Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 58 – Mission (End)

Chapter 58 – Mission (End)
Chapter 58 – Mission (End)

The business at Mort’s Inn was still as good as before. Ten tables were fully packed and full of already sitting people. Apart from the Adventurers that frequented the place regularly, Banner’s caravan members were also frequent visitors.

At this very moment, about 5 tables were occupied and talking with eloquence, it was precisely the members of the caravan that had just returned from delivering goods to the small city.

As the Chief of the caravan, the Merchant Banner utterly comprehended the ways of management. Wishing for the horses to run fast you then needed to give gra.s.s frequently for the horses to eat.

Therefore, not only did he need to take into consideration the wages, additionally, every time he would transport goods, he would also invite them to dinner, letting the caravan people eat and drink at Mort’s Inn for a spell. It was precisely because of this type of benevolence of the Chief, that during times of difficulties the caravan personnel would not at all leave the group so easily.

“Chief, is our meat pie ready yet?” at this time, waiting for a long period yet not seeing the meat pie on the table, a caravan member couldn’t help but stand and yell out.

Because Rumont had already left the Inn, therefore, Madame Mort would have one less of an a.s.sistant and was even more busy than in the past. Although they still had a youth to help them, but with the 3 of them, it was already difficult enough to cope with the daily situation of customers.

“It’s coming right away!” Madame Mort who was busy with one group, was making meat pies while helping out the youth with the cooked meat pies in pa.s.sing it over to the customers.

Watching the youth, he was awkward as he thread through amidst the human crowd. Along the way he also almost dropped a tray of meat pies onto the ground. Madame Mort couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

“What’s with the sigh?” Boss Mort had come to get some meat pies and seeing his wife sigh, he couldn’t help but ask curiously.

Madame Mort sighed: “nothing, it’s just that I thought of Rumont as it got busy, that kid ahh! That child worked to and fro without getting dirty, not even letting people worry about him one bit ah.” she shook her head as she spoke, evidently she was lamenting.

Knowing that his wife wasn’t too pleased with the current a.s.sistant, Boss Mort quickly laughed: “you ah, you didn’t even think who Rumont is, he’s currently already a Rank 2 Druid. The drugstore he opened is even flowing with money. You still want him to come over and help? I think that you ah, oh……” seeing the youth turn around, coming back, Boss Mort promptly shifted the topic.
And in another corner of the inn, Merchant Banner was just chatting away with his own subordinates. What they chatted about was the matter of missing the general a.s.sembly.

“Really never thought that the Tax Officer was unexpectedly that kind of person. Actually though, thinking about it, it’s right. Always with a gloomy expression and always with that insincere smile. That kind of person, how would he possibly be a good man eh.” a caravan member spoke while drinking some alcohol.

Banner did not answer the topic of his subordinate, instead he thought deeply for a while. Afterwards, shook his head in laughing. n.o.body knew what he had thought of to make him burst out laughing, however, his laughter allowed the caravan members to relax their nerves more and chat all the more easily.

“It’s said that because of this matter, Druid Rumont’s shoulder was stabbed by Barcas’ sword and it’s deep enough to see bone……” a caravan member seriously explained to the others. In fact, this was also something that he had heard from others, however, speaking of it at this moment, he had the manner of one who seemingly saw it with his own eyes.

“Oh heavens, what happened after?” someone quickly asked. Regardless of whether this matter was real or not, listening to it was enough to get a craving satisfied.

Seeing that there were people who cheered on, that certain caravan member cleared his throat. He carried on about how Rumont had resisted the pain and how the gallant him had battled with the malicious Tax Officer. In the end, the whole killing process was explained in a manner that was absolutely splendid, even gesturing as he spoke to his colleague.

After they finished listening, many people all secretly regretted in not witnessing personally the whole process of the general a.s.sembly. Merchant Banner listened with tranquility on the side the whole time. Seeing that his subordinate spoke in general as if he had personally experienced it, he couldn’t refrain from shaking his head in smiling.

“What’s wrong Chief, is there something that doesn’t add up?” one person inquisitively asked.

Banner shook his head and laughed. “Nothing, nothing’s wrong. I just suddenly thought of some interesting thing in the past and suddenly wanted to laugh, that’s all.”

Everyone just relinquished as they heard this.

At this time, a youth pushed the door open from outside and entered.

The Mort couple were the first to see him. Boss Mort faced him and haha laughed and moreover, he also went over and gave the youth a bear hug: “Rumont, is your injury better now?”

Rumont was first stumped, following which he understood the the other’s question, which was about the injury of his own shoulder. He quickly waved his arm about to indicate his injury was already better.

“Rumont, as soon as I came back I heard that something had happened to you. What’s it all about in the end? I want to hear about the original answer.” watching Rumont greet another first before then sitting in front of him, Merchant Banner wiggled his eyebrows as he asked with a hehe laughter.

Rumont’s eyebrows also jumped up once before he also smiled with a hehe: “isn’t it exactly as it sounds? I had evidence of his crimes and he wanted to silence me with death. Afterwards, he was killed by me in self-defense.”

Seeing that he was persisting with this kind of statement, Banner only gave out a haha laugh and did not inquire any further. As for Rumont, he shifted the topic elsewhere.

Chatting with everyone for a while, Rumont finally broached the subject for the purpose of this current trip; to purchase the equipment needed for drafting up a map.

“You want to go to Briar Forest?” hearing Rumont’s words, Banner furrowed his brows slightly. “I actually do have the tools for drafting a map, only, you’re really definite on wanting to enter the forest right? The danger in the forest abyss is quite severe, if you’re going there, how much certainty to you have for your own protection?”

Rumont shook his head. “I’ve actually practiced swordsmanship for a short period. It should be of some use. However, I’m currently also regretting the lack of time. I’ve already signed the contract, within a period of a year, I need to finish the mission of drafting up a map.” saying this, he spread out his arms.

Banner shook his head, he didn’t quite understand Rumont’s so-called decision. Anyway though, since the matter has already reached such a state, persuasion was already useless. He could only well let people go and bring the map drafting equipment over to the store.

Respectively it was: map drafting specialized pen, map drafting specialized paper, as well as a textbook 《Measuring Calculus》1, there was also a few things of which the use was undetermined for the time being.

Within the big textbook, it had multiple problems involving the calculation of extreme distances and heights. Specifically they were: determining the alt.i.tude of an island, determining the height of pine trees on top of a mountain, determining how big a city was, determining the depth of a ravine or gorge, determining the height of a tower from the ground to the apex, determining the width of a river, determining the depth of a freshwater pool. From measuring the widths of lakes on a mountain, to the magnitude of a city and so forth.

Rumont held the thick book with both hands and he couldn’t help but have the corner of his mouth jerking. This was too much, he had to first be familiar with this book? However, Banner soon gave him a bit of guidance before Rumont then understood that amidst this originally thick heavy book, the content pertaining to the surveying of forest lands only had a few pages worth.

The map drafting equipment wasn’t cheap either, in total it actually added up to 150 silver coins. Rumont handed over a bag of money to Banner and after another brief chat, he then departed from Mort’s Inn.

“So to draft up a map is surprisingly this troublesome.” returning back to his own room, Rumont didn’t attend to anything else. He first flipped the book to the part for surveying a forest and started reading it.

When he finished reading the entire few pages of content, Rumont finally let out a long sigh. Even though the contents of the few pages wasn’t much, but to grasp it all in practice wasn’t a matter that could be done with ease.

As expected, there was no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Rumont followed it up with a shake of his head and placed the book within his spatial region. Afterwards, he also entered with his consciousness as well.

Within the spatial region, the sunshine was illuminating everything. Due to the spatial region expanding to 5 mu last time and because he had just gathered a batch of herbs, hence this time the Shennong Horn spatial region had more or less appeared to be a bit empty.

Rumont strolled through the fields and tentatively glanced around. Because he had sowed new plant seedlings after he had finished harvesting, the results from a month of careful attendance was that there were already a stretch of tender green shoots sprouting their buds out from the ground.

Even though it still hadn’t grown very much, it was still a stretch of tender greens that gave a feeling kind of like hope when viewed from a distance. Presumably after another 2 months, another batch could be harvested.

Rumont was pleased as he lapped around the spatial region before withdrawing his consciousness out again.

While planning to lie down and sleep, there was someone who knocked on his door at this time.


Once the door opened, a face full of sweat stretched in from outside.

“And here I was thinking who it was. Fafnir, at what time did you also become so refined?” seeing a manner of an odd display, Rumont spoke in careless way.

“Isn’t it because I’m worried about disturbing your Druidic cultivations.” because last time there was a precedent of disturbing him, this time, Fafnir was more alert.

Seeing that Rumont was looking at himself without pleasantries, he also thought he was currently a bit silly as well, he heh heh laughed, before squeezing in from outside.

Easily shutting the door close, Fafnir moved closer in front of Rumont. “Rumont, I’ve heard from Nick that you’re entering Briar Forest 3 days later?”

“Yeah.” Rumont was straightening out his bed while answering.

“Ah, listen to me, the forest abyss is quite dangerous. I’m not at ease if you go by yourself, how about bringing me along ah.” Fafnir heh heh smiled.

Rumont rolled his eyes at him. “Don’t you have to go practice daily?”

Fafnir waved his arm saying while vexed: “don’t mention it, yesterday once the course had finished, my teacher said that what things I could learn currently was also up to here. Rumont, I’ve heard to really become a Warrior, it’s then necessary to experience real combat. Thus, I’ve decided to go with you to the forest.”

Rumont looked at him. “Your parents have agreed?”

Different to Rumont, Fafnir still had a father and mother. Because of the matter with Nick last time, therefore Rumont was now a touch resistive in regards to bringing others with him on adventures.

Fafnir laughed with a heheh, saying: “they’ve naturally agreed! My father also encouraged me, telling me to temper myself well!”

“Alright then, you go back first to prepare the things needed to enter a forest. 3 Days later, come find me here.” seeing that the other really wanted to go, Rumont reconsidered and took the chance to agree, since the other’s fighting skills were similarly at a bottleneck. It’s fine if even himself didn’t improve, but Fafnir was a innate Warrior; his current level was already at Rank 2. What he lacked was the flavour of blood and fire, presumably experiencing a short period of tempering, he would not just in name, but also really become a Rank 2 Warrior!

Fafnir sounded a cheer, he asked clearly from Rumont about what items he probably needed to prepare, before then running off with an excited face.

As for Rumont, he took out his own sword and cleaned it carefully.

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