Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 30 – Leaving Town (End)

Chapter 30 – Leaving Town (End)

The scope of the current Appleseed city wasn’t too grand, only, when compared with the town of Ricca, it was at least 10 times bigger.

Although it was the first time in the world, to go so far out, however, back on Earth, Rumont would fly all over the place, what kind of major city had he not seen before?

Therefore, what he currently showed was both curiosity and freshness. A lack of even the tiniest expression of shock. This was considered to be completely normal to him. However, in regards to the others of the caravan, especially to Banner, it was quite unexpected.

After all, at the time when he first left home, rushing to the outside world, seeing such a big city, was extremely shocking. This kid, arriving to this city from Ricca’s town, unexpectedly was not one bit afraid. Honestly making others see him in a new light.

This youth really has potential, this was Banner’s entire thought process at this moment. A Merchant’s biggest profit, after calculating. Banner immediately treated Rumont with a more cordial manner.

Rumont pretended to not know on the outside, yet understanding inside. Voicing out a sigh: “the real world ah! “

Following on, he faced his vision towards the inner city.

Probably due to the location being far from the city as the cause, therefore, the area occupied by Appleseed city wasn’t considered small. However, no matter if it’s the streets of the buildings, it all seemed semi-worn and not new. The shops on the streets weren’t few, but the majority of goods that were sold were quite simple. Of course, it was still better when compared with Ricca.

They discovered this point as they just pa.s.sed through the city gates.

The storied city gates looked lofty and grand when viewed from the outside, at least, it really was like this, to those country folks that have never seen the world before. However, observing carefully would discover, the number of soldiers guarding the place was a bit gloomy.

It’s fine if the uniform was used and also not new, it was already mid winter. Unexpectedly among them though, were still wearing simple shoes. From this it could be seen that the small city’s Lord was frugal and not well off. Certainly though, it could be they were stingy. Not content with supplying and granting those soldiers with new clothings.

But even if it was thus, it could more or less be said at this place was really impoverished. After all, in regards to a rich n.o.bility, even if soldiers were cheap, yet it it represented one’s face.

Rumont estimated as he went along, feeling that this small city, the long term residents was roughly in the 10 thousands.

Suddenly, he thought to Miss Eleni’s family, the loveable angel-like maiden’s father, the territory he possessed wasn’t considered abundant; it’s no wonder the Lord Baron never came out and stayed within his castle all year around.

No matter who it was, coming out daily to look at one’s own impoverished territory, wouldn’t they be gloomy as well?

Thinking to here, Rumont treated Miss Eleni’s effort of striving to learn and gain knowledge as a Priest, with much more clarity. Only, in this world, he was merely a low levelled Druid that didn’t even possess any freedom. Towards such a loveable la.s.s, he momentarily didn’t have anyway of helping.

While Rumont was indulged in his wandering thoughts, the caravan suddenly came to a halt.

“Rumont, the Adventurer’s Guild isn’t opened up to the public during midday. You and I’ll first go grab something, okay. “ so they had actually arrived at the location. This time, Banner was below the carriage, cordially inviting him.

Rumont also felt a bit hungry after the b.u.mpy ride, laughingly said: “then I’ll have to trouble you sir.” Afterwards, he carefully jumped off the carriage to the ground, his legs were feeling a touch numb. The others also bounced over in an unhurried manner.

Secretly reminiscing back to the motor vehicles back on Earth, his face was full of wistfulness. After getting out, he found out that the place the caravan stopped at, was Banner’s destination; a business’ gateway.

Listening to Banner, this business, situated in the city central, was the largest. The prices they gave out were rather reasonable, therefore, they’ve recently collaborated together for a while.

The merchandise was unceasingly unloaded by people. Rumont felt that the other party bringing him here was indeed a great help, as a result, he joined in and helped out with the unloading.

Although it was only a bit of help, however, his impressions in the caravan group immediately became much better.

Therefore, during the next communal meal, Rumont obtained an even better hospitality; sitting together with Banner, enjoying a delicious free meal.

After eating his fill, a room was also organized by the caravan group. Tonight, they were going to rest at this location. Returning the next early morning.

Midday, Rumont lazily slept. Because everyone toasted him many a drinks, therefore, he was immersed in a deep slumber.

Right until Banner personally came and shook him awake. He then abruptly recalled, the objective this time wasn’t completed yet.

“You can drink quite a bit ey Rumont, sobering up so quickly.” patting his shoulder, Banner hehe laughing said.

Rumont instantly blushed, he felt quite annoyed at himself who went so far as to have gotten drunk.

He however did not know, that for his age, being able to persist through to the end of all the toasts; he was uncomparable, when he awoke sober in the afternoon. As Banner saw it, it was an absolutely miraculous event.

From this it could be seen that, the Shennong Horn was endlessly changing his body. Progressively advancing every moment. His body, was no longer weak like it was when he initially arrived at this world.

Rumont however, did not have the mood to think of this, washing his face. Once his clothes were neat and tidy, he in accordance with Banner’s directions, hurried towards the city’s Adventurers Guild.

The Adventurers Guild was situated in a bustling district of the city. On the main road were hawkers, pa.s.ser-bys, all eventful and colourful. Although the crowds that he saw in this city wasn’t as great as the ones on Earth from his previous life, yet, it was quite appropriate.

Quite easily, the Adventurers Guild was located. It was also a bit different to what Rumont expected. This Adventurers Guild was to his surprise, quite luxuriously built.

Of course, the so-called luxurious referred to the comparison of the surrounding buildings.

In-between the pile of semi-worn out buildings, an obviously newly established, sufficiently 3-stories high building, occupied an area which was comparatively a good deal larger than the Shrine back at Ricca, appearing in front of Rumont.

He faced the large gate and walked towards it.

“You are?” as he walked over, someone that looked like a gate guard immediately questioned him.

“How do you do, I’m Rumont, a Druid from the town of Ricca. I’ve come over this time to register myself.” Rumont promptly explained.

“So it’s like that.” after resolving, they opened up the way.

Rumont went and entered, the cold weather was shortly halted outside. Barely entering the interior, a bout of warm air enveloped his body totally, one out of many.

Meanwhile, his sharp eyes had detected a flash of something when he had just pa.s.sed through the large gate. A bright green coloured mist shortly encompa.s.sed his body.

This was……Rumont was bewildered by the green shroud enveloping his arms.

“Greetings, welcome to the Adventurers Guild.” at this time, a faintly smiling middle-aged man appeared around from the corner.

Rumont nodded his head, smilingly: “how do you do, I’m a Druid of Ricca town……”

“Right, you really are a Druid sir, just then, you’ve already pa.s.sed our inspections. Please come this way, we’ll speak as we go.” the middle-aged man laughingly pointed at an area by the doorway.

Rumont then saw clearly, that originally, at the entrance of the gateway, it actually had a small 6-pointed star formation, that when anyone pa.s.sed the large gate, they would step onto the formation. Just from what had happened, the formation should be used to examined a person’s status and strengths.

“Is this your first time coming to the Adventurers Guild sir?” aware of when Rumont finished looking, the middle-aged man used a type of knowing manner to ask him.

Rumont nodded his head.

“Looks like before you came here, you more or less understood the workings of this guild. However, I still need completely again provide an introduction to you.” the middle-aged man’s ident.i.ty shouldn’t differ too much to the receptionists of an organization back on Earth. As Rumont was lead en route to the guild’s hall, an extremely rehea.r.s.ed introduction of the guild’s affairs was given to Rumont.

Rumont listened seriously, occasionally asking a question; the other also answered back just as quickly. Hiding a gasp, the Adventurers were really full of talents. The duo conversed as they walked, quickly though, they reached the area where they handled affairs.

Pa.s.sing through a door, a s.p.a.cious lounge with many windows shortly showed itself to Rumont.

Some people were positioned in front of the windows inquiring, or perhaps handling paperwork. As for the staff members, they were behind and inside the windows, communicating with others through an opening in the windows.

This kind of scenario was extremely similar to business halls at the banks and post-offices back on Earth.

Seeing the astonished expression on Rumont, the middle-aged man was feeling quite content. Seeing his duty was already finished, the middle-aged man brought Rumont in front of a window, saying: “this is an area where they specialize in the affairs of registering.”

Rumont wasn’t afraid. Lining in front of him were two others. He easily lined up behind them, as he reflected over how to quickly as possible repay back his debts. Being indebted, there was no way to be free. No way of being free, then there was no store. No store, no way to acc.u.mulate power. In regards to Rumont, it was simply a vicious cycle.

“Mister, may I ask what do you need to be help with?” suddenly, a sweet courteous voice brought his thoughts back.

Looking forward, a capable young lady could be seen at the window, faintly smiling at him.

Rumont also gave back a smile. Afterwards, he pa.s.sed on the words he refined in advance, also displaying the Adventurer’s proof that the Lieutenant had organised for him.

“Your ident.i.ty has already been confirmed and verified, sir. This is a temporary Adventurer’s proof. Due to you being a Rank 1 Druid sir, you have the right to immediately possess an officially organized Adventurer’s proof; with no need to be inspected. If you require a permanent Adventurer’s proof to be organized, please step forward and fill out your details———first fill out this sheet please!” the woman handed out a leather sheet to Rumont. A doc.u.ment densely packed with words.

Rumont took ahold and carefully read it through, determining that there was no problems. Afterwards, he grabbed a pen to fill it out. After signing his name at the very bottom, the form was handed back through the window opening.

The other party inspected it. They then took out a metallic plate. Afterwards, using an unknown skill to Rumont, quickly printed Rumont’s filled in information onto the guild’s proof, before handing it over to Rumont.

“The processing fees is 3 silver coins.” the female looked at the young, but mysterious charm possessing handsome youth, speaking with a faint smile.

Rumont had already antic.i.p.ated such an event back with the middle-aged man, therefore, he immediately handed over the coins.

“Excellent, from this moment on sir, you are officially a member of the Adventurers Guild. Your Prestige point is 1, a Rank 1 Adventurer. Please come again, Mister Rumont!” the female smilingly said: “every time you finish a mission, the guild will increase your Prestige points sir. In addition, 20% of the deserving funds will be deducted, at the same time, roughly 10% of it will be given to the local Lord as a tax. If you obtain a tax exemption from the regional Lord, then you don’t have to pay it.”

30% in tax huh, the guild is also quite vicious. The Adventurers Guild did not at all care about power. They were structured to earn money. They only attached importance to reputation———Prestige points, was determined from missions and contributions to the guild.

No matter if you were a great magician, if you didn’t earn for the guild, you would also not get any Prestige points. It’s not surprising that the Adventurers Guild would have money like this. It’s simply a large monopolising business ey, however, the local Lord should also get a bonus.

The female seeing his depressed expression, smile again and said “of course, Rank 5 and above Adventurers, will have 5% in taxes reduced. Rank 11 Adventurers and above, will be reduced up to 10% in taxes. Furthermore, at that time, you could basically obtain an exemption from the governing Lord.”

Rumont listened, calculated and thought it was still alright. Rank 5 and above, the actual tax rate was 25%, Rank 11 and above, the taxation was 15%. After returning a courteous smile at the her, he stored away the metallic proof, exiting the Adventurer’s Guild. The sunshine was bright and beautiful outside, just like his current feelings. As for his future, he’ll similarly continue to strive for the increasingly promising.

Theoretically, organizing an official Adventurer’s proof, would require an acc.u.mulation of reputation, requiring him to reach Rank 5 in reputation roughly. Even if the territorial Lord did not grant him the complete autonomy rights, he would automatically obtain it; as within the continent, it simply couldn’t be obstructed.

It was because of this reason, that a majority of the governing Lords, would give out the autonomy rights earlier. After all, if couldn’t be stopped and was going to happen sooner or later, then, why not grant it immediately, obtaining a person’s favour.

As Rumont thought to this point, he secretly resolved his mind.

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