Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 18 - Small Feast (End)

Chapter 18 - Small Feast (End)

It was already a new day the next time Rumont was awake. Climbing out of bed, he was surprised to find that the weather today was excellent. Sunlight was spilling out of the window and a light breeze was about, causing people to be cheerful.

It only took a few steps to arrive at the ground level of the inn. Rumont then swept his gaze over and discovered that although it was at least 8 in the morning, there was already a middle aged man leaning over at the wooden counter, holding a tankard of beer, being content and leisurely enjoying himself.

Seeing him come down, this middle-aged man lifted his tankard in response saying: “Hey! Rumont, I heard yesterday that you had become a Druid, let’s celebrate! “

This middle-aged person, Barcas, was part of the town’s mayor’s government, in the tax office department. It was said that he was a relative of the Baron. Naturally, this meant that the Baron’s relative occupied an important position.

“Celebrate what? “ Rumont was slightly stumped.

“Oi, you’re only 15 years old and you’re already a Druid. This fact has already spread throughout the entire region! Hahaha! “ Tax Collector Barkas had an exaggerated demeanor and said: “it’s for me to have another target to raise taxes later on as well as being happy about it! Cheers! “

He was telling all this as he happily chugged the beer.

“Thank you Mister Barkas! “ responded a red-faced Rumont.

“Have a drink, my shout. Drinking beer early in the morning is good for your health! “ Barcas laughingly pushed a tankard of beer towards Rumont: “Lord Baron should know this fact by now, there’s going to be a reward. From now on, you’re going to be a man with money. “

“Thank you sir, I’ll drink to your health as well! “ Rumont went over and smilingly answered softly back. At the same time he b.u.mped his wooden tankard towards Barvas’ own drink.

This kind of tranquil bearing cause Barcas to narrow his eyes slightly. Rumont dipped his head as he left. It was only natural that he once again went towards the shrine, to await the shrine to convey the news from the Baron.

“Oh, Rumont, you’ve done well. Although I already knew since yesterday, yet I’m still completely high spirited today. “ Miss Eleni had a cheerful look as she called out.

“It’s my honour, Miss Eleni. “ Rumont replied.

“Not bad Rumont, only, it’s said that you owe a large amount of money! “ Priest Dennis gave him a look, as he was saying.

“That’s right, Priest Dennis sir. Last time I owed the union 100 silver coins, I’ve only paid back about 50 silver coins. “ hesitatingly Rumont continued: “I also owe Master Jeff some money. “

This wasn’t quite a lie, he just didn’t explain it clearly. But even if he did clearly state the figure, it wasn’t a small amount of money.

“Since it’s like this, according to customs, with regards to a non-fighting related profession, you can be granted the complete freelancing privileges; but you need to be a free man. You can’t have any debts. This debt, must be cleared before you can get the Baron’s approval! “ Priest Dennis was slightly proud of himself.

Rumont was speechless. He cast his gaze at the people present .

“Rumont’s already a Druid, even though it’s sizeable amount, he’ll still pay it off. Can’t he obtain the freelancing privileges ahead of time? “ Miss Eleni couldn’t bear it, as expected, yet she couldn’t unreasonable put forth a large amount and gift it to Rumont------for her, it wasn’t a small figure either.

“These are the rules, they shouldn’t be violated. Especially for us, it should especially be clear-cut. Anyway, it’s not like there aren’t other means; just become a member of our shine! “ Priest Dennis had a glimmer in his eyes as he spoke.

Becoming a member of the shrine, without a doubt the welfare was good. A monthly wage of 10 silver coins. If it was the past Rumont, he might have agreed. However, presently, having a modern way of thinking, he understood it wasn’t anything good; on account of the priest in front of him, was the manager of the shrine, becoming his subordinate was just sentencing himself to jail and awaiting execution.

However, currently, the whole worth that Rumont possessed, wasn’t enough to reach 50 silver coins. This was including the gold coin that he incidentally obtained at the gates in front of the shrine.

Following his train of thoughts, Rumont let out a bitter smile. He was feeling depressed as he couldn’t think of a solution in this short moment. He respectfully and cautiously replied: “I’ve already promised Master Jeff in becoming his student. I can’t work for the shrine currently…...in anycase, I want to study under Apothecarist Anson on herbal knowledge. “

“Mm, managing herbs is really exhausting……” Priest Dennis showed a touch of disappointment, as he responded hesitatingly due to hearing that he was unwilling to enter the shrine.

Even though the herbal garden was within the boundary of the shrine, yet it wasn’t completely owned by the shrine. It was a joint venture with Anson and co. He naturally wasn’t willing for Anson to have another.

Rumont bowed and said: “Priest Dennis, I’m not afraid of hard work, not to mention, I really want to study under Mister Anson. Afterwards, while I’m living outside, without a doubt I’m willing to work for the church and the G.o.ddess if need be. “

“In that case, starting tomorrow, you can come to the shrine and study under Anson. “ feeling Miss Eleni’s gaze on him, Priest Dennis eventually gave in and answered after hesitating.

“Understood, I’m eternally grateful to you sir. “ Rumont was full of joy, bowing in response: “I’ll take my leave then. “

Seeing a lack of further responses, Rumont deeply bowed again before leaving.

Rumont was feeling remorseful as he went. The town was small, Jeff himself would be unable to conceal the fact of the debt owed. Priest Dennis would sooner or later learn about it and make life difficult for him. It was the same result if he tried to conceal it.

For each day the debt remained, Priest Dennis would have another day to make things difficult; prolonging the real privileges of a freelancer as well as the doc.u.ments for opening up a store.

“Rumont, how’s the situation? “ a short while after he left the shrine, Feivel approached.

Rumont didn’t hide anything, telling him everything. After listening, Feivel had a slightly gloomy expression, he dipped his head in thought saying: “Priest Dennis had once, in the past, pursued the Baron’s eldest daughter without success. Currently, he’s now pursuing the 2nd daughter, Miss Eleni, which everyone knows about. You and Miss Eleni were quite close in the past, invoking his jealousy. He’s deliberately making things difficult for you this time right! “

Once Feivel linked the circ.u.mstances regarding Miss Eleni together, Rumont was sighing in admiration, of how the past him wasn’t aware of this issue. He was slightly vexed as he voiced out: “What to do? I originally wanted to open and arrange a store for Nick. Because even if Nick is cured, he’ll still have serious lingering symptoms. He won’t able to do any strenuous activities, fast running or severe fighting. Besides trading, there’s nothing else. “

Voicing out after a pause: “he’s injured because of me. “

“Oi, this wasn’t your fault. If it wasn’t for you paying for Nick, he would have died. “ Feivel made out a long sigh, revealing a helpless look: “more over, if it’s only 150 silver coins, I believe you can quickly gather this amount! After everything"s said, you still expended the most! “

The pair was silent for a while, it was quiet on the streets as they went. Presently, Rumont and Feivel were both feeling a touch awkward. Thier ages were only 15 and 16 year olds, they were still youths, how could they think of a plan so quickly.

Within Rumont’s spatial region, he still had peaches, pears and other fruits that came from his former world. Unless it was a matter of life or death, he wouldn’t dare sell it. It would be a major event if new types of plants appeared in this world.

As for the Blue Gra.s.s, he could harvest a batch if he had over 3 and a half months; a field could produce roughly 300 kilograms. For a field being able to produce 300 kg, you must understand, the market value is 1 kilogram for 1 silver coin!

Even if it was sold cheaper, it would still be enough money. Tomorrow however, they needed to bring Nick home. At that time, even if he’s mostly healed, it wasn’t a situation they could cover up; for Nick’s family, it would only make things worse in a bad situation.

“Let’s go, we’ll head to the blacksmith first to grab my sword, afterwards we’ll go to the forest to fetch wild goods, we’ll earn money to pay off the debt! “ Rumont clenched his teeth in saying.

“Rumont, you’re currently a Druid, isn’t frequently hunting a bit……” Feivel had heard a few rumors about Druids. Generally speaking, Druids didn’t hunt animals for profit.

“Druids aren’t completely forbidden from cutting trees or hunting animals if it’s a need of survival. Currently, even though it’s not a need of survival for myself, but it almost certainly is the case for Nick. “ Rumont thought it over before rea.s.suring Fievel: “it’ll be alright, we should get our equipment ready. After we return Nick home, we can go hunting. “

“Ok, since you’re so determined, I’ve got nothing left to say. “ Feivel nodded his head gravely: “I recently went to the barracks and once again reviewed a few fighting skills, it was a last resort from a fear of fighting goblins. Let’s go. “

When all is said, goblins were considered an intelligent race, even more so was that bugbears were natural fighters. Perhaps it could be said that it was really risking life just trying to meet demands of making money.

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