Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 8 - Reward (end)

Chapter 8 - Reward (end)

Under the sparkling starlight, in an open field in the town A raging bonfire.

In one’s lifetime would know 3 to 5 good friends. Since it’s like this, Rumont would naturally invite his friends. Feivel and Nick came and enjoyed the meat.

Three people huddled around a bonfire. The burning of the bright blaze flickered about as the wind blew freely.

Rumont held a stick, he monitored the fire carefully. The flame tongues lept about the 2 legs of wild boar, Rumont turned the meat over, carefully controlling the cooking flames.

Under the roasting fire, the meat let off a crackling sound, under the crispy skin was succulent juices bursting out. A tempting aroma wafted through the air.

“Rumont, what made you think of us today? “ Feivel stared blankly at Rumont’s hand holding the roast meat. He was one of Rumont’s best friend. Ever since he became the apprentice of a druid, he hasn’t had time to look for them. He had intimately yelled and greeted out, after not seeing each for so long.

Feivel’s family once had people in the lord’s army. They were once well off, however over time, each time a battle was fought, they were involved. Their family eventually declined. Their family was no longer well off, in his younger days he had starved a bit. A body that was practically skin and bones, thus he was extremely fond of meat. Although, contrary to expectations, his limbs were nimble, and a contained certain amount of strength.

“How could I not think of you guys. “ Rumont spread out one of his hands, in his other hand, his was holding onto the stick of meat. His expression showed as if he was framed. “Today, as soon as I brought the prey back, I found you guys to share in it. “

“From what you said, you’ve thought about your friends. “ Nick accused with sorrow: “Feivel and I, try to find you most of the time, but we never know where you’re hiding. “

“I have been hiding from you guys. “ Rumont was slightly embarra.s.sed trying to explain, he kept his head down, looking at the fire: “I’ve been busy with druidic training. “

Young people place quite a bit of important on face, the past Rumont was like this as well. Everytime he went into his own dreamland, he would fantasize, he wanted to show off his glory to his friends. In a manner of speaking, he wanted to be exuberant in front of them, being self-absorbed. At the same time he thought about showing off in front of his friends ----he hoped to become a druid before seeing them again.

“You don’t want to become a druid “ Nick thought that he was acting a bit strange and asked.

“It’s not that I don’t want to. “ Rumont laughed with a ha ha, concealing his awkwardness.

“Then what is it? “ Feivel had a feeling of strangeness come him.

“Ah! “ Rumont let out a sigh, showing a reluctant expression: “I’ve been thinking over my life. “

Feivel and Nick were a touch awkward. Their ages were close to Rumonts. Still in their early teens. Although, they weren’t like Rumont who didn’t have parents, and relied on his own strength to look after himself.

The 3 were silent for a while. The starlight cast upon the tranquil town. The only noise was of the roasting meat, crackling away.

“Yeah…..” after a while, Rumont lifted his wooden stick up. He carefully examined the roasted leg. A golden colour crispy skin could be see, it looked especially mouth watering, he took a small knife and cut a slice. The meat inside released a puff of steam, the meat was white and tender inside, not a single sign of being over cooked.

“Smells great…..” the 3 people sniffed at. Their faces, showed expressions of joy, everyone was having a good time.

“We can eat it, let’s split it.” Rumont saw that the meat was roasted enough, he said the words that had been on the mind of the other two the whole time.

After splitting to 3 shares, they happily ate away.

“To recount, what are your plans? “ Rumont silently ate. “You can’t rely on your parents forever”

“Yeah, I’ll say, living in the armies would be good. “ Feivel carefully ate, he kept his head down: “My family has a short bow, not to mention, I’ve studied a bit of fighting skills! “

Nick used a small knife to eat the meat: “I don’t want to be a soldier, I think being a merchant would be better. “

“Then we should go out together on adventures! “ Rumont as he steadily ate. He contemplated and knew, Feivel’s ideal was to become a knight, and Nick, to become a successful businessman.

“Being an adventurer is risky, and it doesn’t have any guarantees. “ Feivel thought a bit and said. “I want to wait for when the baron starts recruiting troops. “

“That’s even more of a reason to go adventuring together! “ Rumont laughed, popping a piece of meat in his mouth: “ah, hot…...think about it, the feudal lord is always posting bounties up, what advantages would that have. “

“Ehh, it’s rather convenient this way though, after all, raising a group of soldier would cost a fair bit. “ Feivel decided to enlist to the army, as it wasn’t strange to him.

“They only pick a few of the best fighters! “ while Rumont was chewing on some meat and said at the same time: “I’ve gone and completed one of the baron’s bounties, receiving the reward, they should keep a record of this right? “

He continued to eat another mouthful: “those that dare adventure outside, naturally would have courageous fighting valour, as well as successfully gained a certain amount of rewards. This would be a sign of having intelligence and fighting strength. “

“Yeah, wait until the baron needs to expand the troops. “ Nick stopped handling his portion, he had finished eating, commenting: “of course they would pick the courageous and valorous, the people that dare to fight. “

He reluctantly sucked on his fingers before saying: “not to mention our families history. “

Feivel originally wanted to say: “moreover, our families all live in the town, even more of a reason for us being unable to not go defend the town bravely. “

Once again Rumont thought to his never met before parents, he kept a few sentences in his belly.

“So what are we going to do? “ Nick’s heart quickened on this issue.

“Go and fight goblins in the forest, and shave their scalps off for the bounties. “ Rumont said to Nick. He then turned his head towards Feivel: “as well as hunt for game, we could supply the pelts to aunt Jenna’s tailor shop. As for the meat, we could eat a portion of it and sell the rest for money. “

“Forest? The forest inside is really dangerous though. “ Nick hesitated, “if you’re not careful, you could get attacked. “

“No worries, I’m a druid! “ Rumont once again did not say the words student: “I understand the situation in the forest very clearly, as clear as the lines on my own palms. “

What his manners were portraying was “I’ll know if I had a look, if I don’t I won’t” , however the two were unable to hear this fact.

“Alright, I want to become a knight, I, myself want to go hunting in the forest, together we can train and look after each other. “ Feivel thought it over, and agreed.

“Count me in guys! “ seeing the two’s intent, Nick also nodded and agreed.

“How long would it take you guys to prepare? “ Rumont’s emotions were on the high. “I need to replenish a few things. “

“My preparations won’t take long, my family has a bow, as well as the arrow shafts I make occasionally, I just need to buy some iron arrow heads and I’ll be good. “ Feivel, calculated: “using an evening’s worth of time, and my preparations will be done. “

“If we get start now, we’ll be readied in 2-3 days! “ Nick said.

The 3 immediately began discussing about the few necessities and materials required, after a short period the a.s.signing of work was done.

“If we could have meat to eat everyday would be the best! “ Nick finally finished eating, his lips had a layer of oil, a satisfied sigh was let out.

“Agreed. After all, meat tastes way better than black bread many times over. “ Feivel laughed as he licked his lips clean. “ He he…... the way Rumont roasted it sure wasn’t bad. “

“From now onwards, if we hunt any preys, I’ll deal with it. “ Rumont said.

The night gradually darkened, the 3 gossiped for a while; improving their companionship until they returned home.

It was already dark. The town was completely empty.

Unwittingly, he had arrived in front of the great mother’s shrine. He gazed at the stone shrine. Among it were many ancient vestiges of a myriad of colours. He wandered into the shrine. Up on the dais, was an idol. This was the great G.o.ddess of the land, Irideus.

Upon the walls, was an etching of a bull and engravings of various plants, trees and flowers. The G.o.ddess did not seem like a lonely figure. On top of the altar was a marble sculpture, roughly 3 chi in height. She wore a crown figured from plants and flowers, and a green dress was adorned on her. She had a beautiful countenance, obvious feminine curves could be seen, exuding a charm of a female. Her eyes were extremely lifelike.

In the past, Rumont would customarily come to pray, especially the period when he wanted to become a druid.

When Rumont had spare time in the past, he would offer his a.s.sistance in cleaning duties at the shrine. Thus, he was granted permission to peruse the thick tome located inside the shrine; [Sacred scriptures of the Agricultural G.o.ddess]

This was devotion. A large majority of the town would spend their days like this; a blasé type environment. He wanted to attract Eleni’s attention. Expressing his appreciations to her, he frequently prayed in the evenings. Eventually, using a whole evening’s worth of time, he was taught to read. Not to mention, he was also granted permission to freely go about the G.o.ddess’ shrine, including the outside garden.

To be viewed as the agricultural G.o.ddess’ shrine, it would naturally have a granary, as well as a flower garden that cause people to be greatly impressed.

The granary was the place that the shrine reserved the surplus amount of foodstuff that they purchased. As for the flower garden, it was the location where the priest preached to the ma.s.ses on how to properly cultivate plants, recognize animals and their certain characteristics, as well as the medicinal properties of herbs.

Consequently not only did it contain common plant types, it also had large quant.i.ties of herbs.

More importantly, the shrine contained, to the the ordinary people, an unimaginable collection of books--------these were luxury items that only the clergy personnel and the aristocrats could enjoy.

The moon shone over the shrine. Inside was quiet, without a person in sight. Moonlight naturally poured through into the large stained gla.s.s windows. Splendid and mysterious.

Inside the shrine, countless amounts of green light was flickering. This was nature’s energy, it belonged to the G.o.ddess. The moment that a druid believed in the G.o.ddess, was when they were bestowed with this power.

Rumont silently went into a praying position. In the past, he would, once work finished, come here at night to pray. He had to, at least on the outside, continue this custom.

Upon walking out to the prayer hall, he started to tremble.

“Ah, the weather is getting colder, child, your clothes are too thin. “ a voice sounded: “under these circ.u.mstances, you still come to the G.o.ddess and pray? “

“Priest Dennis, I just wanted to lay my mind bare, and let the G.o.ddess know. “ Rumont humbly replied.

Towards his words, Rumont naturally did not want to answer with a retort, because he clearly understood, that he was greatly appreciated by Eleni. But priest Dennis did not like this fact.

Seeing a lack of a response, Rumont left the place.

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