive. Although it was selfish, the political integrity was also clear.

As for the Tax Officer Barcas, he had intended to murder him and silence him4, and thoroughly destroy the evidences. The end result though, he had started a fight with Rumont……

No matter how it looked, the Second Miss Eleni still needed to stand out, putting a stop to the situation from worsening, she could only yell out: “stay your hand!”

Just as the scream was heard, Barcas who was originally thrusting downwards, fiercely and viciously with his sabre, had backed up. As for Rumont, whose body was covered in blood on the ground, he had climbed back up. Afterwards, he faced towards the second Miss who had ran over: “I apologize, however, it was an act of self-defense, but……”

The pair that had ran over, followed along his vision and looked over, a dagger, was stabbed into Barcas’ lower body. Barcas clutched at his crotch painfully, while crying piteously, rolling on the ground. A large amount of fresh blood sprayed on the ground, bringing with it a kind of stench.

As Eleni saw this, she couldn’t help but be stunned. After a while, just as she sobered up, she hesitated for a little while, before giving treatment.

Eleni was a Rank 2 Priest, who could only treat small injuries, utilizing the second divine spell from memory, it barely staunched the fresh blood. Eleni hesitated before saying: “I understand, Rumont, I also saw the situation just then. Thank you for all you’ve done for the small town. You can relax. Within the laws, stemming from self-defence, you wouldn’t be blamed. At that time, I’ll also be your witness.”

Obtaining the Second Miss’ guarantee, Rumont who always had a unresolved mind, had finally relaxed. He took the folded letter from within Barcas’ hands, while also letting Fafnir take a few letters out of his bosom, putting them together and giving it to the Second Miss.

“The evidence that was given to Barcas just then was honestly, also real. However, there’s still a portion, that I had kept with Fafnir. Presently, I’ll give it all to you.”

Eleni nodded her head.

It was at this time, Barcas had stopped his anguished wailings. He gasped for breath, his pupils were full of inexhaustible remorse, saying: “what I most regret……I had almost……”

Speaking to this point, he had pa.s.sed out. Eleni thought that what he had just regretted, was not having completed the thrust. Wrinkling her brow, she showed a touch of disgust.

And at this time, although Rumont’s expression when looked at, showed a face of shock and panic, his mind was all but unstressed. He glanced over at the currently unconscious Barcas, the dagger just then was quite long, being able to stab into him. Not only did it castrate him, it had also disturbed the kidneys and such into pieces. This kind of injury, at the very least, would require a Rank 7 Priest and above, to barely treat him. Furthermore, he would also require it immediately———under the current circ.u.mstances, even if Priest Dennis hurried over, he had nothing but death awaiting.

Barcas’ value lied in his relationship with the Baron, his value lied in dozens of years of acc.u.mulated relationships in the town, in amongst of social ranks and a.s.sociations. These were all things that Rumont could never overtake in any sort of way. Therefore, no matter what kind of evidence, it wasn’t necessarily able to sentence him to death. Friendly relations would protect, the officials would cover-up each other. This wasn’t spoken in fun. If he was revived, what he faced wouldn’t just be cheap tricks.

Hence, he could only use bait to destroy his body. Only resolutely killing. A sudden drastic action, not at all giving up———finally, the death deserving person was killed through castration.

Rumont secretly laughed while exhaling out a breathe.

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