Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 6 - Harvest festival (end)

Chapter 6 - Harvest festival (end)

Outside the town, seeing no one around, Rumont opened his eyes and took a deep breath in, his consciousness drifted into his s.p.a.ce, and contrary to last time. At this moment, the globe 30 metres in the air had recovered its full luminosity. It’s radiance covered everything in the region. As he ran, he saw the fruits of the trees he planted himself, budding, almost bearing fruit.

Inside the s.p.a.ce, he prepared his beehive housing. Inside the housing a “weng weng” noise could be heard. He was busy for the sake of his inner realm.

Rumont went and inspected, slowly and carefully. He then let out a exuberant cry. Last time before getting on the plane, he had placed a many items into the spatial region. At the moment, they were still here!

A one time disposable camera, clothes, a hunter’s knife, as well as a large pile of food and books. There was also credit cards and various currencies. It really makes one force a bitter smile.

If he could have antic.i.p.ated this earlier, he would have filled the insides with various goods, at the moment…..Rumont was feeling regret inwardly.

Conveniently he grabbed out a roast chicken, before he realized, he took giant bites.

Towards this kind of food, his body had a strong reaction. His mouth watered. He polished off the chicken quickly; almost swallowing it whole. It only took him a mere 10 minutes.

Rumont carefully collected the bones and buried it in to ground inside the s.p.a.ce.

Shen Nong horn’s s.p.a.ce, food placed on top of the group would not decay. However, if you were to bury it into the ground, it would rapidly decompose. It was one of the weird phenomenons.

Thinking it over, he once again went to the s.p.a.ce and grabbed the hunter’s knife out. It was an outstanding blade from Earth. It was frequently used to deal with a great deal of situations. It was extremely sharp. After another nother thought, he took out a bulletproof vest, this was for the times that headed to the outer country regions. Upon grabbing the life protecting garment, he thought that it would also be able to protect him in this world.

Not too long later, he went to the nearby river. At this time, he had a look.

The clear waters were flowing over silt. The waters contained fishes of every colour. He crouched by the river bend, and used his hands to explore the waters. He impatiently wanted to catch a few fishes to put into the s.p.a.ce to raise.

This rivulet wasn’t deep, but Rumont was unable to even catch a fish. A bit of time past, he still couldn’t grab hold of any.

He was feeling a touch vexed.

Near the rivers, it would usually have preys about. A little more time pa.s.sed. Rumont heard far off in the distant what sounded like an animal drinking water. He searched towards the direction of the sounds. Pa.s.sing through an underbrush, he vaguely saw what appeared to a big headed boar with quite a few piglets.

“It’s a really big family! “ Rumont licked his lips which were a touch dry. He carefully concealed his body. His body wasn’t very robust or vigorous. It was at the level of an average person.

A wild boar was the type, that when they were starving, wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter its own family. Looking from afar, Rumont thought that the wild boar was more robust than himself many times over.

Even more so was the fact that Rumont was an upright standing sort of person. His standings were high. To face off against a wild boar, who knows how it would end up.

Although Rumont had discovered the wild boar first before they discovered him. Had a sharp hunter’s knife, a exquisite dominant demeanour from a previous life, it was not enough to bring him victory when clashing against the wild boar.

Rumont looked into the sky, he judged the sky and calculated the position of the sun to determine the approximate time. Around 1 in the afternoon.

“Just a little bit more time, it’s not the right time to act yet; today sure is turning into disappointment. “ Rumont was a touch dispirited. He continued to endure.

In a sensible manner, just as Rumont was considering to giving up. An abrupt, piercing bawl was called out, disturbing the tranquility. He gradually relaxed his body to a point that was comparable to a kitten that had just sighted a ball of yarn. Rumont suddenly released himself like a bow, shooting forward. Using the plants as coverage, he kept his head still, but narrowed his eyes, his eyes focusing around.

To his surprise, it was a bizarre creature, celadon in colour, that had thrown itself out, brandishing out a sword, it thrust towards the giant headed boar!

Rumont quickly opened his eyes to watch. He concentrated and tried to understand what was happening as best as he could. From the far distant, he was vaguely able to make out the weird creature. This weird creature, celadon in colour, resembled a human shape from afar, however, it was severely thin and short. The height matched that of the wild boar. It’s body was adorned with a simple leather armour. One hand carried a pointed hammer, the hand was empty. On the large boar’s back could be seen a short sword sticking out, evidently this belonged to the creature.

Rumont felt an odd feeling inside, this was evidently a goblinoid.

Studies called this creature a goblin, a type of dirty thief. Rumont was afterall a druid’s apprentice, he had studied under him for a bit. Not to mention, according to his memories, his experience wasn’t considered limited.

Within the wastelands and forest, there was several goblin caverns. Goblins were a type of species that rapidly reproduced in a short amount of time.

“How is it…...so brave. “ Rumont felt that his forehead was starting to sweat: “Could it be, a warrior of the goblins? “

Quickly, the drove of boars dispersed. The head boar that was suddenly stabbed, without caring for the short sword on itself, threw itself upon the goblin with all its strength.

Shortly…. Rumont was expectantly viewing the ongoing battle as if he had nothing better to do.

The “Goblin warrior” at this moment was struggling to escape. The wild boar was disregarding its life, chasing after it. Unknowingly, they had ran out about 100 metres. Eventually, the goblin couldn’t run anymore, he collapsed onto the floor, gasping and moaning in pain. The opposition, charged onwards. Fresh blood splashed the air.

Rumont’s jaw dropped in disbelief.

Why is it at this stage, the goblin had turned so useless, was his brain was suddenly replaced?

The goblin warrior, at this moment did not die. It was rolling around on the ground clamouring about. The wild boar directed it’s tusk fiercely, to finish it off. If Rumont could understand the language of the goblin, he would understand the intentions of the weird clamourings. However, Rumont completely had no intentions to pay any heed to it.

A Heavenly chance! Rumont thought and licked his lips. He took out his hunter’s knife.

He could not fight against the adult wild boar. But at this time when the wild boar had run far off, the piglets were easy, he silently chased after them.

The piglets were rushing off towards a relatively safe place, this was the basic instinct of any creature. Rumont chased in their direction, hurrying along. Promptly, he had caught up. The fleeing piglets, even though their 4 legs were running with all their might, their legs were too short. Having a high cadence wasn’t comparable to a high velocity at this moment, this was a disaster.

Heaven’s gift-----yup, this was how Rumont was feeling.

However, as he neared the piglets, he suddenly, felt a cold intent invading his body.

Across from him at this point, appeared 5 goblins.

But, looking over, they weren’t against him. They were cutting off the young wild boar. A few spears were already sticking out of it’s body.

This was originally a plan organised by the goblin tribe to hunt the wild boar, going after the abandoned one.

However, at this point, Rumont stupidly ran into the encas.e.m.e.nt of the goblins; he was surrounded.

The reactions of the goblins were quick, in a moment, they had all in succession threw their unknown throwing weapons at his body. But luckily, Rumont was wearing his bulletproof vest, he did not receive any injuries.

“Kill! “ being hit, a sense of dread was upon his mind and body. Rumont took his knife out and carelessly attacked. The blade was exceptionally sharp. The goblin’s wooden spears had absolutely no way of resisting. A flash, an injury was upon them.

The other 3 turned around, wanting to escape. The slightly madness driven Rumont chased after them, chopping at each one.

After the attack finished, he took a breath in.

He saw the goblins drenched in blood. He started to tremble, he wanted to vomiting.

After a short while, Rumont wandered over to carefully a.s.sess the goblins’ reactions.

The goblins that was hacked by the sharp dagger, was bleeding profusely.

At this moment, the large boar suddenly realised something was up. Calling from afar as it returned, Rumont hastily ran and hid in a distance. He watched as the boar gave off an angry growl, which followed on with several piglets coming out of secretive hiding places.

Afterwards, the wild boar walked around the corpse of the piglet and let off a howl of grief. After the howl, it went towards the corpses of the goblin and trampled over a few times. Seeing this action cause Rumont to break out in a cold sweat. Following on, the great boar, took the remaining piglets and left the area.

“Good, they finally left! “ Rumont said as he came back. He went towards the corpses and started to shear them. Goblin scalp, it was worth 5 silver coins each!

Thinking it over, he wanted to dispose the goblin corpse. In the world, in a manner of speaking, no intelligent race would consume another intelligent race’ corpse. Goblins could at the very least be counted as having some intelligence!

Of course, this was under normal circ.u.mstances, in abnormal situations, who could say.

Thinking it over, Rumont decided to store both the boar and goblin carca.s.ses in his region. The goblin was buried under the ground. Immediately, the spatial region decomposed it: “Hmmm, arriving at the town entrance, the boar and the scalps should come out. Otherwise people will find it strange. 5 pieces of scalps was equal to 25 silver coins! “2

Because the forest was not safe, he finished up quickly, he quickly retreated out of the forest. Once on the outskirts, a breeze blew, shaking the trees, causing a sha sha sounding. An insipid mist floated the forest ground.

Sunlight, threading between the foliage, shined upon the ground, patches of golden light. These weak threads of light in the gloomy forest seemed very precious. It let people see the plants on the ground. Suddenly, a glimmer caused him to be startled.

In front of him, by the side of a spa.r.s.e tree, was a short sword.

This short sword, it wasn’t made of ordinarily iron. It seemed to be made of steel, the degree of sharpness wasn’t normal. The blade seemed to carry some blood.

Shortly, he suddenly recalled the news from town, the town mayor had announce, saying that the goblins were killing people.

Don’t tell me, this was a dead person’s short sword?

If it was the goblins, why didn’t they take the blade away? The goblins fiercely value iron or steel weapons. After murdering, there was absolutely no way they would leave it on the ground.

Perhaps, they were killed by a wild animal. This was most probable. After all, beasts did not need weapons. As for the misunderstanding about it being a goblin, it was after all, he had just come back from an encounter with them. That’s why he placed the blame on them.

The sun shining, Rumont went to the sword, he was calculating inside. Today I didn’t go see the esteemed grandmaster. Bringing the sword and scalps back. Whatever the people in town want to believe, is whatever the town people want to believe. Following that, he went towards the town.

Shortly after, the wall of Ricca appeared in front of him. Rumont walked along the wall, quickly arriving at the entrance. Seeing no one about, he quickly brought from his inner s.p.a.ce, the small boar, as well as the 5 scalps dripping with fresh blood.

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