Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 59 – Returning (Start)

Chapter 59 – Returning (Start)

Three days later. Town of Ricca.

“Rumont, bring this, even if you’re a Druid with your own healing spell, you still need to bring medicines. During critical times, it may even help you when you’re busy!”

Chasing out from the drugstore, huffing and puffing with laboured breathing, Nick took a small package and stuffed it into Rumont’s arms. This bag contained all kinds of medicines with all kinds of bottles. Even though it wasn’t much, it ought to be presumably sufficient enough to deal with the adventure this time.

Because Rumont had his own spatial region, therefore, the stuff he brought that was shown, apart from a few things of common use, was not at all very much. Afterall, travelling light in regards to going deep into the forest was a benefit for him.

However, in regards to his good friend’s concern, he could only express his grat.i.tude and put away the package.

“During this period when I’m not here, you’ll have to toil away, so look after your health. Don’t let the matters of the store interfere with the recovery of your health.” just before he left, Rumont didn’t forget to repeatedly urge Nick.

Hearing his words, Nick’s eyebrows jumped. Afterwards, using an all along really resenting expression, looked towards Rumont: “what the do mean when you’re not here that I need to toil away. Have you ever looked after the affairs of the store even when you’re really here?”

“Haha!” knowing that the other only wanted to weaken his sentiments for his temporary absence, Rumont was as before and still feeling a bit embarra.s.sed; he could only laugh dryly and try to shift the subject to elsewhere. On the matters of operating the drugstore, he really did not manage anything at all, even the net profit calculations of the final accounting audits were all done by Nick himself.

“Rumont, we need to leave at once. In the end, is Fafnir coming or not?” during the time the pair were talking, Commander Howard had abruptly ran over, his face had an anxious expression with also a bit of discontent.

At this moment, it was already 7 in the morning. Howard’s Adventurer squadron had already finished congregating at the town. As for the other person that was partic.i.p.ating in the operation this time, Fafnir, he had still not shown up.

Seeing that the sun had already risen, and the pa.s.ser-bys in the streets were also gradually increasing, Rumont also couldn’t help but worry.

“How about I go to his house and look for him.” thinking of how Fafnir wasn’t one that usually loved to be late, Rumont really couldn’t understand the current situation.

Exactly as he decided to get up and go to Fafnir’s house, a laboured breathing figure,had suddenly appeared at the end of the streets, huffing and puffing.

“Everybody, I’m sorry, I’ve come late.” his body was carrying a bundle that wasn’t small. Fafnir was gasping and struggling for air as he ran close to everyone.

Seeing that he had already shown up, Commander Howard didn’t bother saying anything else. No longer hesitating, with a wave he ordered his squad to go towards the forest.

“Did you wake up late today?” Rumont and Fafnir both followed behind the squadron, Rumont inquired as they went: “making others wait for so long isn’t quite proper.”

Fafnir was helpless as he propped up the bundle by his side: “I know, yet if it wasn’t for my mother hearing that I wanted to go explore, and preparing several large bags of items. You can see that this bag isn’t small right, this is still one of the smallest of them. If it wasn’t for the fact that I escaped fast, I’d still be caught by her currently and constantly adding things to me.” saying this, he let out a sigh.

Once Rumont heard, he also couldn’t help but laugh. His condolences to the all the parents in the word ah!

However, deep down he felt a bit envious of Fafnir.

If nothing else, this kind of blessed feeling of having a parent’s concern, though Rumont had enjoyed it in the past, he never did have a deep impression of it. His youth was bold and unrestrained; going away for study and work a few years, he never did feel the worry.

But now on this world, in place of different body and status, there was a ma.s.sive difference1, he was forever by himself. This kind of solitary feeling was always buried away deeply; hidden away in the deepest parts of his consciousness. Only during the times he saw other people complain about the matters of their parents would he then sigh.

And awaiting ahead of them was the unknown dangers, Rumont thought as he talked intermittently with Fafnir. Abruptly, a type of feeling that someone was observing them made him turn his head suddenly.

He saw at the entrance of the Shrine that they had just pa.s.sed, a young maiden had just so happened to come out. Seeing him turn his head, she let out a splendid beaming smile. At the same time, her hands also carried out the actions of cheering him on.2

This action was something that Rumont had carelessly done at the time, afterwards, it was learnt by Miss Eleni. Seeing Miss Eleni beam a smile at himself while watching, Rumont also returned a smile to the other. While simultaneously pa.s.sing on to her a “I’ll work hard” sort of intent with his brilliant smile.

Eleni nodded her head before turning around and returning to the Shrine.

As for the Adventurer squadron with the 2 newly added recruits, they gradually disappeared on the small town’s road. The residents of Ricca town had long grown accustomed to such a matter. The sole thing that could peak their interest was the added addition of Rumont.

Concerning Rumont’s acceptance of the Baron’s mission, the matter of going to Briar Forest to draft up a map, the town had long since spread the news. There was those that admire and those that scorned. There were all kinds of words.

However, because the current status of Rumont was no longer the same as the past, therefore, even if there were a few people that were dismissive, they neither dared to criticize in front of others. But as for criticizing from behind others, it was still hard to avoid.

“That Rumont eh, looks like his brain really does have a problem. What kind of place is Briar Forest? It’s the place where the magic beasts live. Even a few squads formed from formidable Adventurers would also regularly encounter casualties. He’s only a Rank 2 Druid. Wanting to roam all over the forest, isn’t that a big joke?”

Mort’s Inn. A pair was just by the ends, basking in the sunshine while gossiping. Evidently, one of them had a bit of enmity, thus, the comments of Rumont’s present operation was mostly of scorn.

While the other was clearly not feeling that way: “that’s not right saying it like that. What kind of person is Rumont? He’s currently a mere Rank 2 Druid, are those malicious words that you can still say? Let me tell you, don’t look at Rumont as a mere youth, he really does have the ability at hand. Otherwise, could he have killed Tax Officer Barcas with one strike at that time?”

“Shh, speak less ah.” the first idler, once he heard the other mention the matter of Barcas, he was surprisingly jumping in fright, promptly lowering his voice. “I’ve heard that a few days prior, the residents that were commenting on this matter, a good few of them were imprisoned……we’re but commoners, it’s best if we meddle less in the affairs of the n.o.bles. Drink, drink…..”

Being disturbed by this event, the duo at once lost their moods. Lifting up their liquor, the pair of men drank in silence.

Because they were too enthralled when they spoke, thus they did not at all discover, a youth that was sitting at the table behind them, listening all along in silence.

The appearance of the youth was quite handsome, sitting there with his back perfectly straight. His body was dressed in the clothings that only a Warrior could wear. A long sword was adorned at his waist, a sword and shield insignia was faintly discernable on it. His legs were adorned with a pair of Warrior boots. A bout of awe-inspiring heroic air was permeating out.

Only, when he heard the words about Rumont, the youth’s eyes had at once flashed with a cold light. He recited Rumont’s name with a low voice and clenched up his first up quite tightly. At this time, the pair of men no longer spoke. The youth contemplated for while before getting up to pay the bill. Turning his body around, he walked towards the direction of the Shrine.

Grand and lofty. Majestic. This was the Shrine.

The youth had already stood at the entrance of the Shrine for a good minute. He seeming to be recalling something at the place.

Right until the gate-keepers had come over and inquired, did he retrieve his own gaze. Afterwards, he beamed a smile: “How do you do? I’ve come here to find Priest Dennis. I’m a friend of his. May I ask, is he currently in?”

The gate-keeper sized up the youth from top to bottom, seeing that his clothes was orderly, with a majestic aura, he didn’t seem to be a deceiver. He then nodded his head: “Priest Dennis should be here, need me to bring you over?”

The youth promptly expressed his thanks courteously: “then I’ll thank you.” Afterwards, he followed behind the man, stepping gracefully and entering the Shrine.

The interior of the Shrine was not at all small, if there was someone that entered for the first time it would be had to avoid the feelings of being disorientated. However, the youth’s display was quite at ease. Following from behind, he pa.s.sed through the garden while he appreciating the whole Shrine, meandering along the path.

They walked right until they reached the area where Priest Dennis would frequently conduct his courses, where the guard then stopped: “this place is where Priest Dennis conducts his courses. Currently he’s probably finishing his course. He’ll come out quite soon. You can just wait here for a bit.”

“Oh, thank you very much.” the youth promptly directed his thanks to the other.

As it turns out at this time, a young Priest pushed open a door from within and walked out. The youth shortly concentrated his attention and looked over.

“Priest Dennis, how do you do!” the gatekeeper hasten to call out a greeting to the Priest.

“Who are you?” Priest Dennis inadvertently asked out when he suddenly discovered there was someone watching himself attentively. At once, he raised his vigilance as he lifted his head and asked: “why did you bring him to this place?”

“Priest Dennis, this person said that he’s a friend of yours. Hence, I had helped him and brought him over.” the gatekeeper seems to have also discovered at the duo weren’t of an acquaintance, as he replied with a touch of unease.

“A friend of mine?” Priest Dennis, hearing what was said, carefully looked the other all over. No matter how he looked, he felt that the person was quite unfamiliar.

“Who are you? My friend? I don’t seem to recognize you though.” he coldly stated.

The youth gave a smile and approached the Priest.

“So you’re Priest Dennis?” as he asked, the youth took measure of him from top to bottom. Seeming to be confirming the other’s ident.i.ty.

Priest Dennis increasingly felt that the other was strange. Retreating a step, he coldly spoke: “that’s right, I am. Exactly who are you?”

The youth stood there. Afterwards, he fixed his stare at the other’s eyes. After a good while, he just spat out a phrase: “I’m called Lancas.”3

“Lancas?” Priest Dennis carefully thought it over. He still thought that the name was still unfamiliar to him. Just as he intended to get someone to take him out, when suddenly, that youth had quite quickly approached the front of him, whispering into the side of his ear: “perhaps you’re not familiar with me. However, you’re sure to recognize my father……Barcas!”

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