Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 15 - Druid Spells (Start)

Chapter 15 - Druid Spells (Start)

“Are there any medicinal herbs we can harvest during early winter? “

At noon, as Druid Jeff ate the roast meat, he looked upon Rumont and said: “sure, there’s the 9-Leafed Gra.s.s, however, it’s quite rarely seen within the forest. You have to be careful when you gather herbs, you absolutely can’t dig the roots as well, otherwise, there won’t be anymore growing in the later years. This could be considered our duty as druids! “

“9-Leafed Gra.s.s? “ Rumont pondered, it was definitely a precious type of herb, he recalled the entry from the herb compendium.

If divine spells were used in conjunction with an appropriate amount of finely grounded 9-Leafed Gra.s.s, you could produce a portable flask of a basic level healing potion, with an effectiveness of 3 months.

Based on it’s one time use, the medicinal efficacy was quite high, especially good against injuries. Using divine spells could rapidly heal a person’s body, however, it cannot help replenish the body’s deficiencies. As a result, medicinal herbs are exceptionally appreciated.

Due to it’s healing efficacy, humans flocked en ma.s.se, leading to a scarcity of this medicinal herb within this region.

In recent years, the Church of the Agricultural G.o.ddess have attempted to use manpower to cultivate this.

Rumont restrained his thoughts, waiting for for Jeff to finish eating before asking: “Can I follow you to gain some experiences? “

“Sure, normally I wouldn’t, however, since you’re technically my disciple as well as being a full-fledged druid, I should show you around for some learning. Let’s go, we’ll go to the bas.e.m.e.nt. “

Druid Jeff did not refuse, while cleaning up the dishes. Seeing that there was n.o.body in the surrounding area, he first closed the outside gate, before he opened the door at the back. As they went underneath, they eventually arrived at an underground room.

Rumont, upon seeing Jeff’s slightly mysterious behavior, developed a headache, as if meeting the prerequisites for this reflex.

Jeff soon stopped in front of stone door.

“Is it inside? “ Rumont scratched his head, not understanding why he was lead here. Without a doubt, he was quite curious as to how this underground room was constructed in such a manner. Is Jeff not only a single man, how was it possible that he excavated this large underground s.p.a.ce?

Jeff gave off a mysterious smile, his hand pressed on a secret location. Immediately, the giant stone gate started to raise up slowly. It revealed a pa.s.sageway, able to accommodate the height of a person and width of several people. Jeff lead the way in. Since he didn’t say anything, Rumont neither asked, following him into the gloom.

Advancing in, a breath of warm welcomed them. The area was not gloomy as he expected, on the contrary, a clean fragrance permeated the air. Rumont was dumbstruck when he saw the place.

This was a s.p.a.ce of 200 square metres, sectioned into several rows of clay beds, each clay bed was piled with thick fertile soil. All kinds of plants could be seen.

In the centre was an altar, but he could not make out which G.o.d. A very plain and simple altar, with a mysterious symbol engraved onto it; it was releasing pure Nature essences.

Up top on the stone ceiling, was a sunlight releasing crystal.

“What is this? “ Rumont’s mouth wide open. Wasn’t this a greenhouse?

“Rumont, you’re quite astonished, ha ha, this is my self created, Nature insulated greenhouse. Used to especially culturevate the seeds of the few rare plants! “ Jeff, misunderstanding Rumont’s surprise as shock, expressed a smile, feeling proud of himself.

“It….It’s really amazing! “ Rumont grabbed his hair, speechless. He possessed the Shennong Horn to act as a greenhouse, but this fellow had a manmade greenhouse.

Turning around a few times, he let off an expression of envy, as his eyes once again landed on the altar, he asked: “What is that? The royal altar? “

“Hehe, you’ve guessed wrong, that’s the Origin Nature altar. I obtained this back when I reached Rank 5. “ Jeff proudly said, as he fiddled with the ring on his finger.

Rumont took notice of the ring, it appeared to be a very common, silver ring, adorned with a floral pattern. However, within his vision, the ring had a halo of white dazzling light.

He couldn’t help but be wonderfully fascinated by the ring. Noticing his somewhat absent starring, Jeff subconsciously hid the ring away.

“What…...is that? “ Rumont was a touch embarra.s.sed, as he pointed to crystal in the ceiling.

“That is a sunlight crystal, after being under the sun for 3 days, it can then reliably release a day"s worth of sunlight. Thus, I have 4 sunlight crystals, to rotate the illumination so that it can sufficiently sustain the Nature insulated greenhouse.

Rumont was silent as he listened, wasn’t this basically a solar powered jacklight?

On display underneath, was a large growth of 9-Leafed Gra.s.s, in addition, there was Peaceful Gra.s.s, Syrup Blossom, Bewildering Rock Shrooms, Rainbow Bush and so forth. All plants that were rarely seen, Rumont was dazzled by this sight. Jeff was completely satisfied with Rumont’s current expression.

It took Rumont an hour’s worth of time to inspect over these herbs. In the end, the complacent Jeff was magnanimous, gifting Rumont a small pouch of 9-Leafed Gra.s.s seeds.

A few minutes later, the pair withdrew from within.

After exiting, Rumont looked over at his comrade, who was curled up on top of the wooden bed under a wolf’s pelt, slumbering deeply with his face scrunched up.

Being almost exterminated from last night’s battle with the goblins, it revealed that the trio were severely lacking in combat; not only in strength, but also in a lack of experience.

Dealing with the goblins soon after, was already a type of luck, furthermore, receiving treatment from a druid, was a blessing.

Presently, Nick was no longer in mortal danger, yet he continued to sleep without waking. They could only wait until tomorrow, when Jeff was recovered, to try and fully cure him with the healing spell.

Although Jeff was amiable at the moment, yet if the debt wasn’t repaid after a month, the results……

Rumont unconsciously had a thread of worry arising.

Seizing the opportunity, Rumont, at once went to consult with Jeff on the magics of a druid. Perhaps Jeff was feeling good, he explained: “it’s actually really simple, once a druid forms a Heart of Nature, during attentive meditation, you will eventually see the Heart of Nature’s core. In practice, it will have many runes, each rune represents a Nature spell, you only need to pour in the power. “

“Is there quite a few runes? “

“Certainly, as your connection and comprehension deepens, the amount of rune will increase. In fact, every rune can be duplicated. Once you pour your strength into a rune, it will form a leaf, this will be the spell you can use. Consequently, you could at the same time, create several identical leaves, this would represent your ability to utilize multiple copies of the spell. “

Rumont completely understood this description, grasping the subtle basics of a Druid. Thus, he used an excuse to let Master Jeff rest. Afterwards, he went outside and entered the opposite facing forest.

Heading a good deal deeper into the forest, Rumont relaxedly laid down on the glade.

Firstly, he organized the spatial region.

After the previous upgrade where the region expanded to 2 mu, there were gaps in-between the 30 fruit trees. According to last time’s observation, it wasn’t a question of the traits of the new plants, but a necessity of planting, to acc.u.mulate a sufficient amount of energy for the upgrade.

After understanding this point, he began to plant all the seeds from Earth, at a set distance apart in the river bank. A short while after watering, the plants filled the spatial region and the energy acc.u.mulated.

The light globe never waned within the region, the reflection of lights upon the water surface created multi-coloured ripples. There were a few honey bees flying about.

The water seemed insufficient for the large spatial region. Even though the region created it’s own supply, it was very slow if one were to compare and supply it from elsewhere. However, the water in this place was very pure.

Rumont got up and followed the forest, eventually a fresh scent wafted over, helping him discover the spring water behind a huge boulder.

Looking ahead, he saw the spring water was clean, flowing into a deep lake, ama.s.sed over many years. The first thing he did was take a drink upon arriving, it was refreshing, seeping into him, evidently the water quality was excellent.

At once, disregarding the frigid cold, he took his clothes off and dived into the waters; he immediately began to shiver.

The results were obvious, the waters upon contact with the Shennong Horn print along with his intent, the water gathered and swarmed in. From the perspective inside the spatial region, it was immediately raining, pouring down, quickly filling the streamlet to about 80 percent. Once it was sufficient, Rumont promptly jumped out and quickly dressed himself before the wind could blow over. After all, it was currently the tenth month, the waters were really frigid!

After finishing with the matters of the spatial region, Rumont began to meditate.

As expected, he discovered a green glimmer of light when he meditated in accordance to the druid’s method. Following on, he discovered that the core, was really similar to a heart. He could faintly make out the runes on the core and the powerful force stored within.

Staying in meditation, he focused his spirit to try and probe and access the green core.

Sure enough, upon contact, 7 to 8 runes appeared, in a moment, he comprehended the symbols and what they represented.

A Druid’s Rank 0 Spells.

Blood Clotting, Flash, Radiance, Increased Resistance, Blessing.

A Druid’s Rank 1 Spells.

Illusion, Mend, Elemental Resistance, Entanglement, Night Vision, Magic Fang, Hypnosis, Rank 1 Creature Summoning, Botanical a.s.sistance.

Rumont focused his attention on one particular rune; it enlarged. It revealed its entire contents and details to Rumont.

After a bit of effort reviewing them, Rumont was filled with joy. These powers were really miraculous. Rumont naturally understood, there was no such thing as a useless power, only fools that didn’t know how to utilize it’s full potential.

After a thought, in conjunction with the current situation, Rumont first chose the “Blood Clotting” rune.

Green energy was extracted from the green core and poured into this symbol, in this moment, it gave birth to a small leaf from the void.

After the leaf was generated, Rumont saw that the inside of the green core had decreased.

Another thought and he chose “Mend” , following the same process, the green energy entered, creating another leaf. It was evidently bigger than the previous one by a touch, also consuming the green power a touch more.

Carefully inspecting the nature energy, he eventually allocated 2 parts into the “Blood Clotting” leaf, and 3 parts to the “Mend” leaf. Using up all the Nature energy completely. The green core began to automatically absorb more Nature energy.

At this time, the spatial region of the Shennong Horn began to change, a portion of green essence pa.s.sed through the marking, filling the green core, soon, the green core was br.i.m.m.i.n.g full, recovering its vitality.

Rumont was exultant, he wanted to increase the leaves, yet, he started to feel touch lightheaded, startling him. He then understood, his spiritual force was unable to tolerate any more energy.

Feeling a touch melancholy, he entered the Shennong Horn’s spatial region again. As he entered, he felt something was off, currently he couldn’t put his finger on the problem, standing there foolishly. Finally, he understood, the many plants all looked a little withered. Rumont was an intelligent person, able to see the slight difference. He awoke from his pensive moment. Looking at the time, it was getting late, he estimated that the time he spent to form the “Nature Spell Leaves” , took about an hour.

He needed to get ready. Staying by the river side preparing for half an hour, he eventually caught a pair of fishes, before heading back. Arriving back at the Druid’s cabin, the time was roughly 4 in the afternoon. Druid Jeff wasn’t about, it was most probable that he had gone to the forest to replenish his Nature energy.

Nevertheless, Rumont began to cook. Sc.r.a.ping off the scales of the two fishes, he then split them open, cleaning the insides.

Once everything was prepared, seeing that the Druid wasn’t back, he thought it over, eventually grabbing spices and ginger that weren’t being used in the region (while also planting a slice). He had feared that the Druid would recognized that these plants weren’t of this world.

He also used some wine, vinegar and essence of chicken.

Anyway, the water for the fish soup was taken from within the spatial region, although it didn’t have too large of an efficacy, it still helped removed some of the fishiness.

After a short period of time, the fragrance of the soup permeated through, lifting the lid to look, a tempting clear see-through soup with scalding steam was seen.

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