Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 57 – Mission (Start)

Chapter 57 – Mission (Start)
Chapter 57 – Mission (Start)

Once this was spoken out, the Lord Baron that had from the beginning sat on the opposite of Rumont and awaited for his answer, had immediately displayed an unforgettable smile on his long wasted away face.

“Good, good, good.” so much that he even said out three goods. It was sufficient enough to show the Baron’s good mood at this time.

“Rumont, as expected, you’re a man who is sincere in servicing the small town ah. As expected, I didn’t mistaken you. This kind of matter, I’m be able to put my mind at ease as long as you’re handling it. Hahaha. You can relax, as long as the map of the forest is drafted well, I’ll definitely honour today’s promise in giving you an Esquire’s estate.”

Seeing that the other was smoothly hooked, the Baron was more than happy. He actually surprisingly found that the youth that he had originally felt vexed about, after another careful look was unexpectedly pleasing to his eyes.

As for the youth that was standing opposite of him, after he had finished listening to his compliments, he had secretly twitched the corner of his mouth repeatedly. His exterior was maintaining an indifferent expression, but in actuality on the inside, Rumont had long since scolded the other all over and thoroughly.

Even though the other had from the start placed him on an exceedingly high pedestal, Rumont was the type of person who wouldn’t be confused and disoriented by a few praises. What’s more, early on when the Baron had just spoken those words of jargon, Rumont had already seen through it. This Baron seems to regard him in not a really friendly manner.

Although the Baron had concealed his expressions quite well, as a Rank 2 Druid, Rumont was already clear about the reactions.

However, Rumont had still decided to accept the mission in drafting out a map for Briar Forest.

Honestly, before committing himself to this acceptance, Rumont had thought it over quite a lot. The reason that he had ultimately accepted the Baron’s proposal was that for one of the reasons, it was the force of the circ.u.mstances.

Again, it was because an Esquire’s estate was quite compelling. In general, a citizen would have several tens of mu worth of land. An Esquire would only have 2 to 3 hundred mu, although the mu fields weren’t more, it was already close to the privileges of a n.o.bility Rank. If it was during the ancient times on Earth, it was equivalent to the scholars who had pa.s.sed the exams.1

There were 3 reasons. It was because during the time Rumont was practicing his martial skills, he had already encountered a bottleneck in pa.s.sing through it via training; it was already too difficult to step through.

Fafnir’s circ.u.mstances were more or less the same as him. After possessing the capabilities of a Rank 2 Warrior, even though he was even more a.s.siduous during training, in terms of the progress of his martial skills, it had become increasingly more slow. It was so slow, that in the recent few days not only did it not progress, the martial skills were showing signs of stagnation.

Not only did this kind of circ.u.mstance make Fafnir, who had vowed to become a successful mighty warrior become depressed, even Rumont was also utterly depressed.

And hearing from others, only by experiencing real close-combat could one’s martial skills obtain real polishing.

It was precisely because of this that entering into the Briar Forest abyss, as Rumont would put it, was a mere matter of sooner or later. Since the Baron wants to request him to go this time; he might as well. He took this time’s experience and treated it simply as a way to polish his martial skills.

Maybe after he returned his martial skills would be even able to obtain some sort of advancement; it was unknown.

What’s more, his current fighting strength was not at all what outsiders saw, that of a feeble manner.

Furthermore, since the Baron already had evil intentions towards him, in that case, even if he didn’t accept this matter, who knows what other things the other might think of. Withdrawing ten thousand steps back, even if the above mentioned reasons wasn’t established, the conditions the other had proposed was also sufficient enough for him to risk it over.

Drafting up a map, once the matter was concluded, he would be able to obtain a Esquire’s estate that would belong to himself. Land, this was exactly what Rumont required urgently at this stage. Therefore, for the purpose of this condition, he had to seize the chance.

“Rumont, these are the mission contracts, a total of 3 portions. One portion is for you, one is to be left for me and the other is to be temporarily safeguarded by the Shrine. Since you’ve already accepted this mission, then sign your name on top of it.” seeing Rumont consent, the Baron was more than pleased, not forgetting to take out the pre prepared contract.

This kind of contract was a protocol that all would need to sign one when anyone of this country accepted a mission. It was primarily used to restrict the conduct of the side that accepted the mission. After all, if there wasn’t any sort of restriction, people who accepted the missions and didn’t go complete it, then quite a lot of the times, the ones who issued the missions would be affected adversely.

However, on the other side, it also makes the mission reasonable and lawful. Rumont was originally, truly intending to go to the forest. Naturally, he would without the slightest of hesitations, sign his own name onto the contract. And as for the one issuing the mission, the Baron’s official seal had early on been stamped onto it.

Seeing that the Baron had ordered someone to take one of the contracts and deliver it to the Shrine, Rumont also stood up to take his leave. Afterwards, holding onto a contract and together with the certain honour guard that had brought them over, they headed to the outside.

Seeing Rumont’s figure gradually disappear from his line of sight, the Lord Baron’s face soon displayed a smile. Afterwards, he whose mood was superb, ordered his subordinates to prepare well a sumptuous meal.

Today, he was prepared to celebrate nicely. He was surprisingly so intelligent, being able to think of such a perfect solution. Not only did he solved the problem of his daughter, he also didn’t let anyone find a fault with it.

The more the Baron thought, the more complacent he was.

Hiding the contract agreement well, Rumont left the castle. As he walked towards the small town, he thought about who to form a squad with; going by himself was certain to be failure. Even though he now already had the strength of a Rank 1 Warrior, entering the abyss of the Briar Forest, where any kind of danger could be encountered, and solely relying on a Rank 1 as a Warrior, it was still insufficient to stop the gap between a magical beast’s fangs.

As for forming a squad with the Adventurers, it was exactly as the Baron just said, because he was a Druid and had the ability of healing injuries, thus, the Adventurers were sure to welcome him in.

However, cooperating with unfamiliar people was not at all Rumont’s style. Under that kind of dangerous environment, fighting shoulder to shoulder with a group of people that didn’t understand each other, no matter how you thought of it, it was one terrifying matter.

Therefore, as he thought it over, Rumont decided his target to be Howard’s small squad that he was relatively more familiar with.

The relationship between him and Commander Howard wasn’t bad, his conduct was also forthright with a sense of justice; he had also saved the people of his small squad. Hence, if they collaborated together, it ought to be a pretty good choice.

Thinking to this point, Rumont increased his speed. Although the stipulated time of the contract that himself and the Baron had signed was a year’s worth, but removing the chilly winter time and the torrential rains of summer time, the time that they could utilize from the year wasn’t much at all.

Soon, the business district of Ricca town soon appeared in front of him. Rumont first returned to the drugstore to have a glance. Seeing that business was as usual, that everything was organised thoroughly and methodically by Nick, he was then at ease to go about.

Along the streets of Ricca town that wasn’t at all too wide, he intended to go to Mort’s Inn to see whether Howard and his squadron was there. Half a month prior, Howard’s squad had entered the forest. If they didn’t advance too far in, then they ought have returned by now.

The matter was also opportune, he had barely taken no more than a few steps when he was called on by a member of Howard’s squadron, who had come to the drugstore for medical help. Returning back into the drugstore, he had just discovered that within the main lobby of the store, Commander Howard whose face was pale white, was just sitting on a chair within the store.

As Rumont appeared, the other members of the squadron who were all surrounding the team leader, their eyes soon glimmered; hastily, everyone began talking at once, presenting the scenario to Rumont.

As it turns out, they had originally planned on going to the forest abyss. But who would know that en route, Commander Howard would suddenly be bitten by a type of toxic pest. Although they all carried about them injury treating medicines, they did not carry anything remotely for treating toxins. Without any solutions, the squadron of men could only hastily carry their team leader out from the forest and arrive here for treatment.

Because the journey to and fro wasn’t truly short, therefore, although a squadron member had used some sort of indigenous method to temporarily suppress the toxins from spreading, when they returned to town, Commander Howard was still as before, in his current half-dead and not living state.

Because Earth would have always have events of people being stung by toxic pests, therefore after starting the drugstore, Rumont would during his free time, seriously undergo research concerning this. Seeing that the team leader Howard had only been bitten by a common toxic pest and that his current feeble health was due to nothing more than a lack of treatment, therefore during the process, Rumont was completely not at all worried.

As expected, after a round of treatment the man that was just in a half-dead state, was soon again bouncing alive.

“Rumont, luckily you were here ah.” patting Rumont’s shoulder while laughing, Commander Howard straightforwardly took out a small pouch of coins. Not checking exactly how much there was, he gave it directly to Rumont.

This time, Rumont did not accept it. Seeing that Howard was looking at him and not understanding, he explained: ”Commander Howard, please take your money back. Right now I have a certain matter I would like to request of you.” afterwards, he informed them of how he wished to go together with Howard’s squad, into the forest for the sake of completing the Baron’s mission.

The squadron of Howard, when they finished listening to Rumont, they were startled at first. Following which they cheered.

“Rumont, is this true? Then that’s just great! We all welcome you!” after the team leader Howard was amazed, he was greatly exalted. Being unable to obtain treatment in a timely manner was a problem that many Adventurers would all encounter when they entered into the forest abyss. And thus, the Adventurers that would lose their life or perhaps fail the mission were innumerable.

As they would put it, originally they had almost already reached the forest abyss, but because of the injury from a toxic pest and lacking an appropriate treatment, it had thus lead to the ending of the mission; a complete retreat for the entire squad.

After all, he was the representative soul of the squad. Losing the commanding leader, if the others had continued to remain at that place, they also wouldn’t be able to bring out any meaningful impact.

But if the squad had a Druid to enter into the forest with, then, the help it would bring would simply be enormous.

How was Rumont asking for help ah, this was clearly like sending coal during winter.

Howard and his squad members had a similar sort of thinking, their expressions as they gazed at Rumont was extremely welcoming. The few people that had once been treated by Rumont had even shouted welcoming words out loudly.

Finally, under the persistence of Commander Howard, Rumont nevertheless accepted the bag of treatment fees. Both sides had arranged that they would set off three days later and before that, Rumont needed to completely prepare all the materials needed for drafting a map.

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