Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 21 – Rage (Start)

Chapter 21 – Rage (Start)

“Master, what is the Dao of Nature? “ the location was in the middle of the forest. The surroundings were full of dense and verdant trees. The ground had some beautiful flowers growing as well as some sort of completely weird looking, if you saw it green plant. The surrounding air was densely suffused with the scent of fresh gra.s.s, with a hint of flowers of mild elegance mixed about. A beautiful maiden was standing in front of a bush. Carefully observing. After that she asked out the abstract question that was perplexing her for the longest time.

By her side observing the plant grow with her, was a middle aged man. He opened up his dark green cape made of leaves, his body released off an aura practically the same as the surroundings, blending in well.

A large black dog and large white one were quarreling merrily by his side.

All of this was quite auspicious. With this kind of mood, the middle aged man’s appearance was completely relaxed. He rubbed the maiden’s head, curiously asking: “Willow, why did you suddenly think of this question? “

Willow scrunched up her lovable nose, softly saying: “because I want to become a qualified Druid, Honourable Master did you not mention this before. To become a qualified Druid, you must comply with the Dao of Nature, this would be a better way to absorb and keep energy from the Realm of Nature, even better it would help replenish itself naturally. However, I’m not too clear on what exactly Dao of Nature is, this wording is too vague. “

She once again wrinkled her nose after talking. She seemed to be completely vexed by this question. Afterwards, she c.o.c.ked her head, watching her teacher; the small town’s Druid Jeff.

Druid Jeff was amused by her lovable appearance. Feeling a touch of pity within, he eventually took hold of his cherished apprentice; who was the daughter that he had accepted from an old friend. He couldn’t but help stretch out his arm to ruffle her hair as he answered: “looks like out Willow can also reflect on this question by herself. It’s like this! “

He turned his head towards the vast greens, patiently explaining: “Dao of Nature, is actually referring to the Laws of Nature. The reason why it’s vital to comply with, is because of the relationship among Nature and Druid is too intimate. Firstly, to successfully become a Druid, you must obtain the approval of Plants and Nature. After you become a Druid you still need to continuously obtain energy from Nature. Nature can be generally categorized into two types. One is the plant’s Nature Energy, the other, is from animal’s Nature Energy. The easiest to interact with, is the Nature Energy from plants. If you wish to obtain the energy from plants, firstly, you must obtain their approval. Taking care of plants, is the most easiest method of obtaining their approval. Without a doubt, the farmers that plan on harvesting crops, would have a very difficult time in obtaining the approval from plants and Nature to become a Druid. Therefore, Druids can only give advice on how a farmer should work; they’re unable to personally perform the duties of a farmer. This is the reason why I needed you to accompany me to live inside the forest, inside here we have an even better opportunity to get closer with Nature.

As for Nature Energy from animals, it manifests even more during balance. It is said, only when the type and quant.i.ty of animals naturally forms an equilibrium, is when the Dao of Nature has reached perfection; it won’t be destroyed. As for us, if we’re capable we can obtain even more strength from Nature. Do you understand if I explain it like this? Willow? “

“Eh, I understood a little, Master. “ after Willow tilted her head in thought, she nodded her head in acknowledgement.

Soon after, Jeff guided his beloved disciple in identifying plants and how to take care of various plants. After they finished completely, the sun was already quite high.

“Okay then, we’ll wrap it up here. “ Jeff smilingly said.

The master and disciple duo, taking their spade and spray bottle in hand, followed along the small road. In this fashion, they made their way back to Jeff’s cabin.

Jeff was a Rank 5 Druid, however he was in charge of town’s farm lands. Every month, he received quite a bit in wages from the town’s government office. He had his own residence within the town, yet he still preferred living within the forest to keep in touch with the plants. Because it was a place that was frequently lived in, as a result, although his cabin wasn’t big, it was very unique.

In addition, there was a small river located in front of his dwelling; with various lush plants on either coast of the river. Once you entered the vicinity of the cabin, you would be able to experience a large dense type of Nature’s Essence.

Putting away the tools, Jeff first drew up some fresh water within a wooden casket, into a small basin, carefully washing his hands. Only when he heard Willow’s approach in the room, did he hurriedly wipe his hands and turn around.

“What is it? Willow? “

After walking through the door he pushed open, Jeff saw his disciple holding onto a sheet of white paper with a queer expression.

“Master, there’s a message left for you sir……” Willow simply handed over the message to Jeff.

Jeff took it and had a look, his facial expressions dropped at once. After a good while, he poke: “if what is written is true, Rumont has greatly disappointed me. Once he obtained strength, he’s begun to use his strength to violate the orders. How can I impart even more knowledge and power in the future? “

“But Master, the person that left the message……”

Jeff looking at the message’s writer, he gave it a thought before coldly stating: “I don’t care who wrote the message, I just want to know now whether this youth really conducted himself in an affair that would blemish a Druid’s honour. “

After he spoke, he scrunched up the message into a paper ball. Just when he wanted to throw it away, he hesitated before putting it away in his drawer.

Meanwhile, Rumont and Feivel had already reached the town which welcomed them for their biggest harvest since their births.

“Wow! Merely with selling the bison meat, earnt us 50 silver coins! “

Feivel held within his hand, a small heavy pouch of money, smiling so much his eyes were mere slits.

It wasn’t strange for being excited. Even if it was a healthy cow, it would cost 100 silver coins from the town to take it back home. Not to mention, not only did they catch a large bison and obtain its tasty meat and bison fur, they also brought back two lively young calves.

He was waiting outside of Mort’s Inn at the gate, chatting away happily with Rumont, who he returned with and Mort. As he thought about the words, Mister Mort said “if you ever catch anymore game, send it my way ”, Feivel’s smile became more splendid.

As Rumont bid farewell to Mort———who was their major customer for the bison meat, he looked over at Feivel who was beaming with joy.

Rumont went over and patted his shoulder. “Let’s go, follow me to Nick’s place. “

After the two had left behind 40 silver coins and came out of Nick’s place, Rumont placed 5 silver coins into Feivel’s hand. “This is for you, even though it’s not much, but believe me there’ll be more in the future. “

Feivel only slightly hesitated, before happily keeping the 5 silver coins. Even though the hunting operation this time was to raise funds for Nick, but after spending the majority of the coins on Nick’s health, he was quite willing to receive the small sum. After all, he did exert himself.

Afterwards, the pair directed their discussions on the topic of the calves and leather. Eventually deciding on letting Feivel take the pair of calves home, to temporarily raise. As for the leather, Rumont would temporarily safeguard it. Once they found an appropriate customer they would sell it to them.

Seeing that the sun was already quite high, Feivel took the calves in a happy manner home. As for Rumont, he arrived at the shrine as per his usual practice.

Rumont firstly took care of his watering duties at the herbal garden, before arriving at the shrine, where lunch was just starting.

Viewing the spring flowers at the front of the shrine, Rumont’s mood was unprecedentedly good. Same as normal, the in-charge Madame Salin was already waiting inside.

Rumont busily cleaned his hands before helping out, carrying over the lunch.

The same as always, merely. Ever since Rumont obtained Nature’s approval and became a Druid, he began to have the qualifications to enjoy some white bread.

“We give our thanks to the food granted by the G.o.ddess. “ still the same as always, giving grace to the G.o.ddess first, before keeping their heads down and eating.

Because the Lord Baron had a guest today, as a result, the Baron’s second daughter, Eleni wasn’t attending at the shrine today. On the contrary, the always accompanying Eleni, Priest Dennis was unexpectedly, present.

Under Priest Dennis’s weird attentive gaze, Rumont hastily ate his lunch; deciding to go to the shrine’s library to borrow some books.

Just when he was almost at the library, someone called out from behind him. Rumont turned his head back, unexpectedly, the one that called was his teacher, Druid Jeff.

He quickly hurried over, respectfully asking: “Master, what do you require of me sir? “

Jeff unenthusiastically looked at him, without speaking in a roundabout manner, directly asking: “tell me, did you go hunting bisons this morning? “

Rumont stared blankly, thinking how his master knew. But he didn’t believe it was a good idea to conceal the matter, simply admitting frankly: “yes Master, this morning I really did with Feivel go into the forest and hunt bison. Because we recently are in the urgent need of money, therefore……”

“Good! No need to say anymore! “ Jeff suddenly replied coldly.

Seeing that Rumont looked at himself with a startled expression, Jeff struggled to contain his rage. Coldly saying: “No need for excuses. Since you really did kill bisons, right? Last time Nick was injured, I lectured you, not to carry out such a hunting operation. This time it’s even better, not only did you go hunting, you also killed a mother cow and her calves. Don’t tell me you don’t know that as a Druid, it’s necessary to be close with Nature and not destroy the balance? Especially when it’s for one’s personal gain! “

This……Rumont acknowledged his conduct. Speaking as a Druid, perhaps he was a bit inappropriate. However, on the other side, he relied on himself and companion’s courage to acquire the prey for a better chance of Nick’s survival, nothing more……

Rumont was still respectful to his teacher, trying to explain: “Master, we’re only doing this because we have no alternatives, you’re aware of Nick’s circ.u.mstances sir, he requires nourishment to heal his body, as well as needing to repay a debt……”

“No alternatives? “ Jeff was already furious to the point of speechlessness. He was also lazy to find out whether Rumont’s evil deeds listed in the message were true or not.

After all, in the end, this impoverished and low-born youth wasn’t really his real disciple. As for this youth blemishing his own Druid’s ident.i.ty and honour, Jeff already reached a state where he could no longer tolerate it.

“Great! Since you have your so called, no alternatives predicaments, from this moment on, you no longer need come within my jurisdictions. I don’t want to see you ever again. “

Jeff’s reactions were quite unexpected to Rumont.

The way he spoke, was with a certain resolution and heartlessness; not taking into consideration Rumont’s master-disciple relationship.

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