Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 26 – Slightly Aware (End)

Chapter 26 – Slightly Aware (End)

Feivel was stumped. Following which, with a bad mood he hit Rumont with his fist. “What are you saying! We’re best friends! Just then, if it wasn’t for you, we currently would have already been killed by them! “

Even if a moment had already pa.s.sed, once he recalled the events that just happened, Feivel still had a lingering amount of fear. He gradually lowered his voice: “in these guy’s eyes, us people, are the same as ants. They could casually step on us, if it wasn’t for you, we would have been finished just then. They, they basically had no intentions to let us go! “

“Right, within their eyes, we’re certainly ants they could step on. “ the dim light within Rumont’s pupil gradually abated, as he sighed out.

He always believed he could always face reality in a cool-headed manner. But, he couldn’t deny, that as one from another world with over 20 something years of a geeky livelihood, he still couldn’t cope in the short-term with his current ident.i.ty.

He always believed, that even if he really did offend a few people, at worst, he’d be pushed aside. Today’s events fiercely alerted him, that his current place was one of strict hierarchy, a kind of world where a minor matter could result in a life or death struggle. With his current status and ident.i.ty, it simply wasn’t enough to protect himself. Under the current circ.u.mstances, any single mishap was fatal enough. He needed to as quickly as possible become as strong as possible. His past type of leaving it to nature att.i.tude, was absolutely unacceptable.

Killing people, seeing blood; akin to ice and snow, admiration fell on his body. His originally distracted mind, very quickly cleared up. Similar to a sudden enlightenment, enabling him to at once feel like he had matured greatly.

Thinking of this, he said to Feivel: “Feivel, today’s events, we both need to be tight-lipped about it, if any of us are even a little bit careless to let it slip out, we’re dead, understood? “

Feivel once again slowly understood the justification, busily nodding his head: “you can relax! Such a big event, I’ll be sure to keep it secret. But……currently, what should we do? “

Rumont clasped his shoulder. “First help me look for the contract letter. “

Feivel hesitated a bit, he really wanted to talk about how to handle the corpses. Seeing that Rumont didn’t seem to care, he sighed out a good breath. Catching up with Rumont, he began to turn over the Thieves hideout, looking for the contract letter.

However, what made the pair completely depressed about, was out of all the numerous doc.u.ments, including contracts, they found from the entire room, were all sealed up in leather bags. If they had to search in succession, they feared that even to the next day that they would not find what they were looking for. While he was at it, Rumont wasn’t polite, taking all the money they found within the room, as well as valuable items and weapons, throwing it all completely into the spatial region. As for the explanation to Feivel, he casually said it was one of the techniques that belonged to a Druid, able to temporarily place items in another location.

Feivel was not at all familiar with a Druid’s magic, although he felt this kind of spell was a little too mysterious and over the top, nevertheless he didn’t inquire further.

When they had threw everything into the spatial region, Rumont began to consider how to best deal with the 4 corpses.

Feivel saw him staring blankly at the corpses, knowing that he was thinking deeply, he didn’t dare go and disturb him at this moment, hoping that his best friend would quickly come up with a plan, a method to deal with them before anyone discovered them.

In accordance with Feivel’s thoughts, he thought of at this moment about how they could bury the bodies. Either this or they use a fire to cremate them, this way, n.o.body could find their bodies, wouldn’t this be best and cleanest way?

However, Rumont didn’t think in this manner.

He viewed the corpses, thinking with certainty in the end to whether burn the corpses along with the lair, destroying all evidences, or perhaps, tidy the place up, making a false trail to mislead the others?

Even though destroying the corpses would seem like the most optimal method, however, if Barcas really wanted him to die, he feared that if he could even find any shred of evidence, it would be enough to make his life a misery.

Right now, the best way was to direct their attention elsewhere, this way, even if Barcas wanted something as a pretext, he’d be unable to turn it around.

Thinking to this point, he took out a pressure writing device within his spatial region. This was the one that he bought and randomly threw into the spatial, back on the other world, when he had once partic.i.p.ated in some activities. This was for the purpose of when some tourists that went mountain climbing and encountered some difficulties, they would, in an especially dangerous situation spray easily into the mountain wall; spraying out a warning sign with this tool. Because the mountain slopes were filled with numerous wild beasts, as well as lacking some manpower, it was quite easy for someone to remove an erected wooden sign. Using this spraying device to write a word, it would be very meaningful, such that weathering forces would be unable to completely remove all traces in a short period of time.

Rumont used the device within his hands, without paying attention to Feivel’s curious gaze on the opposite side of the corpses, on the ground, concealing the events concerning the contract letters. Afterwards, a.s.suming an ident.i.ty of a magician he went and denounced them, in the end though, he made it clear that he was only a magician that was pa.s.sing by, on account of disliking the wicked conducts of these thieves, killing them off. He also left behind his previous world’s name “Pin Ji”.

The results of the words were likened to using a finger to write in the loose sand. The only issue was, the current ground was consisted of solid slate; looking like it was as if the words were artificially dug out. Anyone that saw this would have an absolutely horrified type of feeling, allowing people to perceive the power in the magic.

After calming down, Rumont understood that this was quite awkward and inelegant. However, the scheme didn’t need to be masterly, it only needed to be effective, needing not only one, but instead a few people to feel that this was impossible to be a.s.sociated with the two youths.

Thinking it over, he again brought out another device to use, striking the corpses with a strong surge of electricity, leaving behind a marking. When viewed, it would be similar to as if the magician had used a lightning type magic to kill them, before marking the corpses with arrow wounds.

Seeing Feivel by the side with a dumbstruck appearance, Rumont laughed as he stored the electrical device back into the region. Today, Feivel had already witnessed Rumont’s skill of making objects appear in his empty hands multiple times, he was starting to become numb to it.

As for the message, he struggled to read and understand it with his limited knowledge of words, eventually comprehending it, Feivel was even more numb. He turned to Rumont, suddenly exclaiming: “Rumont, you really, if i wasn’t here just then, I really wouldn’t have believed that these miracles were created by you. Rumont, I suddenly feel, you’ve changed a lot in this short period, I’m having trouble recognizing you. “

Hearing this made Rumont’s heart jump, believing that Feivel had discovered something. Afterwards, Feivel while wearing a complicated expression said to him: “maybe the cause is due to you having become a Druid’s student, you have more courage than in the past. In fact, this kind of you, is better. My paternal grandfather once said to me, that when a real warrior faced a problem, they needed to face it head-on and more; facing an enemy, needed to be more than relentless; treating friends, needed to resemble a right hand and left hand; treating enemies, needed a single fatal strike; in this manner, they would be able to survive each of these tests……”

Rumont listened with tranquility, he understood Feivel’s grandfather, who had already pa.s.sed away, that had once served as a Lieutenant, was a role model worthy of following and surpa.s.sing within Feivel’s mind.

“……therefore, your decisiveness just then, was perhaps, really the best method of eliminating potential threats. “ speaking to this point, Feivel let out a sigh as he felt his wound, which had received treatment and had the bleeding staunched by Rumont.

Rumont understood that today’s events for an always young in temperament Feivel, was a major shock; once again patting the other’s shoulder. Afterwards, deliberately saying gently: “okay now, don’t let your thoughts wander, after tidying this place up we ought to leave, it’s necessary to go back through the tunnel before the night is over. “

Seeing Rumont repeatedly putting away and taking out the extremely curious items from the spatial region; puffing here, rubbing there; or using some items to spray a fire to make a big hole in the tables; or some terrifyingly cold item, freezing firmly some items; even the blood left by Feivel’s wound, was all lit and burnt away using an odd liquid. Finally, once again holding a strange smelling item, scattered it all over the floor. Viewing the extremely weird “scene” in front, Feivel, besides feeling numb, was also apathetic. As far as the strange items that Rumont held in his hands was concerned, he was already completely speechless about.

Ventilating enough of the thorough destructions, Rumont again scrutinised the place, pulling Feivel along to leave. During the journey, they discussed the appropriate responses for every circ.u.mstances, before parting in front of Mort’s establishment.

When Rumont returned, the sky was still dark. No one was around on the streets nor inside the inn. He carefully snuck into the place, into his own room. Letting out a breath, he followed up with taking the doc.u.ments and contract letters that he had stuck into the region, out. Afterwards, he browsed through all of them, searching for the one that belonged to him.

However, up to the point where the remaining doc.u.ments were looked over, the doc.u.ment that himself signed, could still not be found. Rumont was increasingly worried. Ripping open another leather bag in his arms, a few envelopes inside fell out. Obviously it wasn’t going to be the contract letter, Rumont gloomily thought. Discarding it soon after. Suddenly though, something flashed within his mind, quickly picking it up again.

Sure enough, the letters within the envelopes, were marked with secretive inscriptions. Provoked with curiosity, he tore open one of the envelopes without looking. Then looking at what followed, he was immediately expressionless. At the same time again, he tore open another envelope, similarly startling him. An increasingly obvious smile could be seen arising from the corner of his mouth at the same time. Inwardly thinking, Dennis oh Dennis, I never thought you would be so unexpectedly stupid, writing this kind of matter onto a letter! Barcas oh Barcas, going so far as to join Dennis together in framing me. Watch as I ruin your reputations!

At this stage, the sky was already bright. Originally, this was meant to be the day that Barcas bought people outside of town, but, because he already knew everything beforehand. Furthermore, the people on the other side were already dead, therefore, when it was almost noon, the town was still immersed in tranquility.

Right until someone discovered the corpses of people belonging to the Thieves Guild. Thus, regarding the mysterious and at the same time considerably over complicated event involving a talented magician (of course, to the majority of the townsfolk, anything would be talented), promptly became the topic that everyone would discuss about.

It must be understood, in this world, even if it went through constant evolutions, to an ordinary person, an expert magician was still an extremely grand and mysterious profession. Possessing a body suitable for magic in addition to being a person able to cultivate it was even more rare. Therefore, when a magician appeared in this location, in addition to the event of punishing the 4 deeply hidden hoodlums, the excited feelings of all the people at the scene of where it all happened, weren’t hard to understand.

As for the offenses of the thieves, after the investigation, they were all confirmed to be true. Therefore, in regards to their cause of death, everyone immediately firmly believed, they had absolutely died at the hands of the expert magician.

Similarly at this time, the original perpetrator Rumont, was hiding away in his room, happily hehe laughing and checking over the spoils of war.

Especially the doc.u.ments, these doc.u.ments, were completely unreasonable, unless there was no choice, or facing death, only then would they have used them. After all, this world still had G.o.ds. It wasn’t a place where the highest ruled.

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