Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 7 - Reward (start)

Chapter 7 - Reward (start)

“Oh, is that young Rumont? “ Once he arrived at the gate, the guard upon the town gate, Kossik, an acquaintance greeted out: “Ehh, how come your clothes are ripped? “

He looked down and saw the hole on his shirt, and said: “oh, it was bad luck, today in the forest I was hunting, and several goblins attacked me! “

“Oh, G.o.dd.a.m.n goblins, ah, a small boar! “

This small wild boar was about 15 kg, Rumont smiled, and pressed his hands on the short sword on his waist. Showing off a touch: “I have a bit of skill, I obtained this, I’ll cut a leg for you! “

Rumont was frequently seen entering and exiting the town, quite familiar among the guards, not to mention it only had around 50 personnel; Kossick being one of them. Being invited to eat roast meat would obviously have the benefit of improving their relationship.

Kossick happily said: “Good, I want the hind leg. “

“Okay, right, where do I collect the bounty for the goblin scalps. “ Rumont used the short sword to cut off a hind leg to give to him. He wanted to go collect the bounty, however, he did not know the specific details of who was in charge of this, thus, he asked out.

The soldier was occupied himself, busy working, but he casually answered” “you can find our vice-captain, Dorana, or anyone else. “

On receiving the leg, he lowered his voice, a touch mysterious: “But it’s best to get it to the squad captain. “

Rumont was curious and he wanted to ask, however, a few soldiers had just shouted, it was time to swap shifts, time for them to go home and relax.

“The guards sure are punctual. “ Rumont couldn’t help but grumble in his mind, without a change on his expression.

Rumont walked into the town while thinking over today"s events. Not even a few steps, when suddenly, he heard from behind him, a holler: “wait a minute. “

Turning around to look, it was actually the guards platoon leader. He was a tall man. He was in fact the 4th platoon squad leader, Richard.

“May I ask what’s wrong? “ Rumont had a clear conscious, he felt curious instead.

Richard didn’t speak, he was studying Rumont intently. He only glanced at the small boar briefly before moving his gaze. He instead incessantly gazed at the sword. After a long while he asked: “Today you encountered an attack by goblins, and afterwards you found this sword? “

Rumont received a shock, he suddenly recalled the information put forth by the baron. Goblins were killing people. It was because of the deaths, that there was a bounty placed. What was important to one’s self, it was people that you were close to, your friends and relatives.

The one that died, naturally had status, he could obviously provide for weapons, even provide sharp weapons. The sword on his waist that he was carrying, did it belong to someone important?

If he was killed by the goblins, why didn’t they take it? Goblins should value iron or steel weapons greatly. Killing for possessions. Absolutely no way they would leave the weapon on the ground.

Rumont at this moment, could not understand this point. If the victim was killed by a beast, it was quite possible. After all, a beast did not need a weapon. Furthermore, because of the recent activity of the goblins nearby, this made the most sense.

This situation, perhaps had quite a bit of twists and turns, yet, it had nothing to do with Rumont.

“Yes!” Rumont admitted calmly, answering what the other had asked. It was completely true. In regards to misinterpreting facts, he had no obligations in pointing them out, what the people thought was their affair, nothing to do with him.

“Come with me! “

Rumont reluctantly followed the platoon captain. Shortly, they arrived in front of a grave. This was the back of the G.o.ddess’ shrine, where the cemetery was. As they arrived at the cemetery, in a short distance, Rumont saw the vestiges of a person.

“Wait here a minute. “ The captain looked around, and then ran a short distance before stopping, deferentially speaking to the person. Rumont, after a little while, looked around, he soon saw the captain beckoning to him. He went over.

“How do you do, squad leader Karel! “ Rumont said. He didn’t know how to properly greet the other, nor the normal etiquette needed here. No matter if it was the memories from Earth or the memories now, both did not contain a shred of etiquette training.

This was a robust middle aged man. At a distance from before, Rumont, upon viewing his clothes, felt that this man was full of vitality. A big frame. It ought to contain a muscular body. At the moment, as he approached and saw, Rumont felt that this was a militaristic personnel. His body brought about a stalwart and hot blooded demeanor. Although his face had no outstanding features, however, he had a keen look in his eyes. The corner of his eyes had wrinkles, like a crow’s foot. Mixed about was hair peppered with silver threads, the merciless display of his age.

Rumont did not know the proper etiquette, however, it was clear the other did not mind. He nodded his head: “Let me have a look at the sword. “ Rumont hurriedly unclasped his sword, and was handing it directly to the other, when the platoon captain intercepted it. He offered it up with respect.

The middle aged man grasped the sword in his hand. Two fingers of the left hand unhurriedly felt along the sword’s spine, right until the sword point.

Rumont had his head lowered, showing his respect. He secretly looked at the tombstone. The tombstone was clean, the colour of the text on top of it was faint. Upon it wrote: “Bertrand died Holy Yuan year 3125. “ There was also a brief history of life in detailed writing.

He immediately felt a strange sensation, something didn’t make sense.

This middle aged man, squad leader Karel,was considered important in this town. Rumont originally guessed, that the bounty on the goblins, it should have arised due to a relative dying, thus, they should be buried in this cemetery. However, he had had a good look at the writing on the tombstone, it was over a dozen years ago.

Rumont kept his head down and looked at the ground, indulging in his thoughts. Shortly after, he heard squad captain Karel say: “You killed the goblins, it helped relieve my family’s hatred. Since you found this short sword, it now belongs to you, hm, you’re called Rumont right. However, upon this sword is our Facini family crest. You can’t have that. “

Originally, on top of the sword shaft, Rumont thought it was just a decoration. It was the Facini family crest. Rumont’s red face had an embarra.s.sed look. His knowledge of emblems and etiquette was really lacking. It seemed as if he was an illiterate, of this world’s culture.

Rumont’s mind wandered again, he eventually heard a voice say “You can go now. “

Which he then followed the platoon captain out.

Coming out, the platoon leader Richard explained in simply: “Squad captain Karel had a nephew, who died in the previous battle, he was Bertrand’s sole descendant. 14 years prior, captain was a soldier. During a battle struggling against the beast men, Bertrand was protecting the squad captain, he died fighting. Later at another battle, captain was outstanding and had accomplished a meritorious deed. The baron lord was willing to promote him, and gave him the t.i.tle of knight. Thus he became Sir Karel Facini the knight! “

Rumont silently nodded his head. So the tombstone wasn’t a victim, but the victim’s father. Karel was unable to properly take care of his eldest brother’s son, so he prayed to his brother.

After the gossip, the two walked out of the cemetery.

Richard spoke: “Squad captain’s intentions, was for me to keep an eye on you. If you have any troubles that you need help with, come find me. “

Rumont immediately thought of his debt. However, he felt great pity. He was regretting inside. If he had mentioned this to Sir Karel, then perhaps, he could have organised someone to clear his debts.

However, although he has Richard’s pledge to help him, 100 silver coins, would not be a small sum for him There was no reason for him to repay it on his behalf.

As far as he believes, Richard’s type of a.s.sistance, was most likely to be in the form related to the army. This was according to the information that he had heard. However, Rumont still laid it straight.

“Yeah, my family does have some problems! “ Rumont said: “Because I wanted to become a druid, I’ve acc.u.mulated a bit of debt. “

Rumont dropped his head down,he scuffed his foot on the ground in front of his house as if he was bored: “At the moment, I’ve got a debt of 100 silver. “

“I can’t help you with that. “ Richard spread his arms out. Giving out an expression of helplessness.

“No no no, the debt I will pay off. “ Rumont seeing the other keeping silent, and not caring, crossed his arms, signifying to the other that they misunderstood. Following on, the breeze brought along his request: “As a matter of fact, I plan to gather commodities from the forest, to earn money to repay, however, I feel as if my strength isn’t enough. “

“As a result, you wish to learn a thing or two? “ Richard asked. This was a considerably ordinary train of thought.

Rumont nodded his head. Speaking normally, when requesting another person, if they were unable to comply, they would feel a touch guilty. Following on, if they were then be asked for something to help with, the chances of agreeing was much higher.

“That’s easy enough. “ Richard thought it through before casually replying: “from now on, you can come to the barracks, you can study a few fighting skills, free of charge. “

“I’m extremely grateful, captain Richard, please take this boar leg home. I’ll be in you care from now on! “

“Good, give the goblin scalps to me, I’ll also get an adventurer’s proof for you, this’ll help you get the money. “ Richard didn’t refuse, when he saw the other wanted to use the sword. Once the sword came out, chop, and the leg was cut. Grabbing the leg came with a laugh, ha ha, he turned about to leave once he also collected the 4 scalps.

“Hey, Ruddy, I’ve already heard about you story, you’re really a good kid, it’s worth celebrating over! “ came over from the door, from the inside of the inn. It was from the town’s only mercenary corp’s Bob. He used a forthright and high voice to shout: “I want to toast our towns loveable Rumont, cheers! “

He spoke and took a swig of beer.

The surroundings members of the mercenary corp showed expressions of being flabbergasted, they started to inquire. Once they knew that Rumont had killed 5 goblins, as well as bring home a small boar, everyone viewed him in a new light.

Not to mention, madame Mort was greatly astonished, her mouth dropped wide open.

“A rightly earned toast, come, gla.s.s of beer, drink. “ Mercenary captain Howard said.

1 beer, 5 copper coins, madame Mort quickly served Rumont a gla.s.s. Rumont’s face was a touch red. With a touch of a smile he quietly responded, while at the same time gently b.u.mped his wooden tankard to the captain’s drink: “thank you, blessings be with you as well. “

Rumont finishing his beer, heard Howard say: “since it’s like this, give the wild boar to us okay, I’ll give you 5 silver coins! “

“2 of the legs needs to be given to my friend, you can have the rest of it. “ Rumont thought it over and said.

“Good, then it’s done, madame Mort, help us roast it. “

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