Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 10 - Barracks (end)

Chapter 10 - Barracks (end)

Situated at the western end of the town, of a substantial area was the barracks. It could hold up to 500 people. However, presently, there was only 50 army troops, a few family dependants, as well as a few scattered military personnel.

As Rumont arrived, in accordance to his agreement with Richard, he first reported in at the entrance. He was then lead in after a momentary wait.

Located within the barrack’s own enclosure, was a defence tower and storehouse. At the current moment, in a relatively secluded location, were 10 or so soldiers off duty, practising combat drills. Among them, included the Lieutenant Richard.

“Lieutenant Richard, I’m here. “ Rumont smiled, and greeted intimately.

“Mmm, the soldiers’ informed me, have a seat. “ Richard was currently practicing his swordsmanship. He was breathing hard slightly, as he came to a halt, he then took a deep breath in, subsiding from his fierce actions, “What do you think you should learn? “

“I want to learn everything, however, that’s because I don’t understand the important points. “ Rumont scratched his head. He presented himself as willing to listen an expert’s opinions, spreading his arms out.

“Then we’ll first spar a bit, let me evaluate you. “ Richard slowly nodded his head, when suddenly he thought of something: “Right, your short sword is still at the blacksmith, you should be able to go collect it tomorrow. I’ll go get a wooden sword for you, and then when I come back we’ll start. “

“Right, you shouldn’t use a real sword during training. “ Rumont carelessly responded. He was feeling a touch excited as he cracked his knuckles.

Richard did not express an opinion as he went and collected 2 wooden swords used for practice. He handed one over to Rumont. “Also, here’s your 25 silver coins, inside also contains your adventurers proof! “

He threw over a cloth pouch making jingling noises as Rumont observed.

Rumont received the wooden sword and the bag of money. With ease, he weighed the bag in his hand, however, he was unable to tell the exact amount. As he wanted to open it up for a look, he suddenly felt a sensation coming down on his neck. Lifting his head up, he saw Richard wielding his own wooden sword, straight against his throat. He was immediately gaping and speechless, unable to utter a sound.

“You’ve already lost! “ Richard was not feeling the slightest bit embarra.s.sed, his manner of expression was normal.

“You…..” Rumont was 100 percent resentful, his face was blushing a deep red. He spat the words within his mind, out one by one, “you haven’t said start yet! “

“No, it’s already started, “ as Richard retracted the sword back, creating a beautiful after image. Placing the sword on standby, he indifferently said, “I just said before, I’ll go get a wooden sword for you, and then when I come back we’ll start. You agreed to it with with your response of, right. “

Rumont was stumped stupid by his opponent’s sophistry. “What is this supposed to team me? “

“The first point, learn to use your wits well during a battle. “ Richard answered, “power and prestige is impressive and you could certainly rely on you body to earn a meal, however……” a pa sound, the two wooden swords mutually clashed against each other, Richard resisted with his arm. He pushed aside Rumont’s cunning offensive, which resulted in a crash onto the ground.

Rumont’s face was buried in the ground. The bag of silver coins had knocked into the pit of his stomach. He had an uncomfortable expression, he almost spewed out the mushroom soup he had for breakfast.

Richard laughed out a he he, his attention was fixed on Rumont lying on the ground: “why did you try a sneak attack just then? “

Rumont pushed himself up with one arm and bounced back, retreating a few steps, while pulling himself up. One arm was over his chest, the other pointed the sword at his opponent. He wasn’t feeling too good, however he still kept up his vigilance. His vision focused on Richard. Confirming that his opponent had no intention of attacking, said, “you didn’t even say stop, which means it was still in the middle of combat, if it’s still the middle of combat, how is it considered a sneak attack, huh? “

“Oh, not bad, your mind is quite flexible. “ Richard calmly laughed: “I did not think it through enough this time. “

Richard continued on, quickly advancing while beginning his offensive. A flurry of attacks, sharp. Within a few seconds, a pa echoed out, the wooden sword had struck against Rumont’s sword arm.

Rumont felt his arm was numb, shortly, his forearm felt weak, unable to wield any strength.

However, Rumont endured the pain in his right arm, tenaciously gritting his teeth, he at once, extended his left arm towards the falling wooden sword. Yet another pa sounded, his left arm had also gone limp from Richard’s attack.

The wooden sword had fallen on the training grounds with a clatter.

“We’ll temporarily stop here. “ Richard laughed.

“Good! “ Rumont’s stomach was churning without stop, laboured breathing, his faced showed a complicated expression. Lying on the ground, breathing deeply, he suppressed his gloomy emotions. Having no alternatives, he shook, and nodded his head “okay, if we have to stop, we’ll stop. “

“Hey hey, you’ll just sit there as we chat. “ Richard calmly smiled, “right, do you want to hear my evaluations of you. “

“Yeah, I’ll listen. “ Rumont sat on the ground, both arms devoid of strength, limp on the ground.

“Your physique is normal, no matter if it’s your strength or your explosive strength, nothing worthwhile, but your body’s responses and coordination is worth training. “ Richard laughed a hehe: “besides this, the only thing worth praising, is that your mind is quite agile. “

Even within the soldiers, only a few would have intelligence to such a degree. This was due to him, back on Earth, having earned a second-grade undergraduate university degree.

“All in all, within a short time, it’s hard to train the physique out, we can only try our utmost. “ Richard sighed a big breath out. A touch of reluctance: “In regards to you, your coordination is a direction worth pursuing. However, in theory, your battle wits is where we can rapidly advance. “

Rumont silently listened, his two arms slowly recovered.

“However, your mind is originally agile, this can’t be taught. “ as Richard proceeded in saying, it seemed as he was reminiscing past events. Appearing a touch lonely. “I’ve experienced through a few life and death situations, seen a few pa.s.s on in life and death situations, naturally, I’ll view this plainly. “

Rumont silently awaited.

“Come, get up. You should be able to move you arms by now. “ Richard finished reminiscing, and said: “the way you hold your sword is full of errors and negligence, I’ll help you correct that. “

“However, before this, first tell me you train of thought. “ Richard calmly spoke.

“Right, voicing my thoughts. During an attack, I would first confirm my distance between my target, and then calculate my current attack range…..” Rumont pondered over his wordings, organising his train of thoughts, trying to not appear too disorganized.

“Mm, not bad at all, explain how would you determine your attack range. “ Richard expressed a touch of curiosity.

Rumont lifted his sword with one arm. Lifting the wooden sword with his weakened arm, to him, was a critical venture, filled with pressure. His sword had the faintest of shaking, “not considering the footsteps, relying solely on the body’s movements, my longest attack range, is the combined overlap of my forearm and sword length. “

“Mm, not bad. I’ll help correct your sword stance today. “ Richard smiled, he was non committal, continuing on saying: “as well as teach you some footwork. “

Richard explained for a long period, he also taught the finer points. Describing in detail on how to use a sword. From the sword body, to sword point, and to the sword blade. Explaining the capable strengths of each part fully. Right until another soldier informed him, that it was almost time to change the shifts over; he departed at once. Rumont gave a farewell, saying he would come again the next day, while staying behind to train some more.

Rumont was hard at practice, sweating on the practice field. After enduring a period of time, another soldier brought him a simple lunch meal. He then continued practicing until 2 in the afternoon, before he left the barracks.

After leaving the barracks, Rumont spent 10 silver coins, replenishing his food stock. Although his s.p.a.cial region still contained a plastic bag worth of food, it was too precious. Rumont did not want to eat it, he was determined, that in the future, only out of absolute necessities, would he eat the food. As far as the fruits that could be replenished, he was indifferent to it.

He also bought some strong alcohol, this was to be used as a disinfectant, it wasn’t for consumption. Additionally, he bought a few clean cotton gauze, to be used in conjunction with blood clotting herbs. Calculating his remaining wealth, he did not have much left.

Once he returned to his room, he counted his money and took out his adventure’s proof to inspect.

This adventurer’s proof, was a temporary one, however, it still had an enchantment imprinted on it. Although it was a extremely simple enchantment, yet, it was guaranteed that the majority of people would not be able to counterfeit it. Furthermore, it had the ability to record and inform the mercenary union, whenever a mission was successful completed. Although the enchantment imprint was exceedingly simple, however, it could keep a track record of past experiences and qualifications.

Rumont was extremely happy, because this was, on this world, the first time he could examine a magical item!

Keeping it simple at this time, he placed it into his inner s.p.a.ce.

Within this week of time, Rumont frequently went to receive Richard’s training. In reality though, within a period of 2 days, Rumont was able to comprehend the fundamentals of the basic footwork and basic level of swordsmanship------To date, the most effective martial skills, was the rudimentary set of chopping, hacking, obstructing and so forth type movements from the very start.

Richard wasn’t willing to teach Rumont too much, saying to wait until he was more proficient first.

Because he was by himself in this world, and having no greater power to rely on, Rumont was fairly diligent in training his fundamental skills. Not at all thinking that the low levels skills were of no use.

Unwittingly, time pa.s.sed in this fashion.

Currently, when he called out the translucent data screen, it appeared with a dull glow, floating in the air, filling one’s view, showing a large amount of figures on the screen.

Name: Rumont (Qian Pin Ji)

Biological Race: Human

Occupation: Highest Authoritative Spatial Overlord, Rank 1 Druid

Attributes: Strength 10 (10), Agility 15 (10), Const.i.tution 10 (10), Intelligence 13 (10), Perception 15 (10), Magic power 15 (10)


Permanently set - Spiritual detection

Fundamental footwork level 1

Fundamental swordsmanship level 1

Although this period of training was brief, it still increased his skills, increasing it with 2 fundamental skills. Not to mention, was his harmonious sense, which was naturally cultivated due to his regular and frequent druidic practices. Presently, if he were to slightly meditate, a calm feeling would arise from within.

Even if one were to train his physical body, it not only transformed the body, but it also transformed the mind.

During this week, without a doubt, not only were the previous plants fully absorbed, a type plant was also raised, “bluegra.s.s”. This was a noteworthy marketable herb, practical in use. It was an ingredient that was used in a considerable amount of treatment cures. When compared to other herbs, it was a touch more expensive.

Rumont, during this time, could justifiably and honorably, request Anson for a batch of seeds. He sowed the whole batch in his newly emerged 1 mu worth of land.

The 10th month is usually not the best season to sow or plant, however, within the inner s.p.a.ce, the current season had no effect.

Strictly speaking, the growth cycle of bluegra.s.s is 3 months. Within the inner s.p.a.ce, the season was good all year round, and within the s.p.a.ce, the conditions for plants were excellent, no damage from insects, or diseases. Even if there was no additional help from the spatial region. What came out, was of exceptional quality. Speaking of this, in accordance, 1 mu was able to produce 300 kg worth of herbs. One year, 4 cycles, could produce up to 1500 kg worth. To be aware of, the market price, was 1 kg to 1 silver coin!

This figure would cause a how in the world type reaction. Thinking over this, Rumont’s inner thoughts were extremely satisfied.

It seems the happy times on this world, was coming.

During the days that he saw the plants germinate and grow, Feivel and Nick were going through a series of difficult negotiations, eventually, they were able to convince their families, obtaining their permission. Besides getting everything ready, they were finally prepared to go the forest.

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