Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 62 – Realization (End)

Chapter 62 – Realization (End)

The speed in returning was many times faster. Taking 20 days to arrive. When they again again returned to Ricca town, seeing the rows of familiar looking buildings on either side of the road, Rumont, who had already pa.s.sed a period of only two months within the forest, couldn’t help but give rise to a type of familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.

Even if it was the flowers or gra.s.ses by the roadside, the feeling they gave him, also seemed to be too different than the feelings he got two months prior.

“Rumont, say, heheh, after experiencing this adventure, do you think we qualify as real Warriors?” Fafnir was excited by Rumont’s side, while constantly chatting.

Rumont had no choice but to give him a look: “want to become a real Warrior? Merely this one adventure is enough? How many Warriors have you seen that was revered by everyone after one adventure?”

“That’s true, however, after this successful adventure, I’m sure to make my parents see me in a new light.” thinking of his father’s expectations for himself, Fafnir had an excited face while brandishing his fist.

“What’s that kid? Thinking of your parents?” Commander Howard who was walking in front of them, turned his head back with a haha laugh and asked.

Fafnir heheh smiled. “Says who ah, I’m no longer a kid……”

“Thinking of you parents is neither a bad thing ah. Take a look at us, always year on outside. In one year we rarely have the chance of going home even once. You, you’re still young, able to stay by your parent’s side is also a type of fortune ah. Wait until you’re older, when you have ambitions and you desire to leave you home to struggle in the outdoors.” Commander Howard smiled: “so take advantage of the current time of being able to stay at home. Go back and spend quite a bit of time with your parents okay. This time was your first time going on an adventure, they would definitely be at home being very scared and on edge; worrying that you might fail!”

At this time, the squadron had already entered the small town. Fafnir’s parents, who had long since obtained the news, had long since waited at the town entrance. Once they saw their son had returned safely, was forthwith cheerful and relieved, incessantly pulling and asking.

“Son, you’re taller. But, you’re also darker. In this short period did you eat well, did you get any injuries? Come, let your mother have a good look……” saying these words, was Fafnir’s mother.

“Really you, our Fafnir is already a man, does he still need you to say these things……” these words were spoken by Fafnir’s father.

Seeing his family of three, cheerfully laughing together, Rumont decided to follow the squadron and leave.

“Rumont, we still need to hurry to the city to hand over the mission. So we’ll say our farewells here ah. Remember to go to Mort’s Inn tomorrow morning, we’ll be there celebrating. Bring Fafnir along as well. Don’t forget.”

Because Commander Howard still needed to bring men along to the Adventurers Guild and give them the Silver Fox to finish their mission, thus, Rumont was at the area where the road branched off, waving his hand towards them.

Traveling alone on the Road, Rumont reviewed the rewards of this short period once again in his mind. Increased fighting strength, an even better understanding of treatments and medicinal usage; both were the benefits of his adventure this time.

As for his main mission, the work of drafting a map had also been accomplished some time previously. The topography of the paths and road segments were all recorded down by him.

“Rumont.” just as his head was bowed while he walked, a melodious and ear pleasing voice had suddenly circulated over. Rumont raised his head for a look, on the road ahead, a young maiden in a white gown was just standing there, beaming a smile and watching himself.

“Miss Eleni.” once he heard the angelic-like and loveable maiden, Rumont’s mood was better at once, he beamed a smile as he walked over.

“What kind of benefits did you get from this adventure? Looks like you appeared to have grown taller a bit huh.” Eleni slightly looked up at Rumont. This former youth that was once quite thin and weak, had during unknown whence, already become handsome and unordinary.

This acknowledgement made Eleni’s heartbeat, when she saw Rumont’s beaming smile, jump up ever so slightly faster. However, her exterior was still maintaining a tranquil smile: “how are things? Did the job of map drafting go smoothly? Last time when I heard about this, I was even quite worried. Worried that you would encounter dangers when you entered the forest. However at the time, you had already left along with your squadron. It wasn’t proper of me to obstruct……”

“The job of drafting the map can be considered to be smooth, I should be able to complete it within a year. How about you, you seemed to have lost weight recently ah.” Rumont asked anxiously as he observed Eleni, who seemed to have a slightly thinner face.

Eleni glossed it over with a laugh, quickly changing the subject to something else: “it’s nothing……Rumont, can you tell me about your experiences you met within the forest? I’ve never been to the forest. I still don’t know what the insides of the magical beast forest is like eh……”

“You really want to know? Okay, then I’ll tell you……” thus, as the duo walked on, Rumont spoke to Eleni about the matters he had encountered within the two months, picking the things of interest and novel.

As Eleni listened, she attentively watched the serious story telling Rumont. Her recent constantly bad mood had also following along, disappeared.

Once Eleni was escorted back to the entrance of the Shrine, Rumont returned to his own home at the drugstore. Once he entered, he only then discovered that the drugstore was unusually lively. Fafnir who had already escaped from his home, was speaking quite animatedly to Nick about the encounters on the road.

Nick listened with quite the envy.

“Rumont, why have you returned so late? Didn’t you return ahead of me?” Fafnir measured him with a mysterious look. “Say, did you go find El……”

Rumont gave a violent stare. “Nonsense.” Seeing the other stick out his tongue, and change the topic to another subject, he could only helplessly shake his head, telling him of the matter of going to Mort’s Inn tomorrow morning, before returning to his own room.

His first task was tidying up a few things and sorting out his rough drafts well. The sky was already turning dark, he absent-mindedly ate some things and hurried off to sleep. Afterwards, he slept all the way to the morning of the next day.

“Come, Rumont, Fafnir, let me introduce someone to you. This here is Commander Lancas of the Lancas Adventurers; he’s a Rank 4 Warrior.” waiting for Rumont and Fafnir to hurry over to Mort’s Inn the next morning, Howard’s entire group had already returned back from the city. A dozen of them were just talking there with an unfamiliar person.

Seeing Rumont and Fafnir come over, Howard stood himself up and enthusiastically introduced a youth to them.

He was a handsome and resolute youth, with a dignified air, beaming a courteous smile; practically capable of winning everyone’s good opinion. However, unaware of whether it was a misconception of Rumont’s, at the moment he saw him, Rumont had an indescribable chill.

“Are you Druid Rumont?” after his ident.i.ty was introduced to Rumont by Howard, not only did the youth, even the few people by his side, had also threw their inquisitive gazes over.

“Yes, I’m Rumont.” Rumont carefully sensed, yet still didn’t detect anything, thus he courteously replied: “Commander Lancas, I’m extremely honoured to meet you.”

The dishes were brought out by the Mort couple quite quickly. Everyone shortly began to eat and drink. During the meal, Rumont discovered that Commander Howard and other squadron group were chatting away, seeming to chiefly revolve around the same animal———a Scarlet Fox.

The Scarlet Fox was actually the Silver Fox’s adult form. However, it would have already learnt a single or even several types of innate magic spells, its fighting strength would be even stronger and with an even higher speed. Compared to the Silver Fox, it was even more difficult to handle. However, if it became a familiar1, the advantage for the owner would also be greater. Within the Adventurers Guild, its Rank when compared to the not yet matured Silver Fox, was higher by 3 Ranks; becoming the Adventurers Guild’s rare high compensating mission.

A kind of unclear premonition began to appear within Rumont’s mind. As for this kind of feeling, it also quickly became reality.

“I have a matter that I wish to announce.” after eating for awhile, the Commander then suddenly indicated to the scattered people over several tables to pay attention. He chortled a hehe and stood up with the adjacent young Lancas, simultaneously announcing a matter.

It was at this time, their two squads would form an alliance and journey into the forest abyss. As for the mission that their alliance needed to complete, it was to catch ahold of a Scarlet Fox. Because the Rank of a Scarlet Fox was high, therefore, there was no restriction to the number of Adventurers that could accomplish the mission, similarly, it also permitted Adventure squadrons to form alliances.

Hearing to this point, Rumont sighed inwardly. Due to last time, he had clearly sensed that for the benefit for seizing the wild animal had influenced him as a Druid. Originally, he had wanted to explain to the team Commander afterwards. Who would have thought there wasn’t enough time to say it, before again receiving another mission. As a result, towards this decision of Commander Howard, he more or less had a bit of unease.

However, the mission was currently accepted, it couldn’t be because of a type perception he had, that he had to go persuade Commander Howard to retract his agreement right? And it was because of this, that he couldn’t even oppose in front of everyone in public.

Thus, he could only resolve himself that on the mission this time, he wouldn’t partic.i.p.ate in the mission this time. Without a doubt though, he needed to talk with Commander Howard first.

Because the mission would require a week before it could start, hence, the numerous Adventurers all let loose today and drank. Rumont didn’t even have a chance to speak, when Howard’s squad had kept pouring for him, causing him to get drunk.

With staggering footsteps, he returned to the drugstore. At this time, the sky was already darkened. Nick was just at the front and making a summary of today’s accounts. Seeing that he was drunk, he wanted to help, but was prevented by Rumont.

Rumont slowly went towards his own room. The moment he had just pa.s.sed by the reading room, through the door slit, he had unexpectedly discovered some white light flashing by. Wanting to push the door open to have a look, he just thought of Nick who had mentioned that Rolak was in the reading room looking over some books; at once, he shook his head. Presumably the white light just then was a candle light.

Although the colour of a candle light wasn’t really like this and also not as bright, the drunken Rumont nevertheless thought that the light just then was a momentary trick of his eyes.

Inwardly exclaiming that his own eyesight was unexpectedly unclear, Rumont went towards his room. Afterwards, his head laid on top of the bed, and had quite quickly entered the land of dreams.

And within the reading room, a Rolak with a face full of ecstasy was just watching his own hands closely.

“I……I succeeded?! I truly, really succeeded?!” he practically couldn’t believe as he muttered.

Just then, acting in accordance to the contents that was written in the books, his index fingertip had surprisingly and genuinely emitted a flash of white light.

After going through a long period of studying, he, Rolak, had finally successfully released the first Rank 0 spell.

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